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Forgotten Kingdom (The Winter Court Chronicles Book 1)

Page 18

by Stephany Wallace

  “I require my payment now.”

  The Witch’s voice reached me, dragging my attention back to her. I placed the crystal back in my pocket. “Excuse me?” My gaze settled on hers, and she smirked.

  “Well, you didn’t exactly expect me to do all of this from the kindness of my heart, did you?” An amused smile seemed to dance just under the surface of her lips while she arched an eyebrow. Her nails drummed on the scepter’s handle.

  I crossed my arms. “You want to get paid for placing me under your illusions? Maybe I could give you one of my own, and we can call it even.” I knew I had probably offered something to her the last time I was here, but I couldn’t help myself from jesting.

  Her reaction was not what I expected. She became morose and looked straight into my eyes. “I did not create illusions in your mind, young prince. That is your ability, not mine. I used my magic to share memories with you. Those that are mine, and those that have been gifted to me. All I did was open up my mind to yours. What you last saw was a possibility of the future. One of many, but a possibility nonetheless.”

  I sighed, noting the sincerity and dread in her. “I suppose, but I didn’t exactly bring gold and jewels with me on this journey.”

  “Does it look like I have a use for gold and jewels?” She asked with a huff, her hands indicating her surroundings.

  I frowned and looked down at the leather pouch hanging from my waist. The dragon scale Avra had given me. I reached for it, but she lifted her hand stopping me.

  “That is not for me. That is to find the one who holds the other. That mission hasn’t ended yet.” I took a deep breath, assimilating her words. “What I want, Kyr, is what we agreed on last time you were here.”

  “And what is that?”

  “Your hair.” A brilliant smile curved her lips, and this time I was certain she was mocking me.

  “My hair?” I repeated dumbfounded, although I shouldn’t be.

  My hair was much more than that. I was the oldest son of the Dark King, next in line for the crown and my magic resided in every cell of my being. The length of it represented the power of a king, and I had been growing mine since I was officially presented to our people as the next to occupy the Winter Throne. My sleek, sable strands reached my waist, held only by the warrior braids I ritually wore—not that it meant much after everything that I had discovered.

  I silently nodded and sat on a chair she placed in the middle of the room, while she reached for a sharp serrated knife. My eyes closed while her fingers slid through my hair, braiding it fully. The next second, I heard the sudden sound of the blade slicing right at the base of my neck, and a feeling of lightness followed. When my eyes opened once again, the Bloodcroix Witch stood in front of me, a thick long braid in her hands while she looked at it admiringly.

  “I assume the magic within it will serve you for many potent spells to sell,” I asked, genuinely curious as to the motive behind her request.

  “Oh, no. I wouldn’t dare.”

  I frowned and watched her as she turned and placed the braid in a special glass jar and set it on the wall, next to a sword. I stood as my eyes roamed the weapon appreciatively. The hilt had the head and wings of a dragon, while its blade seemed to have an ancient script on its side. It suddenly occurred to me, that the things on her wall were trophies of sorts to her.

  When she stood in front of me once again, emotion inundated her eyes, but before I could recognize it, her fingers touched my temple. The room began to fade as my body fell back on to the ground with her spell.

  “What is your name?” I whispered, right before pure darkness engulfed me.


  Sounds reached me before my eyelids lifted. Nervous murmurs danced around me, and I had the feeling of being watched.

  A grunt left me when my eyes opened, and I found Trolls surrounding me. The slight burning feeling from the earth beneath me reached my skin. “Not again.”

  I stood, shaking my head to clear the remnants of the spell, so I could fight the Trolls just like I had last time, except now I remembered everything that had happened. The Bloodcroix Witch had left me here after I learned of the Rising Kingdom, and the legacy I was supposed to uphold. Gasps resounded around me, and my head whipped towards the Trolls, noticing their eyes on my back. My gaze followed and I cursed. My Dilrunarta Galothnae Kuru—Dragon Wings’ Cloak was disintegrating after being coated with the acidic mist on the ground.

  “Fuck!” I cursed again. A heavy sigh left me as I removed my now destroyed wings cloak, letting it fall to the misty ground. The acid devoured its remains. I turned to face the Death Trolls, assuming a fighting stance. I was once again without daggers and cloak. My mind rushed through strategies as I noticed a bigger “welcome committee” this time than the last.

  “My Prince,” the leader, Koran, said and fully bowed. Everyone else kneeled to me.

  About thirty Trolls stood before me, and the pack that had attacked my brothers’ and me last time, was standing chained to one side. My gaze returned to Koran, and I could see the fear in his eyes although masked by his authority and vigor. I straightened.

  “We have captured the rebels that dared attack the Princes of the Winter Court, even after you had honored us with your visit and so graciously requested passage. We are ashamed to call them our own. Please allow us to offer their lives to you today, as a gesture of our appreciation of the standing relationship we have with Your Highness. We hope it will be enough to avoid the Dark Army falling upon our land and slaughtering us for our transgressions.”

  A few Troll women and men pleaded for their friends and family behind Koran. Others sobbed with his words, looking at the chained Trolls to my right. I let out an exasperated sigh, turning to face the bound Trolls. I walked closer and stared into their eyes. One thing was clear as I looked at them. The spell was gone.

  “I will not accept their lives,” I announced, and I once again faced Koran. He tensed under my gaze, and the dread in him became evident as his strong façade faded.

  “Please, Prince Kyr. I beg of you. We don’t know why they attacked. There are women and children here…”

  “I shan’t accept their lives,” I repeated interrupting him. “Because I suspect they were under the influence of the Bloodcroix Witch’s spell, and I cannot fault them for it.” Gasps and murmurs erupted around us as Koran’s eyes widened.

  “The Bloodcroix Witch?”


  The memory of her name grazed my mind. Should that name mean something to me? The way she had said it… I blinked trying to clear it.

  “Yes. There will be no sacrifices today. The Dark Army will not seek vengeance on your land. You have my word.”


  I crossed the frozen lands, trusting my brothers had found their way back to our kingdom by now. If that weren’t the case, I would have to embark with Kah on a mission to retrieve them and bring them home.

  The gates of the castle opened for me and I strode in, Laurel rushed to my side the second she saw me; she had tears in her eyes. “My prince. I’m so glad you are well.” Her arms wrapped around me caringly. I stopped briefly, accepting her gesture. “When your brothers returned without you… we thought the worst. I couldn’t have lived—”

  “I’m all right, Laurel. Please calm. You said my brothers returned?” I inquired, my gaze moving further behind her, and into the castle.

  She nodded. “Four days ago.”

  “Are they healthy?” I asked, walking past her. I needed to see with my own eyes that they were safe. Laurel’s horrified gasp was my response.

  “What happened to your hair?”

  I stopped abruptly and faced her as we reached the great hall. “That is not important now, Laurel. I asked you about my brothers?!”

  Her eyes widened with my outburst, and she straightened. “They are perfectly well, my prince. They are in an audience with the king at the moment.” She lowered her head, not meeting my eyes and I sighed.
r />   “I shouldn’t have snapped at you, Laurel, but I’ve been on edge not knowing about their wellbeing. I’m sorry, I have a lot on my mind.”

  Her gaze once again reached mine, and her eyes softened. “Perhaps you should take a bath. I could assist you further…” She trailed off, letting her silence tell me of her intent. “It’s been a month since you left, I could help calm you.”

  I looked at her troubled, although it helped when we were together; I only accepted her care when I had no other choice. She wasn’t the one my body craved… or my heart.

  “Thank you. I appreciate the offer, but I will not need any intimacy from you for a while.” She nodded disappointedly, but I pretended not to notice. “Tell Nyx and Ash to meet me in Nyx’s quarters in an hour. We have a lot to discuss.” I turned and took to the stairs.

  “Wait? What about your king? He ordered you to go to the throne room as soon as you arrived.”

  Ire coursed through me at the mention of the Dark King. I gazed at her over my shoulder, as I reached the top of the stairs. “The king can wait.”

  She gasped, hurrying after me while I purposely walked away from her and towards my chambers. “All right, I’ll prepare your bath for you, my prince.”

  “No.” I stopped and looked at her, resting my hand on her shoulder. “Thank you, Laurel, but I can do it myself.”


  I stood in front of the mirror as I guided the last stroke of the blade over my strands, cropping my hair short. I smiled amusedly as my reflection stared back at me. I resembled my brothers so much more. The smile disappeared, and I took a stern breath gauging my options. Which steps would I take next, after discovering what I had?

  “You’ve only been told one truth, my prince…”

  My fist landed on the mirror, shattering it as indignation filled me whole. Father had played me all these years, but he was greatly mistaken if he thought I was nothing but his puppet.

  I was Kyr Gaerrath, Commander of the Dark Army.

  Ripping the damp towel from my hips, I threw it on the floor and began to dress. I pulled the gray pants on, buttoned up the crisp navy blue shirt and gray matching vest, and slipped my feet into the leather loafers. With one last look in the broken mirror, I walked out, in search of my brothers.

  The moment I stepped out into the hallway, what felt like an invisible force slammed right into me. I staggered back, resting against the wall behind me from its potency. The guards rushed towards me.

  “My Prince, are you all right?”

  I heard voices, but they were muffled. The sight before me had blurred, and high energy streamed through me. “Leave!” I ordered, as I attempted to pull myself together. I had no idea what was happening, but the last thing I wanted was for them to see me like this. Had the Witch done something else to me?

  The magic of my command rushed over them, and they nodded unable to resist it, leaving their post. I held myself to the wall and closed my eyes, struggling to make the room stop spinning, then as sudden as it began it disappeared. When I took my next breath, another force overpowered me, this time a scent so strong that robbed me of will filtered through my nose. Twilight flowers. Except they smelled a million times stronger, even more so than if I were to place my nose in their bush. The intensity was nothing like I had ever perceived and I was helpless but to go to it.

  My steps were rushed but measured. I moved forwards as fast as I could, everything else forgotten and replaced by an all-consuming need. Everything inside was screaming at me that I needed to get to it, whatever “it” was. I turned the corner of the corridor, and my heart stopped. The aroma suddenly became overwhelming as my eyes connected with Avrielle’s. Her lady, Estharis, stood beside her, but I could see nothing other than the crystal-violet eyes that stared back at me.

  Avrielle seemed frozen in place, just like I was.

  My heart began to pound against my chest, and before she could blink the moment away, I pulled her to me and turned her, pressing her against the white stone wall with my body.

  “Oh, my… dear,” Estharis gasped behind us. She cleared her throat. “I’ll be in your room if you need me.” Then left, giving us privacy, yet I could concentrate on nothing else but Avrielle and her fragrance, it was driving me wild.

  “What is this?” I breathed on her neck, feeling almost pained as my hands roamed her back. She moaned. The energy rushed through me once more, exhilarating and arousing all at once. It sent a surge of pure need to my gut. The scent came from her.

  Crisp, fresh snow and the deepest perfume of twilight flowers…

  It was intoxicating.

  I couldn’t think, I couldn’t rationalize my actions, or do anything other than smell her and want to make her mine. Avrielle was panting against me, clinging to me, and when I leaned back, there was a longing in her eyes she couldn’t deny. Without a single word or care for consequences, my lips crashed against hers, in a fire-fueled kiss. The second our lips touched the world became alive inside me. The taste of her seeped into my bones and my whole being tingled, ached, and pulsed for her all at once.

  The emotions were raw and overpowering. I could taste her, I could feel all of her, everything, and I wanted her as I had never wanted anything before. My body hardened for her instantly, it ached to be inside her. Our lips moved frantically together, and she held me fiercely as I pulled her up, and guided her legs around me. Whirling around, I began to walk back to my room.

  “Zeph is wrong if he thinks I’ll let him have you,” I whispered, against her neck. “I’m going to make you mine, Avrielle.” The door closed behind us, and she moaned my name.

  “Yes!” she half gasped in answer, and I sucked her skin, pulling at her corset.

  The fragile gauze of her artic blue dress ripped under my hands, while I desperately dragged it down her body. Her delicate hands moved just as frenziedly over me, taking off my clothes. I let go of her to finish removing my shirt as she tugged my pants down. A small gasp left her as her eyes settled between my thighs realizing my need for her, and I pulled her to me, ripping her undergarment and unveiling her to my eyes.

  Avrielle’s naked body was breathtaking.

  Her lush breasts were full and soft, and her nipples were rosy with a slight violet hue to them. She had a delicate waist, and her hips curved softly to her thick thighs. She had a sensual, voluptuous figure, and her skin slightly gleamed under my gaze most enticingly.

  “Stunning,” I whispered roughly.

  I carried her, and laid her on my bed, settling on top of her. She whimpered as the most sensitive parts of our bodies made contact, and I pressed closer to her. I could feel her want for me, and I was about to explode from everything she was making me feel without even being inside her. I claimed her lips once more. My hands massaged her breasts, grazed her waist on the way down, and slipped between her thighs. She gasped and it turned into a moan.

  “You feel so good,” I whispered against her skin and silently cursed as I felt her ready for me. My fingers caressed the delicate skin, and she squirmed under me in pleasure. My lips made a trail down her neck and around her full breasts, gently brushing her nipple. Avrielle moaned again, when I closed my lips around the thick tip, sucking it as my fingertips reached the most sensitive part of her.

  I couldn’t believe the taste of her. Her lips, her skin, her nipples, they all seemed different to me, and every one of them broke something inside me. My fingertips moved gently on her, bringing her closer and closer to the edge, while my mouth relished every part it touched, but I wanted more. I needed all of her. I desired to engrave every second with her into my mind and savor every inch of her. My mouth returned to hers, and I bit her lower lip, pulling it gently. My eyes focused on her face, her expression was filled with desire and ecstasy, and I couldn’t look away.

  Her eyes briefly opened, her gaze connecting with mine then rolled back as a strangled moan left her, and she fell into the abyss. Avrielle’s body began to shake with pleasure as the ragged moans left her li
ps. I licked my way down her skin, reaching the center of her. A moan escaped me too when I nuzzled her delicate skin. Her delicious scent nearly ripped me apart. I closed my lips over her, and lusciously licked, sucked and nibbled her every inch, tasting the sweetest nectar I had ever savored. I could taste her. I would never get over the fact.

  Her wave of pleasure hadn’t ended when a new one began. The tremors grew stronger, and Avrielle’s hands gripped my head, as though keeping me in place. She didn’t need to worry… I wasn’t going anywhere. My lips became unyielding over the most sensitive part of her, so soft and so rich it enticed me. I jerked against the bed, not being able to resist the need anymore. I desired her too much. I drank her in, and as the wave subsided, I pulled myself up, resting my body on hers once more and claiming her lips in a sensual, lingering kiss.

  “Kyr, please….” She begged on my mouth and wrapped her legs around my waist. When her gaze focused on mine, an overwhelming emotion filled it. “I love you.”

  Her words took me to another place. One where we belonged to each other, and she would always be mine. “I love you, Avrielle… my queen.”

  She smiled, her eyes glistening with my words. I kissed her again and shifted my body over hers. My gaze locked with Avrielle’s while I slid inside her, instantly stopping. “You’ve never been with anyone?” I asked, feeling resistance.

  She gently shook her head, a tear sliding down her cheek. “I’ve only ever wanted you, Kyr.”

  My chest constricted with her confession, and unexpected emotions rushed through me. I had never felt so much at once. My lips closed over hers, and I held her to me as my hips pushed forwards, breaking through her boundaries and finally making her mine. She tensed beneath me, clinging to me, and without hesitation I sent an illusion of relief to her mind, taking away the pain so she could only feel me, as I could feel her.

  Avrielle’s breasts pressed against my chest and I held her fiercely, my arms wrapped even tighter around her. It felt glorious inside her. I was only halfway through when I reached the end of her, reminding me that she wasn’t really mine, no matter how badly I desired it so. I pushed the thought aside and began to rock my hips into her.


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