Book Read Free

Country Boy

Page 8

by Karrington, Blake

  Tee couldn’t figure out what was tugging at her insides so much. “What is it?” She said to herself. The clock read 11:58 a.m. Terri hadn’t showed up yet. Three of her clients were already there. Tee contemplated on calling Q. “Maybe I’m over reacting,” she thought. Lost in her own thoughts Tee was startled by someone banging on the door.

  “Tee. ... Tee.” It was El. Rushing to the door Tee snatched it open.

  “What’s wrong El? Wh...”

  “The police are our front,” she said interrupting her. “They asked for you.”

  Running from her office she found two officers standing inside her lobby area. “Are you Tashonda Davis?” They asked her. Tee just stood there numb. “Excuse me Miss, but are you Tashonda Davis?”

  “Uh, uh yes, I am,” she said barely above a whisper.

  “Can we speak to you in private?” The officer said looking around the lobby.

  “Yes. Yes, please step into my office.”

  After closing the door they wasted no time. “Mrs. Davis, there’s been an accident. Do you know a Terri Eberhart?”

  “Yes sir, I do officer. What’s going on?”

  “Miss Davis, we were instructed to bring Tyler Eberhart to you from his mother.” “Officer please tell me what the hell’s going on!” She said, getting hysterical. “There’s been a shooting Miss Davis. Do you know Timothy Gregory?” When Tee heard Tim’s real name she knew it was bad. “Yes, I know him,” she said between sobs.

  “Calm down. You have to be strong for this child.” Elbony had brought Lil’ Ty into the office, he held both hands out reaching for Tee.

  “I have to be strong,” she thought. “I have to be”.

  The officers gave Tee all the details about Tim’s shooting. Their last report was he had been transported to Wadesboro Hospital. He was shot several times, and had lost a lot of blood. His chances of survival were slim.

  After the officers left, Tee texted Q putting in her code. Then she did the same with June and the rest of The Crew. Everyone called right back and were on the way over except Q. He hadn’t returned her call which caused her even more worry. Big Kev was the last to arrive. But still no word from Q.

  Elbony dealt with the clients as best she could. Tee set later dates for Terri’s clients. They were very loyal to her and understood, because she had a good work ethic.

  Everyone was seated in the back office. June spoke first. “Tee, what’s going on ma? And where are Q and Tim?”

  Tee began to sob lightly, and then spoke, “I don’t know where Q’s at but Tim’s been in an accident. He’s been shot.”

  “SHOT!” everyone yelled at the same time. “What, where, who?”

  “I don’t’ know,” she responded, but it happened in Wadesboro.”

  Poo spoke, “What tha fuck was Tim doing in the ‘Boro’ without anybody knowing?”

  Tee responded, “He didn’t want any of The Crew involved. Terri called the salon and said she would be a little late. Afterward she told me Tim was taking her to pick up her son.”

  Big Kev opened his cell and began dialing Van and Q’s home number.

  “Hello.” Van answered on the first ring.

  “What up Sis? It’s Kev.”

  “Kev, what’s going on?”

  “It’s bad Lil’ Sis. It’s really, really bad. Where’s Q, I need to speak with him.”

  “He’s out at the kennel working Skull on the treadmill. Now tell me what’s going on Kev?”

  “Tim’s been shot ma. That’s all I know right now. He barely had a pulse when he left the scene. He lost so much blood they gave him almost no chance to survive.”

  “Don’t leave us Tim,” she said sobbing on the other end of the phone, as if talking to him.

  “Ma, you have to get Q Everyone else is at the salon.”

  She responded, “I’m on the way now Kev. Q’s cell phones are here so I have to go to the kennel.” Grabbing her keys she jumped in Q’s Mustang. Big Kev called her on the cell telling her everything else he knew on the situation.

  “Damn Van, slow that shit down.” He could hear her going through the gear box of Q’s ‘Stang.

  Q was working Skull for his championship match. He had worked him up to three hours on the mill.

  “Come on boy, only twenty more minutes,” he said.

  Skull loved to work. At 52 pounds match weight; he was a dead serious, straight forward type of Bull Dog that will never stop coming. After putting Skull back on his chain Q began cleaning some of the puppy kennels. He had really started to enjoy his life. Looking around he gave thanks and counted his blessings. The sounds of a roaring engine broke his thoughts. It was a familiar roar. It sounded so familiar to Q that he didn’t realize it was his own car until Van barely made the curve.

  “What the fu... “he said to himself. Van slid to a stop then jumped out screaming his name. Dropping the water hose Q ran to her aid. She fell in his arms. Unable to understand her he tried calming her down.

  “Wait a minute Boo,” he said grabbing her hands. Still unable to calm her he tightened his grip. Van screamed.

  “What’s wrong?” Said Q.

  “It’s ... its, its Tim Q. It’s Tim!”

  “What about Tim Boo?”

  “He’s been shot Q He’s been shot!”

  Taking her by one hand he ran to the car. Van tried to explain what happened as best she could on the way to the salon. Q didn’t say one word all the way there. All you could smell throughout the car was the clutch burning. When Q and Van entered the salon everybody was in the back office.

  “What happened? What the fuck happened?” He said as he entered the office.

  Tee explained what the police had told her about the shooting. The Crew had never seen Q this upset before. He was pacing back and forth with tears in his eyes.

  He spoke, “Kev, June, everybody, let’s roll. Tee you take Lil’ Ty home and wait for our call.” He looked at Van. It was her first time in Tee’s salon. He could see she felt out of place.

  “It’s okay ma, I got you,” he said guiding her out the salon. The Crew raced up Hwy 74 towards Wadesboro Hospital. Q reached over and rubbed Vans hand. His thoughts turned to his homie Tim. ‘Why didn’t he let someone know he was making a move like that?”

  He knew Tim could be stubborn sometimes but something or somebody had to distract him for someone to get the ups on him like that. Q knew he was too street wise to be caught slipping. He had already lost some good people to this game. Now there was a strong possibility he had lost another. He vowed right then that if he lost anymore family in these streets it would not be by anyone involved in Tim’s death. They would long be dead!!!

  Chapter 14


  When they arrived at Wadesboro Hospital they braced themselves for the worst. After being held in the waiting room for an hour or more someone finally informed them that Tim had been air-lifted to Presbyterian Hospital. They rode for another hour and a half, not knowing whether their comrade was living or dead? They arrived to some good and bad news. Tim was still alive, but barely. He had to be operated on immediately and given a blood transfusion. The doctors gave him a 60/40 chance of survival.

  Van found Terri in one of the waiting rooms close to the operating room. She still had on the blood soaked clothes from the scene. Her head was in her lap as she cried and prayed not to lose Tim. Tears were now flowing from Van’s eyes as she knelt in front of Terri. They embraced trying to comfort each other. Q and June had spoken with the doctor who was treating Tim.

  He spoke, “I’m sorry about what happened to your friend. The only good news I can offer to you is the fact that he’s still alive. But I have to be frank with both of you. The worst is yet to come. You see, Timothy’s in the early stages of a long, long battle for his life. The operation went well, but the loss of so much blood concerns me more than anything. He was shot eight times from behind...”

  Q interrupted the doctor. “Excuse me Doc, but did you say he was shot from behind?�

  “Yes son, he was shot six times from a distance of more than twenty feet. Two other shots were close range, still from behind. Those two were so close to the spinal cord we decided not to attempt to remove them. If you have a number I can reach you by in case ...”

  “We’ll be in the waiting room Doc,” Q said turning to leave.

  “That will be fine,” the doctor said. “Someone will keep you informed on an hourly basis. Can I ask one more question before you leave sir?”

  Q responded, “Anything Doc?”

  “Well, Timothy was shot eight times from behind. That we all know. The puzzling part during the operation was I removed two different cartridges from his body. He had three nine millimeter bullets and two forty caliber bullets. One’s caliber was undetermined because of its damage. Then they’re two still in his back. He’s a lucky young man to be in I.C.U. instead of the morgue.”

  After speaking with the doctor June and Q returned to the waiting room to give the rest of the crew the news. They all had taken it hard. Van walked up with a blood-soaked Terri. Both of their faces bore the pain they felt for their friend. Big Kev grabbed them both trying to comforting them.

  June spoke, “Yo Q, this shit’s bad homie, real bad.”

  “Yeah, you’re right June.” He could barely control his rage. “Let’s just concentrate on Tim right now homie. We owe him that.”

  “You right homie. But I hope you’re thinking what I’m thinking.”

  “Fam, you one of the realest nigga’s I’ve ever met, but to be truthful, you’re mind can’t even register the pain and the wrath that’s about to be dealt.”

  Tim made it the first two days on what the doctors called sheer heart. “He’s a pretty determined young man,” the doctor said.

  Van had taken Terri to a mall and hotel close by, so that she could get herself together. No other time had she left Tim’s side.

  Q kept Tee up on Tim’s condition by phone. She hated the fact that she was the only one not there. Q assured her she could come in the next couple days. Sitting in the cafeteria Q got some much needed time alone with Van. “Ma, how’s Terri holding up?”

  “She’s holding on as best she can Q, but if she loses Tim I don’t think she’ll make it.”

  “Yeah, I feel you. I don’t think any of us will.”

  “Q, I took a few days off work but I have to go in on Wednesday. My boss says my patients aren’t eating well. They’re asking for me daily.”

  “Aiight ma, you drive yourself back tonight. Get some rest, but make sure you call me as soon as you’re safely at home. Big Kev, Poo, Corey, and Dave will follow you back. Can you talk Terri into going home and getting some rest?”

  “Baby I’ve tried everything possible. She refuses to leave his side.”

  “Okay. You better be getting back,” he said hugging her tightly. “Oh yeah, one more thing shawty. Look in our closet and blow the dust off his brother,” he said patting under his left arm.

  She nodded slowly in agreement with what was to come. “I love you baby. Be safe and come home to me. Remember, they showed Tim no mercy, even though you let them live twice. Don’t let it be a third time.”

  “It won’t be shawty, it won’t be. Call me.”


  Q stepped in Tim’s room after Van had left. Terri was sitting in the same spot she had been in for the past two days. He hadn’t spoken to her since the accident. Walking up behind her he placed a hand on her shoulder. She spoke, “I’m sorry Q it was all my fault. If we hadn’t ...”

  “Wait a minute Terri,” Q said, “it’s not your fault. Tim has a good heart. He would help anybody out in the same situation. He’ll be aiight shawty, trust me. If God didn’t have a plan for him he would have taken him that day. Now com’ on, let’s get something to eat before Tim wakes up and thinks you’re a skeleton or some shit.” Before she could protest Q had her by the hand leading her out the door.

  While waiting for their food to arrive he asked her did she feel like talking about what happened.

  She said it was okay, the sooner the better. After telling Q everything she knew, he asked her over and over about Tex’s mother and her involvement. She assured Q that Mrs. Johnson had nothing to do with the shooting. “I really think her life’s in danger. Q He put a pistol to his own mother’s head.”

  He was a cold nigga. Q had to admit that. “Aiight ma, let’s eat and get back to our man.”

  On the third and fourth day Tim’s condition took a turn for the worse. The doctors thought they were going to lose him but he fought for his life.

  On the first day of the second week he almost gave Terri a heart attack when he squeezed her hand tightly. “Tim, you have to wake up so we can go home Boo. The Crew has been asking for you every day. I haven’t been to work in almost two weeks baby.” Terri had been talking to Tim every day since the accident. She held his hand almost twenty four hours a day. But on this particular day she had been combing out his braids while talking to him about the things they needed to get done once they got home. “Tim we have to get you some clothes up here to wear outta this place.” Terri dropped her comb and bent over to pick it up. “OUCH!” she said, not realizing what had happened. “What are you trying to do, break my fingers or something Boo.” Then it hit her. “Oh my God,” she said stumbling backwards into the empty food trays. She ran and got the nurses, they asked her to speak to him again. “Tim if you can hear me baby squeeze my hand.” No response. After she repeated this several more times the doctor and nurses were about to give up and say it was just his nerves. Terri said one more thing. “Tim I love you with all my mind, body, and soul. You don’t have to respond Boo; I know you can hear me.” Tim squeezed her hand so tight she had to almost pry it loose. Terri was in tears.

  The doctors said he was already a miracle. Tim was on his long road to recovery. The Crew was excited over the news. Q could only sit and cry when he heard the news. He had not been the same person since all this happened.

  Tee had driven up on Thursday morning. She entered Tim’s room for the first time. Terri had laid beside him on his bed with tears slowly rolling down her cheeks. Walking over she pulled the hair back from Terri’s face then spoke to her. “Terri wake up. It’s your boss and you’re fired.”

  Climbing off the bed they hugged each other. “What, have you forgotten about all of us back home?” said Tee.

  “No gurl, you know better.”

  Turning serious Tee asked, “How is he?”

  “Why don’t you ask for yourself?” Said Terri, reaching for Tim’s hand.

  “No Terri, I ca…”

  “Just say hi to him Tee. You don’t think he misses you too?”

  “T... T... Tim, it’s me, Tee. Can you hear me?” He squeezed her hand giving her an answer. She looked back at Terri in amazement. “He can hear me Terri!”

  “Yes, he sure can gurl! He’s also told me he’ll be waking up soon.”

  Tee looked back at Tim. “Well get you some sleep Lil’ Brother,” she said kissing his forehead. “I love you.” When Tim heard the words I love you he squeezed down tightly on Tee’s hand. “OUCH!” she said.

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you about the ‘I love you’ subject. He’s very sensitive to those words,” she said smiling.

  “I see that now,” Tee said rubbing her hand.

  Tee and Terri talked about Lil’ Ty and the salon for most of the day. “You know Terri, your clients are some of the most loyal people I’ve ever seen. They won’t let me or El do no more than wash their hair. Mrs. Alsbrooks perm has been gone for two weeks but she won’t let anyone touch her hair. She looks like a chicken,” Tee said making them both laugh.

  Trapped in his own world, lying peacefully on what felt like a cloud, Tim heard everybody’s voice that came into his darkness. Whenever someone would tell him to wake up he would raise himself up and walk toward a light that seemed to be right in front of him. Only the light seemed to have legs of its own. A familiar voice entered h
is darkness as he lay on his cloud. It spoke, “Tim, I got out of The Game because of this very reason. I lost Umar over nothing. I almost lost you the same way. But you’re blessed with another chance. There are many people here who love you homie. Everybody’s fingers are crossed except mine. Cause I know in my heart that you’re coming home. You and a few others are the only ones who knew my colt had a brother, but it’s time that a lot more get to meet him. Whenever you decide to wake up have Terri page me homie. Oh yeah, you better marry her homie. She wifey material.”

  “Wait... Wait... Don’t leave homie. Take me with you.”

  “In due time my son,” another voice said. “In due time.”

  Chapter 15

  “Dreaming Of the Get Back”

  June and Q rode through Wadesboro coming from Charlotte. After stopping by the mall to see his friend Kris they headed back to Rockingham. Coming through The Boro’ they came up on Salisbury Street and went straight into creep mode.

  “Man I aughta light this whole mothafuckin’ block up,” said June.

  Q told him to pull over into a parking lot. Q usually didn’t let his cockiness guide his intentions but he had been feeling like the old Q lately. They pulled into the mini-mart’s parking lot. There was a group of women standing at the pay phone. “Yo’ watch my back homie,” said Q. “I’m a holla at these ho’s. If you see anything funny wake Mac up nigga.”

  “Aiight homie, but you better be duckin’ 'cause I’m killin’ bitches and all.”

  Q spoke, “What’s up Dina, Neese, and you...”

  “My name is whatever you want it to be,” she said giving him her hand.

  “Aiight shawty, I’ll just call you mine from now on. But you can call me Q.” She was smiling from ear to ear. “Dina can I holla at you for a minute?” said Q.

  “Sure. Excuse me y’all,” she said eyeing the chick without a name the most.

  “Yo’ look Dina.. .

  “Look Dina my ass Q,” she said. “Why you trying to push up on that bitch in front of me?”


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