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Country Boy

Page 20

by Karrington, Blake

  Chapter 4

  Flashing Lights

  Paris was wakened by back to back calls from her personal cell phone and the company blackberry that was given to her. She couldn’t pick up both so she went for her personal cell first. She was surprised to see it was Sean. “Hey you, I was just thinking about you and how things left off between us, I’m so glad you called how you been?” Paris asked relieved that Sean still thought enough to call her. “I’m well but obviously not as well off as you, seeing as your Miles Crawford’s new side piece. I thought you industry girls didn’t kiss and tell.” Sean said with irritation all through his voice. “Kiss and tell, what are you talking about Sean and what’s with all the aggression?” Paris asked aggravated by the little game Sean was trying to play. “So I guess you haven’t seen the picture of you and Miles plastered all over the internet?” Sean asked. “What the fuck are you talking about, what picture of me and Miles. If this is about us going out yes, we went out last night to discuss some business and sign off on some contracts but that’s it. You should be more careful about what you read and the validity of your sources Sean. I thought we were better than that.” Paris said hopefully setting him straight, it was just like Sean to jump to conclusions and not even ask her about what was going on. He probably just saw a picture of them leaving Buddakan and made it out to be more than it was. “Your right Paris I thought we were better than that.” Sean said and hung up. All Paris heard was the dial tone. She was so over Sean and his over obsessive female ways. This moment right here reminded her of why she was so attracted to Miles he was so secure within himself he didn’t feel the need to hide or mistrust anyone. Paris put on her robe and headed to the home office to hop on the computer and peep what Sean was talking about. More importantly she was concerned with how she photographed being that this was her premiere paparazzi shot. Like Miles said first impressions are everything. As the page begin to load and the picture slowly loaded on the page Paris was astonished by what she saw. It was her and Miles on the outside steps of the company loft kissing each other goodnight. She thought they were all alone and no one would even care to watch her. Shit she hadn’t even dropped a single yet. What was she going to do? More importantly would Miles be mad at her for kissing him out in the open? She was clueless. If this was her first introduction to the world of hip hop she wasn’t quite sure how to embrace it. She did the first thing that came to her mind she called Miles on his cell to see what the game plan was.

  Miles sat in the comfort of his home ignoring every single call that came through on his plethora of technical devices. He didn’t feel like talking to anyone. After talking with his publicist he released a statement stating that he and Paris were just acting to play a trick on the paparazzi for a new reality show he was working on called Pop Fiction. Damn that Dionne was a mastermind. No matter what trouble Miles seemed to get into she could always find a way to get out of it. Kind of like a mother. Something he never had in his life. But he was sure a good mother would be just like that. After the statement was released it was soon forgotten about. Now all he had to do was spin it for Tammy who he’s sure had heard about it by now. He was just glad he left her house early before she made it to a computer. Miles glanced over at his missed calls and noticed Paris had called him. He immediately called her back to fill her in on the details. She apologized for her conduct and wanted him to know that it wouldn’t happen again. Man Miles wished Tammy bounced back as easily. That was the one thing that kept him from taking it to that next level with her. He really wanted to settle down but certain things just held him back. Anyway there were more things that needed thought besides Tammy. Miles saw it the appropriate time for Tammy and Paris to meet. Not only would it assure Tammy there was nothing going on but it would also grant them all the chance to break the ice and move forward with Paris’ road to stardom. He had Antoinette phone Tammy to avoid any unnecessary drama and she filled her in on the details. Antoinette immediately phoned Miles back letting him know that Tammy sent in her letter of resignation and no longer would be working with the company. Miles couldn’t believe this shit. Was this bitch crazy?

  Tammy was almost done packing up her Louis Vuitton luggage. She had everything she needed for her getaway from Miles. She was trying to avoid seeing him but knowing Miles that would be impossible. As Tammy made her way down the stairs she saw Miles waiting. “What the fuck can I help you with Miles?” Tammy asked making her way to Kims’ car which was parked conveniently out front her condo. “Tamyra I want to know what the hell you think you’re doing, what you calling yourself mad?” Miles said beyond pissed at whatever show Tammy called herself putting on. Tammy couldn’t believe after all these years Miles tried to play her for a fool, like she was some jump off or something. “Goodbye Miles.” Tammy said as she walked past him handing him a manila envelope with his name on it. Miles didn’t have time for no fucking Dear John letters. Tammy made it to JFK just in time for flight to St.Barts. She always wanted go and she figured now was as good a time as any to get away. She needed some time to clear her head and get her life together. She hoped Miles opened the envelope she handed him and took to heart what was in it. If he did she was sure that it would change him and his outlook on their relationship. If not she had a long road ahead of her.

  Jihan Jeffries sat outside the corner store on Nodstrand finishing up his taylor ham, egg and cheese sandwich as he waited on the corner for his partner Miles to come through. A true product of the street Jihan stood at a solid 6"2 with 230 pounds of pure muscle. Growing up an orphan Jihan had no sense of compassion or love. Jihan and Miles went way back to their foster home days and whenever he needed a job done J was always there to make sure it was carried out. In this case he had some psycho girl who apparently was out to get him and he needed her taken care of. Jihan usually only dealt with males but since Miles was practically family he had no choice. Miles pulled around in a Lincoln town car with black tints not his usual vehicle but whatever. “What up nigga, where’s the range playboy?” J asked looking inquisitive. “Man it’s getting detailed you know how I do, hop in.” J hopped in on the other side as they made there way up Madison Ave. “So like I was saying I have someone on my hands that I need you to take care of. Her name is Tamyra Wright and from what I’m told she’s in St. Barts. She’s some psycho side chick I had but I think she’s out to get me.” Miles said as J took in his orders. “Basically I need it clean and simple she’s a female so no need for the scarface gangster theatrics I just need it to look like an overdose, even if you gotta stuff the pills down that bitch throat.” Miles said with no inch of sarcasm. “So what was so bad to make you want to kill the chick, I mean to shake her up is one thing but you want me to dead her what’s up bruh?” Jihan asked quite puzzled. He never could understand Miles’ train of thought even when they were foster kids in the same home Miles’ always wanted to prove himself King no matter what the cost. He always wanted the last word, and in most cases he got it. “Look there’s one thing that can always bring down a nigga on top of his game and that’s a dishonest bitch, in this case I’ve got that problem can you fix or not? Miles asked as he reached into his jacket pocket for Jihan’s compensation. Jihan looked at the large wad and without hesitation answered “No doubt.” Jihan got out the Lincoln town car with over 10 grand a ticket to St.Barts and a planned agenda.

  Decked out in her darkest Rayban shades a pair of Vince Denim skinny jeans and a Wildfox tee Paris looked out the window of her first class seat on her American Airline flight. She was on her way to meet Miles in LA to record some tracks for her new album. She had to admit she was happy to get away from all the gossip that was going on in the industry about her and Miles’ rumored relationship. She really didn’t care what people had to say but she did care about what Miles’ thought of her and her career. Miles was there waiting on her already. With her album scheduled to go out in the next eight months Paris had a lot of pressure on her and at times she felt maybe she wouldn’t be all she thought she cou
ld be. Lucky for her Miles was there to reassure her every step of the way. After a grueling flight Paris was finally at Miles LA home. A two bedroom condo located in the heart of Beverly Hills that gave them tons of room to play with. “Hey Miles I’m here.” Paris yelled. “I’m up here ma.” Miles replied from upstairs. As Paris made her way up the stairs she could smell Lavender and Vanilla filling the room. She never thought of Miles as the incense type but she was loving the relaxing aromatherapy effect it had on her. She was starting to get used to the good life no doubt about that. Paris walked into the bedroom and was taken aback. The room was filled with hundreds of pink roses her favorite color something she shared with Miles a while back when they first met. She smiled looking at Miles who even dressed down with slim fit jeans and a graphic tee looked appealing. “It's no biggie I just wanted to do something to make you smile with all that’s going on I know it can take a toll on you and all.” Miles said nonchalantly. Really he had wanted to show Paris how compassionate he was and how he would have her back no matter what. He wanted her to be able to depend on him and with Tammy out of the way he needed a new piece of arm candy. Paris looked Miles in the eyes and her heart damn near melted. It wasn’t like her to be reeled in so easy by all this lovely dovey shit but Miles had a way of hitting her soft spot. And slowly but surely she was letting her guard down. Paris walked over to Miles and gave him a hug. Miles grabbed her close and this time he initiated the kiss, to let her know how he was game. He slipped Paris out her clothes slipping her teeshirt over her head and unstrapped her bra. Damn she was sexy as hell; he didn’t even have to look at her to know she wasn’t the type to wear anything but sexy lace undergarments. He laid her out on the California king sized bed and proceeded to go in. Paris stopped. “Miles are you sure we should do this?” Paris really liked Miles but she didn’t want to mix business with pleasure and things end up the wrong way. Miles looked at Paris. “I was sure since the day I met you Paris.” Miles answered as he looked into her eyes. That was all Paris needed she allowed herself to go away from where she was. As Miles made love to her she thought about all the hurt pain and frustration she went through before he came into her life. She felt for the first time like someone was here to take care of her and she could actually trust and depend on Miles. Paris and Miles made love passionately like neither one of them ever had before and when it was all over drifted off to sleep. Paris was at peace and loved her life. It was about time that things we’re going right the way they were supposed to.


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