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Libra - Mr. Romantic

Page 17

by Tiana Laveen

  “I use the money from C.S. to put a roof over his head and put some up for a car to get him soon after he gets his license, and a little more for college, too. That’s what the hell I do wit’ it. What the hell do you want?! Why you over here botherin’ me on a damn Thursday? It’s early in the mornin’, customers ’bout to be in here, and I won’t have time to be talking to you so please wrap this little ambush you pulled up and leave me the hell alone.”

  “Fine. I came to the store instead of your house because I figured it would be neutral territory. The reason I’m here, Yasmine, is because I’m concerned about the attempted robbery that happened several months ago.”

  “What’s that got to do with you? Not a damn thing.” She grabbed the broom and moved about the register, sweeping up a little debris. A surge of fear raced through her as flashes of that night, when she was holding that very same broom, broke into her thoughts and haunted her.

  “Noah says you haven’t been the same since it happened. I am also concerned about some man that’s been around you—the one that I suppose thwarted the attack from going any further…”

  “We’ve been separated for three years, divorced for over two. My private life ain’t even none of yo’ business and I don’t give a fraction of a fuck what you think ’bout who I’m seein’. I don’t bother you and your girlfriends. Don’t bother me and mine.”

  “He’s low class, Yasmine! You deserve better than that but most importantly, the guy has been around my son. Noah said this man is—”

  “Hold up right there.” She jetted her finger in his face, not believing her damn ears. “We both know Noah ain’t said none such thing. You like to lie and then tell me Noah said this, Noah said that.” The man rolled his eyes. “That’s your claim to fame. Secondly, Noah adores Langston and I don’t know what you mean by low class. You must have gotten him confused with your mama, but trust me, he’s far from it. He and Noah talk… have real conversations. Langston knows sign language. They play games together—card games, video games ’nd stuff. Langston is a hard worker and he’s a good man… somethin’ you don’t know much about,” she spat.

  She placed the broom back, opened the cash register, and dumped out some loose change into the drawer. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see her ex-husband standing there, his head down, but a wicked smile on his face as he rocked back on his heels. In that moment, she hated him more than ever…

  “I don’t want him around my son until I have a chance to meet him. And that’s final.”

  “That’s final? This ain’t Jeopardy where I asked you about your last answer. I don’t know who you think you’re messing with, Sebastian, but I ain’t the same young girl you met in the restaurant, fed a lot of bullshit to, then swept me off my feet. You got some nerve, too. Did I have a chance to meet your girlfriend, who’s twenty years younger than you, I might add, before you had ’er all up in Noah’s face? Nope. I didn’t! Don’t come in here throwin’ your weight around tryna show ’nd prove. You ain’t the boss of nobody, ’specially not me, so you better save all of that shit for work.”

  “I’m filing for custody of Noah under the grounds of financial woes and geographic adversity.”

  “What?! He already said he ain’t wanna live with you, Sebastian!” Her heart pounded in her damn chest.

  “That can be overruled once I show the judge where the hell he is living.” The man threw a brief glance at the front door and shook his head as if seeing the death of a loved one right before his eyes. “Your home is not in a good neighborhood. The schools here are not that great, either. I don’t want my son here. He needs the best education and amenities, and I can provide that for him. I can give him a stable home. Now look, you can visit him anytime you wish, okay? I wouldn’t dream of toying around with visitation, keeping my son away from his mother for extended periods of time, but—”

  “You’ve lost your complete mind! You ain’t gettin’ our boy! You ain’t got no right to do this!”

  “I have every right, Yasmine. That’s my son… He has special needs that aren’t being addressed. He only has two more years as a minor and I am going to make damn sure that they are the best two years of his life, to help him before it’s too late. Once again, you’ve been making bad choices… I can’t let you sacrifice our son in the process. Enough is enough.”

  “I got a daddy and you ain’t him, though you tried to be for our entire marriage. You ain’t want no wife, you wanted a daughter. That’s one of many reasons I left yo’ ass.” She pointed at him, hating him so much. “Everything I decide that affects my future I think of our son first! I’ve sacrificed for him—not myself. That’s why I live here now, so he can have somethin’ mama worked for and gave him, and then he can own it and run it, too. I don’t expect no handouts. I can do it on my own and I do it all for Noah, Sebastian Martinez… my pride ’nd joy! He’s the reason I get up in the mornin’, the reason I love as hard as I do. I’ve lost sleep makin’ sure he’s safe and secure! Can you say the same?”

  “That was a very touching speech, baby, but let’s face the truth: I make more money than you and better choices than you too, Yasmine. You know that.”

  “Was it a good choice to call me outta my name in front of our son time ’nd time again? Was it a good choice to fire one of your best friends, a guy who helped you get where you are in your career, all because he was a threat to your longevity at the company? Was it a good choice to let your own mother dog me out and call me a ‘tar baby’ at a family reunion in front of all those people? Was it a good choice to tell our son that his mama is a whore all because a man said, ‘Hi, you look pretty,’ and I replied, ‘Thank you.’ I got more where that come from, sir. Much more. So, if you wanna talk about good and bad choices, keep travellin’ that road, you better fuel up your tank ’cause I got a long list of shit to remind you about—so much stuff that the sun will rise and set all over again before I’m even half way through with you.”

  “Emotions runneth over… If you were as wise as you are beautiful, you’d be rich in knowledge. You think with your heart instead of your mind, and look where it’s gotten you?” He smiled sadly. “You’re an educated woman now, smart, but you still have that bleedin’ heart liberal mentality that isn’t good for you, our son, our country, nobody. Look who you chose to lie down with? You’re reverting. That’s not levelin’ up, sweetie. You went from me to a guy like him… how far you’ve fallen from grace.”

  “You don’t even know Langston, never met him, and why are you talkin’ like a White man now? You never used to sound like that! All uppity! I speak that way in the corporate setting but become myself again around my family and friends… I see you tryna make people believe you’re sophisticated now, including me.” She chuckled. “Anyway, you can’t say anything about his character ’cause you never stepped foot in his presence. He’s more of a man than you could ever dream to be.”

  “I’ve never met the man, but I know enough, darlin’. You could have a professional man now. Someone as pretty as you could have a whole lot… even with Noah, there are some guys who wouldn’t care about you being a divorcee and having a child. They’d be happy just to be with you, but instead you go and do this. He’s just something fun to look at, right? A plaything.”

  “You’re jealous!” She cackled. “You’re actually jealous! This is incredible.”

  “You know, I might be just a little… but not of him.” His grin was wide, black and creepy. “I’m jealous of the fact that you are willing to give this man all of you, but I was your husband, and you gave me so little.” His eyes narrowed on her, and a look of hatred colored his expression. “I will always love you because you’re the mother of my son… my only child. I’m not in love with you, but you have a special place in my heart.”

  She clapped her hands and rolled her eyes. “How’d I get so lucky?”

  “Say what you want, but I want what is best for you, Yasmine, and he’s not it. Look, baby, just because he saved you doesn’t mean y
ou have to fuck him and keep him around. You gave him some pussy no doubt, and now, you can’t shake him loose. You used to be a good girl… pure. I had you when no one had even scratched your surface, cured that itch. I still remember the first time we made love… how tight you were… a virgin.” The man’s breathing grew harsher. He slicked his tongue along his lower lip. “It took a long damn time to loosen that sweet valley up… but it was so worth it.” He leaned in closer, darkness in his eyes. “I taught you everything you know… made you a real fuckin’ bronco. Now, it seems anyone can have a ride, huh?”

  “Is this comin’ from the guy who had slept with more than thirty women before we’d even met?” She laughed mirthlessly and shook her head at the man.

  “It’s not the number of partners, baby; it’s the quality. Well, in fairness though, I can see how this could happen. You were very good in bed, knew how to move, especially for someone with such little experience… so teaching you how to fuck, suck, even take it up the ass on occasion was easy. You were a quick study and your body is fucking amazing. Remember tellin’ me, ‘Quiero que me des duro hoy’? I want you to fuck me hard tonight…yeah. You’d say that. It always got me in the mood for you, and your wish was my command.”

  “I wonder how your girlfriend would feel about this little chat? You reminiscing about our sex life… going on and on about it like this. Hold on, let me get my phone out and tape this shit.” She reached into her jacket pocket and did just that. He glared at her, and she glared back. “Now repeat what you just said about my buckin’ bronco ways and how I fuck, suck, and even take it in the ass on occasion. Go on… repeat it.”

  His attention shifted quickly from her phone to her eyes, back to her phone, then her eyes again.

  “You turned this guy out, didn’t you? He saves you from the scary robber and now he gets to fuck you from sun up to sun down. Lucky break for him… Bring that phone closer so you can record this part too, baby. He’s not shit!” The man’s venomous tone oozed out between clenched teeth. “You’re not shit for being with him and stooping so low and I refuse to sit back and let you turn my son into shit, too. I’m a good father and you know it. This situation is over. He’s leaving Elsa soon, and he won’t be comin’ back.”

  “Get out.”

  “Why? You don’t like hearing the truth, Yasmine? That’s too damn bad. You’re not my ex-wife or ‘baby mama’. You were my life partner… someone who got a baby outta me when no one else had the chance! Do you know how many women tried to trick me into getting them pregnant? The family I come from, the money we possess… Women threw themselves at me and my brothers. I never had a slip up, never got a woman knocked up until you came along. And with you, it was on purpose. I wanted you pregnant, period, so I made sure it happened. It took a few months, but finally, my wish came true.”

  “Why would you do somethin’ like that?”

  “It was the only way your father would finally agree to allow us to get married. He told me you were too young to be married, remember? He tried to keep us apart. A man has to do what a man has to do. Holes in the condoms… oops, I forgot to put it on… slippin’ it off without you noticing until it was too late. You were going to have my baby, point blank period.” She gasped. Never had he admitted such a thing. “I own you… you’re marked. The very first kiss, first cock stroke, first everything was from me.” He pointed to himself. “And I loved you more than any woman I’ve ever seen before or afterwards, but you didn’t understand a woman’s place, Yasmine. Regardless, no one can compete with me. Anybody who comes up behind me is just getting my seconds. Remember that.”

  She dialed a number quickly in her phone and turned her back to the man as she struggled to regain her composure.

  “Hey, Uncle Sonny? I need you to come on out to the store right now. Sebastian is out here harassin’ me. He showed up unannounced and refuses to leave. I need to open up the place but can’t with this goin’ on.”

  “All right, all right.” She heard Sebastian step back, then laugh. “I’m sorry, that last bit was out of line.”

  “I’m on my way! Son of uh bitch!” the old man yelled through the phone before disconnecting it.

  “Hi, Uncle Sonny!” Sebastian belted out. She forced herself to face him again. “Oh, I guess he hung up. The point is, Yasmine, that you’re dating some man who’s as destitute as you are. He has no education, nor a well-paying career, so he can’t help you, either. One block from your house, there was a rape. Two blocks from there, a home invasion due to drugs. The unemployment rate in this town is through the roof! You’re in the middle of nowhere. This place isn’t progressive. It’s not safe.”

  “Crime happens everywhere! I can’t believe you’re usin’ what happened to me against me, to get your way! This is like a nightmare. I didn’t even think you would stoop this low. We’ve got security now and—”

  “You know I never pull the race card. I believe people can be what they wish to be with some hard work and education but our son is biracial, half Black and half Cuban, living in a closed minded, bigoted part of town—as if he doesn’t have enough crosses to bear. And you, as a Black woman…” He waved his hand in her direction and wrinkled his face in disgust. “You should be especially uncomfortable here! Not only are you Black, you’re dark complexioned; there is no doubt what you are so these backwards bastards will treat you accordingly!”

  “That’s funny. Besides the guy that tried to jump on me, notta one person has said shit about that to me. People have treated me just fine here. The man that treated me like shit is standin’ right before me… and he’s got melanin. Ain’t that funny?”

  “I’m sure there are some nice people here, but that’s not sufficient. A few out of a hundred makes not even a ripple in an ocean. Noah will be coming with me.” He began to slowly back away towards the front doors. “If you don’t agree to this, then well…” He shrugged. “I’ll see you in court.”

  “Cheers!” She picked up a nearby bottle of ginger ale and waved it in his direction. She smiled big and wide, but inside, her heart was vibrating in her chest and her soul was on fire.

  “Smile now, cry later, gorgeous.” He winked.

  “What a shame… You’re hurtin’ Noah more than you’re hurtin’ me, Sebastian. He’s going to hate you for this. The damage you’re doing is irreversible.”

  “I’m not trying to hurt either one of you. I love you, despite what you believe, but I’m doing it for the wellbeing of our son. Know this though…” He pointed at her. “I will bleed you dry, Yasmine, paying for attorney fees alone if you keep this up and try to fight me. I hate that it’s come to this, but you’ve left me no choice.”

  “What the hell do you want me to do?! I’m takin’ care of your son!”

  He paused, then approached her again, his expression soft.

  “All you have to do, baby, is bring my child back to me and out of this Godforsaken place. Move back to Dallas with Noah. Leave that ingrate—that Mexican truck driver or whatever the fuck he is—alone, and I’ll drop the whole damn thing. I don’t want Noah here, and I don’t want that loser around my son. Period.” He turned to walk away once again. When he reached the doors, he looked back at her. “I know you hate me right now for this, but one day you’ll realize it was for the best. If you don’t come to your senses, well, I suggest you get a damn good attorney. You’re gonna need it.”

  And then, he walked out the doors…


  One Big Happy Family

  …A couple of days later

  DAD HAD FINALLY had more than a day or two in town. Brittany had had the baby and he was determined to spend a little time with his new granddaughter, Heidi. It was the perfect time for him and Mama to meet Yasmine, too, and feast their eyes on her. Yasmine had been acting a bit quieter lately, but when he questioned her about it, she said she’d just been tired is all. Langston definitely understood the feeling…

  “Here she comes.” He stood at the front window of his paren
ts’ house, grinning as her car wheels slowly turned onto the pebbles along the unpaved driveway. Holding the curtains back, he watched her approach like he was viewing some show at a drive-in movie. Clearly excited, Mama tossed down her apron and sashayed to the front door, opening it wide and standing there like the Statue of Liberty. The sound of children laughing and racing around in the house broke the quietness of the surroundings. The two of them waited, and his excitement soared as the car engine shut off…

  It’s been such a long time since I brought a girl home…

  Noah got out the car first, standing tall with his black hair pulled in a high bun. Slouchy light blue jeans covered his legs and a pair of sneakers that looked practically brand new completed the boy’s ensemble. He waved in their direction.

  “Hi, Noah!” Mama called out.

  “Mama, he’s deaf, remember? He probably ain’t close enough to see what you said yet.”

  “Oh, shit! That’s right!”

  The woman’s face deepened in color. He suppressed a laugh.

  “Heeey, baby!” Langston navigated around his mother and stepped out onto the newly repaired porch to wrap his arms around Yasmine. He squeezed her to him and kissed her cheek. “Whew! You sure smell nice! Look so pretty, too!” Her long denim dress fit her just right. Her hair was parted down the middle, just the way he loved it, and appeared even longer than usual. Her lips were painted a glossy sheer nude that complemented the feminine shape of her mouth.

  “Thank you, honey!” Yasmine kissed him back then climbed the steps to the porch, extending a hand toward Mama. “And you must be Mrs. Lopez. So nice to finally meet you!”


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