by Will Durant
prostitution, 230, 386, 394, 396, 412, 444, 480, 483, 532, 562
papal prosecution of, 241, 252
Protestantism: in Austria, 541, 571
Bohemia, 542, 5 56–58, 565, 571
Denmark, 495–96, 647
in England, re-establishment of, 6, 15–19
France, see Huguenots; Geneva, see Calvinism
Germany, 548–49, 551–56, 560–71, 647
Hungary, 541
Italy, see Reformation
Netherlands, 436–58, 458–60
Poland, 506, 508–11
Scotland, 110–12, see also Kirk of Scotland
Sweden, 499–501, 505, 571, 647
Protestant Union (Germany, 1608), 555
Prussia, Kingdom of, 570
Prynne, William (1600–69), 80, 190, 191, 193
Pseudodoxia epidemica (Browne), 195
Pskov, siege of (1615), 500, 507
psychology, 183, 587, 636, 642, 646
Ptolemy, Claudius (fl. 150), 97, 407, 590, 595, 597, 605, 610
Pulci, Luigi (1432–84), 300
Purchas, Samuel (1575?–1626), 166–67
Puritans, 23–28, 33, 40, 53, 58, 63
and Anglican episcopacy and ritual, 18, 23–28, 139–40, 158, 187–91, 208
and the Bible, 23, 152, 190–92, 335
in Civil Wars, 212 f.; doctrines and organization, 18, 23–25, 190–91, 267, 270
intolerance of, 188, 190
migration of, 28, 140, 158, 204
and music, games, dancing, 59, 140, 191, 208
persecuted, 8, 25, 26, 43, 189–90, 193
sects, 186, 190, 214–15
strength in Parliament, 188, 211
and the theater, 14, 78–79, 107, 150, 191, 192–94
Pushkin, Alexander Sergeievich (1799–1837), 515
Pym, John (1584–1643), 159, 201, 207–8, 210–212
Pyrenees, Peace of the (1659), 289, 327, 569
Pyrrho (365?–275 B.C.), 408, 639*
Quakers, 152, 186, 190
Quebec, Canada, 590
Quevedo y Villegas, Francisco Gómez de (1580–1645), 305–7
Quietists, 275
Quiney, Thomas (1589–1655), 107
Quintilian (c. 40–118?), 146
Quip for an Upstart Courtier, A (Greene), 69
Rabelais, François (1494?–1553), 77, 97, 153, 300, 398, 399, 427, 548, 619
Racan, Honorat de Bueil, Marquis of (1589–1670), 418
Racine, Jean (1639–99), 78, 99, 108, 109, 267, 313, 420, 426, 434, 646
Raimondi, Marcantonio (1475?–1534?), 432, 472
Rain, battle of (1632), 564
Raleigh, Sir Walter (1552?–1618), 9, 11, 14, 38–40, 53*, 58, 478
and Essex, 42, 43
expeditions of, 39, 57, 157–58
freethinking circle of, 16, 39, 82
patron of authors, 65, 74
trial, imprisonment, death, 39, 137, 157–158
writings, 16, 39, 152, 157
Ralph Roister Doister (Udall), 77
Rambouillet, Catherine de Vivonne de Savelli, Marquise of (1588–1665), 393
salon of, 258, 397–98, 415, 417–19, 426
Rambouillet, Charles d’Angennes, Marquis of, 397
Ramus, Petrus (1517–72), 181, 351, 605
Randolph, Thomas (1523–90), 7, 118, 119
Ranke, Leopold von (1795–1886), 256, 456*
Ranters, 186
Raphael (Rafaelo Sanzio: 1483–1520), 232–33, 236, 237, 266, 273, 279, 432, 472, 494
Julius Il, 319, 326
Sistine Madonna, 328
Vatican Stanze, 234, 265
“Rapture, A” (Carew), 197
Ravaillac, François (1578–1610), 372, 629
Ravenna, Italy, 226, 235, 238*
Ravyshement of Lucrece, The (Shakespeare), 90
Rawley, William (fl. 1624), 171, 177
Raymond of Sebunde (d. 1437?), 407
realism, see under painting
Real Presence in Eucharist, rejection of, 18, 412, 551, 552
recusants, 19, 87, 140–41, 149
Redi, Francesco (1626?–98), 612
Reformation, Catholic, see Counter Reformation
Reformation, Protestant, 230, 238, 333
in Bohemia, 571
Denmark, 495
Empire, 561
England, 13, 15, 17, 51, 63, 64, 66, 102, 273
France, 63
Germany, 63, 273, 571
Hungary, 541
Italy, 225, 266
Poland, 506
Scotland, 110–12, 116, 126
Spain’s rejection of, 275
in Switzerland, see Calvinism, Geneva
see also Huguenots
Reformation Parliament (Scotland, 1560), 112
refraction, see optics
Regensburg (Ratisbon), 542*
Diet of (1630), 600
Reggio Emilia, Italy, 316
Régnier, Mathurin (1573–1613), 419
Regular Clerks Minor, 244
Reims, France, 427
Jesuit college, 20, 126
Reinken, Johann Adam (1623–1722), 480
Relectiones (Francisco a Victoria), 632*
Religio medici (Browne), 194, 196
religion: decline of in Europe, 571, 579
and philosophy, 102–4, 177, 181, 407–10, 519, 613–615
royal supremacy in, 139, 203, 284; see also Church and state
Religion of Protestants a Safe Way to Salvation, The (Chillingworth), 188
religious freedom, see toleration
Religious Peace (Busher), 140
Religious Wars, French (1562–94), 342–45, 354, 358, 360–65, 390, 395, 403, 415, 427, 446, 630, 646
causes and preliminaries, 333–42, 382
England in, 342–43, 362
final peace, 365, 367
Paris, siege of, 362–63
Spain in, 242, 285, 345, 360–64, 457
Rembrandt Harmensj van Rijn (1606–69), 266, 267, 269, 319, 326, 465, 476, 478, 487–94, 550
Anatomy Lesson, 484*, 488, 594
Biblical paintings, 488, 489, 491, 492
etchings, 492
and Jews, 487, 489, 490
marriage, 488–490;
Night Watch, 484, 489
Rubens compared with, 462, 472, 473, 490
self-portraits, 487, 488–89, 492, 493;
Supper at Emmaus, 269
Syndics, 486, 492
Remonstrants, 459–60
Renaissance: English, 13, 63, 67, 78, 163, 181, 191, 225
French, 63, 78, 336, 427
German, 63
Italian, 52, 225, 227, 241, 242, 254–56, 265, 267, 268, 273, 330, 428, 483, 534, 600
Netherlands, 225, 481
in Scotland, 116, 126
Spain, 225, 275
Renaissance style, see under architecture
Renan, Ernest (1823–90), 636
Renata, Cecilia, m. (1637) Ladislav IV, King of Poland, 509
Renaudot, Théophraste (1586–1653), 416
René of Orange and Nassau (1518–44), 438
Reni, Guido (1575–1642), 233–34, 236, 237, 266
Renoir, Pierre Auguste (1841–1919), 471
Réponse au paradoxe de M. Le Malestroict (Bodin), 630
Republic (Plato), 179
Republic, The (Bodin), 629–32
Requeséns, Luis de Zuñiga y (1525–76), 450
Request (Netherlands, 1566), 441–42
Rerum in ecclesia gestarum … commentant (Foxe), 15
Rerum Scoticarum historia (Buchanan), 135
Restoration, Bourbon (France, 1815–30), 420
Restoration, Stuart (England, 1660–85), 107, 108, 188, 197, 214
Retz, Jean François Paul de Gondi de, Cardinal (1614–79), 390
Reyniers, Lysbeth, m. (1617) Frans Hals, 485–86
Reynolds, Sir Joshua (1723–92), 326, 474, 476
Rhineland, 551, 566, 568
r /> Rhine River commerce, 461, 560, 570
Rhodes, conquest of, 518
Ribalta, Francisco de (1555?–1628), 236–37, 316
Ribera, José or Giuseppe (1588–1652), 236–238, 268, 269, 320, 323, 330
Ribera, Juan de, Archbishop (fl. 1609), 287
Riccardi, Niccolò (fl. 1626), 608
Ricci, Matteo (1552–1610), 248
Rich, Barnaby (1540?–1617), 65
Rich, Penelope, Lady (1562?–1607), 72
Rich, Robert, Baron, later 1st Earl of Warwick (fl. 1600), 72
Rich, Robert, 2d Earl of Warwick (1587–1658), 475
Richard II (Shakespeare), 42, 85, 86, 89, 99, 101, 312
Richard III, King of England (1483–85), 513
Richard III (Shakespeare), 81, 89, 99, 100, 101
Richardson, Samuel (1689–1761), 417
Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal (1585–1642), 6, 288, 357, 380–92, 397, 413, 470, 614, 626, 634
centralizes France, subdues nobles, 179, 201, 374, 382–84, 386, 387–388, 423, 435, 560, 571
character, 388–90
and Corneille, 388, 423
death, 391
and dueling, 383, 395, 423
economic measures, 385–86
and French Academy, 415–16, 423
frontiers extended by, 373, 571
Hapsburg cordon broken by, 243, 289, 374, 385, 386, 390, 570–71
and the Huguenots, 202, 380–82, 386
memoirs, 381, 388, 391, 418
patron of art, theater, 415, 421, 428, 431, 432
portraits of, 388, 429, 430
and Portugal, 293
rise to power, 379–81
Testament politique, 391–92
30 Years’ War: alliances, subsidies, 243, 386, 461, 501, 558, 559, 563
30 Years’ War: leadership in, 386–87, 390, 565–66
Ridolfi, Roberto di (1531–1612), 126
Riga, 500, 508, 509
Rimini, Italy, 235, 238*
Rinaldo (Tasso), 259
Rinuccini, Ottavio (1562–1621), 255, 397
Rise of the Dutch Republic (Motley), 440*, 456*
Riza-i-Abbasi (fl. 1598–1643), 534–35
Rizzio, David (1533?–66), 119–20
Roberval, Gilles Personne de (1602–75), 586
Robinson Crusoe (Defoe), 296
Robsart, Amy (1532?–60), 10
Rocco, Antonio (fl. 1613), 605
Rocroi, battle of (1643), 289, 461, 566
Roe, Sir Thomas (1581?–1644), 159
Rohan, Benjamin de, see Soubise
Rohan, Henri, Duke of (1579–1638), 289, 379, 381, 382
Roman Catholic Church, see Catholic Church entries and cross-references
romances, 67, 309, 398
chivalric, 71–72, 264, 297–98, 300–301, 304, 416
pastoral, 297, 299, 416–17
Romano, Giulio (1492–1546), 467
Romanov, house of, 514, 516
Romanov, Feodor Nikitich, see Philaret
romanticism: Elizabethan, see drama, Elizabethan
19th cent., 108, 419, 420, 426
Rome, 238–44
arts of, 267–73
changes made in classic remains, 241–42, 269
fountains of, 269, 272
Il Gesù, 266–67, 269–70, 427
Lateran Palace, 269
Oratory of St. Philip Neri, 254
painters and their works, 225, 232, 236, 267–71, 316–17, 325–26, 432, 466–67, 474
palaces (nobles’ and cardinals’), 233, 236, 268, 269, 271, 272, 325–26, 464
population, 238
Quirinal Palace begun, 269
sack of (1527), 278
St. John Lateran, loggia, 269
St. Peter’s, completion of, 269–71, 272, 427, 463
St. Peter’s Square, 242, 589
Sant’ Agnese begun, 269
Santa Maria Maggiore, Sistine Chapel, 269, 271
Santa Maria della Vittoria, Cornaro Chapel, 271–72
sculpture, 270–73, 429
University, 241, 296
villas, 234, 238, 269
water system, 242; see also Vatican Palace
Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare), 91, 97, 98–99
Ronsard, Pierre (1524–85), 77, 108, 111, 197, 347, 356, 418, 427
Root and Branch faction, 208–9
Rosa, Salvator (1615–73), 268
Rosalynde (Lodge), 92
Rospigliosi, house of, 238
Rothenburg, 549, 561
Rotrou, Jean de (1609–50), 421
Rotterdam, 436, 460, 462, 478, 483
Rouen, France, 363, 402, 409, 462
religious disorders, 340, 352
sack of, 342
Roundheads, 191, 213
Roundway Down, battle of, 213
Rousseau, Jean Jacques (1712–78), 106, 409, 412, 414, 416, 417
social-contract theory, 135, 359, 630
Rousset, François (fl. 1581), 593
Roussillon, 274, 289, 344, 387, 390
Rowe, Nicholas (1674–1718), 87, 89, 92, 108
Royal Academy of Arts (London), 268
Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture (Paris), 431
Royal Charter (Bohemia, 1609), 542
Royal College of Physicians, 169
Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge, 182
royal supremacy in religion, 139, 203, 284
Rubens, Peter Paul (1577–1640), 266, 267, 268–269, 326, 458, 464, 465–73, 493, 494, 508
Assumption, 470
in England, 200, 471
family portraits, 468, 471, 472
in Italy, 227, 466–67
Judgment of Paris, 468, 472
Kermis, 463, 472
Louvre panels, 470
marriages, 467–68, 471, 472
mythological paintings, 467, 468–69, 470
religious paintings, 466–67, 469–70
Rembrandt compared with, 462, 472, 473, 490
self-portraits, 466, 468, 471, 472–73
in Spain, 316, 323, 466, 471
and Vandyck, 473–75, 476
Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor (1576–1612), 371, 539–40, 542, 548, 588, 597, 598, 619
Rudolphine tables, 539, 599–600
Rugby School, 51, 63
rugs, Eastern, 521, 534–36
Ruisdael, Jacob van (1628?–82), 435
Ruisdael, Salomon van (1600–70), 435
Rump Parliament, 219–21
Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine of the Rhine (1619–82), 213, 215, 216, 475
Rurik dynasty, 513
Ruskin, John (1819–1900), 234, 328, 432, 435, 493
Russia, 511-17, 595
Duma, 516
English trade with, 49–50
Orthodox state religion, 512–13, 515–17
Polish invasion of, 507–8, 514, 516–517
population (1571), 512
religious art, 512–13
Swedish war, 500
Time of Troubles, 515–17
Zemski Sobor, 514–16
Ruthven, Lady Mary, m. (1639) Sir Anthony Vandyck, 476
Ruthven, Patrick, 3d Baron Ruthven (1520?–1566), 119
Saadian dynasty, Morocco, 518
Sacchi, Andrea (1599–1661), 268
Sacheverell, Lucy, 198
Sackville, Sir Richard (d. 1566), 66
Sad Shepherd, The (Jonson), 150–51
Sa‘di (Musharrif ud-Din: 1184?–1291), 533, 534
Sadler, Sir Ralph (1507–87), 125
Safavid dynasty, 527
Saggiatore, Il (Galileo), 608
Sagredo, Giovanni (1571–1620), 585
Sa’ib of Isfahan (fl. 1642–66), 533
Saint-André, Jacques d’Albon de, Marshal (1512–62), 340, 342, 343
St. Andrews, Scotland, 112, 134
University, 113
St. Bartholomew, Massacre of, 70, 127, 129, 132, 187, 239–40, 280, 285, 350–55, 363, 364, 396, 403, 417,
430, 438, 448, 539, 630
St.-Denis, France, 428
battle of, 344
Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin (1804–69), 407, 415, 425
Saint-Évremond, Charles de (1613–1703), 636
St.-Germain, Peace of (1570), 345
St.-Omer, religious disturbances at, 443
Saintonge, province, 335
St.-Quentin, battle of (1557), 278, 279, 437
Salamanca, Spain, 314
University of, 295, 305, 311, 575
Salamis, battle of (480 B.C.), 157
Salmasius, Claudius (Claude de Saumaise:1588–1653), 503, 582, 641
Salisbury, Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of, see Cecil, Robert
Sallust (86–35 B.C.), 12, 67
Salò, Gasparo di Bertolotti da (c. 1542–1609), 254
salvation (justification) by faith, vs. good works, 18, 246, 459
Salzburg, 542*, 549
Sanchez, François (1552–1632), 617
Sánchez Coello, Alonso (1530?–88), 316
Sanctorius (Santorio Santorio: 1561–1636), 593
Sandrart, Joachim von (1606–88), 493
San Francisco, Calif., 32, 251
Sangalla, Antonio da (1483?–1546), 242
San Isidro (Vega), 308
San Juan de Ulúa, 32, 33
San Marino, Republic of, 225
Sanmicheli, Michele (1484–1559), 62
Sannazaro, Jacopo (1458–1530), 67, 72, 417
Sansovino, Jacopo Tatti (1486–1570), 62, 231
Santa Cruz, Álvaro de Bazán, Marquis of (1526–88), 34
Santo Domingo, raided by Drake, 34
Sarazin, Jacques (1588–1660), 429
Sarpi, Paolo (1552–1623), 228–30, 246
Satiromastix (Dekker), 149
Satyre Ménipée, 364
Saumur, University of, 580
Savelli, house of, 238
Savile, Sir Henry (1549–1622), 152
Savoy, duchy of, 225, 274, 370
Chablais, Catholicization of, 376
and Lepanto, 523
in 30 Years’ War, 556, 558
Saxo Grammaticus (1150?–1220?), 93
Saxony, Electorate of, 538, 542*, 543
in 30 Years’ War, 557–59, 562–64, 567
witchcraft prosecutions, 578
Scaliger, Joseph Justus (1540–1609), 399, 480, 580–82, 632
Scaliger, Julius Caesar (1484–1558), 420, 580
Scamozzi, Vincenzo (1552–1616), 227, 231
Scarlatti, Domenico (1683–1757), 254
Scarron, Paul (1610–60), 397, 421, 503
Schall von Bell, Johann Adam (1591–1666), 248
Scheidemann, Heinrich (c. 1596–1654), 480
Scheiner, Christoph (1579?–1650), 585, 605–9
Schilderboek (Mander), 484*
Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von (1750–1805), 281*
Schlegel, August Wilhelm von (1767–1845), 108, 310, 311
Schleswig, duchy of, 495, 544, 560
Scholasticism, 67, 178, 181, 244–46, 407, 585, 601