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BJARNI_Elementals MC

Page 4

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Hi ladies. What brings you to the training area?” Draco asks in a friendly tone, even though Jas is Wulf’s woman we all love her like a sister and would do anything to please her, as the presence of Gabriela can attest to. No one besides the brothers and Jas are allowed in the back areas of the compound even the Jezebels aren’t allowed here. There are three rooms in the front area that the brothers use when scratching an itch with them. Wulf is making his way towards Jas, stopping them from advancing.

  “I’m just showing Gabriela around, thought I would show her where all of you get those muscles.” By now Wulf had reached them, he circles Jas’s waist, pulling her towards him. I see Gabriela looking at me, a blush starting to flush her neck and face. As I’m about to walk towards them I see Wulf take hold of Gabriela’s arm just above her elbow.

  “How about we all go into the kitchen and try some of those treats Gabriela brought us?” He starts to guide them out the door as he speaks. Gabriela takes a couple of steps but stops in her tracks looking up at Wulf.

  “I don’t understand, you’re also touching me?” She looks surprised and shocked. At her words Wulf drops his hand, letting go of her arm. It’s a good thing because without realising I was already making my way towards them to forcefully remove his hand if need be.

  “Why do you seem surprised that someone would touch you Sweetheart?” Draco asks from right behind me. I notice from the corner of my eye that Bion and Brandr are moving towards the ring again. I know they’re keeping away from Gabriela so as not to upset me. Even though I realise it’s madness to be upset or jealous of my brothers, I can’t seem to help the possessiveness I feel towards her.

  Concentrating on her, I observe that she is looking uncomfortable, even agitated.

  “Umm, I just …” Shaking her head she looks at Jas and then turns her eyes to connect with mine, I can see the fear in her eyes. What could she possibly be afraid of?

  “Whatever it is it’s okay, we are all here to help you, if there is anything wrong?” Jas has pushed herself away from Wulf and is now hugging her. Gabriela’s eyes fill with tears. I can see her struggling not to cry. I’m struggling not to go to her, hug her and tell her that everything’s going to be okay, that I will keep her safe from whatever it might be.

  “I’m sorry, you’re going to think I’m weird.” She’s looking at me as she speaks. “I just don’t like people touching me, I have this … condition. The crazy thing is that it doesn’t happen when Jas touches me and now Wulf. Maybe I’m better!”

  “What condition is that?” Draco asks, standing next to me. I’m in two minds. One I want to know what’s wrong with Gabriela, but on the other hand I can see this is disturbing her and I don’t want to upset her.

  “I know this might sound crazy, but when someone touches me I usually see their future or part of it.” At her words, we all stand frozen, knowing that she’s one of the women that might be in danger from the Keres MC. Fuck! I can’t let her leave here. She might be in danger, it’s surprising that she hasn’t been caught yet.

  “I was just surprised because with Jasmine and Wulf it doesn’t affect me. I can’t see anything when they touch me. I’m sorry, maybe I should go.” She starts to turn as she speaks, moving towards the door. I can see she’s agitated, I want to take her in my arms until her worries go away.

  “Baby Girl, stop!” At my clipped words, she stops but doesn’t turn around. “You not going anywhere, none of us here think you’re weird. Jas please tell her.” I look at Jas with a pleading look, I know that Jasmine is now comfortable with us knowing about her gift, but she’s still wary of other people knowing about it.

  Jas sometimes goes into a trance and paints things that are going to happen in the future, this gift of hers has helped the club a few times saving a lot of time and pain. Since she became Wulf’s woman her gift has changed. She can now channel that gift and only paints when she wants to know something specific, it doesn’t always work but at least she doesn’t go into trances. Wulf doesn’t like her to go into these trances as she gets extremely drained, especially now that she is pregnant.

  “Angel, you don’t have to.” Wulf states glaring at me. I know he’s trying to protect her but he has to see that Gabriela has a right to know. I glare back at Wulf, one way or another Gabriela will have to know. If Jas doesn’t tell her then someone will have too.

  “It’s okay Baby, she needs to know.” She makes her way towards Gabriela after kissing Wulf on the cheek. As she reaches Gabriela she hugs her around the waist with one arm and starts guiding her out of the training area.

  I start to follow, but Draco puts his hand on my shoulder to hold me back. “Let them be, she will feel better if it’s only her and Jas.” I’m not happy with that, I want to make sure she is fine, but I understand what Draco is telling me.

  Grunting in frustration, I turn. I might as well work off some steam now that I’m here. “Hey Ceric, I think you owe me one. Telling my woman, you want my lips and shit; I think I would like to kiss you to sleep. Come on asshole lets go spar.” I hear him groan from where he’s standing, while the others roar with laughter at his predicament. We both make our way towards the mats, ready to let off some steam.

  Chapter 5

  “I’m so sorry Jasmine I wanted to tell you, but I thought you wouldn’t want to be my friend anymore after you knew.” After leaving the men, Jasmine had guided me into their entertainment area and it was a real entertainment area, with a huge television screen on the wall, a surround sound system, a PlayStation with tons of games and two big couches and one small one, I also spied a small fridge in one corner. Now Jasmine and I are sitting on one of the couches, she’s holding my hand, and shaking her head at my comment.

  “This could never stop me from being your friend; if anything it will bring us closer together. You see, I also have a secret to tell you. You heard Bjarni ask me to talk to you when we left them?” At my nod she continues. “I’m also different, I can paint certain events in the future.” At my surprised look, she laughs.

  We sat talking about our experiences and our difficulties for a long time. Even though I have been worried about revealing my secret. I’m now pleased that everyone knows and that they don’t judge me as they are already acquainted with someone like me.

  “How did Wulf react when he found out about your painting?” I’m curious to know if at the beginning Wulf and she had had adjustment problems. I wonder if Bjarni would ever be able to accept me with all my quirkiness.

  Jasmine laughs at my question. “Trust me when I tell you that the guys don’t find our gifts strange; with time you will realise that we are very normal to them. When I first met Wulf, I was afraid of people knowing about my curse, as I used to call it, of him thinking I was strange, but with the support of everyone here who are now my family, I found that it’s not so much a curse but rather a gift. I have been able to help them with it, something that I wasn’t aware of doing before.” The more Jasmine speaks the more I realize how much she cares for all the men at the club, and how much the men seemed to care for her.

  After my dad died last year I had no more family left; not that I used to see my dad often as I worked far away, but knowing that he had been around used to bring me comfort. Now I don’t have anyone, I feel completely alone, with no support. When I look at Jasmine and the way she is cared for by all the men around her it makes me a bit jealous, but I am happy for her.

  “So, tell me more about yourself, I mean, I know you took over the bakery when your dad was sick and you are a dream baker but, what else is there. I don’t even know how old you are?” Jasmine is such a caring person, I can tell she doesn’t have a mean bone in her body.

  “I didn’t really come back because of my dad’s sickness. That is what I usually tell people, Nature’s Valley has always been my home, but I went to study in Cape Town and after my degree, I found a little designing company that hired me as a junior graphic designer.”

  I hadn’t told anyone this, eve
n after I came home and my father could see that something was wrong I had never wanted to worry him, but Jasmine was my friend and even though I hadn’t known her long, I knew that I could trust her; she is someone I feel a connection with. I have never had real friends, more like acquaintances, but with Jasmine I feel real friendship.

  “At the beginning it went well, but six months in, we got a new managing director and he kind of took a liking to me. Unfortunately, it became more than a liking and more like sexual harassment. He used to follow me home, phone me during the night and try and touch me at work. There was no one I could complain to. He was the most senior person in the company. One day he cornered me in the lifts and tried to force himself on me. I kicked him and managed to run away when the doors of the lift opened. When I got to my apartment I packed all my belongings into my car and drove back to Nature’s Valley. I was sharing with two other girls at the time, therefore I did not have any furniture, basically just my clothes. Sometimes I still jump at certain noises, scared that he might have found me.” I had been looking at my hands as I spoke. When I looked up I saw that Jasmine had tears in her eyes; only then did I realise that I was crying. Wiping the tears from my face I hugged her close, feeling as if a weight has been lifted from my shoulders, I didn’t just confess to my gift, but I also told her about the worst time of my life. I knew that she might tell Wulf, but after holding onto this secret for so long, I was relived to be able to share it with someone.

  “I’m so sorry Gabriela, don’t worry about that man anymore. My guys will protect you. They won’t let anyone harm you.” At her words I smile, instantly my thoughts go to Bjarni.

  “Thank you, I think he has given up. I changed my number because he kept on phoning and texting threatening me. First he threatened that he was going to sue because I had just left without giving notice. Then he started to threaten that I wouldn’t be able to get away from him, that he would find me and when he did I would pay. I am fairly certain he won’t find me. I never revealed any details about my father when I applied for my job, so he won’t be able to track me back here.”

  “When I first met Craig, something about him had creeped me out. Right then I should have known. He was in his late thirties with thinning light brown hair, and his eyes looked like a snake’s. I knew that he was well off and flaunted it every chance he got, but I have never been swayed by money. He tried to give me presents but I rejected all of them until he finally gave up. That’s when the touching began. He would come and stand behind my chair as I was designing; leaning over me, touching my arm and my neck, as he looked down my shirts and dresses. The last few weeks before I ran away had become unbearable. I was relieved to have escaped from him and I was so much happier then.”

  “I loved baking so it didn’t even feel like work. Except it for all the worries of trying to make enough money to pay the staff the bond and all the suppliers; but for now I was managing. Some months were very difficult but I was hoping things would pick up with the new range of cakes I had introduced and the birthday and wedding cakes that I had started to make.”

  “No one at work knew about my ownership of the bakery and I’m so happy they didn’t, because I have been able to keep it a secret so far. I don’t know for how long, but for now I’m doing okay. Most clients that come in think I’m too young to own the bakery at twenty-three. I must be honest I love baking, but I hate all the paperwork and talking to clients.”

  “Well I hope everything works out because I don’t think my Baby and I can go a day without your brownies. If you need any help with anything just let me know; I will try and help you with anything you might need. And now speaking of food, how about we go into the kitchen and see if the guys have left anything for us, from what you have brought. I also want to start with dinner.”

  We chat about Jasmin’s guys as she calls them as we make our way towards the kitchen. I have found that her guys are my favourite topic, or one guy especially.

  Arriving in the kitchen we find Wulf and Draco sitting at the table with a box that I had brought from the bakery open in front of them, they were both munching on savoury pies. Entering Jasmine walks straight towards Wulf, he moves his chair back and places her on his lap, offering her a bite of his pie.

  “These are really good, Wulf and I decided to try your treats before the other guys get hold of them but we haven’t been able to get to any of the other boxes. If all the other stuff is as good as this I don’t think we are going to let you leave.” At Draco’s words, I feel pleased knowing that they’re appreciating what I brought for them. Moving towards them, I sit down opposite Wulf and Jasmine and next to Draco.

  “I’m so pleased that you like the pies and don’t tempt me, this place is awesome. No one would ever say that this is all here from the road.” Draco has such a handsome face in a rugged kind of way. I smile at him seeing his dimples appear. I think to live here would be magical, the inside walls are all rock but there are openings at the top of each room that has light filtering in. The outside when we had been driving up had been unbelievable, with all the trees. I had even seen horses. And the guys, well there were no words for the guys I had met. They were all hot, I’m sure that if I had to live here that I would soon need glasses from staring at them.

  “Gabriela, in the training area you told us that you couldn’t tell anything from Wulf and Jasmine. Would you mind if I touched you to see if it’s only them?” I wasn’t expecting that from Draco, I could feel my heart start to race. I never intentionally let anyone touch me but I had confessed to them and I was staying here, so it was only right if Draco as the Club President wanted to confirm what I had said.


  As he stretches out his hand and touches my bare arm, I suck in my breath expecting the disorientation that usually engulfs me before I see something. He holds my arm for a minute before letting go without me having a sighting.

  I don’t know what happened. Maybe I can touch people again without a reaction. This is so strange. I’m so confused, how can this be happening suddenly, not that I’m complaining I’ve felt so isolated from people by not being able to be touched without me having a reaction.

  I need to find out if this is only so with them, or if it’s the same with the other people here. What could have made me get better suddenly? Moving my hand, I place it on top of Draco’s, noticing his sudden stillness at my touch. I wait a little while, but nothing. I can feel myself start to smile, this is awesome.

  “Hey, not fair. That’s why you fuckers left us training and disappeared. You better have left some food for me.” At Ceric’s words I look around as he moves into the kitchen heading towards the other boxes that are still by the kitchen counter. He grabs one of the biggest ones and makes his way towards the table, sitting next to me. As he places his box on the table and starts to pick up one of the milk tarts, I place my hand over his. Again, like Draco, Ceric goes completely still. I can feel his eyes turn to me in shock. I hope he doesn’t think I’m being forward. After a little while, I let go of his hand and throw my arm around his waist laughing. The look of shock on his face at my show of affection is priceless.

  “This is great, thank you!” At my words I feel him relax. He even brings his hand down to my arm and pats it.

  “Well I know I’m awesome, but I must be honest it’s the first time I’ve made a woman so happy by just letting her touch my hand.” At his teasing I chuckle, until I hear a growl behind us and Ceric’s groan.

  “Really, now that I was about to eat. Couldn’t you wait a few minutes longer!” Ceric suggests sarcastically.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” As I look around I see Bjarni in a rage. Is this man always like this? He looks scary standing there breathing raggedly, I can see his muscles are tensed under his black shirt. He isn’t wearing his kutte and his arms are bare, tattoos going down both arms. My panties get soaked, this man even though his always angry can make me lose my mind with lust.

  “Bjarni relax, Gabriela was seeing if
she could feel anything by touching Ceric.” At Draco’s words I look around at him. Is he suggesting that Bjarni is upset because I was touching Ceric? I see Wulf next to Draco he has risen from his chair and has Jasmine behind him. Draco is also standing, I had taken my arm from around Ceric when I turned to watch Bjarni. Ceric has taken this opportunity to also stand up and face Bjarni.

  Was he angry because I was touching Ceric? Why would he be angry unless they were gay? I felt jealous of Ceric if that was the case. “Bjarni, I don’t like Ceric. I’m sorry I touched him.” Maybe by apologising he will not be angry with me. The idea of him being angry with me fills me with such anguish that it makes me want to cry. Without thinking I make my way towards him.

  “Gabriela, No!” I hear Draco exclaim as I’m about to touch Bjarni. Hearing movement behind me I look back in time to see Draco about to pull me back, his arms are stretched and coming around my waist when I feel strong hands clamp down on the top of my arms puling me forward. I feel myself being pressed against Bjarni’s chest his arms have now come around my waist.

  “MINE!” I hear him say in a loud snarl, I swear it sounds like a real animal. What does he mean by Mine? Whatever he means I’m going to try and stay against his chest if I can, he smells of leather and pine; so good! Being here against him with his arms around me, listening to his heartbeat I feel peace, like I have never felt before. I feel like I’m home.

  “Fuck brother! It’s too late now. I can’t do anything now. I’m so sorry.” I hear the anguish in Draco’s voice. What is too late? And why is there anguish in his voice? I’m not scared, deep down I know that Bjarni will never hurt me. If that is what Draco is worried about, he doesn’t have to be. I can feel Bjarni relaxing under my touch.


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