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The Great Bedroom War

Page 23

by Laurie Kellogg

  “Oh, I’m still raring to go,” she told him, squirming from the liquid heat between her legs, “and I know exactly how to recapture the mood for you.” She slid her palms up his chest and pushed him down onto the sofa bed. “I plan to tease you until you beg.”

  “Why?” He glanced down at his swollen penis. “Does El Capitán look like he’s lost interest?”

  “No. But if you get a taste of your own medicine, maybe you’ll understand how I feel when you make me grovel.”

  “Okay.” He folded his hands behind his head and grinned. “If it’ll make you happy, tease away.”

  He had no idea what he was agreeing to.

  “Not yet. I want you to get the true experience,” she explained. “So, first, we have to set a few ground rules.”

  “Such as?”

  “Well, you’re a lot bigger and stronger, so you have to promise to stay on your back and not try to stop me.”

  “All right.” He chuckled. “But why would I want to keep you from seducing me?”

  “Because I’m not just going to give you a taste of your own medicine, pal.” She flicked her tongue at his erection. “You’re about to get a massive overdose.”


  Oh, man, he was in trouble.

  Nick gritted his teeth as Sam gently stroked him. When she dipped her head and slid her mouth over the head of his penis, his eyes did back flips in their sockets.

  Apparently, it wasn’t enough to torture him by licking and sucking him. She insisted on pumping his shaft with one hand, while massaging his aching sac with the other. Any moment she would drive him clear over the edge.

  What the hell had he been thinking when he’d agreed to this?

  “Sammy, please—” He gasped, rocking his hips uncontrollably in time with the suction of her mouth. This wasn’t how he wanted to come the first time they made love again. The most ironic part was, on their wedding night, he’d actually taught her how to drive him wild.

  If her lips didn’t stop moving up and down on him like he was her favorite flavored ice pop, he was going to end up choking her....right before he exploded. “Please, querida, I can’t hold out much longer.”

  “So then let yourself go,” she mumbled. “What’s good for the goose....”

  “No, not like this. Not yet.” He twisted and writhed, trying to shake her loose without using his hands to physically stop her, but she held his hips tighter, imprisoning him in her mouth. “¡Madre de Dios!” He clawed at the sheets. “Pleeease, Sammy, let me make love to you.”

  “Not yet,” she threw back the same words he’d always used while arousing her. She quit stroking, but the vibration of her moans on his hard flesh merely increased the pressure in his groin. He mentally recited the multiplication tables, panting to control his tremendous need.

  At last, she drew back and smiled down at him. “I bet you can wait a little longer.”

  “I’m ready now, querida. I swear.”

  “Unh-uh. I’ll be the judge of that.” She lapped at him, licking her way up and down his length, which simply frustrated him rather than offering relief.

  “Pleeease.” He groaned. “If you don’t let me t-take you, I’m gonna burst.”

  Who was he kidding with his ridiculous threats? Without the pressure and friction of her lips around him, he wasn’t likely to come—especially when he couldn’t shove the image of her making love to Adam Chase this way out of his head.

  “Look, I’m begging, already.” The continuous swirling of her tongue drove him so crazy and desperate for release he didn’t care where he climaxed as long as it was someplace snug, warm, and wet. “Okay, I get it! I feel like a pervert. Can I please make love to you?”

  “Soon.” Her mouth curled in a victorious smile. “You know, strangely enough, I think I’m the one who got the lesson tonight. I’m really enjoying tormenting you.”

  “Great. Class is officially over.” Grabbing her arms, he pried her off of him and pressed her back against the mattress. He growled into her neck as he nibbled. “Now, you little tease, it’s your turn.”

  “Promises, promises.” She giggled.

  He lapped at each of her rosy nipples for a few moments before hungrily sucking one into his mouth while he tweaked the other. She moaned and clutched his hair, squirming frantically in his arms, holding his mouth to her luscious peak.

  “Oh, Sammy,” he murmured, flicking his tongue at her swollen crests, “I love your breasts.”

  “Now, Nick. Don’t make me beg.”

  Crawling over her, he dotted her face with a dozen tender kisses. Sex had never been this good before. His breath caught in his chest as he dipped his fingers into her slick warmth and stroked the swollen bud hidden in her folds. Oh, yeah, she was definitely ready for him. “Open up for me, mi amor.”

  Her legs spread wide for him, and she whimpered, “Pleeease.”

  Their gazes locked as he gradually slid into her taut velvet passage. The bliss on her face nearly undid him. “Sammy,” he croaked her name, “I’m not gonna last long.”

  “Ohh, yessss.” She released a long breathy hiss. “It doesn’t matter.”

  He groaned and began to thrust. His rapid-fire tempo cranked up the pressure in his groin, commanding him to move even faster. As her hips rocked up and down beneath him, eagerly meeting his impatient thrusts, he buried his face in her sweet-scented hair, unleashing the savage passion consuming him, driving harder and faster.

  “Oh, Nicky, it’s never been this good before.” She panted in his ear while he exulted in the intense pleasure she brought him.

  “For me, too, querida.”

  The friction of their bodies rubbing against each other released the primitive need caged inside him. Never in his wildest fantasies had he ever imagined anything could feel this incredible.

  All at once, her body convulsed around him. She shivered, gasping, “Ohmigosh.”

  He rocked faster and slid his fingers between them to urge her into a second climax.

  “Yes, oh yessss! Nick!”

  Her excited cries of delight pushed him over the top into a freefall of sensation. Squeezing his eyes shut, he collapsed on her, shuddering through an orgasm so intense the room seemed to fade away. He loved her more than ever. “Mi corazón es tuyo, Abejita.”

  He could die now. It didn’t get better than this.

  As he tried to slide off her, his heavy limbs wouldn’t cooperate. She clamped her legs around him, purring in his ear like a contented kitten. “You feel so good. Don’t leave me yet.”

  The last thing he wanted to do right now was pull out of her.

  “Let me get under you, cariño. I don’t want to crush you.” He rolled onto his back, taking her with him to lie on top. He stroked her head on his chest, and his throat tightened. How would he survive if she refused to become his wife again after this?

  While he held her tight, her warm sheath surrounding him, his erection gradually faded inside her and allowed a trickle of his semen to drip onto him. The blood flooded back to his brain along with a horrible realization.

  Damn! He’d gotten so excited he’d completely forgotten a condom. It hadn’t even crossed his mind. No wonder she felt so unbelievably good.

  No. He refused to let himself worry. Sam would’ve said something if she wasn’t still on the pill....wouldn’t she?

  Rather than ruin one of the most incredible moments of his life by asking, he whispered, “Wouldn’t you be more comfortable upstairs in a real bed?”

  “Mmmmm, probably, but I’m too drained to move.”

  “Ditto.” He groped for the remote control he’d left on the end table next to the sofa bed and switched off the stereo. He pulled out the folded comforter and pillows he’d tucked next to the sofa bed and spread the blanket over the two of them. Closing his eyes, he reveled in the silence, enjoying the sound of Sam’s soft breath in his ear. He loved holding her naked. He wouldn’t care if he ever had sex again if he could sleep with her like this for the rest of his


  Dani’s heart thundered in her chest as Ryan turned his car into a new subdivision her uncle’s company was in the process of building about a mile from her house. “Thank you for singing my dad’s song for me tonight. It was really sweet.”

  He parked at the end of a vacant cul-de-sac and switched off his lights. “I hope he doesn’t mind that we performed it—or that I took some liberty with his lyrics.”

  “What do you mean?” She turned in her seat toward him. “You changed the words?”

  “Not really.” A flash of light lit up the pitch-black street, announcing the approach of a thunderstorm. “I simply switched your name for your mom’s. The song was originally Sammy’s Smile.”

  “Oh.” Her stomach clenched. So her father hadn’t really written the song for her. She’d been an idiot to hope he cared that much about her.

  Ryan’s cell phone rang in his pocket. He pulled it out and glanced at the display. “I gotta take this. It’s my sister.” After answering, he listened for a moment, with his mouth hanging open, before he finally said. “That’s incredible. Thank Bethany for me.”

  He ended the call and turned to Dani. “You’re not gonna believe this. My sister just told me that after Bethany filmed the band’s rehearsal, the two of them played around with the recording to create a rock video of Dani’s Smile.”

  “Cool. I can’t wait to see it.”

  “You don’t have to wait if you pull out your phone.” While she dug her smart-phone out of her purse, he continued explaining. “Bethany uploaded the clip to several video hosting sites late last night without telling me. Anyway, it turns out she’s a total Twitter freak, and her tweets about RTMF Express are getting retweeted all over the country. The video has been live for less than twenty-four hours and it’s already gotten close to three hundred thousand hits. Cindy says it’s going totally viral.”

  “Oh, my gosh.” Dani accessed the Internet and searched for RTMF Express. The video popped right up.

  Ryan leaned closer so he could see the tiny screen on her phone. They both sat there mesmerized by the professional quality of the video and Bethany and Cindy’s artistry.

  “This is awesome,” Dani said. “They should be doing this as a job. My dad will be blown away by this.” She turned and smiled at Ryan. “You’re gonna be famous.”

  “Yeah, right. It’s just a fluke.”

  “I can’t wait to call Haley.” Dani accessed her phone’s address book.

  “You’d better not. She probably already went to bed.”

  “You’re right.” She slipped her phone back into her purse. Haley’s dad might get suspicious if he heard Dani calling after she supposedly went home sick.

  “Are you sure your parents won’t worry if I don’t take you right home?”

  “Why would they? They think I’m sleeping at Haley’s.” Besides, the only person her dad seemed to pay any attention to lately was her mom. Oh, yeah, and Ryan.

  His eyes bugged out as he obviously realized the full implication of her answer. “Are you planning to stay out all night?”


  He hesitated a moment, indecision flashing in his eyes. Slowly, he released both of their seatbelts and shifted restlessly beside her, drawing her attention to the prominent ridge pressing against his zipper. She took his hand and placed it over her breast. As his thumb brushed her nipple, she shuddered.

  “Whoa, Dani.” He yanked his hand back. “Slow down.”

  Had she misunderstood? “What’s the matter? Don’t you want me? When you sang to me tonight, I was sure you liked me.”

  “I do. And I more than like you. But you’re only fourteen.”

  “I’m fourteen and a half.”

  “And age of consent in Pennsylvania is sixteen. What’s the rush?”

  “If you didn’t want to fool around, why’d you bring me here?”

  “I wanted to kiss you and hold you a little before taking you home.” The reluctance in his eyes said the only way she would sway him would be to make the first move.

  “Okay, then kiss me.”

  Tipping her chin up, he tenderly brushed her mouth with his, flicking his tongue at her lips. Her hand trembled as she tentatively slid her palm over the hard bulge in his jeans. As it swelled even more, he lurched back against the driver’s door. “Pleeease, Dani.” He gripped her shoulders, keeping her at a distance. “I only have so much willpower. Your father will kill me if I touch you.”

  “How’s he gonna know unless you tell him?”

  “It doesn’t matter. I’ll know. And I don’t want to let your dad down. He trusts me. Maybe after we’ve been goin’ out a while longer and you’re older—”

  “No. You don’t understand.” She buried her face in his neck as rain began to pelt the windshield. “I don’t have that much time.”

  “What do you mean you don’t have—Holy crap!” He shoved her away and laid his icy hand on her forehead. “You’re burning up!”

  She knew she was running a fever, but she didn’t think it was that high. “I know. I’m sick.”

  “Yeah, I can see that.”

  “No, I mean I’m really sick. I have leukemia.”

  He stared at her openmouthed for several moments. “You’ve got cancer?” he asked in a hushed tone, as if saying it softly would somehow make it untrue.

  “Yes.” She squeezed her eyes shut to stop her tears. “And I think I’ve fallen out of remission. I didn’t want to tell you ‘cause I was afraid you’d freak out and not want to be with me.”

  “Of course I want to be with you, silly.” He pulled her against his broad chest and kissed away the moisture leaking from her eyes. “You’re the most amazing girl I’ve ever known.”

  “You won’t think so when I lose my hair again.” She sniffed.

  “If you do, I’ll shave my head so we’ll both be bald. In fact, I’ll talk all of my friends into shaving their heads, too. That way you won’t feel weird.”

  He was the amazing one. His answer deserved cartwheels and kisses. Unfortunately, she felt too sick and frightened to do anything but press closer to him.

  In some ways, knowing he was that nuts about her would only make her death more painful.

  “I’m so scared. If I die, there’s so much I’m not gonna get to do. I don’t want to miss out on making love with you, too.”

  “’re not goin’ anywhere. I won’t let you.”

  Right. As if he or anyone else besides God could decide when her time was up.


  A violent crash of thunder woke Samantha with a start. Evidently the heat and humidity from that day had finally decided to break. The light in the kitchen still shone through the dining room door and filtered into the living room with a soft glow.

  She lifted her head from Nick’s chest and craned her neck to see the grandfather clock in the foyer.

  Past midnight already? She’d slept as if she’d been drugged.

  When she trembled at the next roll of thunder, Nick’s arms tightened around her, and his shaft stiffened and swelled into her stomach.

  She smiled and squirmed against him. “Ahh, I see you’re up, too.”

  “Mmmm. Barely. But if you keep wiggling like that for another ten seconds—”

  “I have to wait that long? I’d think after your hiatus, you wouldn’t even need me to move.”

  “What can I say? I’m not as young as I once was.” He rolled them both onto their sides and stared into her eyes. “How long do you plan to make me wait, Sammy?”

  “I’m ready right now.” She smirked. “You’re the one who needs another ten seconds.”

  “I’m not talking about sex” Nick frowned. “When do you plan to tell me if Chase and you are, uhh....”


  He nodded. “You have no idea how crazy it makes me when I think of him—”

  “Believe me, you made that quite evident. Are you totally sure you want to know?”

nbsp; “No. But I need to know, so I can stop wondering and come to terms with it”

  If she really wanted to torture him, she would wait until morning to tell him he was the only one for her. But she couldn’t be that cruel. “You have nothing to worry about, Nicky. You’re the only man I’ve ever wanted.”

  His entire body slumped with relief, but then a split second later, his shoulders tensed again. “But you were considering sleeping with Adam, and so you’re still on the pill, right?”

  “Of course not.” Why would she pump herself full of hormones if she had no intention of having sex?

  “Which are you saying no about? That you weren’t planning to get together with Chase? Or you’re not on the pill?”


  His eyes closed for several interminable seconds before he opened them again. “I trusted you, Sam. How could you not tell me we needed to use protection?”

  “Why would I?” She shoved herself away from him. “You’d just told me you haven’t been with anyone but me. Besides, I was on birth control while we were married, and you still used condoms. If you were so worried about it, why didn’t you simply ask?”

  “Because I wasn’t thinking very clearly with your mouth on my—”

  “Oh, and I was?” Before now, she’d never understood the intense exhilaration Nick had experienced in teasing her. But seeing him become so excited and desperate for her tonight had aroused her like no amount of foreplay ever had or ever could.

  “I haven’t a clue where your head was at.”

  “Really?” She frowned, sitting up. “I find that odd after discovering how much self-control you had to exert, making me beg all those years.”

  He couldn’t have possibly wanted her any less than she’d wanted him.

  “Okay, so I guess I do know how you felt. Just tell me this—when was the last time you got your period?”

  She gnawed on her lip and thought back over the last month. “I’m not sure.”

  His eyes closed. “Great.”

  “Oh, come on, Nick. I don’t conceive that easily. Do you remember after my miscarriage how many years we had sex morning, noon, and night without success?”


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