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BJARNI_Elementals MC

Page 3

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Hey Sweet Thing, what is that wonderful smell? I see we are in for a treat.” Stopping, Jasmine turns towards the guy, smiling. This guy has light brown hair with dark brown eyes. He’s got a real naughty smile that makes you wonder what he is up to, when you look at him. He’s wearing a black T-shirt like Wulf, but he hasn’t got a kutte on. I can see the tattoos down his arms and the muscles on this man. Wow! How does Jasmine manage to keep her mouth closed around all this muscled candy?

  “Ceric, this is Gabriela. She will be staying with us tonight. She has also been kind enough to bring a few of her treats for all of us. Gabriela this is Ceric. Don’t trust anything he says, okay?” Jasmine introduces us with a teasing tone in her voice.

  “Nice to meet you Ceric,” I say. He winks at me, getting up from his seat.

  “There are more of these boxes and two bags in the pickup. How about making yourself useful?” Wulf interrupts us, as he walks past us towards the back door.

  “Gloria, this is Gabriela she is the one that made that wonderful cake for Draco’s birthday.” Jasmine calls to the woman behind the bar as I see Ceric walking towards the outside.

  “Hi, if the things you have brought today are as good as that cake, be prepared to never leave. The guys will lock you in the kitchen for their personal use, especially Bjarni.” She laughs as she carries on cleaning the glass in her hand. I smile as I feel Jasmine tugging on my hand, pulling me towards the door.

  As we go through the door I see a long corridor ahead of us, with an open door on the right. When I glance in, I see it’s a garage with various bikes and cars parked inside. Wow! These guys must have some serious money, going by the bikes and cars parked in there. As we continue, the corridor opens into a courtyard. I now see that we are up against the mountain, as the walls around the courtyard are rock, but as I look up I can see the sky through an opening at the top. I notice though, that the opening has been closed with mesh.

  There is a beautiful tree in the middle of the courtyard with a bench for anyone to sit on. From the outside, no one would ever be able to tell this was here. “This is beautiful. You are so lucky, Jasmine.” I comment, a bit in awe as I look around.

  Jasmine just laughs, tugging me towards an area to my left. We walk into a spacious kitchen with a huge table where most of the guys are sitting. Wulf has placed the boxes on a counter by the sink. As we enter, I feel everyone’s eyes on me, and I can feel my cheeks start to flush. It is very awkward when you have a group of drop-dead gorgeous guys looking you up and down, as if you are a piece of candy.

  “Gabriela, these are most of the guys. That is Draco; he is the Elementals MC President.” One of the guys sitting at the head of the table with the bluest eyes I have ever seen, smiles at me. Oh wow! Those dimples when he smiles just make a girl want to sit and stare at him.

  “The one next to him on his left is Bion, he’s our medic.” This guy is sitting at the table with no shirt on, with longish dark blond hair and green eyes. His hair is wet-looking like he’s just come out of the shower. There are beautiful tattoos going down his arms and a tattoo of wings on his chest. “I’ve never seen a doctor like you before. I think I’ve just come down with something.” As all the guys start to laugh, I realise I said that out loud, making me blush.

  I hear a growl behind me like an animal. Looking around in shock I see Bjarni propped up against one of the walls, his one leg is bent, with his foot resting against the wall seeming relaxed, but his hands are balled into fists. Looking up at his face I see a scowl, but he’s not looking at me. His look is directed at Bion the guy I have just been introduced to.

  “Bjarni? My goodness you gave me a fright, I hadn’t seen you there. What’s wrong?” I could hear the concern in Jasmine’s voice as she makes her way towards him. Suddenly Wulf is between her and Bjarni, just before she reaches him. I also notice that all the men have got up from the table. Wulf has picked Jasmine up as he did outside, and is striding out of the kitchen with her. I didn’t know what to do as suddenly all the men are surrounding me.

  “Bjarni. We discussed this, calm down my brother. You are frightening Gabriela.” Draco was standing a few feet ahead of me between Bjarni and myself, but I can still see Bjarni’s face. He’s a scary sight, his muscles are now bunched. He’s a big man; one of his arms is the width of both my legs together. He isn’t leaning against the wall anymore. Therefore the muscles in his legs are bunched, his jeans pulled tight around his legs and thighs.

  I noticed Bjarni’s eyes are still trained on Bion. I wonder if he’s upset with him about something. Looking to my side at Bion, I notice he seems unaffected by Bjarni’s anger; maybe a little tense but he doesn’t look as angry as Bjarni does.

  “Bion, leave!” Draco calls out to Bion, who is still standing in front of Bjarni. Bion nods, turns and leaves the kitchen. I can see Bjarni is breathing heavily as if he’s trying to calm down; the funny thing though is that I’m scared of him. Maybe I’m being silly, but deep down I believe he wouldn’t hurt me.

  “Bjarni. Mmm, I made you your favourite cupcakes.” Why the hell did I just say that? They are all going to think I’m mad. The man is having a melt down and here I’m offering him food. Bjarni’s eyes turn towards me. After what feels like an eternity I see his lips lift up in one corner and that damn yummy dimple of his appears. With that little rise of his lips I feel the tension ease in the kitchen.

  Draco turns his back on Bjarni, walking towards the kitchen door I see him nod to the guys that are still standing around me. He must have given them a silent signal because all of them start to leave. As he draws closer to me, he nods with a smile, which feels welcoming. Could it be that he was pleased with what I did. I hope so as I don’t want to get into trouble as soon as I’ve arrived.

  As all the men leave, I stand here facing Bjarni who is now looking more like the guy that used to visit the bakery, a more relaxed hunk of a man.

  “So, Baby Girl, you think you know what my favourite sweet is?” At his gravely teasing tone I feel my body flush with heat. How is it possible for me to have such an instant reaction to this man? And now he’s also going to think I’m a stalker, because I know what his favourite cakes are.

  “I just noticed that you like to eat my velvet cupcakes.” At his raised eyebrows and his widening smile, I realize that my answer might have come out wrong.

  “Baby Girl believe me, I would love to eat any of the sweet cupcakes you are offering to me. It is a pleasure that I can’t wait to have in my mouth.” Was he implying what I think he’s implying or am I just hopeful.

  “Are you going to kiss me?” Oh my word! Did I just ask him that? My whole body starts to flush with heat as I see the desire in his eyes. My heart is racing and my stomach does a flip when I notice him taking a step towards me.

  “Would you like me to kiss you?” his voice is sex in itself His beautiful hazel eyes shine with an inner light that holds my attention and won’t let me look away. My breathing accelerates with anticipation and I nod, not taking my eyes off him, I couldn’t talk, even if I wanted to. My mouth is suddenly dry. Without even noticing I take a step towards him, as if his energy is drawing me closer.

  “Come to me Baby Girl, let me kiss you.”

  “Woah! Hold on just a minute, I need your lips somewhere else right now.” At Ceric’s, words I jump back, feeling as if I had been in a trance and have just woken up. What does he mean, he needs his lips?

  “Are you gay?” I ask looking from Ceric’s stunned face to Bjarni’s angry one.

  “What!” Ceric yells the word.

  “No! Fuck! What the hell Ceric?” Bjarni says furiously in such a low voice I wasn’t sure if I heard him right; it seems as if he’s having difficulty speaking. Suddenly Bjarni turns towards the door and walks out, bumping Ceric with his wide shoulders as he goes.

  “Do I look gay?” Ceric asks with a concerned look on his face. He brought his hand up and is stroking his fingers through his hair as he speaks. I notice how his light brow
n hair is left standing up on end after he lowers his hand.

  “No, I don’t think so. But you said you wanted his lips, so I obviously thought that maybe you two were a couple.” I explain at his still shocked face.

  “What’s going on? I just saw Bjarni stomp outside as if he was contemplating murder,” one of the guys I still haven’t met asks, as he walks into the kitchen. This one has light green eyes that were twinkling now, with reddish brown hair. Even though he looks relaxed and is smiling he has an air of danger about him; like you never know what’s going to happen next, but you know it will be hazardous.

  “I think he’s upset with me. I asked if Ceric and he were gay,” I reply.

  It seemed as if Ceric wasn’t going to answer him.

  “Gay!” The new guy chokes out in a guffaw. Looking at Ceric, he pats him on the back, still laughing uproariously. I can feel my cheeks are red with embarrassment.

  I replied, “I didn’t mean to assume anything, but what else did they expect? I don’t know them, and when Ceric said what he did, what was I to think?”

  Ceric pushes the other guy as he turns and leaves, grumbling. “Not funny.”

  “So, tell me Sweetheart, why you would think those two are gay?” the guy asks still chuckling.

  After I tell him about the whole confusion and more laughter he finally calms down, introducing himself as Brandr. “I actually came here to collect you and show you to your room. Jasmine will meet you there. Follow me Sweetheart. You have made my day! I must go tell all the other guys; this will crack them up. It’s about time we got one on Ceric.”

  Chapter 4

  Gay! What the fuck! What was Ceric thinking? I know he was trying to help me by interrupting, but did he really have to say that. And how can she think that I’m gay? I have had more women then she could ever imagine, not that I want her to know all the women I have had. She is driving me mad, I had promised myself I would keep away from her, but the moment I have her in my sights all I want is to take hold of her and bury myself as deep within her as I can and never let go. I nearly kissed her, I nearly touched her. If that had happened it would have changed everything.

  I know she is mine, there is no doubt about that. But am I ready to change my whole life? Am I ready to live my life for her? When she commented on Bion I wanted to tear him apart. What the fuck was he doing without a shirt on anyway? Can I let her go back tomorrow to her normal life? What if Merdor knows about her? Maybe she is different and doesn’t have a gift like the other women or like Jas.

  Making my way to the top of the ridge, I look around for a place to be alone for a while. This is the only place where I usually find peace and where I can think; away from everyone and everything with only nature around me. Reaching the top, I sit on a huge rock looking out across the trees. No matter how many times I come here the view always takes my breath away.

  We had purposely built our compound around and within the mountain, surrounded by trees. This allows for any of the brothers’ energy peaks to be suppressed. As Elementals, we are more than human. We’re born with the power to bend the elements. In my case I can bend the element of earth, mostly animals. I communicate and feel their energy. This helps me to be the best tracker within the club.

  Suddenly I hear a screech; smiling I look up at the eagle soaring above me. Lifting my arm, I wait for it to land. I haven’t been up here for a few weeks. With all the stakeouts that we were undertaking on the Keres MC, there wasn’t much time. Since Wulf had found Jas about seven months ago things had started to unravel.

  The Keres had tried to kidnap Jas a few months back. Since then everyone had been on high alert. The security on the compound had been tripled. More cameras had been installed throughout the club’s land and it was a vast piece of land. Celmund, one of the brothers oversaw all the club’s technology; he could get into any system that he wanted. He blamed himself for the breach, but it wasn’t his fault. There had been a security system in place and all the brothers had been out on an attack on a Keres warehouse when Jas’s foster parents and some other Keres had infiltrated the compound to kidnap Jasmine. At the time, the members hadn’t realised that we had a rat among us; but later it had been revealed that one of the Jezebels had been taking photos and informing the Keres of the brothers’ movements.

  Since then Celmund has had all the Jezebels intensively investigated, even suppliers that don’t usually come into the compound. He has placed a chip on several items of Jas’s jewellery and clothing, such as shoes, sunglasses and hair clips. Jas obviously doesn’t know about any of these but Wulf is happy to know that at least there is a possibility of finding her if ever she were to be abducted again. Celmund has always had trust issues since he was young because of an event in his past. This incident with the Jezebel has just made it worse.

  Stroking the eagle that is now perched on my arm, I continue looking out at the view, trying to find the peace that usually comes to me when surrounded by nature, but that peace is absent today. Gabriela is never far from my thoughts, making me feel agitated. The eagle can feel my turmoil. Screeching she flies back up into the sky. I rub my face in frustration. I know this feeling isn’t going to get any better, if anything it’s just going to get worse and I’m going to become more and more violent until I bond with Gabriela.

  At the compound when she had been before me and her scent of chocolate and vanilla had reached me, taking away my willpower. Even her scent was decadent; I just wanted to reach out and taste her.

  “Oh, fuck it! Why am I fighting it?” Grumbling to myself, I get up and start to make my way back to the compound. Just before I get to the entrance of the garage I come across Ceric standing outside smoking.

  “I’m sorry brother. I wasn’t expecting to find you nearly kissing her, it was the first thing that came to mind to try and get you apart.” Ceric states as I near him.

  “It’s fine, I understand. Don’t worry about it.” I’m about to go inside but stop at Ceric’s next words.

  “I think she is hiding something. When she was walking into the compound with Jas I saw her stop as if in shock. She seemed surprised that Jas was touching her. Wulf was behind them and Jas didn’t ask her at the time why that was; but I heard Jasmine implying that she would like to know why she was so surprised at having her touch her.” At Ceric’s words my curiosity and concern for her rises. Why would she be surprised about someone touching her?

  “We need to go and talk to Wulf, he needs to try and get Jas to tell us what that was about.” Not waiting for Ceric’s response, I make my way into the main area of the club. As I’m crossing the bar area, I see Gloria sitting on Burkhart’s lap with her hand in his jeans and her tongue down his throat. Fuck! If Gabriela saw them she would want to run for the hills. He would have to make sure to keep her towards the back of the compound.

  Ceric has caught up, following me into the training facility, we locate Wulf at the far-left hand side, throwing his knives. Wulf is known for being deadly with those knives. In all my years, I have never seen anyone as good as he is. Draco is standing next to him talking. Usually we would find those two together. They aren’t just club brothers but best friends also. They have a connection that is palpable.

  “Bjarni, Ceric. Where have the two of you been? I heard that there is something that the two of you have been remiss about mentioning.” Draco had turned at our approach and had a shitfaced smirk on his face. Wulf stopped throwing his blades and turned to face us. Bion and Brandr who were in the ring fighting also stopped and started snickering. Fuckers! I wasn’t in the mood for this shit.

  “Very funny assholes, careful you don’t find me in your bed one night with a blade,” Ceric mumbles, but there’s a smile hovering there also. You didn’t often find Ceric upset. If you did it had to be something very serious. Ceric was very slow to anger, but if someone had the misfortune to anger him, then that person should run!

  “Let’s drop this shit. Wulf, you need to talk to Jas to try and find out why Gabriela fou
nd it so strange that she touched her.” I was looking at Wulf as I spoke, so I saw his jaw tense at my request. The only thing more important to Wulf then us brothers is Jas. Since Wulf found out that they were going to be parents he’s even more protective of her. If he thought that anything could upset her, even slightly he wouldn’t allow it to happen.

  “What happened?” Draco asks, looking at Wulf and myself.

  “When we arrived at the compound yesterday my Angel took hold of Gabriela’s hand to guide her into the building. Suddenly at the door Gabriela stopped with a surprised look on her face, she seemed surprised that Jas was touching her.” Wulf related what happened to us, earlier that day.

  “That is strange, why would she be surprised about someone touching her? I’m thinking that maybe we should get someone else to touch her and see what her reaction is.” At Draco’s suggestion, my anger starts to rise. I know that I’m being unreasonable, but just the thought of another man touching her, no matter how innocently, makes me want to rip their arms off.

  “Fuck no! No man is touching her.” I state, and they’d better listen to me. Brother or no brother they touch my Baby Girl and we will have problems.

  “What if it was Wulf?” Brandr asks from the ring. I look over at Wulf, I don’t like the idea of any man touching her, but if it must be anyone then it could only be him.

  “You only touch her arm,” I said. “If there is no reaction after a minute you let go. Agreed?” I must make sure that it’s him and only him and that he won’t hold her for too long, because if he did Jas or not I will personally be removing his hand away from her. At Wulf’s nod, I grunt; this is a bad idea. I’m already regretting it.

  “Wulf, you still need to ask Jas to try and find out more about her.” Before Wulf can respond to Draco I feel the presence of the two women as they enter the training facility. Everyone looks back at them. Why would Jas bring Gabriela to the training facility? We all know Wulf doesn’t like Jas here, now that I think about it I don’t like Gabriela here either. Looking around I see that Bion and Brandr are shirtless, after what happened in the kitchen Bion better put on a shirt and quick. Now I understand Wulf’s dislike for his women coming into this area.


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