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Sweet Sins

Page 9

by E. L. Todd

  My hands moved to her hips, but she swatted me away. “No touching.”

  I growled in her ear then leaned back, drinking my second glass of whiskey.

  She leaned back and rubbed her ass against my crotch, stroking it. She was hitting it in the right spot, doing it on purpose. If she was trying to make me beg, it was working.

  I pressed my mouth to her ear then grabbed her ass. “Best. Bachelor. Party. Ever.” I breathed into her ear then nibbled on her earlobe. “Now let me fuck you.”

  “I don’t provide those services.” She gave me a playful look then grinded her ass harder.

  “You should have a change of heart.”

  “You are pretty cute.” She gripped my tie then smirked at me.

  “I’ll show you cute,” I threatened.

  “I don’t do this for just anybody…”

  I kissed her ear. “Now I feel special.” I stood up and pulled her with me, guiding her to the bed. I turned off the music because I preferred listening to the sounds she made. My clothes were off with lightning speed and I crawled on top of her, not bothering to remove her clothes. I pulled her underwear to the side then slipped inside her, moaning at how good it felt.

  She lay her head back then gripped my shoulders, gasping as I entered her hard and fast.

  My mouth was pressed to hers and I breathed hard, sliding in and out of her perfect pussy. I wasn’t scared to do this every night for the rest of my life. Cassandra challenged me even when I didn’t like it. She forced me to be a better man without even trying. She was good for me, making me into someone worthy of honor and trust. The intimacy and trust between us was profound. I knew most girls wouldn’t have the confidence to do a stripper show for anyone, but she felt comfortable with me, knowing I would love anything she did. I knew most guys would never get a private bachelor party from their own fiancé, but then again, they didn’t have anyone as amazing as she. She made me excited for every new day.

  I wanted to fuck her and grunt while I thrust inside her, but my animalism quickly changed into sensual lovemaking. I kissed her and caressed her lips slowly, moving into her with precision. Even the hottest fucking was nothing compared to the gentle intimacy we shared. I could do this a thousand times and never get bored. Only she could keep me hooked.

  I knew she found her release when she tightened around me. Her legs were wide open, but I still felt her constrict around my throbbing cock. I couldn’t hold on much longer, and I didn’t want to anyway. I released inside her as she rode her high, combining our bodies and mind even more.

  I still kept her close to me even when I was done. “I wish tomorrow would get here already.”

  Her eyes softened. “The bachelor party wasn’t as good as you were hoping?”

  “No. It was amazing. Which is why I want to marry you even more.”



  Flynn usually slept in late on his days off. It didn’t matter how early he went to bed. If that alarm didn’t go off, he’d be in bed all day. I didn’t bother him and let him be. He rocked my world last night so I cut him some slack.

  When I went into the kitchen, Cade was already sitting there eating a bowl of cereal. I totally forgot about him. I found it hard to believe that he and Flynn were related. Flynn could be cocky and arrogant, but he was such a sweetheart. Cade…was just a jerk. I didn’t want to be alone with him, not because I thought he would hurt me. It was just awkward.

  He spotted me enter the kitchen.

  Too late.

  I walked to the refrigerator, wearing Flynn’s t-shirt and sweatpants and opened it. His clothes were baggy and humongous on me, but I preferred to wear his clothes instead of mine. They smelled like him, and I desperately missed that scent this past week. And his clothes made me feel like he still surrounded me.

  I grabbed the orange juice then poured myself a glass.

  “You don’t say hi?” Cade jabbed. His eyes were focused on his Lucky Charms.

  “Hi,” I said with an attitude.

  He shook his head slightly. “Still a bitch, I see.”

  My eyes widened. “You’re lucky I’m not going to tell Flynn you said that.”

  “Go ahead. I don’t give a shit.”

  I was getting really sick of his attitude. I walked to him, still holding the juice. “You know, this is half my apartment too.”

  “Flynn pays the bills—you’re just a visitor.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “With one word you’re out on your ass.”

  “I’m calling your bluff, Tinkerbelle.”

  “Tinkerbelle?” I said in annoyance.

  “Yeah, you’re tiny and fake just like her.”

  I was so close to punching him in the face. “What the hell is your problem? Do you get tired of being a prick every second of the day?”

  “Do you get tired of being a bitch?”

  I groaned in irritation. “I can’t even talk to you.”

  “Good,” he snapped.

  Flynn came into the kitchen, wearing sweatpants that were loose around his hips. They hung low, showing his tight abs and beautiful chest. His hair was messy but I liked it like that. He was so sexy first thing in the morning. For a second, he distracted me from my anger. “What’s the problem?” He opened the refrigerator and grabbed the orange juice, drinking it straight from the carton.

  “Flynn,” I pressed. “That’s rude. We have a guest.”

  “Now I’m a guest?” Cade asked indignantly. “No wonder why Flynn sticks around. Being bipolar must keep him busy.”

  “I’m this close to slapping you,” I threatened.

  “I don’t suggest you do that if you don’t want me to slap you back.”

  Flynn wiped the juice from his lips then approached his brother. “You should be grateful I’m going to assume those last words were a joke.” The threat was in his eyes.

  “What the hell do you see in this girl?” Cade demanded. “She’s got a mouth, an attitude, she’s a bitch, and she’s not even that—”

  Flynn punched him so hard Cade was out of his seat and on the floor.

  I wasn’t surprise. That asshole had it coming.

  Cade rubbed his jaw, feeling the drops of blood from his mouth.

  “Get the fuck out,” Flynn snapped. “This is Hazel’s apartment and if you aren’t going to show her any respect then you need to leave.”

  “Like she could afford an inch of this place,” Cade snapped.

  Flynn grabbed him by the throat and punched him in the face again. “Get your shit and leave.”

  Cade stayed on the floor and breathed for a moment before he sat up.

  “Go,” Flynn snapped. “I’m not sure why I even let you in to begin with.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest and stayed back. I didn’t want Flynn to fight with his brother but I couldn’t tolerate the way Cade treated me. It was uncalled for and wrong.

  “I’m sorry,” Cade said. “Please let me stay.”

  “No.” Flynn wasn’t having it. “I’m sick of the way you’re acting. You’re worse than usual. I thought I was an arrogant man, but you’re a million times worse. I may have a lot of confidence, but I don’t think I’m better than everyone else. Now go.”

  Cade rose to his feet slowly then wiped the blood from his mouth. I’m sorry, okay? Please don’t kick me out.”

  “Just go somewhere else,” Flynn said. “You don’t want to be here and I don’t want you here. You’re one of the wealthiest men in the world. Just go to a hotel or something.”

  “I…I have nowhere else to go.” Cade forced the words from his lips. “You’re literally the only person I have in the world right now.”

  Flynn stared at him, speechless.

  “I shouldn’t have spoken to Hazel that way and I’m sorry. I’m just…angry. I’m sorry.”

  “What’s going on?” Flynn asked.

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” he said immediately. He returned to the table and picked up his spoon.

nbsp; Flynn grabbed his arm and dragged him back to his feet. “I never said you could stay.”

  “Come on.” Cade’s blue eyes burned with desperation. “You want me to beg?”

  “This isn’t up to me. Hazel lives here too. You’ll have to ask her.”

  He sighed. “Are you joking?”

  “No.” Flynn released his arm. “I won’t let you make my girl feel uncomfortable in her own home. It’s up to her. So I suggest you give her your best apology.” Flynn came to my side, his bicep touching my shoulder.

  I liked that Flynn was always on my side, no matter what. Even if his own family was disrespecting me, he had my back. Flynn stared down his brother and waited for him to speak.

  Cade sighed then ran his fingers through his tasseled brown hair. The brothers look similar, but Cade had a darker look to him. If I saw him in an alleyway, I’d be scared. He seemed slightly psycho with those hooded eyes. He was handsome like Flynn, but darker, twisted. “I’m sorry.”

  Flynn stared him incredulously. “Is that it?”

  “What else am I supposed to say?” he snapped. “I apologized, didn’t I?”

  “Why are you so mean to my girlfriend?” Flynn asked. “I admit she’s given you attitude, but frankly, you deserved it. Yet, you’re treating her worse than you treat everyone else. You didn’t like her before she even opened her mouth.”

  Cade rolled his eyes. “I said I was sorry. That’s the most you’re getting out of me.”

  “Are you going to be nice to her?” Flynn pressed.

  “Yes,” he said through his clenched jaw.

  I didn’t like Cade. In that moment, I knew I never would. He was a spoiled brat that thought he was above everyone else. He was used to getting his way. As a result, he became entitled and disrespectful. I didn’t have an ounce of respect for him. But, he was still Flynn’s brother. And because of that, and the fact he said he had nowhere to go, I decided to let it slide. “You can stay.”

  Cade seemed just as surprised as Flynn. “I can?”

  “Yeah. Just don’t cross me,” I threatened.

  Flynn smiled. “My baby can have an attitude too, just so you know.”

  Cade nodded. “Well…thanks.” He sat down and got back to his cereal.

  Flynn looked at me, eyeing me carefully. “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “I know.” I walked away and poured my own bowl of cereal. Flynn ate Lucky Charms almost every day so I poured him a bowl and saved him the trip. When I returned to the table, Flynn flashed me a smile.

  “You brought me cereal?” He was always surprised when I did random and small things for him.

  “It was on my way.” I sat beside him and dug in.

  Flynn looked at his brother and nodded to me. “This is the perfect woman right here.”

  “Because I bring you cereal?” I teased.

  “That’s just one thing.” He winked at me. “You know all the rest.”

  Cade didn’t look at us. He hunched over his cereal and ate.

  Flynn readopted his serious look. “So, what’s going on, Cade?”

  “I said I didn’t want to talk about it.”

  “Too bad.”

  “Just lay off, alright?” He snapped so quickly.

  “If you’re staying here, I’d like to know,” Flynn said. “And I’m your brother. You should tell me anyway.”

  “He’ll tell you when he’s ready,” I said. I really hated the guy but I felt bad for him. He had all the money he’d ever need, resources, and his good looks. But having the world didn’t make him happy. Nothing did. That sounds like a miserable existence to me.

  Flynn eyed me then dropped the subject.

  After we finished breakfast, Flynn and I went to the bridal store and picked up our clothes for the wedding. Flynn was wearing a suit with a green tie that matched my dress. I hadn’t seen him yet but I knew he was going to look handsome as hell. We’d have to sneak away during the wedding and get nasty behind a tree.

  My sexuality surprised me most of all. I was never that open about sex and I never enjoyed it. Maybe that was why I was bad in bed. With Flynn, it was amazing. I always wanted more and wanted to try new things. I didn’t feel self-conscious about my small tits or how good I was. Flynn always made me feel perfect. He slept with hundreds of girls but never once did I feel like he was comparing me.

  After we went out to dinner, we came home with our clothes. Cade was sitting on the couch, watching TV with a depressed look on his face. He hadn’t left the apartment once.

  “Did you do anything today?” Flynn asked.


  “You should go out.”

  “I’m good,” he said with an attitude.

  I came behind the couch and rested my hands on the back. “We’re going to a wedding tomorrow. You should come.” I knew Mike and Cassandra wouldn’t care.

  “No thanks.” That was most polite I’ve ever heard him. At least he was trying.

  “You’re just going to sit around here and sulk all day?”

  “I’m not sulking,” he snapped.

  Flynn rolled his eyes. “Leave him be. If he wants to be a loner that isn’t our problem.”

  We went to bed then hung up our clothes in the closet.

  “You excited about tomorrow?” Flynn asked while he lay on the bed.

  “So excited. I’m not thrilled about waking up early.”

  “Me neither.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Well, you’re a lazy bones.”

  “Lazy bones?” he asked with a laugh. “I work damn hard.”

  “But on your days off, you sleep until noon.”

  He shrugged. “I get more writing done when I sleep in late.”

  “Shouldn’t it be the opposite?”

  “Artists are picky.” He winked at me. “You wouldn’t understand.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t?” I said playfully. “You can be just as cocky as your brother.”

  “No, there’s a difference. I’m cute when I’m cocky. Cade is just an ass.”

  That was the truth.

  “Now ride me like a cowgirl and let’s get to bed.”

  I smirked. “Right to the point, huh?”

  “We always make love before bed. I’m just speeding along the process.”

  I walked to my nightstand then turned off the lamp before I got into bed.

  Flynn turned his on, lighting the room again.

  I preferred the lights off because I didn’t like it when he could see me really well. He made me feel beautiful, but I knew I wasn’t a supermodel. I leaned over and kissed him then snuck my hand to the lamp, turning it off again.

  Once it was dark, he turned it back on. He broke our kiss then gave me a serious look. “I like looking at you.”

  Why did he have to put me on display all the time? He was always so adamant about pushing me to be open and confident about my body. Every time I wanted to crawl in the dark and hide, he yanked me back. “Can we just have sex in the dark like normal couples?” I reached over and turned off the light, victorious.

  He turned it back on. “We aren’t having sex. We’re making love. There’s a difference.”

  “Whatever.” I turned it off.

  He growled then turned it back on. “Knock it off.”

  “You’re ruining the moment.”

  “Me?” he asked incredulously. “You’re the one who won’t let me look at you. You’re fucking gorgeous and you deny me the right to look at you. I like staring at your body when I make love to you. It’s hard not to come, but I enjoy it anyway.”

  “Okay. My libido is officially gone.”

  “Well, it won’t take long for me to get it back.” He pulled me to the bed then moved on top of me, his lips immediately finding my neck. His lips kissed and sucked my skin, seducing me with every passing second. “You’re melting in my hands…”

  I ran my fingers through his hair. “You’re so full of yourself.”

  “But you are.” He found my lips and kissed me w
hile he pulled off my jeans and underwear. When his fingers moved between my legs, he felt the moisture pulling there. “Excited—like I expected.”

  “Ugh.” I wanted to push him off and end our rendezvous just to prove a point, but I couldn’t find the strength to end his touch. It felt too good.

  He pulled my shirt off then unclasped my bra with the speed born of a man with multiple partners. Flynn didn’t wait for me to get his clothes off. He pulled them off himself. His thick head moved to my entrance while he leaned over me.

  “Look at me.”

  I didn’t realize my eyes were closed. I guess I thought if I couldn’t see him, he couldn’t see me. “I know what you look like.”

  He growled. “Hazel.”

  I didn’t open them.

  His thick head moved inside slowly but didn’t go any further. He was teasing me, torturing me. I wanted more of him, all of him. “Open your eyes.”

  I knew I had to meet his demands. I looked at him then gripped his forearms.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world. I hope one day you’ll see yourself the way I see you.” He moved in slowly, making me arch my back because it felt so good. “And you’re pussy is off the hook.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Thanks for ruining the moment.”

  He rocked into me slowly, inserting his entire length. “It doesn’t look like I did.”

  I locked my eyes onto his, seeing the desire and love in his eyes. He always felt so amazing when he was inside me. While I loved everything about Flynn, I loved this the most. I quickly became addicted to sex with him. Who knew it could be so amazing?

  He pressed his lips to my forehead and kept going. His eyes never left mine as he moved all the way in then back out. My legs were shaking because it felt so good. My hands reached for his biceps and I squeezed them, feeling the muscle underneath. I felt the heat burn in my lower stomach. I recognized the sensation because I felt it so many times.

  “Come for me,” he whispered.

  I whimpered then moaned loudly, not caring that his brother was in the apartment.

  He watched me, mesmerized. “You look beautiful when you come.”

  I was too high to care about my appearance or how my face looked. I was spiraling into the pool of pleasure he sent me to. “Flynn…”


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