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The Shadow's Leap [Mates of the Jaguar 1] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Marla Monroe

  They’re our true mates, cat. I don’t want to live without them.

  Only time would tell. She didn’t even want to think about what would happen if she didn’t conceive. There was no way she’d mate Jag. It would break her, and she was sure the twins would want to challenge their Felix. That would break them. Why did her great-uncle have to play with other people’s lives like he did?

  A rather irritated roar jerked her awake to stare down at the two males. Dinner was completely gone. Though she could still smell the slightest scent of the meat, she couldn’t see it anywhere. Where had they stashed it?

  Again a chuff as Marco advanced to the trunk of the tree, a very real threat that he’d come up and get her if she didn’t hurry down. Taylor couldn’t help but smile inside as the leopardess calmly swiped her tongue over her paws before climbing to the bottom limb and jumping down. She strolled at a leisurely pace over to where Rubio stood with a snarl curling his lips and showing a bit of his sharp smile.

  They turned her in a new direction and padded at a brisk pace just short of a run until they reached a deep stream. Both males splashed in and swam around, ducking their head and shaking the water off when they emerged. When she didn’t follow them, Marco swam over and stepped up on the bank. He tried to nuzzle her into the stream, but she was having none of it.

  Didn’t they know that leopards didn’t like water? Her leopardess was an excellent swimmer but didn’t enjoy getting wet one bit. This they would have to enjoy without her. She backed up a few paces and stretched out in a spotlight of sunshine while the two overly large pups played and splashed around.

  The next thing she knew, the jaguars were nudging her once more. It was growing dark and time to return to their home. Though both leopards and jaguars hunted at dusk and just before dawn, their human halves needed to return to reality.

  They romped on the way back, pushing and shoving each other as they play-fought for dominance. Naturally the males won but not without a little run for the title. When they walked back up on the veranda, the two jaguars changed first to get a human look at their mate in her leopard form.

  “You’re so beautiful, cariño.” Rubio rubbed down her neck and scratched behind her ears.

  “Amazing. Look at those gorgeous colors. Unlike our black, you have flames in your coat. The rosettes are perfectly formed and make you look like a cat to be feared and respected.” Marco touched his forehead to hers before rubbing his mouth all along the side of hers, scent marking them both and mixing their individual essences much like they would soon be once the mating ritual was completed. They would exchange bites, thus mixing their blood once their Felix had everything settled with her Felix. If it took too long, he wasn’t waiting.

  “Come on back, mi amor.” Marco stepped back, pulling Rubio with him.

  Taylor hated this part, but maybe over time, they could teach her their trick for making the shift so much easier. She couldn’t help but wonder as she pictured herself in human form and began breathing in and out to initiate the change if all of the jaguars changed that effortlessly. She’d have to ask them.

  Her bones creaked as her skin absorbed the spotted fur of her leopardess. It hurt and burned, but she refused to cry out from the pain. She wouldn’t go so long without shifting again.

  By the time she’d returned to her human form, she was tired and shaky. The twins wrapped a towel around her, and Rubio picked her up, concern on his face as he carried her into the house.

  “Mi tesoro. Why does it hurt you so? I’ve never seen one fight it so hard as you seem to.” Rubio rubbed his chin on top of her head before he laid her gently on the bed and followed her down.

  “I don’t fight it. It’s just how I change, though normally it isn’t quite that bad. I haven’t shifted in nearly a week. I do better when I can shift at least every other day.” Her voice wobbled a bit but grew steadier the more she talked.

  “To us it looks as if you fight your leopardess for control. Does she resist letting you emerge?” Marco joined them on the bed.

  Where she had the large towel wrapped around her, the twins lounged next to her in all their naked glory. Even as exhausted as she was, Taylor couldn’t help but admire their bodies. Even in a relaxed state, their cocks lay long and heavy over their thighs. If she licked her lips, it wasn’t on purpose.

  Groans told her she’d aroused them even before their dicks began to rise for attention. She’d be more than happy to taste and lick them if they’d only let her.

  “Don’t, Taylor. You are in no condition for lovemaking right now. Rest and we promise to satisfy you later.” Rubio kissed her cheek and opened her towel so that he could wrap one arm around her waist.

  “You won’t let me taste you.” She knew her mouth formed a pout since she’d tried for the look.

  “Careful, kitten. Don’t try to sway us. We won’t waste one drop of our seed until you’re carrying our cubs. Then you can devour us to your heart’s desire,” Marco promised.

  “Just let me lick them. That won’t waste anything.” She knew she was being childish, but really. “One lick each?”

  “Once that velvet mouth of yours and that tempting tongue touches our dicks we’d be lost and helpless to stop you from going any further. No, we are steadfast in this, mi amor. Patience.”

  * * * *

  A warm tongue swiped across her shoulder as she slowly opened her eyes to find Rubio straddling her waist and licking up her neck and across her shoulder. The long leisurely laps of his tongue elicited shivers along her spine and goosebumps along her arms.

  “There you are. I thought you might sleep the night away.”

  “I had a great run earlier and a good meal. That’s about all it takes to put me to sleep.” She stretched beneath him. The heat from his hard cock rubbed against her belly. “Looks like someone is up and ready to play.”

  His eyes flashed with humor as his mouth curved into a smirk. She wiggled her hips against the bed, grinding her pelvis against his thick cock in the process.

  “Careful, little one. You’ll start something we don’t have time to finish. Marco will be very miffed at us if we have a quick romp when we’re supposed to be getting ready.”

  “Ready for what?” Taylor drew her brows together as a sliver of unease replaced the earlier shivers down her spine.

  Rubio sighed. “Jag is ready to tell us his decision. We need to get ready. I knew you’d want to shower first so I woke you a little early. Marco wasn’t happy with me, but he realized that it would be wise.”

  Taylor’s sliver of unease turned into full-blown frogs bouncing around in her gut. This was it. They’d find out what their future would be, and she, Marco, and Rubio would have to make some serious decisions. While she’d been anxious to get it over with, part of her wished for more time.

  “Move off me, Rubio. I’ve got to shower and figure out something to wear. I don’t have anything suitable to wear. This is ridiculous. Had I known I would be here more than a night or two at the most, I would have packed more clothes. It’s all the Felix’s fault.” She scooted out from under him when he merely lifted off of her but remained in place.

  “Which Felix, kitten?”

  “Don’t get smart with me, water cat. How can your jaguar enjoy swimming and playing in the water? That’s just wrong. Cats don’t like water.” She stomped into the bathroom and turned on the shower to let the water warm. “Now my human side, she loves water and swimming.”

  “That doesn’t make sense, cariño. You are your leopardess as well as human. How can one like something and the other not?” he asked from the other room.

  “I don’t think we are as connected to our cats as you guys are here. You seem to think as one. We tend to think independently of each other.”

  She stepped into the spray of the shower and moaned in pleasure as the water washed away her shift and lazy dozing. Remembering why she was in the shower in the first place, Taylor washed as quickly as possible while still being thorough. As much
as she wanted to drag her feet, it wouldn’t change whatever decision the Felix had reached.

  Rubio stood with a towel held out wide for her to step into when she got out of the shower. He dried her off and helped her comb out her wild mass of curls, laughing when she cursed him over an especially stubborn knot.

  “Just wait until you get that long ponytail in a knot. I’ll show you how it feels.”

  He lifted his chin, giving her an arrogant smile complete with lifted brows. “I never get knots or tangles in my hair. We must teach you how to keep your hair under control.”

  Taylor met his eyes that appeared so serious and frowned at him. She quickly turned around and poked him in the ribs.

  “Don’t get all haughty with me, gato.”

  When he pounced, Taylor managed to slip beneath his arm and run away. She grabbed her case and began rummaging through it for the only other outfit she had. Pulling it out, she groaned. It needed pressing and was by no means suitable for an occasion such as this. Their lives literally hung in the balance. Either they would pick up and move to Washington State or they would possibly move to the New England states.

  Or we could stay here. I wouldn’t mind that like I thought I would. Yes, I’d miss my friends, but I will make new ones here and have my mates without the worry of needing to get pregnant right away.

  “Stop it, Taylor. You’re going to wring the poor blouse to death.” Rubio pulled the rumpled mess from her fingers and ticked his tongue as he tossed it to the bed. “We had a friend bring you something to wear. She is close to your size, and we think it will look wonderful on you.”

  Red-hot rage prickled her eyes as a growl escaped her throat. Her leopardess lifted her head, and the hair at the back of her neck lifted.

  “Taylor? What is it?” Rubio actually took a step back.

  “You would ask an ex-lover to bring something for me to wear and expect me to put it on?” She stalked toward him, her claws escaping her fingers at her side.

  “Easy, sweet kitten. We never played with Serisa. She is mated and one of our cousins. I swear to you we would never even think of such a thing. You will like Serisa, I promise.” Rubio backed up another step with his hands lifted in front of him.

  She stopped, and the blinding haze slowly dissipated, leaving her embarrassed and a bit ashamed, as well. She’d never acted like this before. What was wrong with her?

  I’m jealous of my mates. I’d kill any female that even approaches them. I have got to get control of it, or I’ll end up hurting someone by accident.

  “I’m sorry, Rubio. I don’t know why I jumped like that. My leopardess was ready to rend some poor female end from end. This could be a problem.” She was sure it would be a problem.

  “It won’t be this bad once we’ve completed the mating. We still have time for you to conceive. Even if Jag plans to accept your Felix’s proposition, it will take time to make arrangements to move an entire shadow. Housing will need to be secured for us, and we will need to apply for visas.”

  He walked over to the closet and pulled out a lovely dress that looked to have been hand made with a multitude of colors. When she pulled it on, it both caressed her body and floated out around it when she moved.

  “Wow. It almost feels alive. Look how it moves when I move.”

  Rubio smiled, but it was a predatory smile with teeth. “Yes. It looks amazing on you. I’m picturing taking it off when we return home.”

  She sighed and rolled her eyes. “We better hurry. I bet Marco is about to have a cow as long as it’s taken for me to get ready.”

  “Actually you’ve dressed much faster than I thought possible for a female.” Marco walked into the room and reached out to take her hand, twirling her around to get a better look at her. “Magnificent. Serisa knew just what to send.”

  “Careful, brother. I nearly ended up castrated for mentioning another woman’s name.” Rubio’s mouth curved up in a cat-got-the-canary smile.

  Marco’s eyes went wide even as his brows lifted. “I didn’t think of that. I’m so sorry, cariño. We should have explained before we ever asked her to borrow a dress.”

  “It’s not me you should tell you’re sorry. Your brother is the one who bore the brunt of my ire. He managed to escape unscathed though.” Taylor grinned at the male who’d nearly lost his balls.

  “My apologies, Marco. I’ll let you remove the dress tonight while I watch.”

  “Let? What makes either of you think that I’ll let either of you remove the dress?” She nearly burst out laughing at their chastised expressions.

  For big bad jaguars, they were so kitty whipped. She was excited to be the one to snap them in line. The only thing that would make things perfect would be if she were to conceive before they left for the States.

  “Come, my leopardess. We need to leave now. We don’t want to keep the Felix waiting considering what is at stake here. My jaguar is pacing inside of me, and the thought that someone could take you from us has him on edge and ready to pounce. Please, please don’t allow any other male close to you, cariño.” Marco held out one arm for her to take.

  Rubio followed them from the room and opened the door for them as they stepped out into the night to meet their destiny.

  Chapter Ten

  “So good of you to join us.”

  Diaz’s snide comment rankled Taylor’s leopardess. She wanted to lash out but knew better for two reasons. One, he was the Felix’s counsel, and two, her mates would annihilate him and be punished, maybe even exiled.

  “Diaz. That’s enough.” Jag stood up from behind the desk and waited until Taylor sat down.

  “I’ve reached a decision. Since it involves the three of you, I’m telling you before I announce it to the shadow.” Jag resumed his seat. “I have decided to accept the Washington Felix’s offer. I don’t want Taylor as a mate and have made it more than clear to your Felix. He said that he would agree provided she conceives with the two of you prior to our arrival. If, at that time, she has not conceived, then we will face that should it be necessary.”

  “My Felix agreed to this?” Taylor couldn’t believe he’d gone back on a decision he’d made. One of his greatest faults was the inability to change his mind, equating that to losing face.

  “Not exactly,” Jag said with a small smile that though it reached his eyes, it didn’t take over his face.

  “What does that mean?” Rubio asked.

  Taylor could hear the growl in his voice. She reached up to squeeze the hand he’d laid on her shoulder.

  “It means that I agreed to his proposal provided it agrees with my plans. I’m hoping that we won’t have to worry about it when the time comes to travel to the US. But,” he began, “if we do have that to overcome, we will decide on another course of action.”

  “Would you fight my great-uncle if it became necessary?” she asked.

  “If it became necessary I would fight him, but I would spare his life and exile him. It would be the only way to maintain the leadership of your Leap. That way I hope your young males won’t feel honor bound to defend him. I don’t want to lose anyone to this.” Jag lifted his chin in Marco’s direction. “What is it, Marco? I can see the question or uncertainty in your face.”

  “It all seems too easy. I can’t believe it will be that cut and dried. Nothing ever is.”

  “I agree,” Rubio added.

  The Felix sighed. “One wrench that could fuck up the plan is if we have to deal with the Leo of the Pride as soon as we arrive. More than likely he will plan to fight your Felix and win before I’m able to save him. I will remove the Leo myself, but if he gets wind that we are coming, he may well strike.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of. If that happens, there will be few of my Leap left for you to take over.” Taylor’s voice barely came out in a whisper. She’d known this was a possibility even before she knew about her great-uncle’s plan to offer her as a token to seal their agreement.

  “We will keep this as quiet as possible, but
visa applications and plane manifests are public records, and anyone can monitor them.” This came from Diaz. “I will make as few inquiries as is necessary to prepare everything for us to move.”

  Taylor squeezed Rubio’s hand. “I appreciate that, Diaz.”

  Marco squeezed her shoulder. Was it in warning not to address the other cat or in approval that she’d acknowledged his plans for stealth? She would need to learn their moods before someone got hurt.

  “I take it you have been busy these last three days while I’ve been making decisions that would affect all of us.” Jag’s elevated brows spoke of humor, but Taylor wasn’t sure how to take the statement.

  “With what is on the line, it’s in our best interest to make every effort to secure Taylor as our mate.” Marco took a step up so that he was just a little in front of her.

  “Ease back, Marco. I’m not challenging you for her. I was making an observation.” He got up and walked around the desk. “With your permission?” He lifted his hand toward Taylor.

  The two males looked at each other and, after letting out long breaths, nodded. Taylor had no idea what they were agreeing to. She wasn’t sure she liked it.

  Jag took several steps closer to her then bent over and sniffed on either side of her neck. At the warning growls of her mates, he smiled at her and winked then stood up and eased back a few steps.

  “Your scents are mingling already. It’s amazing. Even without the mating ritual being completed you are already developing your mated scent.” Jag grinned and nodded at Diaz to leave.

  After the other male had closed the doors behind him, Jag leaned back against the front of his desk, looking cool and calm despite the enormity of the pressure on him.

  “That’s a good thing. It will support our case when the time comes to travel to the States,” Marco told him.


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