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BJARNI_Elementals MC

Page 2

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Chill out, what the fuck?” He tries to push me back, but my arms are still on each of his shoulders holding him against the wall and I’m not in the mood to let him go yet, even though I know I’m being an ass.

  Suddenly I feel an arm around my neck and the other around my waist pulling me back. I know who it is before I even see him. One guy can’t pull me away if I really don’t want to be pulled away, but Draco is our MC President I have the greatest respect for him. He’s a great leader who cares about his men.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Draco askes in a deceptively low voice. He lets go of me when he realizes that I’m not going to go after Ceric.

  “Don’t look at me!” Ceric quipped. “This fucker attacked me, all I did was offer to go and pick up the sweet piece instead of him. I thought I would be helping him out, seeing as he was bitching earlier on to Wulf about her coming here.” Turning away from them I see that most of the brothers have joined us in the garage. They are all standing around looking at the three of us curiously.

  We have all been together for decades. I know that we would all die for each other if need be. I also know that me attacking one of my brothers is not like me and that creates concern. “What’s up Bjarni? This isn’t like you?” Draco asks with concern in his voice. I’m the Sergeant at Arms for the Elementals MC founding chapter, as I can keep my cool but also physically I’m the strongest out of all of us.

  As Elementals, my brothers and I are more than human, we each have specific powers, depending on which element we belong to. Because of this we all must be able to control our tempers or our powers could destroy and hurt humans. My element is earth which allows me to have an affinity with all animals. At the moment, I feel like a cornered animal, and that I do not like. Never have I felt as if I’m losing control, like I have for the last few weeks.

  “I don’t know, but when Ceric started talking about the girl I started to lose my shit. It’s her, since I met her all I can think about is her. It’s driving me crazy,” I growl, looking up at Draco as he stands across from me with his hands low on his waist and his legs braced, as if he’s waiting for me to attack him. We have all been through a lot in our long lives, we always stand together if there is something wrong with one of the brothers, and it becomes our mutual problem. That is how we think. We stick together and we help each other through whatever we might be going through. We are family, nothing stands between us. That is why it is my responsibility to let them know what is going on with me, even though I don’t exactly know myself.

  “What do you mean, it’s her? Is she your woman?” Draco askes with a growl. I also hear Cassius groan. I understand his groan, for some it’s a blessing to find our woman but for others, a curse. I always wished to find my other half, my woman; but now that I strongly suspect that it could be Gabriela, I’m running scared. I will never admit that to my brothers but the idea of my woman being out there, of being responsible for another being is paralysing. All I know is that she’s fucking with my mind, I think about her every minute of every day from the moment I met her at the bakery. The minute my eyes touched her I was rock hard. I wanted to bury my cock so deep in her that she would never want anyone else. I had never had this instant attraction to anyone before.

  The only way to know for sure if she’s my woman will be for me to touch her. If we as elementals touch the woman meant for us, there’s a chain reaction. She will go into a fit, kind of like an epileptic fit until her man gives her some of his blood. He will then have to drink from her, which will start the bonding. They will only be completely mated once they have had sex. If the male does not consummate their union immediately as time passes, he will become more and more unpredictable, more dangerous to the males around him.

  If I’m already this possessive without touching her, what the hell will I do if she’s my woman? Just the thought of any other man touching her makes me growl in fury.

  “I don’t know but I think she might be,” I state answering Draco, seeing the shock on some of my brothers faces.

  “Fuck!” Draco states looking at me with concern. “What are you going to do?” I understand his concern, once I’m bonded to my woman my life will change. Once we elementals bond we can’t be away from our woman for long, or them from us, as we must touch or talk constantly or our bodies start to feel the separation.

  “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I growl kicking the chair that I had been sitting on before Ceric interrupted me. Bion ducks as the chair goes flying over his head.

  “You will have to touch her to make sure, but once you do, that’s it!” Wulf states. He’s the only one from our chapter that has a woman. I had seen when he first bonded with Jas the struggle he went through when she was around us. Still today even though Jas is expecting their first child, Wulf does not allow any other man to touch his woman.

  “Motherfucker! I’m not ready for this!” I grunt. I don’t know if I’m angry at myself for feeling scared or at Gabriela for appearing in my life now that we had so many things going on with the club.

  “One way or another we will have to bring her in, if she’s yours, she’s in danger. We will have to investigate and see if she has any gifts like the other women that Merdor and Vercin are after, and if she’s like Jas.”

  Celmund is our tech guy, usually anything we needed to know he can find. Celmund maintains his midnight black hair short with his all-knowing dark chocolate brown eyes and tanned skin he looks nearly Apache. I wonder if Gabriela will find him handsome? What the hell am I thinking?

  Was Wulf also plagued with these types of thoughts when he met Jas? When Wulf had bonded with her we had been surprised to find out that Jas would go into trances and paint things that would happen in the future. That has helped us in certain situations and saved our skins a few times. We also found out a few months ago that Vercin the Keres MC President and Merdor his VP are after women with specific gifts. The Keres MC were also Elementals but they had gone rogue, taking too much blood trying to get more and more power. The Elementals MC and the Keres MC are in a constant war.

  The only way of an elemental becoming more powerful is when he bonds with the woman meant for him. If we don’t find our women some of us start to lose some of our powers, that’s the reason why the Keres MC are hunting women with special gifts and drinking from them. We had found photos of some of the women they had been investigating, and found a woman that they had been testing, when we had raided one of the warehouses belonging to the Keres MC.

  If there was any chance that Gabriela could be one of these women I could not leave her unprotected, but if she’s my woman, our lives will change as soon as I touch her.

  “I suggest that one of us picks her up as planned, not Bjarni, so he won’t be tempted to touch her before he’s ready. We’ll bring her here and suss her out.” Burkhart suggests. Burkhart is a daredevil that craves adrenalin; anything that has a whiff of danger and he’s there. Burkhart is the only brother now, with a beard not that it detracted from the ladies’ interest in him. With his rust-coloured hair and beard, his dark eyes that feel like they penetrate your soul when he stares at you, apparently going by what the Jezebels say, he’s quite attractive.

  There’s no chance in hell he was picking Gabriela up, looking around I can’t pick anyone I would allow to go and collect her except maybe Wulf, and that’s just because he’s already bonded to Jas and I know no one will ever tempt him. That is one of the signs about the Elementals when bonding, once we find our woman, no one else will ever tempt us again. We are faithful to our dying breath.

  “Bjarni, are you okay with that?” this from Draco. I know it’s just a formality him asking me if I’m okay with them bringing Gabriela here. After all, the final decision is up to him. If he says no, it would be no, but on the off chance that she’s my woman he’s deferring to me.

  “Only if Wulf picks her up, or I go.” I answer keeping my eyes steady on his. At his nod I exhale, happy that at least none of my other brothers would be picking her
up. Not that I did not trust them, but I did not want to put temptation in their way. I didn’t want to have to hurt them.

  “Celmund, try and find out as much as you can about her. I know you have done a background check before, but I want to know everything. She will be staying overnight. Once she is here we will have to try and find out as much as possible about her. Wulf, do you think we should ask Jas to try and get something out of her?” Draco looks over at Wulf our club VP, waiting for his response. Wulf is even more protective than before, if that’s possible, now that Jas is expecting. I know he is driving her crazy, not allowing her to do anything he thinks is too strenuous for her. I was surprised he still allowed her to cook. Jas had taken up the cooking of our meals when she arrived. I think if he had to ban her from cooking, there would be a riot at the compound with me in the lead. Not that I would ever hurt Jas in any way. She is like the younger sister that I never had.

  “I will speak to her,” Wulf responds. Draco nods looking around at everyone

  “You all know how tricky this can be, if she is Bjarni’s we need to keep her safe and keep him calm until he decides it’s time to bond with her. Bjarni, I want you to keep your shit together, are we clear?” I grunt in response, still undecided whether I want her to be my woman, or hoping that she was my woman and that I had finally found the other piece of my soul.

  Chapter 3

  “Jasmine’s man is here to pick you up,” Jenny calls from the front of the bakery. My nerves are shot, I had hardly slept last night worrying that I would make a fool of myself today; worrying that someone would touch me and I would freak out. I had come in extra early today, I know I had overdone-it with the goodies I had made to take with me, but I really wanted them to like me.

  I did not have friends I could hang out with, except for Jenny and Lucy here at the bakery. I did not want to lose Jasmine just because I’m different. Bracing myself I take a deep breath, preparing myself to go out, at least it isn’t Bjarni who came to pick me up. I don’t know if I’m disappointed or pleased that it isn’t him. Looking over at Lucy I give her a wink. “Ready or not. Will you help me take all these things outside? I hope that he isn’t picking me up on the bike.”

  Walking out of the kitchen I see Wulf standing by the counter, damn but these men are all hot. He has on a black T-shirt and low-waisted blue jeans. Wulf has long hair that today, is tied back in a man bun and aviator sunglasses. He has a real alpha male aura about him. There’s a tableful of five ladies at the back of the bakery, having drinks and cake. All of them are eating him up with their eyes and he stands there, completely unconcerned that he’s giving everyone mini-orgasms by just being there.

  “Are you ready?” he asks in a deep gravelly voice. I had never really spoken to him before, as all the times Jasmine came in, he had stood back, letting her do all the talking.

  “Hi, yes thank you. I have a few boxes to take with me. I hope you’re not on your bike as I don’t think everything will fit.” I know that I’m rambling but I’m nervous, I just want to make a good impression.

  “I brought Brandr’s dodge pickup. Are those the boxes?” he asks, pointing to the three big boxes I was carrying.

  “Oh, oh good! No, the ones that Lucy has, and the two bags on the counter too please.” Wulf looks behind me to Lucy who is holding another two big boxes and two smaller ones, and then around to the counter I had pointed at, where there were another two huge bags with more cakes, biscuits and savouries that I had baked.

  I see his eyebrows raise, but he doesn’t comment. Turning he takes hold of the two bags, making his way outside with Lucy and I following him. After putting everything in the pickup, I say my goodbyes to Lucy and Jenny who are standing by the bakery door, raising and lowering her eyebrows at Wulf. I shake my head, trying not to laugh at her silliness and then we are on our way. Jenny’s locking-up for me today in another two hours or so. She has turned out to be a real godsend.

  “Thank you for picking me up,” I say. Looking over at Wulf, I see him nod but he doesn’t reply. I wonder if he’s okay with me visiting their club. After all, when Jas had invited me to come over today, Bjarni had communicated his concern about whether she had asked Wulf.

  “Is it okay for me to be over at the club?” I notice that Wulf glances at me then he looks back at the road.

  “We are nearly there. It will be fine. Jas is looking forward to having you there.” I see him glance to the back, where all the boxes are and a slight smile lifts his lips. “I don’t know what is in those boxes but as soon as we get to the compound you will be all the guys’ favourite person.”

  At his words I relax, pleased that I had done something right. I enjoy making treats and seeing people enjoy them. After driving for about twenty minutes Wulf turns at these two huge metal gates and stops; looking up at a camera. After about a minute the gates open. I’m so surprised, looking around, all I can see are huge trees on both sides of the road that we are travelling on. This is a beautiful forest area. Just beyond the gate, I see two guys standing by the wall that surrounds the property.

  I hadn’t seen those two before. I noticed that they both looked at the pickup, and then over at Wulf, but didn’t glance at me. That was strange. “Who were those two guys? I asked. “I haven’t seen them before, but I’m sure that there are quite a few of you I haven’t met yet.” I ramble on looking at Wulf. I’m getting nervous again as I get closer.

  “That was Gunner and Sven, two of our prospects. You will meet everyone up at the compound.” I wonder what he means by prospects. I would have to ask Jasmine later. I don’t want to ask Wulf anything else as it looks as if he’s finished speaking to me.

  After what seems like about ten minutes of driving, we reach an open area with a building built up against the foot of a mountain that I hadn’t seen from the main road. Wulf parks in front of the building, turning to face me he stretches and unhooks the seatbelt. “Don’t be nervous, we don’t bite.”

  “I’m sure lots of women would wish that you did,” I respond, instantly covering my mouth with my hand. Oh shoot, I hope he doesn’t think I’m flirting with him. I can feel myself blushing. “I mean, you’re hot and all, no, no! What I mean is … damn. I’m not flirting with you. Oh God, just shoot me now.” I turn my head away, too embarrassed to face him. After a minute, I hear the door open and him stepping out. Breathing deeply, I open my door and step out of the pickup, prepared to try and apologise again.

  Just as I open my mouth again, Jasmine comes rushing out of the main building towards us. I see Wulf out of the corner of my eye stiffening and starting towards her. “Dammit woman, stop running around. You’re going to trip and hurt yourself.” He has reached her halfway between the building and where we had parked, lifting her off her feet in bridal style. Jasmine places her hands around his neck and kisses him, it’s amazing how the tenseness leaves his shoulders at her kiss.

  Looking away I move to pick up some of the boxes of goodies that I had brought, when I hear footsteps behind me. Looking around I see that Wulf and Jasmine have stopped kissing and they are walking towards me, with Jasmine still held against him. “Put me down Babe, I’m not an invalid. Hi Gabriela, I’m so excited you’re here.” I notice Wulf only puts her down once they are standing next to me.

  “Hi Jasmine, thank you for having me.” I tense as Jasmine starts to hug me but luckily, she did not touch any of my skin with hers, as I’m wearing a long sleeve shirt. “Oh, my word, are all those goodies for us?” she asks spying the boxes at the back of the pickup, that Wulf was now unloading.

  I smile at her as I see her start to peep into the boxes that Wulf is already holding. She looks like a little girl with presents. “You brought me brownies. Yay!” she’s already taking one out of the box. Looking at Wulf, I’m surprised to see a smile of such love as he looks down at Jasmine. Anyone looking at him could see that he loves her. I wish someday I will be able to find that for myself, the men that I had dated hadn’t stuck around long enough for a relations

  Then there was Craig my ex-boss, I didn’t even want to think about him. He made my life a living hell until I managed to get away and come here, to be with my father before he died. If I never heard from him or saw him again, it would be too soon.

  “I tried to make a little of everything for everyone here; I hope they all enjoy it.” I reach out to lift the two bags from the pickup when Wulf stops me.

  “Don’t worry about this stuff. I will get it inside. Angel, why don’t you take Gabriel inside and show her around?”

  “Come on then, let me show you around.” Smiling, Jasmine turns, reaching for my hand, she pulls me after her. It was so exciting! Jasmine is talking nonstop all the way into the building. I only realised she was touching me when we were nearly at the door. I hadn’t felt or seen anything about her when she touched me. I was so surprised that I stopped in my tracks, Wulf nearly walked into my back, I hadn’t even realised he was following us.

  “What’s wrong?” Jasmine asked, stopping and looking at me.

  “You’re touching me!” At my answer she looks at me in surprise, letting go of my hand. “No, don’t let go, it’s okay, really.” I take hold of her hand again, expecting maybe to have a reaction now, but nothing happens. I laugh, I know she is looking at me as if I have gone mad, but it has been so long since I have been able to touch anyone without having a reaction. “I’m sorry, I know that I’m acting strangely but I promise it’s okay. I’m just so happy that you’re touching me.”

  “You do know that you going to have to explain that to me, right? But for now, let’s carry on.” She turns and enters the building. The first thing I see is a long bar area on the right-hand side. One of the guys I had seen before is sitting at the bar talking to a woman behind it. On my left side is a pool table with a few couches scattered around. It was a nice cosy area to sit and relax. Jasmine is making her way towards a door at the back of the bar area, when the guy at the bar turns towards us.


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