Book Read Free

Sweet Sins

Page 8

by E. L. Todd

  “When he dragged me into that alley, I fought back, not caring if I lost the battle. I refused to let him push me around. But…now that I’m having our baby I’m scared. I love something so much and I haven’t even had it yet. I just couldn’t bare the thought of something happening…”

  I placed my hand on hers. “You’re a mom. You’re going to worry over our children until the day you die.”

  She sighed. “I suppose.”

  “But nothing is going to happen again. I promise. History will not repeat itself.”

  She nodded. “I know.”

  “I wouldn’t leave you alone unless I knew it was safe.”

  “I know that too.”

  I kissed her hand then gave her a gentle look.

  “You can go back to work tomorrow.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She nodded.

  “Because I won’t if you’re uncomfortable. Or you can come with me.”

  “No,” she said firmly. “I refuse to be scared. That’s no way to live.”

  She improved over the past few days. Initially, she was scared to come back to the house at all. After we were home, she couldn’t sleep. She jumped at every noise, but now she was better. Last night, she slept without any problems. “We should go upstairs…” She pushed her plate away, which was still full of pancakes and toast.


  She sauntered to me then rubbed her hand against my chest. “Because my man needs to be satisfied. I’ve been falling behind on my duties.”

  I smirked. “You don’t owe me anything but I’m not going to say no to that.” I jumped out of my seat and followed her up the stairs, grabbing her ass and playing with her.

  When we were in the bedroom, I pulled her clothes away and she undressed me. Once our bodies were combined, I felt a million times better. The stress washed away and I knew we were okay again. She looked up at me with the green eyes I loved and moaned quietly, her nails digging into my skin.

  We were okay.



  The wedding was just a day away, and I had to take care of a few things after work. I hadn’t seen Janice much because she was at Cassandra’s place helping with the decorations and last minute touches.

  When I was at the shop, it was swarming with people like usual. I considered expanding the size because I couldn’t accommodate any more artists. And since I was swept in paperwork and money matters, I never inked. It was a shame because I was pretty damn good at what I did.

  My evening manager called in sick so I was stuck running the shop until closing.

  When are you coming home? I knew Janice was pissed I had to stay at work. Whenever I wasn’t home on time, she was mad. But I felt the same way about her. If she had to stay after because of a book emergency, I was always irritated. She and I were odd in a way I couldn’t explain. She pissed me off and drove me crazy, but damn, I loved her. I was sick of being her fiancé. I wanted to be her husband, and I wanted her to call me that. The ring tattooed on my finger wasn’t enough. I wanted her to have my last name.

  The artists cleaned up their stations and clocked out. I stayed behind to do some bookkeeping since I’d be busy for the next few days. They walked out but didn’t lock the door. I was going to leave in a minute or two anyway.

  The bell over the door rang when someone walked in.

  “We’re closed,” I said without looking up.

  No response.

  “I said we’re closed.” I finally looked up, irritated that the visitor didn’t leave.

  “Hello, Ryan.” Her brown hair was tangled and off to one shoulder. She looked like she lived in a sewer for the past twenty years. Her skin was wrinkly, adding years of age to her appearance. The sudden smell of smoke filled my nostrils, making me reminiscence to my childhood. The skin of my shoulder suddenly burned. Anger, rage, and disgust ran through me. I never hit women and didn’t intend to, but this bitch was an exception. I was already pissed she called me, but now I was furious she showed up here. Thank god she didn’t come to my apartment where my fiancé was. That would be unacceptable. “Get the fuck out before I call the cops.”

  “And say what? I’m not robbing you.”

  “I’ll lie.” I meant it. I had no integrity or honor when it came to her.

  “That’s how you treat your mother?”

  “You’re not my mother. I have no mother.” That was the truth as far as I was concerned. The only person I saw in a motherly way was Cortland’s mom. She always made me pies at Christmas time and knitted me a sweater. She was sweet to me even though I wasn’t even her own son.

  She chuckled lightly, showing her yellow and decaying teeth. “You’re angry. I get it.”

  “Angry?” I laughed because the situation was ridiculous. “No. I’m nothing. I’m indifferent to you. Get out of my life and fade away. Just die already.”

  The smile fell off her face. “If you don’t give me the money I need, I may.”

  “Good riddance.” I knew I was being cold, but I wouldn’t forgive her for what she did to me and my little sister. It was a miracle we didn’t turn into homeless drug abusers. If Scarlet ended up as a prostitute, I wouldn’t have been surprised.

  “Ryan, where’s your compassion?”

  “You flew all the way to New York,” I snapped. “You obviously have money.”

  “Not enough.”

  “Sean gave you five million less than a year ago. Don’t bullshit with me.”

  “And that still wasn’t enough.”

  She was lying. I knew she was. “I’m not giving you anything. You may as well leave.”

  She came closer to the counter. I had a pistol and a shotgun just under the register. I’d never used them before, but there was a first time for everything. “Please help me. I’m begging you.”

  “You only come to me when you want something.” I wanted to ask why she didn’t bother Scarlet, but I didn’t want to give her any ideas by bringing it up. I’d rather her stay focused on me until she gave up. This was the last thing my sister needed right now. “I don’t give a shit what happens to you.” I could never explain how much I despised this woman. Just looking at her made me sick.

  She eyed my hand on the table. “Married?”

  My tattoo. I pulled my hand away, out of sight. “Leave.”

  “Who’s the lucky girl?”

  “I said leave.”

  She leaned over the counter, not backing down. “Ryan, give me what I want or I will make this more difficult for you.”

  “Are you threatening me?”

  “Only if you make this difficult.”

  I gripped the counter because I was so mad. “You took away my inheritance, and now you want to ask me for more money? Not gonna happen.”

  “I’m your mother, Ryan.” Her voice became louder, harsh. The desperation was clear on her face.

  “What do you need the money for?”

  “Medical bills.”

  “Cigarettes don’t qualify as medical bills,” I snapped.

  “Shut your mouth!” She pointed her finger at my face. “I’ll slap you.”

  “What an excellent tactic to get me to help you,” I said sarcastically.

  “Ryan, please. I won’t bother you again.”

  “No.” Forget it. I’m not giving in. She bugged Scarlet then came to me next. If I gave her what she wanted, she’d just come back like a stranded dog. “Now get out.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” The wrinkles around her eyes straightened in determination. The smell on her breath was nauseating. I couldn’t be close to her without wanting to throw up.

  I came around the counter then grabbed her by the arm, feeling the wrinkles from too much sun exposure and muscle deterioration. I felt like I was touching a waterbed. “Get out.”

  She pulled her arm away and hissed at me. “Give it to me!” She raised her arm and hit me hard in the face, drawing blood from my nose.

  Seriously, why couldn’t this bitch just di
e? I gripped her by the elbow and back of the neck then shoved her out of my shop, making her stumble outside. “Don’t. Come. Back.” I gave her a death threat with my eyes before I shut the door and locked it. I closed the blinds so she couldn’t see in.

  I paced around the shop, unable to sit still. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. This demon would never go away. She would keep popping up until she died. Why couldn’t she just die now? I didn’t give a shit if she was my mom. She was a horrible person. I wasn’t going to give her anything I worked hard for. I still had a scar under my hair from where an ashtray collided with my skull. She could burn in hell for all I care.

  I knew I couldn’t leave the shop. It was too risky. If she was watching me, she could follow me home. It didn’t make a difference to me, but I wouldn’t lead her to Janice. I had to keep her safe. Janice could hold her own, and if she ever saw my mom, she’d kick her ass, but I didn’t want her involved in this.

  I went into the back office and collapsed on the chair. This was where I’d be sleeping for the night. I preferred my warm bed with my fiancé’s body wrapped around mine, but this would have to do.

  I pulled out my phone and texted her. I’m sleeping at the shop tonight. I’ll explain later.

  She called me as soon as I sent the message.

  I sighed then answered. “Yeah?”

  “Babe, are you okay?” Her voice flashed in alarm. “Why are you sleeping at the shop?”

  “My mom came by and harassed me.” I said it lifelessly, with no tone.


  Silence stretched for a while.

  “What did she want?”

  “The usual,” I said darkly.

  “Why aren’t you coming home?”

  “I don’t want her to follow me. I can’t risk her finding you. I don’t think she’s dangerous, but I’d rather not deal with it.”

  “Bring her here,” she snapped. “I’ll beat the shit out of that cunt.”

  I smiled despite my depression. “I know, baby. But it wouldn’t do any good. She’ll keep coming back.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  I sighed. “Keep saying no until she goes away.”

  “Maybe you should just—”

  “No. Not an option.”

  She didn’t press it. “Are you going to tell Scarlet?”

  “As long as this doesn’t affect her, I’m not telling her.”

  “That would probably be best.”

  “I’m sorry I have to stay here for the night.”

  “It’s okay,” she whispered. “I understand.”

  “I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay?”

  “Ryan, you have a gun there, right?”


  “Just be careful, okay?”

  I loved that my woman cared about me. “I’ll be okay.”

  “Okay. I love you.”

  “I love you too.” I hung up then leaned back in the chair, trying to fall asleep.



  When I got home from work, Cassandra was sitting on the couch. The house was spotless and most of the furniture had been moved to allow people inside. The caterers and decorators would be there in the morning to set up for the next day. Everything was ready to go. In twenty-four hours, I’d be a married man.

  But that didn’t scare me.

  I sat beside Cassandra and looked at her. “How was your day?”

  She turned toward me, her face free of make up and her hair pulled back. Even when she did absolutely nothing to enhance her appearance, she looked stunning. Whether she wore make up or not, she looked beautiful. Any time I saw a girl wear too much make up, she immediately reminded me of a stripper or whore. While Cassandra was always hot for me, she certainly wasn’t either of those things. “It was good. I didn’t do much.”

  “Good. That’s what I wanted to hear.” I took her hand and held it on my thigh. “So…?”


  “Big day tomorrow.” I said what was on our minds.


  “So, nervous?” Please say no.

  “No. You?”


  “Well, that’s good.”

  I wasn’t sure what we should do the night before the wedding. I had to get up at six and get out of the house so Cassandra could get ready without being seen. I wondered how she’d look in her dress. I never particularly thought brides were hot, and I didn’t understand what was so fascinating about an all white dress, but maybe I would understand tomorrow. “What did you want to do tonight?”

  “I have something in mind…”

  I smirked. “You have my attention.”

  “Well, I was thinking about how your bachelor party wasn’t so great.”

  “Yeah?” My shoulders tensed, wondering what she might say.

  “I wanted to give you a real bachelor party.”

  I cocked an eyebrow. “On the last day before I’m a married man, I don’t want to see a bunch of strippers and sluts parade around. I only want my fiancé.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want one stripper and slut to parade around…?” A playful look was in her eye.

  Now I understood where this was going. “Well, it depends. Is she hot?”

  “Some might say so.”

  “Is she blonde? I like blondes.”


  I smirked. “Does she have a nice rack?”

  She pushed her chest toward me. “You tell me.”

  I placed a kiss on her chest. “She does.”

  She gripped my tie then pulled my mouth to her lips. “Come upstairs in five minutes.”

  This shit just got good. “Okay.”

  “My fiancé is getting a bachelor party after all.”

  I swallowed the lump in my throat. “A much better one.”

  She moved up the stairs then disappeared.

  I stood up, unable to sit still, and paced around the living room and the kitchen. I wondered what she planned for me. A strip tease? A dance? My mind flashed in endless possibilities. Having Cassandra do nasty things was so much better than going to a dirty strip club. She blew all those girls out of the water. I ran my fingers through my hair anxiously, unable to sit still. I was so excited.

  When it was exactly five minutes, I bolted up the stairs, eager to catch a glimpse of my lady. I wondered what lingerie she was wearing. Was it black or red? Did it push up her chest and make her boobs look like melons? My mind kept working in overdrive.

  When I entered the bedroom, it was dark. Only lit candles illuminated the room. A chair was next to the bed.


  I turned to her, seeing her lean on a pole. When the fuck did we get a stripper pole in our room?

  “Don’t talk.”

  I shut my mouth quickly.

  “Now sit down.” She wore black garters that attached to her gray stockings. She wasn’t wearing a corset, which I was thankful for. I didn’t want her to hide her stomach from me. If she wanted to get me hard, that was the best way to do it. She wore a lacy black bra that made her breasts look fuckable. She didn’t wear heels, which pleased me. She shouldn’t be wearing them. I sat in the chair and adjusted my hard-on so it wouldn’t break through my slacks.

  She sauntered over to me, giving me a good look at her puffed hair. She still didn’t wear any make up, but I liked that. I could see my Cassandra. She picked up a bottle of whiskey and poured it into a short glass. “For the gentleman.” She placed it directly in my hand. As soon as I felt my hand touch hers, I wanted to pull her into my lap.

  “You know, I didn’t expect to do anything like this on our last night together,” I said. “I figured we’d make love and talk through the night.”

  “We have the rest of our lives to be romantic.”

  Her words made me shiver.

  “Now shut up.”

  I smirked, loving her no bullshit attitude. “Yes, ma’am.”

  She hooked in her iPod then turned on the m
usic, something loud and fast. “For the record, I’m not a professional.”

  “I’m sure it’ll be just fine,” I yelled over the music.

  She grabbed a cigar from between her breasts and handed it to me. I smelled it but didn’t light it, not wanting to smoke around a pregnant woman. She smiled then walked back to the pole.

  I knew she was inexperienced, judging the hesitation on her face, but it was still the best show I’d ever seen. All other women had nothing on Cassandra. I leaned back and drank my whiskey, watching her spin around the pole and dance around it. She didn’t do any moves or hold her body over the pole, but she danced with it, showing her ass in my face. She didn’t look at me while she moved, pretending I didn’t exist. I sat in my dark corner and felt my cock throb while I watched her. She pressed her back to the pole then grabbed the pole overhead, the bar right between her cheeks. Then she slid down then back up again.

  “Fuck.” I adjusted myself again because my cock didn’t want to be restrained.

  She was sexy without even trying. She was a natural at everything she did. Even with no experience and never touching a pole in her life, she could walk into any strip club and ask for a job. Without a doubt, any club owner would hire her on the spot. Her toned arms and legs showed her fitness, and her bulging stomach just made the scene hotter. I like knowing this private show was just for me. She would never do this for anyone else. She was mine.

  Thirty minutes passed and I was starting to get impatient. I wanted the show to end, not because she wasn’t fucking fantastic, but because my balls were blue. I wanted to be inside her now, to fuck her into the mattress and come inside her.

  “You want a lap dance?” she asked.

  I patted my thigh and winked at her.

  “It’s gonna cost you.”

  “How much?”

  “One heart.”

  “My fiancé already has that.”

  “Your bed.”

  “She has that too.”

  “Then whatever you have left.” She walked to me, shaking her hips.

  “I don’t have anything left. Because she has everything.”

  Her eyes softened but the emotion passed. She turned around then dropped her bottom right on my crotch. I knew she felt my hard cock right against her ass. It was hard to miss ten inches of steel.


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