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The Night Watch: A Vampire Paranormal Romance (Blood Red Series Book 2)

Page 6

by W. J. May

  “Do you want me to speed this up a bit?” Caleb had this look on his face, almost like a twinkle in his eye.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ll show you.” Caleb grabbed her hand and swung her around him so she bumped into his chest, facing him. His arms pressed against her derriere as he lifted her so she straddled him. “Hold tight.” He took off in a sprint. Instantly.

  Kallie’s stomach lurched like the first time she rode a roller coaster that twisted upside down and in a pretzel. She intertwined her fingers behind his neck and held on, burying her face against Caleb’s chest and squeezing her eyes shut tight. Her hair whipped against her face like she was riding a motorcycle backwards. The thrill excited her.

  The run was over faster than she was prepared for. Caleb set her carefully down on the ground. “You good?” He grinned wickedly as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “That was… interesting.” She couldn’t wipe the smile off her face. “Where are we?” She glanced around and gasped, “Oh!”

  Caleb had stopped a few streets away from hers. “I figured you might want to walk a bit instead of ending right in front of your house.”

  He slipped his hand in hers and they walked in a comfortable silence. Kallie was lost in catching her breath, amazed Caleb wasn’t even winded. Her heart tightened in her chest as she realized they were passing Liam’s house.

  Instinctually, she pulled away, but Caleb only tightened his grasp. “I know he lives here.”

  Kallie stared at him in surprise. “That’s cruel. You know he can’t come out and you want to mock him? I get the Red Bloods hate the Blue Bloods and vice versa, but still… You aren’t going to win my—”

  “—Do you think it was fun for me, watching him crawl into your bedroom window last night?” Caleb cut her off. “Like some sort of creep?”

  Kallie’s jaw dropped and she felt a blush burn all the way up to her ears. “You saw that?”

  “Oh, Kallie.” Caleb shook his head. “I told you, I’m your guardian. I’ve seen everything.”

  “Everything?” She gasped. Did he watch her change in her room? Shower? “Now who’s being creepy?”

  He laughed at her horrified expression. “I’d never cross the line, but just remember I’m always close enough so I can intervene if I feel you need me. You don’t need to worry. You’ve never noticed me before, it won’t change now.”

  “Except now I know.” She released the breath she had been holding and shook her head. “So, last night… made you jealous?” She hated how the words made her sound, like a girl desperate for attention.

  “Of course it made me jealous! What right does Liam have to be in your bedroom? The man takes whatever he wants. It’s disgusting. His badge has gone to his head.”

  “He did ask first…” Kallie said, feeling the need to defend Liam since he wasn’t here to defend himself. She glanced back at his house they’d passed.

  “He put you in a vulnerable position. I would never do that.”

  They had turned onto her block now. Kallie swore she could feel Caleb’s anger twitching in his palm. She looked up at her house, and knew her father would be hidden in the basement, avoiding the sun. Her mother was at work. She could invite him in but decided against it. Instead she chose to walk him around to her back porch and sat with him on the swing looking out at the garden that outlined her yard.

  Kallie finally let go of his hand and placed hers into her lap. “What is it you want?” Now was the time to ask. She wasn’t going to go through a stupid love triangle like in the books she read. If his job was to protect her. Then that was what he needed to do. Even if she disagreed on her need for his protection. She wanted him to protect her father.

  Caleb turned and leaned his arm against the back of the swing. “Watching you started out as a job, like any other…” He reached out and gently ran a cool finger down her neck. It made Kallie want to close her eyes, it felt so good. “But something changed. I’ve changed. I never cared for anyone before.” He shook his head as if confused by his own feelings, or maybe it was that he’d admitted them to her. “I’m completely enraptured by you. I see a spark in you, Kallie. A light. You deserve a life under the sun, not hiding in cold dark shadows before dawn.” He locked his burgundy eyes on hers. They flared to the garnet color of her father’s. There was a softness to him, a side she hadn't seen before. He was being sincere and actually seemed scared by it. “I can give you that life. You can have it all with me. Not just protection, but true devotion. Night and day. Can Liam offer you that?”

  Chapter 5

  “My mom’s going to be back soon.”

  He had just basically offered her his heart and she’d responded with that? It was a sweet gesture on his part, but come on, she’d just found out he’d been stalking her for who knows how long, she had no idea how old he was, and she was not about to fall for a vamp without knowing more, or going on a bloody date! He definitely made her pulse race, but she had no idea if that was from her own doing or some supernatural ability he had.

  Caleb didn’t appear phased. He stared at her a moment before leaning in to touch her cheek with a sweet kiss. Then he disappeared suddenly and she was left alone on the porch swing as it swayed back and forth slightly.

  Kallie rolled her eyes at herself. He was so different from Liam. She didn’t know if it was a good thing or a bad. Both guys were confident, swore they only had Kallie’s protection in their best interest and had the ability to give her stomach butterflies just by holding her gaze. Caleb, although super flirty, knew when to be a perfect gentleman. He never did more than kiss her cheek while Liam’s lips had brushed against hers with a hunger that left her begging for more.

  She would be lying if she didn’t admit she wondered what it would feel like to have Caleb kiss her.

  Except she had the feeling Caleb wouldn’t make a move until Liam was out of the picture. She wasn’t about to kick one vamp to the curb just to see what it felt like to have a pair of lips brush against her own. What if she got rid of Liam and Caleb turned into a monster? What if Liam was the bad guy? What if both of them were? Or neither of them were? She balled her hands into fists and rubbed her eyes. It was all way too confusing.

  Again anxiety crawled its way inside her. “Can I just have some sort of sign?” she asked the air around her, knowing it would tell her nothing but whispered secrets she didn’t understand.

  “Kallie! How was school today, Kallie?” Her mother came around the corner and smiled at her daughter.

  “F-Fine.” Kallie checked her watch, surprised to see her mother and then realized how late it had gotten. She didn’t feel like telling her mother she’d skipped afternoon classes. “I had lunch with Lisa and Jeanna.”

  Her mom handed her a bag of groceries and the two walked into the kitchen together. “I never see those girls anymore.”

  “There’s a reason for that.” Kallie glanced toward the stairs leading to the basement.

  Her mom sighed. “I know, however, your dad’s doing fine. He hasn’t ravaged either of us. I’m pretty sure he could handle Lisa and Jeanna over for dinner.”

  Her mom had no idea what her father could handle. She didn’t know about the monthly torture he had to go through. “I just don’t think I’m ready yet.” Kallie emptied the rest of her bag of groceries on the counter. “Do you want me to help you make dinner?”

  “You should invite them over for dinner next week,” her father said, but his gaze held that constant sadness. They sat around the table, well after dark, their plates nearly empty as the meal had finished. Her father sat, drinking from a travel mug that hid the contents inside.

  Kallie watched her father. He was paler than usual. He might be immortal now but this life was killing him. “I can ask them over.” She didn’t plan on asking Lisa or Jeanna, she just said it to give the conversation a rest.

  “If it’s what you want,” her dad said. It was almost as though he knew the girls didn’t want to come anym
ore. He was aware of how “sick” he must have looked to them, and he knew it would made them uncomfortable. He had shut off all connections to his own friends. Forget vampire, her father was turning into a ghost.

  Kallie nodded, but decided until things became a little safer and vampires weren’t constantly hanging out in her bedroom and backyard, that maybe this wasn’t the best place to invite her friends to. It was a good excuse. She didn’t want them over. “We’ll see.”

  She helped her mom with the dishes and then sat down at the table beside her dad to work on homework. She needed to come up with some questions to interview Liam again. Hopefully he’d say yes.

  Her father watched her a moment. “I remember when you used to cry over homework. Now you just get it done.”

  Kallie looked up from her assignment. “Dad, I was seven when I used to cry. That was twelve years ago.”

  “Twelve years? Wow. It seems like twelve minutes.” He had an odd look on his face. “It seems like yesterday that I held you in my arms for the very first time.” He shook his head and pointed to her phone.

  Kallie’s phone buzzed and she looked at her father in surprise. He’d heard it before it had even sounded.

  He stood and kissed the top of her head. “Just promise me, you’ll be careful.”

  Kallie laughed lightly. “Dad, it’s homework, not much danger in that.”

  “I’m not referring to the homework, and you know I’m not. I’m talking about whoever just texted you.”

  “It’s probably just Lisa.”

  “If it’s just Lisa, then why didn’t you check it? Are you afraid that I’ll see?”

  “Dad! You need to stop. I’m not a kid anymore. You can trust in me and my choices.”

  Her dad nodded, his eyes were red, but the thin skin underneath was so dark it was almost black. He looked exhausted.

  “Are you not sleeping?” Kallie asked.

  Her dad scoffed and covered his mouth. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. It’s not rest I need, Kallie.” He left before she could respond.

  He needed to feed. It scared her to see him like this. Next week would be a full moon again. There wasn’t much time. She had to do something to help him. She just had no idea what.

  Alone in the kitchen, Kallie checked her phone.

  Can I see you tonight? Another midnight rendezvous?

  Liam. Kallie checked the clock on the wall. It was only eight thirty. Midnight seemed so far away. She replied: How about nine?

  Just like Caleb, Liam answered so fast she didn’t have to wait at all. I can’t.

  R U working tonight?

  His reply was instant again. Need to hunt. Don’t want to see you on an empty stomach.

  And there it was. The reality of what life with a vampire would be like. Liam had to feed before he even saw her. Kallie wanted to dismiss him, and say she was tired, but she had given Caleb the afternoon, she felt Liam deserved some of her time too. Fine. I’ll leave the window open. If I’m asleep, wake me up, we’ll talk then.

  Another text came flying through. No! Lock the window until I come, I don’t need any Reds visiting you before I do.

  Kallie felt the air freeze within her lungs. Did he know she had spent the afternoon with Caleb? Her father never came up during the day. Did Liam see her walk by his house? What did he do during the day? Hide out like her father?

  Another thought made her stomach churn. Did Liam know Caleb was guarding her? If he did, then he knew Caleb had seen him climb into her room the night before, and would see him again tonight. Kallie felt sick. She couldn’t play these boys against each other until she made a decision.

  She should choose one of them. Or tell both of them to leave her alone. Could one of them help her father? That mattered more than anything.

  Caleb had been the one to save her that night, she was sure of it. He was the one in the photograph. Not Liam. Caleb was the one who protected her. Caleb could give her a life under the sun, and protect her father at all times. All Liam could give her was darkness.

  She had to end whatever was going on with Liam. Now. With shaky hands, she sent him a text back. Forget tonight. I need to study.

  She expected another speedy text, but none came. The rest of the evening she continued to check her phone, but it remained silent, which made her nervous. She tried to watch a show on TV with her mother, one they enjoyed and watched weekly together, but Kallie just saw images flashing.

  Even when her mom swooned as the hero finally grabbed the heroine and gave her the kiss they had been waiting all season for, Kallie couldn’t enjoy it. “Now that was wonderful! Oh I could watch it again!” her mother gushed.

  I may have to, Kallie thought.

  When her mom headed off to bed, she pretended she didn’t notice her father still hanging out downstairs. She kept one ear cocked to the sounds outside, wondering if Liam would show up and Caleb try and start a fight with him. Nothing outside gave warning to beasts hunting or fighting. She stared blankly at the TV until half past midnight and finally gave up to sleep. She couldn’t avoid her room. If Liam had come, he’d see her room was empty. He would get the hint.

  She kept the lights off in her room as she stripped down to tank top and undies, and then slipped under the covers.

  The back of her mind was stuck on the show she’d watched with her mom. Half asleep, she imagined Caleb kissing her. Would it be filled with passion? Would he be spontaneous?


  Kallie’s eyes flew open. The room was pitch dark. Outside there was no wind, nothing to cause a stir of the trees.

  Smack! Smack!

  Kallie knew it was Liam. She’d left a stupid short text and then hid from her room. Instantly wide awake, she checked her digital clock. One thirty. She crawled out of bed and opened the window, expecting to see him sitting on the window ledge, his hand posed to smack the window again.


  No Liam or Caleb. No shadows or reflection from the moon to give away burning red or sapphire blue eyes.

  She was about to close the window when Liam popped in front of her. He had silently scaled the wall. Before she could scream, Liam jumped in and covered her mouth with the palm of his hand. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  Kallie blinked back at him while her heart beat wildly against her ribcage.

  Liam removed his hand and he grinned. “Sorry. I know you said you had to study, so I didn't text back. It was torture. Like I said, it’s been a long day without you.”

  Kallie was shaking, still in shock at his sudden appearance. If that was him when he missed me, imagine if he wanted to hurt me? She couldn’t even think about it. She was trembling with the truth in her veins.

  His face twisted from bliss to anger as he sniffed. “I see I’m not your only visitor today.” He frowned. “You smell like a Red.” Liam’s eyes turned to ice blue. He looked mad, but the anger was different. Like a jealous anger.

  Kallie realized by being with Caleb, in his eyes she had literally betrayed him. This was bull crap.

  Liam stepped back, his hands on his hips. “Are you with him, now?”

  “I’m not with anyone!” Kallie hissed, her hands on her hips as well. “I’m trying to figure out how to help my father. You think I have time to consider which vampire I should or shouldn’t date?” She had no intention of telling him what she’d been thinking about.

  “So you’re trying to decide who the better candidate to help you is?”

  “No!” She struggled to keep her response at a whisper.

  His face paled as his eyes grew big. “You’ve chosen the Red Bloods, haven’t you?”

  “Liam.” She hated that he looked hurt. “I’m not choosing sides.”

  He wasn’t listening. “That’s why you blew me off earlier. It had nothing to do with homework. You’re just trying to get rid of me.” His gaze dropped and he refused to look up at her.

  This sucked. Somehow she’d come to a decision and hadn’t even realized it. “I didn’t mean
to hurt you. I just think—with everything going on—maybe we should take a break from each other. Until I understand more of this.” She gestured at him and into the air. “Whatever this is.” She needed to focus on helping her father, not some stupid love triangle she wasn’t prepared to deal with.

  “Did you tell Caleb you’re going to take a break from him too?” Liam’s head shot up and looked at her defiantly. His perfect lips turned into a pout and Kallie didn’t know how she had made the most successful detective in town, not to mention one badass vamp, reduced to a pile of jealous misery.

  She hesitated. She would tell Caleb tomorrow to keep his distance. “I don’t have plans to see him. Honestly, Liam, I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m sort of feeling my way in the dark, here. You have to understand that. It’s terrifying for me.”

  Liam didn’t seem to be listening. He was too hung up on being someone’s second choice. A title he wasn’t used to. “What can Caleb offer you that I can’t? You know I only want to protect you.”

  “You can’t protect me during the day, Liam.” This wasn’t the point, she couldn’t believe she was arguing with him. “Caleb can.”

  “Is that what he told you?” He scoffed. “Let me guess, he paid off some thugs to watch you during the day? Nice. Very classy. They probably belong behind bars.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “Guess I have my work cut out for me tonight.”

  Why was he making this so difficult? “I didn’t go to see him. He came to see me. At school. Around one o’clock. In the afternoon.” Kallie couldn’t make it any clearer, and as she watched the realization settle in Liam’s eyes, she felt even more the villain. Caleb had the one thing Liam never could have. The one thing no vampire could, but all wanted.

  “He’s a day-walker?” The words came out soft, barely above a whisper.

  Kallie slowly nodded.

  Liam shifted his weight. “I’ve heard stories, but thought that’s just what they were… stories. How did he do it?”


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