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The Night Watch: A Vampire Paranormal Romance (Blood Red Series Book 2)

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by W. J. May

  She had hoped Liam could help them and then it had all gone wrong. Everything had gone horribly wrong.

  Unfortunately, Kallie knew by not facing these monsters, it was a huge risk. They were all going to be in danger, her father, her mother and her. She knew her father would go every time they called. It was the bravest thing anyone had ever done for her, and he did it every month without fail.

  “Is he okay?” Jeanna glanced at Lisa.

  They had seen her father only a few times over the past two years. Whenever guests came over, her dad wore contacts to hide his flaming eyes. There wasn’t any medical condition in the world that could explain his eyes changing from brown to red. But the contacts couldn’t hide his haggard expression or the weariness he carried around with him. He was so different from Liam and Caleb. They seemed so strong, but her father was nothing more than a prisoner. She often wondered just how much more he could possibly take before they finally broke him. No one, not even a vampire could be subjected to this much torture without admitting defeat. Liam had said her dad was super strong. He had no idea.

  Lisa spoke up, placing her hand over Kallie’s. “Is there anything we can do?”

  “It’s fine.” She forced a smile at her friends and shrugged. She shouldn’t have said anything. “We just have to… get through it. He’ll be okay, he’s strong.”

  “You were really lucky, Kallie,” Jeanna said.

  Kallie felt her brow furrow. “What do you mean?”

  “Your dad… he’s had so many problems after the accident, and you… you’re perfect. You could have been like him, or worse.”

  “It’s like you had a guardian angel that night,” Lisa added.

  “A guardian angel,” Kallie repeated. Aka Caleb. She did not want to be sitting here having this conversation. She thought hanging with her friends would give her some normalcy she was desperately seeking. It was a waste of time.

  She counted the seconds till she was close enough to being finished. “I have class.” She stood and nearly frowned when the other two got up also.

  “We’ve got study group at the library.” Jeanna tossed her apple core into the bushes and slung her backpack over her shoulder. “You ready?”

  Kallie walked with her friends to the library and gave them both a hug before she left. Her writing class was on the other side of campus, but she didn’t want to go, so she walked slower than usual and took in the sights of the students. A few boys were tossing around a football on the lawn, while their girlfriends chatted on the grass near them. Kallie leaned against a tree and watched. Whenever one of the boys would catch the ball or make a tackle, he would jog over to the sidelines and give his girlfriend a kiss. He smack talked with the other guys about how if she was there, he was unbeatable. It was sweet to watch, but it made Kallie feel miserable.

  If I ever fell for Caleb or Liam… I could never have that. She realized then, accepting them in her life meant turning away so much more. The boys would never play football on a summer day, or take her to the beach when the waves were perfect at dawn. Not that Kallie was a surfer, but it was just one of those things she wanted to try before her life was over. She was nineteen, and just about to really live. How could she only exist in the dark? How did they? Thank goodness she didn’t have to worry about answering the first question.

  She dragged her feet as she walked to class, knowing she should be going but wishing she could just skip it. Actually, dropping out of school for this year didn’t seem that bad of an idea. She was so lost to her misery, she didn’t even notice the figure sitting on the steps outside the building she was about to enter. It wasn’t until she had walked past him and she realized he’d spoken to her did she stop and turn around.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he repeated.

  Kallie stared, shocked at the boy before her.

  There, in the light of day, Caleb sat casually looking at her, the biggest grin playing on his lips.

  “What… How…” Kallie stared up at the sun, as if it could answer her unspoken questions.

  “I told you I couldn’t wait until tonight to see you.” Caleb jumped up. His dark jeans, black t-shirt and leather jacket seemed out of place in the warm weather. He moved and stood right by her side in an instant, his arm around her waist as he tucked a stray blonde hair behind her ear. “Don’t look so shocked.” He grinned, knowing exactly why she had that look on her face. He motioned with his hand. “Go, inside to class. I’ll be here when you get out.”

  He leaned over and kissed her cheek, allowing his lips to linger a bit longer than they should have. Kallie couldn’t speak. She just nodded and stepped inside the building, relieved when the air conditioner hit her. When she turned around and peered through the glass doors, she saw Caleb had resumed his position on the steps. He sat, reclining back, his face turned up to the sun, eyes closed as he soaked in its rays.

  A vampire sunbathing. It’s official. I’m losing my mind.

  Her professor stopped by her on his way to class. “Kallie! A word if you don’t mind.”

  On a regular school day, Kallie would have been happy to be singled out by her favorite teacher. But this wasn’t a regular day and there was some crazy supernatural activity happening outside the building that needed her attention. Kallie fidgeted as her teacher spoke, gnawing on the inside of her cheeks in jittery frustration. She was curious if Caleb would disappear from his spot at the sound of the teacher’s voice.

  “That article you wrote on the detective was really good,” the professor spoke, forcing Kallie to focus her attention on what he was saying. “What are the chances of you landing a second interview? Like a follow up?”

  Kallie glanced at the door and then back at the professor. “I can try.”

  “I only ask because he gave you an exclusive, maybe he’d be willing to do it again? If you’re not confidant enough to ask him, I could email police headquarters if you like. I know it can be a bit intimidating with such a hot-shot detective, but this story needs to continue. We had to print extra copies. Everyone wanted to read that article!”

  “I’m not intimidated.” Kallie almost smiled. What would her prof say if he knew a certain hot-shot detective tucked her into bed last night?

  The professor chuckled. “Well, if you need any help, just let me know.”

  “If that’s all, I really have to go. I need to catch up on all the work I’ve missed. I was pretty sick this week.” She took a step toward the exit.

  “Of course, of course. Hey, aren’t you coming to class?”

  She saw Caleb through the door’s window, whistling. “I’d, uh, like to get working on this interview right away.”

  He snapped his fingers. “I just had an idea! What if you took it in a different angle? Try looking at the man behind the law. What does this hot-shot detective do when he’s not working? Maybe he could tell you how he relaxes after he’s cracked a big case.”

  Do? He drinks people’s blood and crawls into my bedroom window at night. Kallie shook her head. “He seems pretty private. I don’t think he’d agree to that kind of interview.” Plus, the only reason he agreed to it was because he wanted to know about my father.

  The professor’s face sagged in disappointment. “Fair enough. I wouldn't want to blow what could turn into a serial article. Okay, I leave it all in your brilliant hands. Go forth and be amazing!” He always said, ‘go forth and be amazing’ at the end of all his lectures.

  She used to be inspired by him. But now, the way he was acting, she only saw him as a man who had his students get interviews he never could obtain himself. The whole world is an illusion. And as she stepped outside and saw Caleb sitting in the same position she had left him in, she sighed. And he’s a freaking enigma.

  Almost as if he had heard her thoughts, Caleb swung around and popped to his feet. He jogged up the few steps and took her backpack from her as she stepped back outside, and slung it over his shoulder. Out in the sun, it was easier to really take in his features. He had a strong jaw an
d cheekbones, his hair was a lighter than Liam’s, almost a dirty blond and although he was lean and muscular, he was only a few inches taller than Kallie. Liam was a full head taller. His burgundy eyes were wrapped up in long, dark, feathered lashes. It wasn’t a scary glowing red, like her father had. It was warmer and in the right light could even pass for a shade of brown. I guess people see what they want to see, she decided.

  “I don’t know how any of this is possible,” Kallie said, finally finding her words after they had walked for a bit.

  Caleb took her hand in his, his skin not as cold as Liam’s, but still not warm. The sun must have helped heat him up. Liam definitely didn’t have that luxury. “How about I help you home?”

  She pointed with her free hand. “My car’s parked over there.”

  “Actually,” Caleb said as he scratched the back of his neck. “Your car’s in your driveway at home. I hotwired it this morning.” He grinned and gave a small shrug. “Don’t be ticked, I just wanted an opportunity to spend some time with you and figured that was the only way how.”

  “You’ve avoided me the past few days!”

  “Your father told me to stay away.”

  He had? She couldn’t blame her dad. “You could’ve just asked instead of stealing my car.”

  “I needed to get your attention.”

  Damn! How could he look so calm and confident? “Most people call!”

  “I did!”

  “You sent a text!”

  “Is there a difference?”

  She opened her mouth to shoot a smart-ass comment back, but nothing came to mind. “So you left me stranded?” Kallie couldn’t believe how cocky he sounded. Was arrogance a common trait amongst vamps? It’s the one thing him and Liam did have in common.

  Caleb gave her hand a squeeze. “You’re not stranded. You live less than twenty miles away. The sun is shining, you have a badass vamp guardian here to protect you. Let’s enjoy this, shall we?”

  She stopped walking, pulled her hand from his and stared at him. “Two miles is not far. Twenty is ridiculous!”

  “You’ve got me for company. I’ll make the time pass quickly.”

  She began walking, very fast, and it irked her how he easily kept up with her. No wonder twenty miles felt like nothing to him, he had super speed. She’d be winded before the first mile!

  She slowed her pace and decided she might as well make the most out of the walk. She needed answers, and was sick of waiting for them.

  “What do you want to ask?” Caleb slipped on a pair of sunglasses as they moved through campus.

  “Are you a mind reader?”

  Caleb shook his head. “Nope. Wish I could though, that would help in so many tight situations.” He chuckled.

  They walked out from under the shade of a large oak tree. The sun fell on them and began instantly to warm their skin. “So, what’s the deal? Powerful sunscreen?”

  He winked. “My own secret recipe.”

  “You’re lying.”

  He flashed a ridiculously sexy smile. Seriously? Did he also need to be this beautiful? “Yes, I am. The truth?”

  “Does that even exist anymore?”

  A single eyebrow rose, but he didn’t answer her question. “Remember how I told you I was going to protect you?”

  Kallie nodded. She was starting to get sick of the word protect.

  “I was chosen for the task.”

  “You were chosen?” Kallie bit her lip as a couple of female students walked by and slowed their pace to stare at Caleb. They giggled and hurried on. “By who? Who chose you? Why would someone want to protect me? I’m nobody.”

  Caleb smiled and gave her a look she did not understand. “Another vamp selected me.”

  “Why would some random guy want me safeguarded?” It didn’t make any sense.



  “Her name is Petra. She’s rather unique.”

  “A female?” Kallie was almost afraid to ask. The more she knew about these mystical vampires the more at risk she became. “What is she? A Red Blood? Some queen bee?” She’d seen enough paranormal movies to have some idea how this thing worked.

  “Well,” Caleb chuckled. “I don’t know about a queen bee, but before she was a vampire she was a witch, and a powerful one at that. She knew the secrets of transforming a night-walker into a day-walker.”

  “Really?” Kallie’s brain kicked into overdrive. If she could make a spell for Caleb to walk in the daylight, this Petra vampire could make one for her father, especially if she was concerned about Kallie’s safety.

  Caleb pressed his fingers against her elbow. “I see the brain wheels churning but don’t get too excited. The spell is complicated, and it involved so much of her energy it almost killed her. She chose me to be your protector and imbedded the spell within my very blood.”

  “So you’re immune to the sun as a result.”

  “I am indeed. It’s a wonderful feeling, to feel the sunlight on your face.” He stopped and let the sun’s rays beat down on him.

  “What about if you were drained?”

  “Can we please not talk about something so horrific?” He shivered and Kallie felt the need to step closer to him, as if to protect him.

  “But what if you were. Who’s to say the vampires who hurt my father won’t go after you?”

  “I’m too smart to get caught.”

  Kallie stepped to the side, away from him, infuriated by his cockiness. “So what’re you implying? My father’s stupid?”

  Caleb blinked and stared at her in confusion. “No. He does what he does out of love for you. I must admit, what he goes through is very admirable.” He took her hand again and brought her fingers to his lips.

  It gave her goose bumps. She felt a pang of guilt thinking about being with Caleb when Liam had sent her such a sweet text this morning. She straightened her shoulders and put her game face on. “I know what my father does.” She didn’t want to admit she had misread his comment. “Why would this Petra-woman choose you? And why protect me? Because of my father?” She assumed it had to do with her dad and as much as she would love to believe there was a witchy vamp, aka fairy godmother, looking out for her, she knew it was a silly thought. The vamp chick was most likely grooming her for the slaughter. Humans will always be seen as a food source first. Her father had taught her that.

  “I don’t know why me, or why you.” Caleb looked at her and Kallie felt he was being sincere. “I can tell you I trust her. I watched her perform the spell that changed me. This,” he extended his free hand up to the sun, “is a beautiful gift. Why risk her life on a spell that wasn’t meant for her?”

  “True. Why not just use it on herself?”

  “She couldn’t. She had to choose someone worthy.” He winked and gave her hand a squeeze again. “All part of the magic.”

  “Well, at least you’re humble about it.” She smiled, trying not to laugh.

  Caleb stopped and turned to her. “You need to realize something.”

  She was forced to stop as well. “And what is that?”

  He leaned in very close.

  Kallie caught the scent of his cologne and had to restrain herself from leaning nearer and rubbing her nose across his neck. She realized suddenly, it wasn’t cologne. It was his natural smell – or vamp smell. He was just a walking temptation. Whoever this Petra-chick was, she sure didn’t play fair.

  “I’m on your side. I always have been and I always will be. I know who I work for, and because I trust them, I don’t feel the need to ask questions.”

  “You trust them blindly? No questions asked?” Kallie snorted. “I’m surrounded by complications. I should’ve transferred to another school, in another state.”

  Caleb’s eyes darkened. He stared intensely at her and before she realized it, his hand was touching the side of her face.

  Butterflies dashed around in her stomach, just as they had last night when Liam had her in the same position. What were these bo
ys doing to her?

  “You can’t run from your complications, Kallie. Each one of us are dealt a certain amount of cards and it is up to us to play our hand with what we were given. You survived that night because I was there. I’ll always be there for you, I want you to believe that.”

  “I want to believe that too.” Her voice cracked. She wondered why she was admitting that to him so easily.

  “Give me an inch of trust.” He brought his finger and thumb together to show her how little he was asking for. “Just enough so I can prove I am the man for you.”

  “You barely know me.” The man for you? What a strange way to explain it.

  “I’ve been watching you for a while. I know you,” he said in his delicious flirty tone.

  Don’t fall for it Kallie! Be firm. “Discovering I’ve a stalker is not exactly swoon-worthy material.” There. Take that, smart mouth.

  “I told you, I’m not your stalker.” He licked his lips and Kallie hated that he caught her gaze fall to his mouth. He shot her a cocky grin. “I’m your protector. A guardian of sorts.”

  “I don’t need one.”

  “Apparently, you do.”

  “Why?” It made no sense at all. “Is it because of my father?”

  Caleb began walking again and Kallie followed along beside him. “I don’t think so. I was watching you before he turned.”

  Kallie didn’t know how to respond. He’d been watching her before the accident? It didn’t make sense. She wanted to jump up and down, pull her hair out and demand answers. Instead, she just silently walked beside Caleb. Her thoughts turned to how nice it felt to walk with a guy outside during the day like a normal person. Just a few hours ago she didn’t think anything like this would be possible with either Liam or Caleb. Funny how quickly her head seemed to jump back and forth between Caleb and Liam. Everything was beyond confusing. As romantic as Liam had been with his grand gesture last night, he would never be able to give her this one simple moment. And isn’t that what life is all about? The little things? The simple moments?


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