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Atlas Lost

Page 13

by Alaska Angelini

  “I can’t…thank you enough. I’m indebted to you.”

  Atlas struggled to speak, but his actual strength left my skin with goosebumps. Power buzzed in constant waves around him. They entered me, zapping while they adjusted to our connection. With each painful second that passed, my own strength began to increase, just as his.

  “You are not indebted. I was. Your sister has been great help to the Dron in your absence. But that is over now. I leave you with your returned status and a queen free of illness. Her body is strong. It fights fast when given aid. I can’t break either of your ties to Ri, but I’ve given you a foundation to do both.”

  “And we’re grateful,” Atlas said aloud. “If there’s anything, anything whatsoever, I can do for the Dron, I’m but a request away.”

  A ghostly hand came out, a large sword suddenly appearing in its grasp.

  “Stay alive. When I drop this shield, you’ll be back in lands of green. In the new land of lies. Ri’s projection will hold, making it appear in its old state. His kind will stay invisible, but do not believe everything you see. These creatures are loyal to their king, but they’ve gone rogue before. You’re not safe. Carry this and use it only if you have to. The moment they know you see them, Ri will come. He will suspect I gave aid, and there is no going back after that.”

  My brow drew in. “Won’t they see the sword?”

  The Dron shook his head. “Fifth density,” he said, pointing to me and Atlas. “Ninth,” he said, pointing to himself, the sword, and then around us, referring to the cloaked location.

  “Ri has moved to sixth.” Atlas let out a ragged breath. “I feared something like this would happen. He’s smarter than those before him. Deadlier.”

  “The light. It feeds him. It makes him good, but only temporarily. When the effects fade, the power it gives him doesn’t leave.”

  “So, how do we increase our density? It has to be possible, right? At least for Atlas. I mean, you just moved him up. Can you make him stronger?”

  The two men looked at me as if the answer was obvious. And maybe it was, but I still didn’t understand how all of this worked.

  “Love, upgrades sometimes take millions of years. Many reincarnations. Lessons. One density, it sounds small, but I assure you it is not easily obtained. One can work on this without help from the universe, but most never achieve results like they set out for.”

  “But it is possible? I mean, it was just done.”

  The Dron nodded. “You can’t take someone higher than they’ve ever been in previous lives. Sixth…” he said, pointing to Atlas. He went to say something to me, but stopped. “To turn him sixth now would kill him. He must transition the rest on his own. If he’s able.”

  I frowned, glancing back at the Ri. We couldn’t lose. Not just for us or the Paltenians. The universe hung in the balance.

  “Where is Kelu? Is she home? Does she know I’m coming? I was told she was trying to reach me.”

  “She hasn’t been in contact for quite some time, but I can assure you that wasn’t her trying to reach you. She guards herself well. She must.”

  “I will go to her then. Right now.”

  The Dron gave a hard shake of his head. “You must not show the Ri more than you have to. You upgraded, but do not let them see how much. Stay on your journey. Do what they expect. We do not want to gain Ri’s attention. Right now, he plans. He’s distracted. The Dron need time. I asked this of you, Atlas, King of the Paltenians. Let us go about this right.”

  Atlas lowered to the ground, laying on his back. He held the sword, and I eased to my knees, leaning over him.

  “I will do as you ask. Stay in touch.”

  Blinding light exploded from Atlas, causing me to shield my eyes. I knew it had come from him versus our new friend. When I opened my lids, the birds were back, chirping in the distance. Lush green surrounded us, and the Dron and the Ri…were gone.

  Chapter 17


  “Just a little farther.”

  My hand settled on Cara’s back, steadying her on the rugged terrain. Since pretending to awaken from my supposed mini-upgrade, staying in camp with the Ri so curious wasn’t possible. We needed to move. To keep ahead of them so they wouldn’t suspect more than they should.

  Cara’s breaths were heavy as we continued along the mountainside. Despite the chill, sweat covered us both. Maybe mine was more due to the fever taking hold than exertion. I wasn’t sure. I couldn’t even give it thought knowing my mate was suffering. My shift was taking a toll on us both, and it didn’t help hers was kicking in as well. We were both nauseous and fatigued, but she was barely holding on.

  “Right around this mountain. It’s getting late. We’ll settle there for the night.”

  “Didn’t you say that an hour ago?”

  I shifted the pack, frowning as I took in her flushed cheeks.

  “I think I did. I’m sorry. I’ve been trying to buy us some time. You’ve done great today.”

  “Miles,” she groaned. “I’ve done miles. Not so great, though. I usually don’t complain so much.”

  The words were slurred, almost running into each other. I slowed, grabbing her around the waist to sit on a large boulder. Cara instantly groaned as my palm pressed into her forehead.

  “You’re burning up.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You’re not. You’re done. I’m sorry.” I grabbed the water, easing it to her lips as I cursed myself for not taking it easier on her. She was right on the distance. We’d covered more miles than I’d thought possible when we’d set out. And the scenery. It was so different from the valley we had left. It was barren with nothing higher into the mountains. It’s why I thought it best for us to skirt around instead of over. It was more time consuming, but I couldn’t risk Cara’s health any more than I already was. She may have been healed from the cancer, but her body was still weak from the constant adjustments.

  “You’re not doing so good yourself. You’re pale.”

  Water washed over my tongue as I nodded.

  “It’s to be expected. Tomorrow will be better.”

  “I hope so. I was sick for days last time. I hope this round isn’t as bad. I’m over these density shifts. I’m good with what I’ve got.”

  My laugh had her smiling.

  “It is quite the process, but worth it. You’ll see once we put this behind us.”

  Seriousness swept over Cara’s face. “What then? What’s going to happen?”

  If I only knew. Continually, I called out to Kelu. Nothing. The Dron seemed to believe I was still the king. And perhaps, in a way, I was. Things were just so much more complicated than anyone understood. It was easy for them to want me to take my place, but they were not Paltenians. A man wasn’t a king without followers. My people who remained would not forgive me for leaving.

  “The future changes by the day. Anything I tell you, or speculate on, may not come true an hour from now. The most important thing is to get you safe. We’ll go from there.”

  “You mentioned Boise or Los Angeles, but I can’t return to my life, can I?”

  I paused, placing the water back in the pack.

  “With you, of course,” she rushed out. “I mean, back out there. Back in the real world. Or fake world.”

  “The human world?”

  She nodded. “That one. We can’t go back, can we? We’re not safe anymore. Ri—” My hand lifted at his name, and her jaw clenched, but she continued. “The man who obviously cannot be named will come for us. He’s going to be mad at what’s happened.”

  “Beyond mad.” I lifted her from the boulder. “He’ll want war. He has the right to ask for it. I did take his queen.”

  “He took yours first.”

  My feet nearly stumbled as I looked down at Cara. Words wouldn’t come as she slipped her fingers through mine, sending soothing energy coursing through me.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”

  “No, you’re right. He did,” I
said quietly. “But taking you from him doesn’t make it right. With anyone else, maybe I would have cared if you were theirs. I don’t concerning him. Never in million years, with all the light in the world feeding him to be good, would he deserve you. If he wants war, I will give it to him.”


  Cara stopped, breaking the connection of our hands.

  “Not a war of our people,” I continued. “Just the two of us. It’s me he wants, and it’s me he’ll get.”

  “Did your new density make you daft? There will be no war or fighting amongst the two of you. We’ll figure something else out.”

  “There’s nothing to figure out. He wants you. That’s never going to happen. He’s not getting anywhere near you again. Ever,” I growled. “Not in person. Not during your meditations. Not in your dreams. Nowhere.”

  “Even if we wanted to stop him, I’m not so sure we can. The way I see it, he doesn’t know me. What he’s looking for can be found anywhere, right? I mean, I can’t be the only person this is happening to. It shouldn’t be a big deal for him to find another to make his queen. Let her help him. That’s all he wants, to be a better person. I felt it. I know those are his real intentions.”

  “Oh, mate. You think just like a human. Your empathy overrides your common sense. You’re new to this. Ri is a shadow being. Nothing can change that.” I sighed as I swept her in my arms and scaled jagged rocks. A squeak was followed by her fingers digging into my back as she held on with all her strength. Still, I climbed higher on the side of the mountain, easily reaching a cleared ten-foot section where we could make camp. Nothing would get near us without me knowing.

  “It’ll be dark soon. Why don’t you rest while I set everything up?”

  I sat her closest to the mountain. Cara scanned the ground, and I knew she was looking for firewood. I could feel her intentions, but it was pointless. There was nothing but dirt and rock. She groaned, sitting at the urge of my quick wave.

  “At least let me help set up the tent.”

  “I’ve got it. Rest. Breathe. Draw energy from the earth. You need to ground yourself.”

  Maybe she knew it was better than to argue. I wouldn’t bend. The mate in me refused to let her suffer an ounce more. While I set up the tent, Cara’s eyes were already drifting shut. I searched inside her, trying to get a grasp on hunger or thirst. All I felt was exhaustion. It triggered my own.

  Lifting, I carried her inside, laying her on the blanket. The moment I joined her, I couldn’t resist pulling Cara closely against me. Heat radiated off of us in waves, but the comfort of having her safe against my chest outweighed everything. Our heart energy merged, and I sighed at the darkness already sucking me under. Sounds began to go in and out. The entire world was becoming more alive. As much as I wanted, I couldn’t stay awake long enough to cherish it.

  Deeper, I sank, floating in the nothingness. Feeling peace. Colors eventually came in the form of dreams, but even they couldn’t break through the subconscious downloads my new frequency was programming into me. They made me twitch, ache. Numbers and symbols tweaked what I knew. What I was capable of.



  A voice. Or was it a scream?

  I spun in the vast oblivion of space, reaching for my connection with Cara. My pulse exploded, bringing me to white. To a large room that went on forever, in every direction. She was lying on the floor, and I was crouched, my hand on her shoulder. The screams continued. They were hers, but not coming from her sleeping form.

  “It is true. You’ve come far. My men say they can feel you from half a mile away. But you’re hiding your strength. I’m afraid you’re not very good at it. They might not recognize your density, but I do. Strong fourth? Or is it fifth?”

  My eyes cut up at the voice that pushed into my mind. Hate and protectiveness saturated my insides as I stood and glared at Ri in the distance. He wasn’t close. He was so far away, he was a speck of discoloration.

  “What do you want?”

  “I want to check on what’s mine. It seems you protect her more than you protect yourself. Drop your shield and let me through. You have no right to have it up for her in the first place.”

  My teeth ground together as I shook my head.

  “Oh, Atlas, what a noble soul you are. I’ve always respected your security over those who matter, but the time for honor has long since passed. Lower the shield from my queen. I won’t ask nicely again.”

  A million thoughts came. Ones I guarded with Cara’s life. Because it was her life if Ri managed to break in and see the truth.

  “She is not well enough to receive you. My upgrade triggered one in her. She needs rest. If you wake her now, it will disrupt her healing. We both know what can happen then—you risk her life.”

  “Don’t be so dramatic. She will be perfectly safe.”

  “I said no. You wanted me to take her on this journey, and I will not be responsible for putting her wellbeing in jeopardy. She needs her strength.”

  Moments passed before Ri forced his way closer. The pressure against my skull brought me to my knees. I held the invisible wall, feeling it decrease in size the closer he got. I kneeled, grabbing Cara’s hand as a loud groan left me. To flee and wake us both would have been easy, but Ri would come. He would know.

  “I won’t let you get closer. Get. Back.”

  My order had “mate” written all over it. It also had protector. And he’d buy that, coming from me.

  “I’m starting to get the feeling you’re softening to my queen. Perhaps if she is so sick, you should try to heal her.”

  Dark energy slammed into my shield. My yell had Cara’s eyes flying open. Terrified, she tried scrambling to her feet. All I could do was hold us both in place as I fought the electricity trying to burn its way through.


  “Not a word. Not. One.”

  “She wakes. No risk now. Come to me, Ina. Let me see you.”

  Blue eyes shot to me, full of fear.

  “Go back to sleep. You…” I trailed off, gasping as the dark energy left, but the pressure increased. Ri took another step, slamming the side of his fist into my shield when he couldn’t go farther.


  “Don’t drop it.” Cara pleaded with her eyes, keeping our silent connection laced with my energy so Ri couldn’t hear. Back and forth, she looked between us.


  “You know I have to. I feel it in you.”

  Fingers untangled from mine, but I lunged for her wrist, fighting to concentrate.


  “Drop your wall!”

  Cara jumped at Ri’s yell, despite the bravery I felt in her. As much as I hated it, she was right. It was the only way. That didn’t stop the need to drop my wall and rush at Ri. Every part of me begged to end him, and it was only growing stronger by the second.

  “Atlas. Last warning.”

  Letting my hand fall, all ten of my fingers tried tearing into the illusion of the floor below me. I gripped the substance like a wild animal, shredding through the material like skin. Cara’s shoulders straightened, but I didn’t miss the quivering of her bottom lip. The slight tremble brought my powers to a bubbling hellstorm. In slow steps, she walked the mere feet to where he stood.

  “He will not drop the shield. I have asked him not to.”

  “But…Ina, why not? You know I wouldn’t hurt you.”

  Her head lowered.

  “You have deceived me. I don’t feel as though I can trust you right now.”

  Ri’s lips tightened as his hand flattened against the invisible wall.

  “I haven’t once lied to you.”

  “A lie can be an omission as well. I saw them,” she said quietly. “They’re following us. One of your…soldiers…woke me up not an hour ago. He grabbed my ankle and pulled me from the tent. I…” her voice broke and tear-filled eyes came to mine before returning to him. “I stole something in him. I didn’t mean to. I…I-I
was screaming and trying to fight him off. Then they all came. My hand...” she sobbed, “I touched his stomach and sucked in to scream, then breathed the darkness into me. Then-then…I swear I didn’t mean to.”

  My shield rippled, and I flew back at the power that blasted its way through my stunned fear. I had failed. I had failed to protect her just as I had failed Leone and my daughter. She could have been dead. They could have taken her. And I had heard nothing. I had slept through it all.

  “I’ll kill him. I’ll kill every single one.” Ri reached for Cara, but she quickly jumped to the side. “Ina, please. They were only supposed to make sure you were okay. I never…they knew better!”

  “Obviously not. They were a danger to me. I forbid you to continue sending them. You’re killing them anyway. Is that why you keep switching them out every few hours? The energy between the five continued to change. I felt them disappear, only to return. They do not know me as your queen. I want you to keep them away from me.”

  Ri’s lip peeled back in anger and his glare met mine. It was taking a pure miracle to stay rooted to the floor. Without my shield between them, I was bordering insanity. If I moved, I’d lose all control.

  “How do I know you’ll be safe?”

  “She’s safer with me than she’ll ever be with you.”

  Ri didn’t say a word. Instead, he reached for Cara. The white floor tore like sand between my fingers as I stood. Muscles flexed in my calves, and my weight settled in my toes as I waited to spring.

  “I’ll be safe,” she said, walking backward. “Because if I’m not…light or dark will make no difference to me.”

  A smile came to Ri’s face, and an eyebrow rose with a message that chilled my blood. Cara was indeed a weapon, but maybe not one of his making. Before I could even process it, Cara was gone. Gone from him, gone from me, and gone with an emerging confidence I didn’t understand.


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