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Libra - Mr. Romantic

Page 18

by Tiana Laveen

  Mama shook her hand then laughed, yanked her towards her, and gave her a hearty hug.

  “Honey, we don’t shake hands ’round here. We cuddle. Come on in! And that handsome boy of yours, too!” Noah nodded and smiled shyly as he walked behind his mother and entered the house. After removing his jacket, he made his way to the couch to sit next to José Jr. who was watching television.

  “Hi, Yaz.” José smiled and waved. He looked rather lazy sitting there like a lump of old mashed potatoes. He didn’t even stand up to greet her, but Langston shoved it out of his mind, figuring he was being nitpicky. “I ain’t seen you in a while. You don’t work nights no more, huh?”

  “Not too often now, just to fill in every now and again since we have more help. The gig still goin’ good?”

  “Yeah, sure is.”

  “That’s good to hear. Uncle Sonny is happy with you and he ain’t usually happy with nobody.” The two laughed at that.

  Langston pulled up close to her and put a hand on her shoulder, squeezing her tight. He placed a kiss on her temple, feeling possessive, in love, wanting her close to him. He could feel his big sister’s eyes on him, but Brit hadn’t said much to him since their nasty verbal altercation. She just held the newborn close while Eric was out back with Danny, Jacelyn’s boyfriend, according to Mama. Just then, Jacelyn walked in from the kitchen, holding a cup of what appeared to be lemonade. The glass was filled with the vibrant yellow fruit, bright lime slices, and big chunks of ice.

  “Hi, you must be Yasmine, right?” His little sister smiled and waved with a weak wrist.

  “Yes, it’s nice to meet you. Lemme guess you’re Jace, right? Well, Jacelyn… I’ve heard your brother refer to you as Jace sometimes.”

  “Yeah, that’s me.” Jacelyn tucked her light brown hair behind one ear and drew closer. “First time I seen you was on the news… glad that guy is in prison and you all right. My brother a hero, ain’t he?” She giggled as she leaned against the wall sporting one of her Goth style sweaters and tight black jeans that hugged her skinny legs like a second flesh.

  “He is, that much is true.”

  Brittany mumbled something under her breath that he couldn’t make out.

  “Don’t start no mess, Brittany. Play nice,” Mama warned before disappearing back into the kitchen.

  “Lang talks about you all the time, Yasmine. Glad we could finally see each other in person. If I say so myself, you two look good together, too. So nice to meet you.”

  “Thank you, that’s sweet of you, Jacelyn. Nice to meet you, too.”

  “Where’s Dad at, Jace?” Langston was rightfully confused. The man had been on the couch when he noticed Yasmine and Noah pull up. Now he was nowhere to be seen.

  “I don’t know where he went.” His sister shrugged before taking a sip from her glass.

  “He got up all of a sudden soon as Yasmine walked in,” José Jr. explained, not taking his eye off the television. “I guess he’ll be back in a second.”

  “A Yasmine, go on and sit down. I’m sure dinner will be ready in a bit.”

  Yasmine went around the coffee table and stepped over Brittany’s ankles. The woman hadn’t had the decency to pull her long rabbit feet in and move out the way. Yaz sat beside Noah and José Jr., scooting in on the now crowded couch.

  “It’ll be ready soon!” Mama called out. “Yasmine, I made burgers, home fries, fried pickles and mushrooms, and sweet tea, too.”

  “Sounds delicious! You need any help, Mrs. Lopez? I can set the table, if nothing else.”

  “No, honey! This was easy and I’ve got it. Langston say you be on your feet all day. I want you to come on in here and relax, all right, sweetheart?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Thank you.”

  Yasmine smiled and looked in his direction. Langston winked at her as he sat down in a chair across from everyone. Just then, Dad walked back into the room, a stern expression on his face. But of course, he looked that way most times anyway. He glanced at Yasmine, then Noah, then turned and looked at him, too. Yasmine stood to her feet and Noah did the same.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Lopez.” She extended her hand and Dad shook it.

  “Nice to meet you too, Yasmine.” Dad’s face split in a wide smile. “And you must be Noah, huh? Strapping boy.” Dad laughed lightly.

  “Yes, I’m Noah,” the kid said, and signed, too.

  “I know how to say, ‘hello,’ in sign language and ‘I love you.’ That’s it. Pretty pathetic, huh?” Dad tossed up his hands.

  “That’s okay. I read lips pretty well,” the boy stated.

  “One of Langston’s childhood friends was deaf. She taught him sign language.”

  “Yes, he told me.” Noah smiled.

  “Maybe you can teach me, too. I always wanted to know.”

  Langston was taken aback by this—not because Dad wasn’t friendly, but because he seemed quite intrigued by Noah all of a sudden. “You and my boy went fishin’, I heard? Did you catch anything?”

  Noah shook his head. “No, sir.”

  “Langston isn’t much of a fisherman.” He rested his hand on the boy’s shoulder and smiled after casting out his insult. “But I am.”

  “I ain’t too shabby!” Langston protested, but Dad ignored him which only caused an eruption of laughter.

  “Maybe one day we can go together. Would that be okay, Yasmine? If I took your boy out fishin’ one day?”

  “Yes, that would be nice! If Noah is fine with it, so am I. I’m sure Noah would like it. He enjoyed bein’ out there on the water with Langston. He’d never been fishin’ before.”

  Dad nodded. “Lang, maybe the three of us can go. I could show you a thing or two.”

  “Dinner in five minutes! Jace, help me in here, girl!” Mom called out from the kitchen.

  Langston had almost forgotten his sister was standing there, she’d been so quiet.

  “Comin’, Mama!”

  “Langston, help me with something back here please?” Dad asked.

  “All right.” Langston got to his feet and made his way to his parents’ bedroom. “Is somethin’ wrong?” he asked as Dad closed the door behind them. He knew damn well that was Dad’s code phrase for, ‘We need to chat.’

  “No, but my heart stopped in my chest a few minutes ago. I can’t believe it.”

  “Believe what?”

  “You’re not arguin’ yet with José or Brittany. I can’t believe it, I about shit my pants.” Dad burst out laughing, causing Langston to do the same. “No, seriously though, I wanted to tell you privately that I’m glad you’re happy, okay? I know some folks may not be too nice to you and Yasmine and that your mother was concerned, but you have to live your life. I explained that to her and reminded her that neither she or I have been able to tear you away from anything you’ve been determined to do anyway. Besides, we’ve already raised you. It’s your turn now.”

  “Wow, what brought this on? I mean, thank you, really, but it’s nice to hear it.”

  “I don’t know.” Dad shrugged. “It just, uh, it made me happy is all. And Noah seems like a nice kid.”

  “He is.”

  “Listen, you’ve only been here for ten minutes, but I wasn’t kiddin’ about the squabbles. I don’t want you and Brittany arguin’ tonight, all right?” Langston crossed his arms over his chest and sighed. “I’m serious. Your mother needs some peace.”

  “Something wrong wit’ Mama? What’s wrong wit’ Mama?” His heart beat a bit faster.

  “Calm down… nothin’ serious… just a bit under the weather is all. She can’t shake this cough… needs to slow down but we know that won’t happen.”

  “That cough is wicked. I heard it, Dad. She needs to stop smokin’.”

  “I just stopped two years ago and it was hard as hell, so I know the struggle. Anyway, so can you promise me you won’t tear into José or Brittany tonight? I know they push your buttons, but let’s just have a nice family dinner, talk to your girlfriend and get to know her and
just be real chill, all right?”

  “Real chill? When do you say, ‘Real chill?’” Langston cracked up. “You musta got some weed while in California last time you were there. Real chill! Ha! Say it again. This is better than Comedy Central!”

  Dad grimaced but said nothing as he opened the bedroom door. They walked out to see everyone sitting at the table while Mama, Brittany, and José brought plates and bowls stacked full of food to the table and set them down.

  “Come on now, slow pokes. I made this food to eat!” Mama laughed garishly as she smashed her cigarette in a nearby ashtray. Dad pulled her chair out, then took his own seat at the other end of the table. Langston sat across from Yasmine and Noah, next to José. A big piping hot apple pie was laid out in the center of the table.

  People helped themselves to large glass pitchers filled with lemonade and sweet tea. Langston couldn’t believe it; Mama had spent some money on this. She had ground sirloin for the burgers and the good, buttery buns with the sesame seeds—not the ninety-nine cent ones at the half-off bread place. The fries were homemade, cut and seasoned to perfection, and she had name brand ketchup and cheese sauce.

  “This is delicious!” Noah signed, then tapped the table as he smacked on his food.

  “What he say, baby?” Mama asked Yasmine, a big smile on her face.

  “He said it’s delicious. It is. Very tasty.” Yasmine clutched her burger in both hands.

  “Wow! I love your nails,” Jacelyn said, pointing across the table at Yasmine. “Are those natural or like, tips or somethin’?’

  “Thank you. They’re mine, but I do get them professionally done,” Yasmine replied around a mouthful of food. Brittany rocked her baby girl slowly against her chest with one arm, while she dipped her spoon in a bowl of soup with the other. She’d been complaining of an upset stomach and didn’t want to eat anything heavy, according to Mama. Langston listened to everyone’s conversations, watched their body language and mannerisms.

  “Eat up! I got pie here, too!” Mama chortled.

  Brittany stared at Yasmine for lengthy spells of time, out of the corner of her eye. Eric, Danny, and Dad yucked it up, laughing about this and that while Jacelyn played with her phone with one hand and noshed on some fries with the other. It was in that moment that he thought about Anthony. Boy, did he miss his baby brother…

  Anthony was such a wild man who often broke tension by his mere presence. He imagined Anthony would like Yasmine. Grandma and Grandpa, had they still been living, would have liked her, too.

  “When’s your next competition, Lang?” Eric asked after taking a big gulp of sweet tea.

  “Not for about seven months. I’m workin’ fulltime at UPS now.”

  “Yeah, I heard. That’s good. Shit, man, I need a job but I’m gonna have to probably go over to Mission and find work. That’s at least a forty minute drive though, and we only got the one van ’tween the two of us. Soon as Brittany recovers, she goin’ back to the temp agency but that’s clerical work. I can’t do no accountin’ or office shit.” The man chuckled mirthlessly before downing the rest of his drink. “I know how to run a forklift. I can drive a truck, too. Are they hirin’ at UPS?”

  Brittany rolled her eyes but didn’t say anything.

  “Not for drivers, but they might be for somethin’ else.”

  Eric nodded and grabbed his burger. He took the bun off, dumped a bunch of Ketchup on it, then took a huge bite. The night went on, with plenty of laughs and conversation. It felt like any other ordinary family meal, but there were three new members—Heidi, the new baby, Noah, and Yasmine. Dad stood and sliced up the pie, then served everyone.

  “Mama can bake her ass off, can’t she?” José Jr. laughed as he dug a spoon in a big heap of vanilla ice cream. “Yasmine, this is all from scratch!”

  “I can tell. I can’t bake my way outta a paper bag.” That rendered a few chuckles.

  After a while he could see that Noah was getting tired; he’d pulled out his phone and started messing with it. Perhaps Yasmine was tired too, though she played it off well.

  “Hey, everybody, I think Yaz and Noah gotta get ready to cut out.” That statement was followed by several groans.

  “Well.” Mama rose from her seat at the same time Yaz and Noah did. “It sure was nice havin’ you two over. I hope we can see each other again real soon.”

  “I’m sure we will.” Yasmine rounded the table and Mama took her in her arms, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you so much for dinner and dessert. It was really good and I so appreciate it.”

  “Oh, it wasn’t nothin’. Just some burgers ’nd such. Langston cooks way better than I do, but burgers are kinda my specialty.” Mama curtsied, causing everyone to laugh.

  Yasmine said goodbye to everyone and Langston stepped outside with them, walking them to her car… hating that the woman was leaving him, even if only for a short while. The night air felt good against his skin, smelling sweet and earthy.

  “Noah, thanks for coming.” Langston signed as the boy prepared to get into the passenger’s seat.

  “Thanks for dinner and for inviting me,” Noah signed back, a big smile on his face. Noah closed the door and pulled out his phone. The glow from the device illuminated his face. Langston kissed Yaz.

  “Your family is real nice, baby. This was a treat… ’specially since I miss my family so much. I was able to enjoy yours and it took the edge off a bit.”

  “My family is your family, baby.” He kissed her once again. “I gotta work late tomorrow, but I’d like you to swing by the next day, maybe stay over for a change. Is that all right?”

  “Yeah, that’s fine. Noah is stayin’ over his friend’s house anyway.”

  “Well, good, it works out perfectly.” He kissed her forehead and helped her in the car, holding on to the frame as she got situated and started up the engine. “See you later… call me when you get in, all right?”

  “I will! I love you, Lang.” She smiled at him, but her expression was tainted with what appeared to him to be a smear of melancholy. He wanted to say something, ask her again if anything was troubling her, but then he looked at Noah. The guy was looking right at him…

  Ain’t the right time…

  “I love you too, baby. Drive safe.” He saluted her, then closed the door and watched her pull off. The street was quiet; the good time had come to an end. When he turned to walk back inside the house, Brittany was standing there holding Heidi in her arms.

  “Gimme my niece… Lemme hold her.” The lady grimaced and sucked her teeth.

  “Aren’t you afraid she’ll wanna stay in your apartment and ruin your life?”

  “Brittany, stop messin’ around. Your beef is with me. Don’t make Heidi suffer… I haven’t had a chance to hold ’er yet.” The porch no longer sighed under his weight as he walked back up the steps and stared at his sister. She looked him in the eye, then handed over the baby.

  “Watch ’er head…”

  “I know what to do and how to hold a newborn, damn it. I’ve held a million babies.” He smiled down at the sleeping babe as he cradled her close. “She’s amazing… just beautiful.” He kissed her little nose. “Just as pretty as a picture. She looks a lot like you.”

  Brittany crossed her arms and leaned against the door frame. After a few minutes of silence, she spoke in almost a whisper. “So you hate me, huh? I never knew you felt like that about me, Lang… It hurt.” She dropped her head and began to mess around with her cuticles.

  “I don’t hate you, Brit. I love ya… love you strong. You just uh… you just sometimes look a gift horse in the mouth is all and it drives me crazy. Families fight sometimes… ’specially families like ours.” He resituated the baby, loving the feel of her warmth against him.

  I wouldn’t mind a baby sometime in the future. I want my very own after I get on my feet.

  “Well, I took your advice and asked Eric to go to counselin’. He don’t think it’ll help none, but he agreed, said he wanted our marriage
to improve. We’ll see how it goes.” She shrugged.

  “Good, ’cause he loves ya, and you love him, too. That’s hard to come by nowadays.” He sighed. “I want to apologize, Brit, for yellin’ at you though. I could have said all I had to say without some of the added stuff. I was just at my boilin’ point by then, frustrated, and I was already irritated about some shit that had happened at work. Shouldn’t have taken it out on you, but the conversation needed to happen any ol’ way.” She nodded. “So, do you really think I’m an attention whore?” He smirked.

  “You damn well know you are.” They both laughed lightly. “I like ’er by the way… Yasmine. Didn’t think I would, but she seems nice enough. I wanna go to her nail salon, too.”

  “Maybe y’all can make a girls’ afternoon of it or somethin’… Jacelyn, too.” He handed the baby back to his sister and shoved his hands in his pockets.

  “Brit, let me ask you somethin’.” He scratched his head.

  “Yeah.” she placed the baby over her shoulder and swayed slowly back and forth. “What is it?”

  “If you bein’ loved on by a man, and he adores you and you know it, what would make you suddenly act strange towards him? Like you just not yourself? Askin’ for a friend of mine.” He cleared his throat after the lie rolled out.

  “Well, if he ain’t do nothin’ to me, then it’s gotta be one of two things.”

  “Yeah? What?”

  “I got money problems or someone or something from my past done popped up like a piece of bread in a toaster that we ain’t want him to know about. When we act funny and it ain’t our man’s fault, and it happen all outta the blue, nine times outta ten it’s one of those two things…money or a man. Best get to the bottom of it in any case. Oh shit, she’s wet.”

  Brittany hurried back inside the house, the screen door slamming behind her…


  A Pipe Dream…

  LANGSTON’S HOUSE SMELLED like fresh tropical fruit, Creed Aventus cologne, and roasted chicken. She sat at his small dining room table with a bowl of fake lemons as a centerpiece. He’d arranged the two place settings just so with two glasses of white wine and white heavy-duty plates he said he’d gotten after his grandmother’s passing several years ago. The sun was just going down and the guitar riffs of a jazz piece played softly out of quality speakers placed on either side of his living room. The man enjoyed his music. Two sticks of mulberry incense burned in a bronze holder. It smoldered alongside a rather large fish tank filled with about eight fish that swam to and fro, one of them bright orange.


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