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Broken Fae

Page 22

by Caroline Peckham

  My heart pushed into my throat as my gaze fell down her and I took in her uniform which hugged her body, her skirt riding up over her summer-kissed thighs. Shit, she was beautiful. Whenever I saw her it was like there was nothing else that held my attention, the world becoming a greyish blur around her. And I missed her, fuck did I miss her.

  "You lost the right to ask us anything like that, baby," Ryder growled, a warning in his words.

  She started walking toward us, her expression hurt as she reached the edge of the stream and looked up at us on the bank beyond it. "You've been avoiding me." She looked between us then settled on me, "And you know I have something to say."

  I shrugged, my jaw locked tight. I knew it was a dick move, but this was one of the reasons I'd kept myself away from her. I could accept the stars had chosen Leon for her, but I was still just a possessive Fae who couldn't help but resent that. And when she was this close, looking like the most tempting thing I'd ever seen, it made anger bubble up and spit acid within me; it was a bitterness that I feared would never go away. She may not have deserved it, but it was hard to fight it when my heart had been so utterly fucking shattered by losing her. And for a second, I understood that urge in Ryder to punish her.

  Still, I didn't fly away. And Ryder didn't leave either. The tension in the air was so fierce that even the birds had quieted in the trees, like the whole world was holding its breath.

  "Are you going to tell us what you have to say, Elise, or let us guess?" I asked, the stars not offering me anything on this matter.

  She was chewing gum. I could almost scent cherry on the breeze and it made me hungrier than I'd ever been.

  She shifted from foot to foot, seeming nervous for a moment before she lifted her chin and faced us with fire in her eyes. "Leon is happy for me to see other guys besides him. Three specifically..." She chewed her lip and my heart thudded uncontrollably at her words.

  "Bullshit," Ryder hissed and I nodded my agreement.

  "It's true," she growled, defiance in her features. "And I'm not here to beg or grovel at your feet, but I am here to tell you it straight. I want you both as strongly as I want my Lion. And Dante too. That's how it is. I miss you," her voice cracked. "And I'm sick of you avoiding me."

  I glanced at Ryder, wondering what he thought of what she was saying as I tried to process it myself. If Leon was really okay with that, what did that really mean? That I could have some second-rate relationship with Elise? Share her with the others just like I'd always despised the thought of?

  But then again, things weren't the same now. She wasn't my Elysian Mate, she was Leon's. There would be nothing I could ever do to compete with that. And now that I had seen the hurt in Ryder's eyes and the same in Dante's, I knew that I'd been a fool to think they hadn't cared about her as deeply as I had. I'd just been too pig-headedly stubborn to accept the idea that she was never destined for me alone. I wasn't her one, but I could be her someone...

  I swallowed the ball in my throat, still silent as I gazed at her. I wasn't really sure what she was offering. And I guessed I needed to be clear before I made any kind of rash decision about this. A moment ago, I'd held no part of Elise at all, now she was here offering me something, no matter how small, it was tempting to accept it. But that meant settling for less than I wanted. Settling for the little scrap of herself she and Leon deemed acceptable to give away. And I wasn't sure I was strong enough for that. It made my anger rise just thinking about it.

  "What are you saying?" Ryder growled, echoing my thoughts.

  "She's saying she wants to have her cake and eat it," I said darkly and Elise's eyes flashed with hurt.

  "That's not what I'm saying," she insisted. "I'm saying I want you as much as I ever wanted you both. Nothing has changed."

  "Liar," Ryder hissed and I realised we were both advancing on her, moving closer until we were shoulder to shoulder as we approached the stream.

  She had a look of need in her eyes that set my pulse racing and blood rushing to my cock.

  "If you missed us so much, you didn't have to spend the whole summer fucking Mufasa," Ryder snarled and I couldn't deny he had a point. Elise may have tried to call, but she'd also spent weeks wrapped in her mate's arms. She hadn't been pining for us like we had for her. She didn't know the kind of hell we'd been through. And now she wanted us again, for what?

  "There's no real relationship to be had here between us," I growled, meeting the water's edge and turning it to ice to walk across it. Ryder used his earth magic to create a bridge of moss over it and we stalked toward her, making her back up a couple of steps, her eyes widening.

  "There is," she pushed, her brows pulling together. "It's just like before-"

  "Wrong," Ryder hissed, flicking a finger and wrapping her ankles in roots that grew from the ground. She tried to pull out of them before they tightened, but ended up falling onto her ass and glaring up at us in fury.

  "You want to hurt me?" she snarled, pain flickering behind her eyes. "Then go ahead. Maybe I want to hurt."

  "We don't want to hurt you," I murmured.

  "We want to punish you though," Ryder said and my silence spoke volumes.

  Maybe I did want to punish her, unfair as it might have been. But the world had taken her from me and now I wanted to take her back and remind the stars what fucking fools they'd been. And maybe I wanted her just because I'd missed her with the weight of the whole moon. Maybe I wanted to drown in her one last time and find out if that magnetic connection between us still existed or if I'd imagined it all along.

  I leaned down to cup Elise's chin and her breath hitched as she gazed up at me. "Gabriel," she said with a plea in her tone.

  My heart pounded at the sound of my name on her lips and I growled low in my throat. The sight of those silver rings in her eyes made heat burst through my veins and I knew I needed to sate this rage on her or it would never go away. "What do you want from us?"

  "Everything," she said breathily, tilting her chin up as if to kiss me, but I drew back, releasing her as I straightened.

  "Are you wet for us, Elise?" Ryder asked, his tone arctic. "Is Mufasa not satisfying you?"

  "Fuck you," she hissed, trying to get to her feet, but I reached out, encouraging the roots to grow and slide around her wrists to pin her down. She wasn't fighting that hard and her heavy breaths said she wasn't entirely against this. "Leon's everything, but you're everything too. Both of you are."

  "The rings in your eyes say otherwise," I said, allowing her to see how deeply that hurt me in my expression. I wanted her to be happy, but now she was confusing the hell out of me. Elysian Mates didn't desire other Fae, it was a well-known fact. So why was she panting like that, looking between us as if she was as bound as deeply to us as she was to Leon. It wasn’t fucking right.

  "You wanna know how much I want you?" she asked, a seductive edge to her voice that had me hardening even further for her. "Then find out for yourself." She parted her thighs, flashing her lilac panties at us which were the same colour as her hair.

  Fuck me, I’m not strong enough for this.

  Her eyes called me in and before I knew it, I was on my knees before her on the rocky ground and a second later, Ryder's shoulder crashed up against mine.

  I kept my eyes on Elise's, trailing my hand up her inner thigh as I hunted for objections in her eyes, but she gave me none. Ryder grazed his thumb along the inside of her other thigh and she moaned as our hands met in the middle. His rough palm grazed mine as we fought to get her panties aside and I pushed my fingers into her wet heat the same moment he did. I groaned at the same time as Ryder and I didn’t even care that he was there, I knew this was for me too.

  "Take them off," she demanded and I didn't know how she'd suddenly turned the tables on us, but we were pawns at the command of a queen in that second. I ripped one side of her panties while Ryder tore the other and they came away, baring her pussy to us and making me growl with desire.

  Ryder suddenly cast a silencing bu
bble around me and him so she couldn't hear us and I frowned at him as my dick strained against my fly.

  "Keep your damn head.” He fucking bitch slapped me and I blinked out of the spell Elise had cast over me. "She wants us, so let's make her feel how we've felt the past few months. Make her beg and pine and ache and don’t fulfil that need."

  The flare of passion in his eyes had me nodding and I let my resentment for the stars take over as he dispelled the silencing bubble and we turned back to her. She looked anxious as she glanced between us and I let the darkest part of me take over, quieting the noble streak in me that had let her get away with her rejection. Even if it had never been her choice to be bound to Leon, it didn’t take away the agony I’d faced at losing her.

  I used my magic to tighten the grip of the roots on her ankles, growing them to wind up her calves. They looped around her knees then pulled her legs wider, making her gasp.

  I lowered my head between her thighs and ran my tongue up the centre of her, tasting her sweet arousal as she moaned my name. I licked her slow and torturously as she writhed against her binds and released noises that had me losing my mind already. Ryder moved to kneel beside her, lowering his head and stroking his tongue stud over her clit.

  She cried out and birds took off in the trees as we devoured her together. I ate her hungrily, my cock aching for her as she arched her back and I tightened the roots even further so she was held in place, unable to touch us. The rocks dug into my knees but I didn’t care, welcoming the bite of pain as Elise endured it too. I licked her faster as she began to shake and Ryder bit and sucked her clit mercilessly as we brought her to the edge of oblivion. Then I slowed my torment as she clenched around my tongue and Ryder pulled away completely, making Elise groan in desperation.

  "How much do you want us now, baby?" Ryder purred.

  I lifted my head and pushed two fingers into her soaking pussy and she moaned, unable to answer him as I pumped my hand slowly. Her eyes met mine, those silver rings taunting me as I curled my fingers and rubbed her g-spot in soft circles.

  "More," she demanded, her fangs snapping out as frustration built in her.

  Ryder skimmed his thumb over her mouth, running it across her left fang until it slit open and she tilted her head back as he pushed it between her lips and she sucked away the blood.

  I moved closer to kneel between her thighs, pressing my free hand to the ground and coating it all in a thick moss that gave her reprieve from the rocks. She arched her back towards me as I started unhooking her shirt buttons, dipping my fingers in and out of her as she begged for more.

  I took my hand from between her thighs and rested my weight down on her, rocking my hips against hers and showing her how hard I was.

  “Gabriel…Ryder,” she gasped as I pulled the last buttons open and she moaned needily as I trailed my fingers over her flawless flesh. Fuck I'd missed that sound.

  Ryder pulled his thumb from her mouth, fisting his hand in her hair instead as he pushed his other hand into her bra, squeezing her breast hard. "Does he touch you like this, baby?" he growled like he really wanted to know the answer and she shook her head as he tore off her bra in a vicious swipe, tossing the scrap of lacy material beyond her head.

  "You all touch me differently," she said fiercely. "I need you all, you feed different parts of my soul, but that doesn’t mean I care for any of you any less."

  "You sound greedy to me," I said as I lowered my mouth to her other breast and swirled my tongue over her peaked nipple. She sighed and pressed herself against me, her hips bucking in desperation. "What will you do if the stars don't want you to be shared? And what if we don't want to share you?" I pushed Ryder's hands off of her and he snarled, but as he met my gaze, he saw the game in them and smirked, pushing my head away from her breast in response.

  "Stop it," she snarled. "If the stars didn't want this, then why do I feel it so strongly?"

  “Maybe Gabriel’s right, maybe you are greedy,” Ryder taunted and she huffed in annoyance.

  "Besides, Ryder and I don't know how to share, do we?" I looked to him and he shook his head, his eyes gleaming.

  "That's a real problem, baby," he growled. "And you want to have the whole of us and give just a piece of yourself in return."

  "Seems unfair," I agreed as we leaned forward, our arms brushing as we looked down at Elise, her lilac hair fanning out around her on the ground. She looked like a tempting little pixie getting dirty in the mud. And I really wanted to make her dirtier.

  Her throat bobbed and her hips swayed as she stared up at us. "You don't understand. Sharing doesn't mean you have any less of me...or my heart. I want you all equally. How many times do I have to say it?"

  I almost bought into her words until I focused on the rings in her eyes again. I growled and Ryder did too and I sensed both of us were thinking the same thing. So long as Leon was mated to her, we'd never mean as much to her as he did. It just wasn’t possible. But she was still here beneath us, wanting us. If her heart was entirely Leon's, that wouldn't be the case. So what did that mean?

  I severed the roots binding her, flipped her over beneath me and pulled her shirt off, not wanting to see those taunting rings anymore. She pushed her ass back against my dick in a clear command and I rolled my zipper down, wanting this, hungering for it. She was the girl who followed me into my dreams, who made me lose my mind with desire. And with her here like this, trembling and as desperate for me as I was for her, I couldn't resist feeling her one more time.

  I pushed up her skirt as Ryder moved to crouch in front of her, claiming a filthy kiss while I rubbed the head of my cock over her entrance and she squirmed with need. I didn't even care that Ryder was here, I was past thinking I had some tangible claim on this girl. The stars had proved that I didn't clearly enough. But right now we were just indulging in our desire for one another, and fuck if I was strong enough to miss out on the opportunity.

  I slammed myself inside her up to the hilt and she cried out, the noise swallowed by Ryder as he shoved his tongue into her mouth. I drove into her hard and fast, her hips chasing mine as she used her Order gifts to keep up with me and I cursed as her pussy clenched around me. She felt even better than I remembered, her body as tight as a fist around my swollen length as I pounded in and out of her. Fuck it had been too long since I’d had her. Had anyone. But she was the only one I longed for. No one could feel as good as her.

  She reached for Ryder's waistband, tugging at his belt and he shifted down to sit, spreading his legs either side of her.

  She freed Ryder's dick from his pants and took it into her grip, rubbing hard and fast until he cursed her name and wrapped her hair in his fist. She braced herself on the rocks and I slowed my pace as I let her take him into her mouth. Ryder guided her head down and I reached out, pushing her down even firmer until she'd taken him all the way in and he hissed through his teeth. It was hot as shit to watch and I was beyond giving a fuck what anyone might think about it. But maybe we should have put some damn concealment spells up before we’d started this. Too damn late now.

  I picked up my pace again, gripping her hips and her head bobbed up and down in Ryder’s lap in time with my thrusts as he watched her with hooded eyes.

  Her perfectly tanned back was silken smooth beneath my palm and I marked it with my fingers as I clung to her, slowing my pace every time I felt her getting close to climax.

  Ryder growled his approval as she sucked his cock and I groaned as I came closer and closer to finishing already.

  "We're not going to let you come," Ryder told her, taking his razor blade from his pocket and clenching it in his fist as Elise took him all the way in again. She whimpered desperately, tightening around my length and I cursed as I held out, wanting to prolong this as much as I could.

  "You've got your Lion to make you come,” I taunted.

  She pulled her head up with a growl of fury, but he finished at the same time, pumping his dick as he came over her tits and she gasped as he l

  "Asshole," she growled and I locked eyes with Ryder.

  "I say we make her come harder than the Lion can," I panted in a dare and Ryder's eyes flashed with that idea.

  She moaned hopefully as I slowed my pace and Ryder got to his knees, tucking his dick away.

  "Stand her up," he instructed and I pulled out of Elise, tugging her to her feet and wrapping my arm around her waist as she stood up higher than me on the bank. Ryder lifted her thigh, slinging her leg over his shoulder and she leaned back against me, reaching up to wrap an arm around the back of my neck. I guided my dick to the entrance of her hot pussy again and groaned as I slid into her. This. Fucking. Girl.

  She turned her head, hunting for a kiss and I growled as I gave in, sliding my tongue into her mouth and tasting cherries on her lips. She was my favourite thing in the whole world, she owned me when I was trying to own her. I'd never be enough to have her, but right now I would steal this moment to remember her, to know this was real and that I had craved a girl with the force of all the stars in the sky. That there was some real, magnetic bond between us even if it wasn’t as strong as the one she felt with someone else.

  Ryder lapped at her clit as I fucked her and she didn't last a second longer as we drove her to ruin and she screamed our names to the sky. As her body clenched around me, I lost it, driving myself deep inside and finishing hard. Pleasure rushed through my dick and made me growl as I came, marking her as mine in some small way. Just for now.

  She shivered against me and I held her tight for far too long as I pulled out of her and Ryder got to his feet, leaning in to kiss her like a wolf out for its dinner. I tugged my pants up and Ryder broke his bruising kiss with Elise, turning and striding away into the woods without another fucking word. She called after him, but he was already gone.

  I helped Elise clean up with my water magic and as she did up her shirt buttons and scooped up the scraps of her torn underwear, I backed away from her and let my wings flex out either side of me.


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