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Rescuing Ruby Red (The Red Petticoat Saloon)

Page 10

by Maggie Ryan

  Gabriel collapsed across her back with his own groan. "I really shouldn't allow you pleasure after I've punished you, chiquita, but by God, I just can't resist."

  "It's how I know I've been forgiven," Jewel whispered, turning her head to the side to look into his eyes. "It's how I know you do truly love me as much as I love you."

  He smiled and moved enough to press his lips to hers and then fisted her hair again as the kiss seared them both and his cock began to stir. It was another half-hour before she turned onto her tummy as he applied a soothing balm to her punished nates. She was asleep before he was done and when he kissed her cheek, the smile on her face told him that though she'd been punished, she knew she would always be loved. Patting her bottom one last time, he settled in beside her, draped an arm around her waist, closed his eyes and hoped they would find each other in their dreams.


  Rebekah awakened with a smile on her face that didn't fade even as Nettie began to unwrap her bandage.

  "Your hand is healing quite nicely," Nettie said, gently washing her palm. "You'll have a scar but just a little one."

  "Thank you for taking such good care of me," Rebekah said, chancing a look and was pleased to discover that not only was there no blood, the wound had begun to knit together. "I think it's that poultice," she said as Nettie pressed a fresh bundle of herbs into her palm.

  "My mammy always said that the old fashioned ways were the best." Rebekah watched as she used far fewer strips of cloth to wrap her hand, leaving her fingers free.

  "Oh, that feels good," Rebekah said, wiggling her fingers.

  "I bet it does," Nettie agreed. "A little freedom helps make the boundaries a bit easier to accept."

  "Miss Nettie, do you make a lesson out of everything?" Rebekah asked.

  Nettie laughed and had Rebekah's smile back on her face. "It's up to you to accept it as a lesson or just an old woman babbling, child."

  "Oh, I don't think you ever babble," Rebekah said. "You are one of the wisest, most caring people I've ever known. You feel like family to me."

  "That's quite an honor, Miss Ruby. You can never have enough folks to love or look out for you." The older woman gave her a hug before she sat back and when she reached for the black case, Rebekah's smile finally slipped.

  "Since my hand is healing, couldn't we skip taking my temperature?"

  "Just like you follow the rules to keep yourself out of trouble, I do too, child. Until Doctor Norwood states it's no longer needed, I'm afraid you're gonna have to let me do my duty."

  Rebekah reluctantly turned over onto her stomach, lifting her gown and lowering her drawers to rest beneath the curves of her bottom.

  Nettie didn't speak until she'd seated the long, glass tube deep inside her patient's bottom. "Now that you've accepted me into your family, tell me, did that handsome sheriff's kiss curl your toes?"

  "Miss Nettie, that's personal!" The cook's laugh and her pat against Rebekah's bare bottom cheek had her giggling. "Even I don't need a story to know it doesn't get much more personal than this. To answer, yes. It wasn't a long kiss but if my toes curled any tighter, they'd have burst the seams of my boots."

  "Good, life is hard enough without having someone to ensure the journey has a great deal of passion as well. You two are like salt and pepper… each adding flavor on your own but perfecting a dish when mingled together."

  Rebekah giggled, not even noticing that the thermometer had been slipped from her bottom until she felt her drawers being pulled up to cover her. Sitting up, she shook her head. "As I said, your lessons are far more important to life than those I learned in school. I'd say you should be a teacher but the town folk would drive me out of Culpepper Cove for the loss of the best cook in the world. Besides, your cooking and your lessons are what brought me and Jeb together."

  "Child, the good Lord put you together years ago. I just provided a little shove to remind you of his plan. If you'd like another little push, try to get that handsome hunk of a man to take you up the mountain. I've heard tell that the thimbleberries are ripe for the pickin' and I've got a hankering for a pie."

  "That sounds great," Rebekah said, continuing after she'd pulled her dress over her head. "Both the outing and the pie. I'm sure Jeb will agree."

  Rebekah thought of little else as she did her morning chores. It had been ages since she'd gone berry picking but she remembered eating almost as much as she'd gather as a child. She knew how to make jam and even syrup with the berries as well and she'd love to share the recipes with Nettie.

  Dusting became almost a dance as Charlie sat down at the piano to run through a few tunes.

  "You sing?" he asked after finishing a piece.

  "Not really, why?"

  "The way you move tells me you'd be a great addition to our show. Dancers are great but a beautiful woman who can sing and dance would have the men flocking in."

  Pleased at the compliment, she had to shake her head. "Unless you want your audience to head for the hills, I'd better keep my mouth shut. Thank you for asking though. Maybe I can join the girls in a dance routine once I get that red petticoat."

  "Ah, I'd forgotten," Charlie said, running his fingers over the keys again. "Come see me when you do."

  "I will," Rebekah promised, moving into the card room while he continued to play. She ran her fingers over the felt of one of the tables, looking up when she felt a presence behind her. "Miss Nettie says my hand is almost healed." Flexing her fingers to demonstrate, she added, "I'm anxious to deal cards if you'll let me."

  "I can teach you a few tricks," Jewel said. "My grand uncle could make the shuffling look like the cards were dancing just as you were doing while Charlie played."

  "I'd like that," Rebekah said, very glad to see that Miss Jewel did not seem to be suffering any ill effects after last night. When she asked if she'd come to her office in a half-hour, Rebekah nodded. "Yes, ma'am. I'm just about finished in here."

  She took the time to brush her hair and make sure her uniform was spotless before she once again went and knocked on the office door. Jewel met her at the door.

  "We'll actually have our meeting in the kitchen."

  "The kitchen?"

  "Yes, as my dear grandmother always says, tea always makes a conversation so much more pleasant." She smiled as they walked towards the kitchen. "Of course, I much prefer Nettie's café au lait but do agree that it's more fun to talk while partaking of refreshments."

  Rebekah just nodded, hoping her surprise didn't show when she discovered that this meeting was going to include all of the gems. It appeared that it was going to include John as well until he set Opal off his lap after kissing her cheek.

  "Thanks for the lovely visit, ladies," he said, putting his hat on. "Sadly, I must say goodbye until fate sees fit to allow me to descend from the hills again."

  "Fate better have a calendar," Opal said, slapping at his arm. "I'm expecting you on Saturday night." She squealed when he grabbed her and slapped her bottom.

  "I'll do my very best to be here, darling. You've barely scratched that itch though you did manage to leave your mark." When she blushed and reached up to skim a fingertip on a reddish mark on his neck, he bent to kiss her far more passionately, and Rebekah wondered if Opal's toes were curling.

  After John gave every one of them a kiss on their cheek, Nettie handed him a large parcel, earning herself another kiss. "Thank you, Miss Nettie. Your cooking gives me the strength to keep mining."

  "Get on with you," Nettie said with a big smile. "Now, stop all your tom foolery. Mr. Gabe and Miss Jewel are paying you to find gold not pay me no compliments."

  At his departure, Rebekah accepted a cup of Nettie's special coffee and took a seat between Dottie and Amy, pleased to see a plate of the beignets that were a treasured treat. Once everyone had the drink of their preference and a serving of fried dough covered in a generous amount of powdered sugar, Jewel took the floor.

  "I decided that since I was remiss in making sure I remember
ed the safety rules, it wouldn't hurt for us to go over them together."

  "But that was my fault," Rebekah interrupted.

  "No, honey, it was mine. I knew better while you didn't. With Gabriel's help, I'm hoping that I never forget to inform and not just suggest." Rebekah now understood that there had been a spanking given the evening before. But, she also understood that it would have both been given and received in love. Jewel took a sip of her coffee and continued. "Since Ruby will be soon old enough to wear a red petticoat, I want her to understand what that choice will mean."

  "Are we talking about just safety or other, more intimate information?" Opal asked.

  "Basically safety, but let's be open to answer any questions, anyone might have," Jewel suggested.

  Ruby listened as rules were listed, all making sense, especially since she'd broken one without realizing it. She had to admit, it made sense to have another person with her when she left the saloon, especially later in the day and most especially on the weekends when dozens of men came down from the hills to find entertainment and company after toiling in the dirt and rivers in their search for gold.

  More coffee was poured as they moved on. Rebekah was a little surprised to learn that Mr. Gabe carried a pistol and that Miss Jewel always had one as well.

  "Where do you hide them? I mean, Jeb wears a gun belt but I had no idea you both carried guns."

  "Mr. Gabe has a holster under his coat," Jewel said as she stood. "As for me, I have a holster strapped to my thigh." She pulled up her skirts and white petticoat to display a holster tied around the top of her thigh.

  "I hope you have enough time to grab it," Rebekah said. "I've seen men draw really fast."

  Dropping her skirts, Jewel smiled and before Rebekah could gasp, the gun was in Jewel's hand.

  "How did you do that?"

  "The bottom of the pocket in my skirt is unsewn and there is a slit in my petticoats. All I have to do is reach inside and pull the gun out."

  "Wow, that's ingenious," Rebekah said.

  "I just want you to know that besides rules we expect each of you to follow, we are prepared to defend you if needed. Men who have been isolated or just in the presence of other men for too long tend to drink hard and play hard. We've never had to show our guns but I don't want you to be scared if you see us doing so. I can't see the need in the dining room, but when you move into the card room or if you ever tend bar, I want you to be prepared."

  Jewel continued with stating that the gems would need to draw up a roster to share the job of bathing attendant. Opal added that she'd listened to John state how much he enjoyed having someone help him with his boots and polish them, providing a towel for his dirty clothing and having the water already heating.

  "He said the only thing he would have enjoyed more was if a pretty lady could have scrubbed his back and washed his hair. I don't think any of us will disagree that it is far more pleasant to lie with a clean smelling man than one who barely manages to run a wet cloth over himself. I certainly don't mind doing my share."

  "Me either," Dottie said, followed by the others.

  "That's settled then," Jewel said. "Just remember, Ruby's name is not to go on that roster."

  "Not even when she's eighteen?" Della asked.

  "Not even then. It seems a certain Sheriff has put his foot down about the bathing situation," Jewel said and Rebekah blushed when both Amy and Dottie pressed their elbows into her sides.

  "Hear that, Dottie? Our Ruby is staking her claim on her man. Hands off," Amy said and the entire group smiled when Dottie moaned, a mock pout on her face before grinning and giving Rebekah a kiss on her cheek.

  "I think your sheriff is even better than staking a mine claim. Gold might be shiny and buy things, but that man looks like he can keep you warm on the coldest nights."

  Rebekah was glad a verbal reply didn't appear necessary but her body was definitely responding to the picture of being curled within Jeb's arms, safe and warm while a thunderstorm raged outside. She was a little disappointed to be drawn out of her fantasy when Jewel continued with the meeting.

  Rebekah finally learned the reason for the bells she'd seen on the wall in the kitchen. If a gem felt threatened by a client, she was to pull the cord located on the wall at the head of each bed. The bell above their name on the board would ring and Jewel, Gabriel or both would instantly go upstairs to handle the problem.

  "Has anyone ever pulled the cord?" she asked, not ever having heard a bell ring.

  "Well, Amy did," Opal said.

  "It was your fault!" Amy protested and Rebekah wondered why she was smiling about what sounded like a serious problem.

  "What happened? I mean, if you don't mind sharing."

  "We were just fooling around and thought it might be entertaining to see if the system really worked," Amy said.

  "Let's just say Mr. Gabe didn't find it the least bit funny," Opal offered, "but I'm still shocked at how fast he made it upstairs."

  "What did he say?" Rebekah asked, looking between the two women.

  "Once he found out we'd made a bet as to the time it would take to rescue us, he just said that the winner just won the right to collect her prize first," Opal said.

  "That was one bet I wish I'd lost," Amy admitted. "Mr. Gabe is normally a big softie, but he's not a man to feel the need for much discussion when there is absolutely no question of a naughty girl's guilt."

  Jewel smiled and reached across the table to pat Rebekah's hand. "And, just to be clear, this discussion included spanking a pair of bottoms."

  "Yes," Opal agreed, making a show of rubbing her backside. "By the time he was done, we not only swore we'd never joke around about safety again, we had bums that were as red as your hair."

  Rebekah could easily imagine the scene and felt truly included. She'd thought the practice of spanking a grown woman was barbaric, but when she considered the reasons for the spankings being given, she had to admit she and these women had brought them upon themselves.

  The meeting moved to adjourn as noon approached. "If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask," Opal said, giving Rebekah a grin. "Jewel is a big believer in education and research."

  Nodding, Rebekah cleared the table of its cups, saucers and plates. When Jewel thanked her, she remembered Nettie's suggestion.

  "Oh, I was going to ask Jeb if he will take me berry-picking. Would that be all right?"

  "Is there going to be a pie?"

  Rebekah smiled and nodded. "Yes, Miss Nettie promised to make one if we can find enough berries. I can make some syrup as well. It's great on flapjacks."

  "I think it's a lovely idea. Just let us know when you will be gone."

  After promising she would, she began to set the tables in the dining room for the lunch service. It was always lighter than dinner but those people who worked in the town proper had become regulars.

  Chapter Eight

  When Jeb came in for dinner, Rebekah hurried to his table. Before she even took his order, she launched into her proposal. "Miss Nettie wants to make pies and the thimbleberries should be ripe now. Remember those berry patches not that far from the river? I bet they are just loaded. Would you take me berry picking?"

  "I'd love to, Red."

  She bent down and kissed his cheek and then flushed scarlet at her cheekiness. His grin told her that he didn't particularly mind even if a few people at nearby tables began to hoot and holler. "I-I can't believe I…"

  "I didn't mind in the least," Jeb said, reaching up to tuck a red curl behind her ear. "Just don't be buzzing around any other customers or you'll get stung."

  "Stung?" When he grinned and flexed his fingers, her cheeks weren't the only part of her body heating. "Um, I-I'll go get your supper." She scurried to the kitchen, cursing her pale skin which she could feel growing ever more colorful at the thought of that hand swatting the set of cheeks even now clenching beneath her skirts.

  "What has you so flushed, child?" Nettie asked.

Miss Nettie, I just kissed the sheriff! Right out in front of everybody!"

  "Ah, so the man has finally discovered the benefits of honey." Rebekah looked up to see Nettie grinning ear to ear and she remembered the words she and Jeb had exchanged the night before.

  "I'm not so sure about that, Miss Nettie; he seemed more interested in the southern end." As Nettie's laugh filled the kitchen, Rebekah blushed again. "Not my southern—I-I meant where the stinger is!"

  "Of course. That's what I thought," Nettie said though they both knew she was telling a fib. "So, what does that sheriff of yours want tonight? Stew or fried chicken?"

  "I-I forgot to ask!"

  Jeb was grinning when she returned to his table. "Forget something, Red, or did you come back to buzz my other cheek?"

  When his comment had the occupants of an adjoining table chuckling, she lifted her hand to swat his arm but then thought better of it. She didn't think he'd actually 'sting' her in public but she wasn't absolutely positive. She smiled at his brief look of disappointment when she managed to control herself. "Miss Nettie would like to know if you'd prefer her stew or fried chicken. Both are served with buttermilk biscuits."

  "Tell Miss Nettie that tonight I'll have the stew but ask her to save some of that chicken for me. I have a date with a very pretty little gal and she'll need some sustenance tromping around in the woods. Berry picking is hard work but a picnic by the river will be a nice break."

  She smiled at his reference to their outing. She hadn't even thought of including a picnic but agreed it was a wonderful idea. "I'll tell her. Do-do you want jam or honey with your biscuits?" When he reached out to take her hand, lifting it to press his lips against her palm, she no longer cared about the other people in the room. It took her a moment before she realized he'd released her hand and was grinning up at her.


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