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Where The Pieces Fall : Lost Hearts (Lost Hearts Series Book 1)

Page 19

by Blue Saffire

  Shut all of that out, Caleb…focus man…When is Nicole coming back…should I have another plate after this one?

  I wish Dakota were here…Nicole is going to be hot when she gets older…Where is Nicole…I need her…Nicole should be back by now, right…I just need to hold her…Nicole loves me…I love her so fucking much…

  I make it half way through my second plate when Mrs. Joy breaks into my maze of thoughts. I turn to look at her and she has a smile on her lips. I sigh, I can do this. I want to do this.

  “Excuse me, Ma’am.”

  “I asked you to tell me a bit about you,” she says and her smile grows.

  “I was diagnosed when I was two—,” she holds up a hand and shakes her head.

  “Tell me about you, Caleb, not your autism. I’m sure Nicole has told you what I do for a living. I’ve learned a lot from observing you. None of that has caused my daughter to fall in love with you,” she takes a sip of her juice. “I want to hear about you. What you like and dislike, what you do with your time. Who is Caleb Perry?”

  “I love physics, Ma’am,” I smile. “I love Nicole and baseball. Those are the things that make me most happy. I want to play professional baseball and I’ve just signed a contract to do so here in New York.”

  “Yes, that is very exciting. Nicole has mentioned coming back home to be closer to you,” Mrs. Joy replies with a nod.

  “No, Ma’am, she won’t be doing that. She has school to finish. I’d be more comfortable if she stayed with her friends in Texas to do so. I’ll be on the road a whole lot anyway,” I shrug.

  “This is true. How does Nicole feel about that?”

  I look down and think for a moment. I think Nicole hates the idea of me being here and her being in Texas. I know if I asked her to, she’d follow me here.

  I heave a heavy breath. “I don’t think she like it much,” I say to the floor. I look up. “But her future comes first. Nothing is guaranteed in my career. I could be sent to a different team in a different state at the drop of a dime. I don’t want to unsettle her life that way.”

  “Have you told this to Nicole?”

  “Yes, Ma’am, Mrs. Joy,” I nod. “I’ll miss her, but it’s only right.”

  “I like you, Caleb. I think everything will work out just fine. You can hold onto that stress ball while you’re here. I have them all over the house for our little Liv,” Mrs. Joy says. “I’d hug you, but from the way you looked at my husband’s hand last night, I’d say that’s out.”

  “Yes, Ma’am, but I’m working on that,” I murmur.

  “You’re doing a fine job, young man. A very fine job.”



  “So, your mother is right? Caleb is on the spectrum,” my dad says, as I line up my shot.

  I look up and drop my club to my side. I blow out a breath. Why do I ever think I’ll get anything pass these two?

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  Dad whistles. He looks at me long and hard. “Do you understand what you’re getting into here?”

  “Yes, dad. I get it. It’s not going to be easy and Caleb’s career just may make it that much harder,” I wipe at the tear that slips free. “I’ll be giving things up, like a big wedding, a family, yeah, I get that this is not ideal, but I love him, Dad. I really do.”

  “What makes you think you have to give up a family. Roy comes to see your mom all the time. He and his little family are doing great. Sure, from time to time it can be challenging for him. I’m not sure what all Caleb is dealing with, but I wouldn’t think children were out of your future,” my dad wrinkles in brows in thought.

  I look down at my shoes and kick at the grass. “Caleb doesn’t want children. He’s afraid they’ll fall on the spectrum too. He doesn’t think he can handle a family,” I say just above a whisper. “Daddy, can I be honest?”

  “Yes, Sweet Pea. It’s me,” My dad says, placing a hand on my shoulder.

  “I probably never should’ve started things with Caleb. I knew right away. I saw him. I should’ve walked away then. Cause now, Dad, I can’t,” I break into a sob. “I can’t and I’m so afraid it won’t be enough. I’m afraid that maybe one day, I’ll look back and regret not having a family. But I know with everything I am, I will regret walking away from him.”

  My dad wraps me in his arms. “This is a tough decision, Sweetheart. I can’t tell you the right thing to do, only your heart can. But I do know love, it will make you choose the most difficult path for the ones you care about.

  “You will bear the weight of the world to keep them from being hurt and you will let them go when you can do no more. Love isn’t easy, Baby, but it’s rewarding and it’s beautiful when you take a chance on it,” with that my dad kisses the top of my head.

  “Thanks, Dad,” I sniffle.

  “I’m always here, my Baby Girl,” Dad smiles down at me. “Come on, let’s get back to the house.”

  chapter Twenty

  Big Leagues


  Seven months later…

  I miss my family. I miss my brother and my cousin. I miss the fuck out of my wife. This is so much harder than I thought it would be.

  I’m barely holding on. I’ve been in three fights this week alone. They’re talking about sending me down to a Triple A team. I’m not coping. The only reason I’m still here is because I’m pitching my ass off.

  I’ve become the angry mute. I’m the rookie, the guys love to fuck with me. They don’t get that I’m different. Before I get that they’re just teasing, I’m usually in a rage, beating the fuck out of one of them. I especially don’t take well to the jokes about my wife’s ass.

  “I don’t understand you, Perry,” Coach barks at me. “You’re a damn good player, but you go at your own team like they’re your enemy. These guys Josh each other all the time. What were you thinking out there?”

  “She’s my fucking wife,” I grumble. “I didn’t think his joke was funny.”

  “I’ve been watching you for months. I know you’re a little different, Son. Or could it be you’re on something?” Coach muses out loud.

  “I ain’t on shit,” I huff. “I-I, I fall on the Autism spectrum, Sir. I don’t get their jokes, because I don’t pick up on social queues like other people do. Things get out of hand sometimes, because it’s too late by the time I understand the guys’ intentions.

  “When it comes to my wife, I have a singular focus. I don’t take time to understand whether someone is joking or not. My instinct is to protect my woman,” I grunt.

  “Well, I’ll be,” Coach says, running a head down his face. He stares at me for a few minutes. “Now that makes sense. You’d think those assholes would learn to stop talking about your wife by now,” Coach grumbles that part under his breath. “Well, fuck, Son. If it didn’t come from your mouth I wouldn’t believe it.

  “I have a nephew with autism. Shit, his mother has a hard time getting him to interact with his own siblings. You’ve been here hiding this for six fucking months.

  “You’re married to the pretty little thing,” Coach holds up his hands, when I lift from my seat. “She’s young enough to be my damn daughter. Sit the fuck down, Perry.”

  I huff and take my seat. “I’m on the spectrum, but I’m still a man,” I say gruffly. “That woman has made me a better man. I won’t tolerate them disrespecting her.”

  Coach nods. “I get it, Son. I’ll have a talk with the boys.”

  “I don’t want them to know. I don’t want anyone to know. I want to be known for my skills on the field, not by a word that isn’t even adequate enough to define me. I used to think I wanted people to know,” I shake my head. “I don’t.”

  Coach nods and huffs out a breath. “I know how to have some decorum. Now that I know, I can help you, Caleb. I’ve been watching you struggle. You’re the finest pitcher I’ve witnessed with my own two eyes. You have a gift, Son.

  “You played in college. This never came out. We have to be able to make the rig
ht adjustments to make sure you succeed here. Tell me what I can do to help,” Coach implores.

  “I need my wife,” I say into my lap. I shake my head. I feel the tears sting the backs of my eyes. I look up at my coach. “I thought I could do this without her or my brother. I can’t. I want her to finish school, but this shit is killing me.”

  Coach blows out a breath. “I have an idea. I don’t know what to do about your wife. But I’ll see if there is something else I can do.”

  “Thanks, Coach,” I nod.

  “Just stop beating my teams’ ass, will you,” Coach snorts.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  chapter Twenty-One

  Together Again


  I’m too pleased with myself. Caleb stood firm on not allowing me to transfer to a New York school. He just never said anything about taking courses online or taking a work study course.

  Turns out I didn’t need that many credits to finish my degree. I was able to take two courses online, over the summer, while in New York with Caleb. Caleb was so busy with the season, he didn’t even notice.

  For my final three classes, I was able to register for two online and the last one is a work study. I just have to turn in a paper at the end of the semester. I’ll be finished ahead of time.

  I didn’t tell Caleb, because I wanted to make sure I could pull it off. I just had to go back to finalize some things with my counselor. Now, I’m free to be with my husband.

  Yes, I’m Mrs. Caleb Perry now. We married a week after spending time with my family in New York. It was a small ceremony with a few of our friends and family on Mr. Perry’s yacht.

  Taylor and Joelle were there, but Maribel had taken off by then. I still feel bad that I never reached out to see if I could help. I’ve texted her since, but after the first reply her number was disconnected.

  That hurt. I thought we were friends. If Taylor hadn’t told me to give her time, I would’ve been there for her. I hope I get to see her again someday.

  Taylor and Joelle will be friends for life. I gave them my trip to Paris. They had a blast. I have plenty of pictures. Taylor met someone while there.

  They seem to be pretty serious. I mean, he has followed her back here to the states. I’m happy for her.

  I smile down at a text from Taylor. She and Dakota have been texting me non-stop since my plane landed. They want details on what I have planned.

  Are you there yet?

  I shake my head and laugh, as I push my key into the lock of Caleb’s hotel room. Caleb had a game tonight. When we spoke this morning, he didn’t sound too good.

  I tried to book a flight out to Seattle, as soon as I could. Dakota was the one that called Kyle and asked him for the use of his jet. My father-in-law was more than happy to help. I’m so grateful to him. I miss my baby something fierce.

  I was relieved to find out Caleb had his own room. His coach was in the lobby when I arrived, he nearly tripped over himself to get me a key to Caleb’s room.

  I hear the water cut off in the bathroom as the door shuts behind me. “Hello,” Caleb calls out. “Is someone here?”

  Caleb comes storming out of the bathroom, wrapping a towel around his waist. “I’m tired of this shit! Whatever, they told you, I’m not interested, get the fu—,” Caleb stops in his tracks. His mouth falls open. “Baby?”

  “Hey,” I smirk and wave.

  I know his team has been messing with him. They have sent girls to his room a few times. Caleb called me losing his shit each time.

  Caleb bites his lip, as his eyes take in my trench coat, belted tightly at the waist. I see the lust that fills his eyes when they land on my six-inch heels.

  “Oh, we’re about to have some fun, Big Boy,” I purr.

  Caleb tears his towel away, revealing his saluting solider. It’s only been two weeks, but I miss him like crazy. I lick my lips as he stalks forward.

  He wraps one arm around my waist, lifting me and slamming my back against the room door. My breath whooshes out, but Caleb’s mouth is on mine before I gasp a breath back in. I lock my legs around his waist and cup his ear in my hands.

  “God, I missed you,” he groans into my mouth.

  His hand reach for the belt of my jacket, pulling it apart. I turn from the kiss and gasp for air. “Babe, wait, you’re ruining my surprise.”

  Caleb pulls away and looks at me with knitted brows. “What surprise?”

  I unwrap my legs and slide down is hard body. I finish releasing the belt on my coat, peeling open the front, I smile up at him. Caleb’s mouth drops open, once again and his eyes widen.

  “The fuck, Nicole,” he grunts.

  I pout. “You don’t like it,” I say, looking down at the hot pink, lace bra and panty set, I have on under my coat.

  The bra is a cup size too small and the panties are the tiniest boy shorts ever. The black heels on my feet, only help to enhance the overall look. Caleb growls reaching into my coat to palm my ass. He tugs my body into his.

  “You look fucking hot, Darlin’. But you’ve been walking around like this for how long?” Caleb grumbles into my neck.

  He buries his face there and inhales. I close my eyes and relish the feel of my man, his beard teasing my skin. There’s so much heat coming off his huge frame. I want to just wrap around him and never let go. It’s not right to be as sexy as my husband.

  “Just from the plane here,” I purr, when he starts to suck on my neck.

  He pulls away at my words. His eyes narrow. “What?”

  “I dressed on the plane. Your dad flew me in, on the jet,” I shrug.

  Caleb cups my face and backs me into the door, with his hot body. His full erection, pressing into my stomach. I shrug out of my coat, letting it fall to our feet. Caleb places his forehead to mine.

  “Never, you hear me, Sweetheart, never, do this again,” he rasps.

  “But, I wanted to surprise you. I thought you would like it,” I whisper.

  “I love it, but the thought of someone knowing what was under that coat. Or trying to find out,” Caleb shakes his head, closing his eyes. “That’s driving me insane right now.”

  “Okay,” I nod. “Never again.”

  “Good,” he nods.

  His left hand moves down my neck over my collar bone, to my breast. I arch away from the door into his caress. His large hand covers my breast, cupping it in his palm.

  “Did your team win?” I whisper.

  I didn’t have time to check in on the game. Between my nerves, text messages, and just wanting to get here as fast as I could, I never heard the final score. They were down by one last time I heard.

  Caleb shakes his head. “No, they brought me in too late,” he breathes against my lips.

  “Oh, yay, rough, dirty sex,” I wiggle my body and smirk.

  Caleb doesn’t make love when he loses a game, he fucks. Hard, dirty, and savage. I’m glad I changed my mind about getting a weave this weekend. Caleb likes to pull hair, when he gets lost in fucking like a porn star beast. I hope he gets so lost, we don’t find him until the morning.

  Caleb chuckles and shakes his head. “Is that alright?” he asks in my ear, while simultaneously shoving down the cup of my bra and pinching my nipple.

  I don’t get to answer, he wasn’t asking for me to answer anyway. I know the drill. I’m about to get drilled. Add to the loss, the fact that we haven’t seen each other in two weeks, Caleb is going to annihilate this pussy and I can’t wait.

  I place my hands on his hips and let them glide around to his firm ass. Caleb deepens the kiss, pressing me against the door behind me. His free hand locks in the nape of my hair, tugging my head back.

  Caleb peels his lips from mine and starts to kiss his way down my chin to my throat. His hands leaves my breast and hair, settling on my backside. He kneads my cheeks, as his lips continue to descend my body.

  I’m panting in anticipation. I know he’s just getting started. Caleb licks around my belly button, using his tongue to go lowe
r. Dipping inside my panties with his tongue, he uses his teeth to pull the fabric away from my skin and down my hips. His fingers hook into the fabric to tear them the rest of the way down my thighs.

  Caleb drops to his knees and I moan when he buries his nose into my folds and inhales. Caleb slips his tongue into the front of my slit and wiggles it. I hook my fingers in his hair, rocking my hips forward, trying to get more of his mouth on me.

  Caleb chuckles and pulls away. He just stares at my mound. He stares so long, I reach to cup his face. He lifts his eyes to mine.

  “Turn around,” he rasps. I slowly do as he says. “Hands on the door.”

  Caleb grasps a cheek in each hand. I look over my shoulder to find him dipping his head to take a bite out of my right cheek. I moan at the sharp sting. He sucks the flesh into his mouth, then licks a circle around the same spot, once, twice, three times.

  Caleb slaps the same ass cheek. I feel my juices gush. He spreads my cheeks, before diving in. I reach to grasp the door handle.

  Caleb hums into my sex, like a kid with his favorite flavor of ice cream. I widen my stance, poking my ass out more. I bite my lip and turn to rest the side of my face against the door.

  Caleb finds his stride and I lose my mind. My hands slide up the smooth surface of the door, as I arch my back like a cat. My head falls back and I sing like my life depends on every note.


  Caleb’s name rolls off my lips so loudly, I shock myself. I go to clamp my mouth shut, but Caleb wraps an arm around my stomach locking me to him as he latches on to my clit, rapidly flicking his tongue.

  “Oh, yes, you ain’t shit for this, Cal,” I whimper as I crest.

  Caleb lifts to his feet and bends to whisper in my ear. “You don’t mean that, do you? I can stop anytime you want, I just want to make sure I’m clear on your wishes, Darlin’,” he breathes hotly.

  “Babe, if you stop, we’re fighting,” I pant out.

  Caleb grasps my hips and surges forward, causing us both to moan out. He cups my sex, but doesn’t move as I stretch around him, becoming reacquainted with his length and girth. My toes curl in my shoes.

  Caleb licks the shell of my ear. “I missed you so fucking much. I’m not dealing, Baby,” I whimper as he finally starts to move. “I need you with me.”


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