Book Read Free

Country Boy

Page 19

by Karrington, Blake

  Paris walked into her apartment only to find Sean sprawled on the couch with the same clothes he had on last night when she saw him. Sean had been waiting up all night for Paris and he was worried sick, what gave her the nerve to think that she could just go and spend the whole night out, he knew her line of work but damn can a nigga get a text or something? “Paris where the fuck have you been all night?” Sean asked angry as hell. “Working Sean you know what I do we’ve been over this time and time again I’m really not in the mood for all this.” Paris said annoyed. Paris had been giving thought to the offer that Miles laid out for her I mean a change of scenery wouldn’t be bad for her. She looked at Sean “Hey Sean let’s get out of here lets move to New York, I mean there’s nothing here for us and I have some connections that may go through.” Sean thought to himself what kind of connections could she possibly have. Sean was completely opposed to the whole idea of leaving Chicago plus he had some connection with Kanye West’s people and it was just a matter of time before his career jumped off. He shot Paris down quicker than she could get the rest of her sentence out. “I’m not feeling that I think we should stay here until something pops off.” Paris couldn’t believe this shit, Sean just wasn’t as ambitious as she was and she wasn’t going to wait around just for him. “Sean I’m leaving for New York whether you are coming or not.” She said as she left the room. Within that moment Paris decided that New York was the place for her and she needed this. If this Miles guy was truthful in what he said then her life was about to change, and if he wasn’t truthful she just gave up the only family she had left in Sean. Sean left Paris’ house slamming the door behind him, he was tired of putting up with her bullshit, this was the last straw, and he wished her the best as he walked off his body full of anger.

  O’Hare Airport was busy as hell and Paris didn’t know how she was going to find Miles amongst it all. He said he was on the 10 o'clock flight to New York, but other than that she knew nothing. What airline was he flying with? What was his last name? Was he first class or coach? She was beginning to feel like such an ass. She was on her way out when she ran into a dude she saw at the club last night in VIP. “Hey you’re the chick that works at the Cat box, Candy right?" He said. Extending his hands displaying the dirtiest fingernails Paris had ever seen in her life. “Yea she said if you’ll excuse me I’m looking for someone." She said.” As she made her way past him he shout out. “If you’re looking for Miles he doesn’t do commercial flights he has his own private jet on a different concourse I’ll take you over there.” The dude with the dirty nails said. They made their way to a concourse Paris had never seen before and there it was the G5 sitting pretty. “You can go right in.” The dude said; “I’ve got a flight to catch so you can find your way back right?” Paris shook her head and made her way to the jet. Miles looked at her he couldn’t believe she was standing right in front of him. “Miles I know this sounds crazy but I’ve only known you for about four hours and I trust you enough to leave everything I have here in Chicago and move to New York.” Paris said. “It’s foolish but I feel safe and secure with you." Miles looked into her eyes and said “That’s a good thing Paris because I’m going to give you the world.” The jet took off and all Paris could think about was her and Miles at that moment and what was to come of her life. For the first time in her life she felt like she could depend on someone other than herself.

  Chapter 2


  NYC was like something Paris had never seen before. Now don’t get it twisted Chicago was a huge city but NYC was like cities within cities within cities. Miles had set Paris up in the heart of Tribeca at the plush pad he called the company loft. The two thousand plus square foot 3 bedroom 3 bath loft was anything short of amazing. The space had 11 foot high ceilings and Brazilian cherry wood floors throughout with exposed brick. Paris walked the floor of the penthouse in awe as she took in the view of the Hudson River through the over sized windows that flooded the living and dining areas with natural light. She could just imagine herself enjoying the sunset from the enormous private roof deck just outside. As much as Paris was enjoying the luxury of her new home she had to admit that she would of preferred to stay with Miles . She was uneasy about being in such a huge place all alone. She made her way into California style kitchen, which opened directly into the living-room.She found an envelope with her name on it on the countertop. Paris opened it to find a black amex card and instructions: “Buy whatever you need for the place and whatever you need to make you feel like this is home. Love Miles” Was this really her life? Paris couldn’t believe it. She quickly got herself together and called for the chauffeured range to pick her up curbside and she was on her way to Z Gallarie.

  As the day was winding down Miles couldn’t help but think about Paris as much as he knew he shouldn’t. Realistically he was twice her age and he never liked to mix and mingle with his artists but she was so alluring he couldn’t help himself. He thought about how he would come at her, he didn’t want to come on too strong and then not really feel her. Not to mention he did have someone on the side who served him well. That person being his in house stylist Tammy Strong. The two of them had been seeing each other unexclusively for the past five years and he could always count on her to be his ride or die chick. But she didn’t compliment who he was. Tammy a former model was about 5'9 nice slim figure, with exotic features from her island decent. Born in Cayman islands, Tammy's family later relocated to LA where she spent most of her life. Her beautiful eye for style and great statuesque body gave her the ability to dress her ass off. Only problem was she was a certified dingbat with no brain savvy. She was very submissive and anything Miles said she did, including not pressuring him about being in a relationship. But she did serve as a good go to girl when he needed some attention and for that reason alone he kept her around. Miles quickly thought about it and disregarded his earlier thoughts of Paris replacing it with a text to Tammy. He told her about his new R&B singer Paris and said to hook her up with some new clothes and a signature look A.S.A.N (as soon as NOW). Tammy hit him back letting him know she was on it. Miles assistant chimed in “It’s Paris on line one.” “Send her through…” Miles responded his heart nearly dropping. “Hey Miles I know your really busy I just wanted to bring the receipts over for some things that I brought for the house, kind of a proof of purchase thing you know…” Paris said. Miles could feel his shit hardening up just thinking about her coming into his office. “Yes Paris that’ll be fine actually I’m in meetings until around 7 and I want you to rest because your schedule is pretty full for the rest of the week, so how about we do dinner around 8 30ish ok see ya then.” Miles hung up without giving her anytime to respond he had to remain in control.

  After his meetings were through Miles went to his company closet and retrieved one of his custom made shirts which he kept on deck for emergency meetings with execs and in this case Paris. He planned for them to hit up Buddakan first to discuss business and then swing by Nello’s which was the perfect place to bring a new artist to gain publicity. Every paparazzi was there night after night to catch a glimpse of who was with who and doing what. Miles was so excited that Paris was serving as his arm candy for the night he was sure that every major gossip site from the Mediatakeout to Concrete Loop would have their picture up providing commentary. Hopefully good, Miles paid them good money to report his shit first and not bash him like all the others they put on blast day after day. It was crazy to him how these lame rap dudes would get caught up in dead beat dad, baby mama drama issues all the time. He had to admit he was a little nervous a few years back when Tammy was pregnant and had talked about keeping it. He was prepared to write her a fat check for keeping her mouth shut, but God does answer prayers and she ruled against keeping the baby. Something about not wanting to have a baby before marriage. Whatever the reason Miles was so ecstatic he didn’t even listen to anything after her saying she was going to abort the child. He didn’t mind the thought of having a kid it was just the thou
gh of having Tammy as a baby mother that urked him. He saw what happened between Puff and Misa and he just wasn’t going out like that. Never mix open business with private affairs. As Miles made his way downstairs his car was there waiting to chauffer him to the destination. “Where to tonight boss? Asked Frank the company chauffeur. “To the company loft Frank, and before we go I need to make a stop by the lower east side.” At Miles request they were on their way. Within minutes Miles found himself outside of Tammy’s condo on the Upper East Side. She wasn’t doing too bad for herself, shit she should be living like a king as much as Miles paid her to do nothing but shop. What a job! Tammy was just wrapping up the selections she handpicked for Paris to wear out tonight. Miles informed Tammy that they would be hitting up Nello’s but didn’t inform her about the intimate dinner he planned at Buddakan, which was information Tammy didn’t need to know. Besides she would definitely have an attitude about Mile’s taking anyone other than her to their spot. Miles used the convenient spare key that he had to Tammy’s condo and let himself in. “Tam where you at?” he yelled upstairs, as he made his way up. Tammy was upstairs waiting with Paris’ things in hand. Miles made his way into Tammy’s room to find her looking sexy as ever in some cute La Perla lace trim boycut’s and a bra to match with her hair pulled up. That was one thing Miles loved about Tam even when she just chilled she was sexy as hell. He walked over and kissed her on the cheek. “Hey babe, what’s up?" Tam said as she handed Miles the huge black garment bag. "This should work for a quick outing at Nello's, I wasn’t sure how the Rich & Skinny jeans would fit since I haven’t seen her yet so I just gave her two of everything in case the cut didn’t run true to size." "If she needs anything else like rented jewelry or whatever swing her back by here and I’ll loan her a couple of my pieces.” As Tam wrapped up on the instructions she gave Miles the one over and could tell that nothing she just said registered which is why she had Antoinette BBM him the instructions to his blackberry in case they were needed. With the look in his eyes Tam knew exactly what Miles was thinking, he wanted some sex. Too bad it wasn’t going down, not enough time. He quickly wrapped things up with Tam giving her a long adoring deep throat kiss. “I’ll be back... maybe tonight but I’m not sure babe so don’t wait up I’ll hit you on your blackberry.” Miles said to Tammy. Tammy responded with a nod and just that quick Miles was out the door. Tammy had to admit Miles did have a hold on her and she just couldn’t shake him. She had her fair share of eligible dudes who wanted to spend all their time with her, but they all lacked what Miles had that unmistakable swagger that made Miles Crawford who he was. His presence spoke volumes when he came in the room. Any and everyone stopped to listen when he talked. That was the type of power and presence that drove Tammy insane. Yet she still couldn’t get Miles to devote his every want to her to fulfill, and that was a problem she’d been trying to fix for years. As she looked around she was lonelier than an old woman with a houseful of cats. Tammy decided tonight she’d treat herself she was going out to eat and then a night on the town would do her just fine. As she rounded up her troops she decided to head to Buddakan she was in the mood for a nice order of lobster rice and they were the best and only place to get it. Although it was out of her diet she deserved a treat every now and again. Shit she had to stay in tact, especially if she was going to be Mile’s future wife. She got dressed and was out the door to meet her girls at Buddakan for some much needed girl R&R.

  Miles let himself into the company loft and immediately heard the shower running, which meant he was right on time. He called out to Paris. “Hey Paris I’m here when you get a chance come downstairs I’ve got some outfits from your stylist here waiting.” Paris thought to herself stylist… I have a stylist I can’t believe all this.” She turned the shower off towel blotting her wet curly huge fro and putting on her terry cloth robe. Not exactly her definition of sexy but it worked for now. She wanted to make sure that she looked somewhat decent in front of Miles. “Hey sorry I’m not ready but I got a little behind on the time, so what cha got?” Paris asked looking at the huge stuffed garment bag. “I’m not quite sure but your stylist who you’ll meet tomorrow thought that these would look good on you." Miles felt anything would look good on Paris even that oversized bath robe she was rockin. “So Paris I hope you don’t feel like I’m controlling our night but I set up a dinner at a local hot spot here in the city called Buddakan to discuss your week goals that have been set by our A&R team and for us to get to know each other on a professional level”. As Miles talked Paris kind of drifted away she was truly attracted to this strong man who was like seven years her senior. She was floored. Yet still intrigued at the same time. She would have to play up her sexy for the night cause one thing was for sure and that was Miles Crawford would be her man when it was all said and done. As Paris looked through her outfit options she immediately grabbed the Zac Posen silk runway dress in electric blue and the black patent leather Christian Louboutin pumps that reeked rich wife. As Paris slipped into the dress she decided to go ANTM and pull her hair straight back in a tight French bun. She went against wearing makeup because she’d rather people accept her for who she was without any added help. Instead she opted for a neutral Mac lip gloss and minimal jewelry. She gave herself the one over in the mirror and was on her way down the stairs thinking to herself “Damn I look good.” As she came downstairs Miles was taken a back by how absolutely beautiful she was. When they had first met she had on a smoky eye shadow and he could have sworn she was rocking a weave. Now looking at her without the stripper façade he saw a natural beauty who was so pure and had more to offer than he’s sure she knew she had. Paris could tell by the look on Miles face that she must look stunning but she wanted him to say it. “So is this okay for dinner?” Paris asked looking unsure to reel Miles in. “You look great and yes that’s just fine for dinner.” Miles responded looking her up and down. As the two grabbed their coats they were out the door and on their way to dinner, and Paris couldn’t be happier to walk arm and arm with Miles and little did she know Miles felt the exact same way.

  Chapter 3

  Soon as I Get Home

  “Girl I’ve just been out of it lately, I need a pick me up for real” Tammy talked with her girlfriends at their table as she stuffed together another forkful of rice. She had been feeling so lost from her relationship with Miles to her direction in life. She had no clue where her life was going. I mean sure she had goals but she had no idea of where to start to make them happen. And Miles was another story. They had been secretly dating un- exclusively for the past five years and still no commitment. She knew she should have kept their unborn child but she was sure that Miles would propose to her after she announced her pregnancy, and when he didn’t she knew for sure the abortion and her reasoning would snap him into reality. But where did that leave her… alone with a table of her nosey ass girlfriends on a Thursday night sipping Pinot Grigio discussing all their faults. As she raised her wine glass for a sip she was amazed at what she saw. Miles walked in with who she assumed to be Paris by the outfit she had picked out for her. Sure Tammy had seen Miles with female clients before but this was different these two motherfuckers walked in arm and arm all honkey dory and shit. She could tell by the look on Miles face that this was more than what he made it out to be. And why were they at Buddakan what happened to Nello’s like Miles said. Tammy couldn’t believe this and to top it off her girlfriends obviously peeped it too. “Hey Tam aint that Miles over there and who’s that chick? Questioned Nina, Tammy’s overly nosey girlfriend. “You know I’ll cut his ass.” Replied Kim Tam’s overly protective girl and assistant, she was from the BK and she would definitely do it no questions asked. Tammy sat there dumfounded but she pulled it together being the bad bitch she was, she couldn’t let her friends see her sweat. She took another sip of her Pinot. “Oh girl that’s just his new artist Paris she just got signed this week and their having a dinner to discuss her contract.” Tammy replied nonchalantly on the outside but fuming on the
inside. “Hmm… she looks awfully nice for a business meeting and on top of that she’s gorgeous.” Nina replied giving Paris the one over. “Well thanks Nina I know where your loyalties lie.” Tammy responded with annoyance in her voice. All she wanted to do was make a b line for the door and go home. Unfortunately her friends weren’t going to let her off the hook that easy. “Aren’t you going to go over there and say hi?” Kim asked looking like she was just waiting to start something. Tammy looked at both her friends. “Ladies Miles and I have an understanding and a reputation to uphold." She continued. "Now how immature would I look if I jumped down his throat every time I saw him with a beautiful woman out to dinner?" "This industry is virtually made up of them he’s just out on a business meeting with the prototypical female singer, besides I picked the outfit she has on so thanks for her compliments, I hooked that all up didn’t I!” Tammy replied with tons of confidence in order to reassure her friends she was in control. Something she knew was the furthest thing from the truth. Maybe she should have fucked Miles before he left her condo. She could sense his urge for her but didn’t act on it because he acted like he was in a hurry. Shit now she sees why. “Look ladies I’m gonna finish my wine and then go home and wait for my man to come home from his business emphasis on business meeting.” Tammy said as she finished off her wine and paid for the bill. As Paris and Miles sat across from one another he was totally mesmerized by her. As he gazed deep into her eyes he couldn’t help but stare. He was immediately thrown off though when he spotted Tammy looking dead at him. But it was weird instead of stopping at the table like he thought she would she just went straight out the door making no eye contact with him what so ever. Something was up and he was sure he would hear all about it when she called his cell as soon as she got home. Paris could feel something was on Miles mind. “What’s up with you?” she asked looking dead at him searching for something through his body language. “Nothing at all I’m just so intrigued by you.” Miles responded hoping to throw her off from his awkward silent moment between him and Tammy. By the look on her face mission was accomplished. Paris took in what Miles said reluctant to respond. Paris was attracted to Miles and she wanted him to feel her but she still had some reservations and she felt a little guilty about leading Miles on knowing she had unfinished business with Sean back in Chicago. “Well that’s a good thing if I can intrigue Miles Crawford I’m sure I can intrigue the rest of the world” Paris said with a smirk hoping to avoid any discomfited moment between them. “Well we’ll have to see about that Miles said as he took out Paris’ paperwork ready to get to business. After looking over contracts and signing what seemed to be a books worth of papers Paris was signed as the newest R&B princess of Golden Boy records. She was ecstatic, Miles informed her of how hectic her schedule would be the next couple months with studio time, press and appearances she would have virtually no time to herself. But that was fine with Paris she had been waiting for this moment all her life and she wasn’t going to let it pass her by. Miles decided against going to Nello's afterward just in case Tammy decided to do what he called a “creep up” and magically appear there to spy on him and Paris. He hated when Tammy showed up in common place and acted like it wasn’t planned. In any event she fucked up his whole night with Paris so he decided to take it back to the company loft and just chill. Instead of having Frank to drive them around the town Miles opted to drive that evening and decided to give Paris a true tour of his city and drove his Range keeping it low key. Paris gazed out the window as Miles showed her what New York City really was all about he took her everywhere from Hell’s Kitchen to his old stomping grounds the Nostrand Houses in Brooklyn. She was beginning to see more and more of who Miles Crawford really was and she liked it. Back in Chicago she looked at Miles as another industry cat with a big head who didn’t know a thing about struggle but after getting to know him she saw more and got an idea of how his struggle and hustle got him to where he was. Miles was a hood figure who knew how to be business savvy at the same time. And that factor alone intrigued Paris. Sure her loyalty belonged to Sean but where was he now? Did he make any moves to get her out to New York and go after her dreams? Instead he held her back and continued to let her degrade herself every night to support herself. If anything Sean acted like a little bitch. And quite frankly Paris needed a man. In her mind Miles was all the man she needed. As Miles and Paris pulled up to the company loft Paris attempted to get out the car but before she could Miles was there to open her door. What a gentlemen something she wasn’t accustomed to in her short lifetime. “You know you are too good to me.” Paris said as she looked at Miles with a smile on her face. “I got to protect my precious cargo.” Miles responded as he watched Paris exit his whip. She just had such a sexy yet classy aura about her. Something that was very puzzling to Miles given her previous gig. It was like Paris gave him that breath of fresh air that he had been longing for in his life. She excited him. She was just so young and vulnerable he didn’t want to bring her into this vicious entertainment world too fast. Especially not his inner circle. Besides Tammy was certainly not going anywhere and Miles couldn’t fully say that he wanted her to. Paris made her way into the company loft using her key. She was taken aback that Miles was spending so much time with her I mean she didn’t want to lead him on in any kind of way. “Well Paris I should be getting out of here I just wanted you to feel safe and secure here with me.” Miles said as they exchanged hugs. Paris did feel a little sad about him leaving she was all alone and loved Miles company. She was so confused. She was sure of one thing and that was she had a major crush on Miles Crawford and she wasn’t afraid to admit it. As Miles made his way out the door Paris pulled him back and gave him a kiss nothing deep nothing passionate but just a kiss to let him know that there was attraction there and she wasn’t afraid to act on it. The kiss definitely caught Miles off guard but instead of responding how he wanted which was to deep throat Paris right then and there Miles decided to play it cool and just say good night. Making his way out the door Miles’ insides were on fire and all he could think about was tearing Paris’ young ass apart in the bedroom. She was like a fantasy, a dream that he wanted to make a reality. As he walked back to his car he thought to himself he had to play his cards right. Especially with Tammy and Paris working so closely together he had to make sure both ladies were happy and that business wasn’t mixed with pleasure. As Miles hopped into his Range he knew exactly what he had to do and that was go lay it down on Tammy and reassure her that she was the top chick in his life no questions asked. It was going to be a long night. Tammy must have walked her condo twenty times pacing trying to figure out how to approach Miles. She knew she would have to strategize how to get her point across without coming at his manhood. Miles may come off as an uptight business man but he was straight from the street and had no problems putting Tammy in her place. The front door opened and Miles was greeted with a barrage of four letter words from Tammy. “Miles I understand what you do and I respect your line of work but I need you to respect mine." "How dare you bring her to our spot and on top of that lie to me about even going there." "What if I wasn’t there tonight were you just gonna fucking lie to me and let me read about it on some bullshit ass gossip site?" "I thought we were better than that Miles, don’t I deserve better than that?” Tammy blasted off at Miles careful with her choice of words yet stern enough to get her point across. Shit she was proud of herself drop a bomb on that! Okay! Miles had to admit that he did feel some way about lying to Tam. Ever since she decided to have an abortion Miles felt he owed her something. But she wasn’t going to deter Miles from living his secret life and doing him. What the hell did she think this was? Miles ran a tight ship and he’d be damned if some hood turned bourgeoisie one night wonder came in and ran his shit! He looked at Tammy. “Look I didn’t come here for this I’ve had a long night of negotiations and contract signing and I’m in no shape to argue with you I can go home and have peace and quiet but instead I came here to spend time with you, because I
love you and I enjoy spending my time with you, and while I owe you no explanations for my actions I’ll have you know I changed the meeting from Nello’s to Buddakan because I didn’t want Paris to be bombarded with press just yet before she has meet with her publicist.” Miles stated as he went into the bathroom to take a shower slamming the door behind him. He was pissed that Tammy had the nerve to step to him he would cut her ass off real quick. Tammy felt so stupid; once again she assumed and made an ass of herself. Her girlfriends had her mind twisted she really needed to make things right, this was exactly why Miles hadn’t committed to her yet, she was still making immature moves and that was something she had to put in check. Miles blackberry vibrated on the nightstand and awoke him from his sleep. He struggled to catch it before Tammy woke up he didn’t feel like hearing her damn mouth again. As he opened the message he was floored by what he saw. On the front page of was a picture of him and Paris exchanging a kiss. Who and how the hell did they get this? Miles thought. For the first time in his life Miles Crawford was speechless.


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