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Masters of the Hunt: Fated and Forbidden

Page 271

by Sarra Cannon

Sera eyed him as his hand shook in her palm, but followed him out. “You coming, Bull?”

  “Nah. I’ll catch up with y’all later.”

  “Okay.” She waved goodbye to Bull and Coco.

  Her shiny black Jeep 4X4 glistened in the bright Arizona sun. After it escaped police impound, Talon had surprised her by handing over her baby as good as new. He’d worked out the damage himself and gotten the truck a new paint job. If she hadn’t loved him before, she would have at that moment. She smiled as she climbed into the driver’s side and unlocked the passenger door.

  Flying over the streets, she reveled in the opportunity to go a tiny bit over the speed limit without fear of a ticket. “I think I’m going to like being a special agent.”

  “It suits you.” Talon tapped his fingers along the dashboard. “And as a former reporter, you’re perfect to take Jame’s spot as our press handler.”

  “No trouble there. I can take care of the piranhas.” She snickered at her own joke, but he didn’t return the smile. He stared out the passenger window. She didn’t complain and allowed him the private time, instead tuning the radio to an old rock station. Within minutes, they sat in front of the new PCD office. He hopped out of the truck and flew to the entrance, not bothering to open the door for her. That was odd. Talon always played the gentleman, except when they were training...or in bed. She blushed at the thought and walked to the entrance.

  “Wait here.” He slammed the door in her face.

  “Oh-kay.” Crossing her arms and tapping her foot, she glared at the door. A minute or two later, he cracked it open and slipped outside. She threw up her hands. “Talon, what the hell is going on?”

  He shot her a wolfish grin. “Well, I’ve been thinking about your name?”

  “My name?”

  “Yeah, Agent Benenati. It’s quite a mouthful. Don’t you think?” His eyes shone a lighter blue than she’d ever seen before. The wind blew his thick black hair from his face in a gentle breeze. The sun kissed his rich olive skin.

  “What are you getting at?” Her stomach twisted in a knot.

  “Well, I was thinking I could help you with that. Your long last name, I mean.” He held the door open and ushered her inside. The hallway housed three large offices, a tech station, sleeping quarters, a break room, conference space, and two holding cells—a vast improvement from the office’s previous closet interior. Opening the door to the tech station, he flicked on the system.

  Sparkling lights flickered from the overhead bulbs, casting colorful shadows on the walls. The computer monitors sprang to life and broadcast pictures of Sera and Talon. Every special moment they’d shared over the last several months splashed across the screens: their trip to hike the Grand Canyon, horseback riding in Paradise Valley, skiing in Flagstaff, and that special weekend at a spa in Sedona. He’d captured it all in perfect pixel clarity. A soft melody played from the system’s speakers.

  “Talon, what is this?” She spun in a circle to take it all in.

  “It was Meg’s idea. Too cheesy?” His hands clasped behind his back.

  “Too cheesy for what?” Her heart pounded in her chest.

  He took a step forward and whispered in her ear, “To ask you to marry me.” Pulling back, he looked in her eyes. He went to one knee—ever one for tradition—and brought out the box he’d kept hidden in his pocket.

  “Wh-what?” Moisture sprang to her eyes. She let it fall. “Really?”

  “Yeah, if you’ll have me.” He opened the box to reveal a beautiful solitaire diamond.

  The word caught in her throat. Her world narrowed in an instant. She swore her heart skipped beats and threatened to explode. With a soft cry, she said, “Yes.” Springing to life, she threw herself in his arms and cried happy tears.

  He kissed her, stealing the breath from her lungs. Her heart beat so hard. She broke away with a sigh. “But I’m keeping my name.”

  He laughed. “Okay. Agent B, it is then.”

  The lights danced around them as they held each other close. Layers of clothes fell away as they made love without hurry. Never before had Sera felt so good, so right, and when Talon filled her to her very core, she cried out with unbridled joy. He joined her at the same time, sweeping them away in a wave of ecstasy.

  As they lay on the floor of the tech room hours later, Sera stared at him in wonder. His gaze met hers, two shining sapphires that looked on her with such tenderness. She melted into his embrace, the fires of her inner being blazing to the surface to capture them in warmth.

  The blissful moment ended too soon as a ringing noise sounded over the system. The computerized voice alerted them to the source. “Incoming call form District 1. Agent Bradshaw. Urgent.”

  “It’s Jame.” Talon groaned. “She knew my plan to propose today. What could she want?”

  “The computer said it’s urgent.” Sera climbed to her feet and slid into her jeans. “Let’s hope it’s just to congratulate us.”

  Talon hurried into his clothes and clicked along the keyboard. “Jame, this better be good.”

  Jame’s face appeared on the screen. The new equipment captured the video feed with perfect clarity. Red rimmed her eyes and her platinum-streaked black hair fell in tangles. “I’m sorry, Talon. I never would’ve interrupted. But this isn’t a social call.”

  Sera put a hand on his shoulder and placed her face into the view screen. A sinking feeling, cold and hollow, coursed through her blood. “What is it Jame? What’s wrong?”

  She swallowed and leaned closer to the camera. “We’re trying to keep it quiet. But I had to turn to someone.”

  “It’s alright, Jame.” Talon patted Sera’s hand at his shoulder and pulled her into his lap. “Tell us.”

  Jame’s eyes widened, the gold flecks in the hazel view dulling to a tired yellow. “It’s the Capitol,” she whispered low and shaky. “A code black.”

  The End


  Tina Moss is an award-winning author of urban fantasy, paranormal romance, romantic suspense, and New Adult novels. She lives in NYC with a supportive husband and alpha corgi, though both males hog the bed and refuse to share the covers. When not writing, she enjoys reading, watching cheesy horror flicks, traveling, and karate. As a 5'1" Shotokan black belt, she firmly believes that fierce things come in small packages.

  If you enjoyed Code Black, check out the hot alphas and strong heroines of the Paranormal Crime Division. Stay up to date with the Ninja Newsletter or join Team Ninja.

  Follow Tina Moss online at:




  The Vampire’s Kiss (Other World Series Book One)

  By Ramona Gray

  Heat rating: Steamy

  Paranormal Romance

  Abigail Winters leads a perfectly ordinary life until the night she’s transported to an alternate earth. Attacked by vampires, her life is saved by the gorgeous but dangerous vampire, Val. When Val is injured and needs her blood to heal, she repays her debt by allowing him to feed from her. But she is unprepared for the immediate desire she now feels for the sexy vampire.

  Despite saving her life, Val has no interest in feeding from the chubby human. Gravely injured and with no other choice, he feeds from Abigail and is intoxicated by the sweet taste of her blood. Determined to claim her, his obsession with her grows. When Abigail is taken from him, Val will do whatever it takes to find her. A year later, driven nearly mad by her loss, he finally accepts that she is gone to him forever. Until the night he discovers her about to be sold at a human auction.

  After rescuing her from her new captor he is stunned to realize that his little dove is no longer the shy, frightened human she once was. When he learns of her plan to rescue her new human friends from the deadly games they are being forced to participate in by a powerful vampire named Darius, he reluctantly agrees to help her.

  Abby is determined to save her friends. Even if i
t means trusting Val - the vampire she swore she’d never allow to control her again.

  Chapter 1

  Abigail Winters had no idea what was happening. One minute she had been hurrying home from her mundane job as a coffee barista in the worse thunderstorm she had ever seen. The next, she was lying flat on her back in the middle of a forest with the rain falling on her face.

  She sat up, rubbing the knot that was forming on the back of her head, and peered around curiously. She was sure she had seen a bright orb of light hovering to the left of her before everything went black. She looked around for her purse, wanting to grab her cell phone and call someone. Who she wasn’t sure – the police maybe.

  Her purse was nowhere to be seen and she sighed and stood cautiously, waiting to see if she was going to pass out. Her head was aching and her new jeans, the ones she had been so proud to buy because they were a size smaller than her last pair, were shredded at the knees and covered in mud.

  Was she dead? Didn’t people say that there was a white light when you died? She looked around as the rain continued to fall. It was dark and scary and if this was heaven, she would hate to see what hell looked like.

  She moved forward slowly, squinting in the dark and watching her feet so she didn’t trip over the exposed roots of the trees around her.

  She was frightened, but not panicking. At least, not yet. There was a part of her, a very large part, which was convinced she was dreaming. Any moment now she would wake up in her bed with the sheets tangled around her legs and her alarm clock shrieking at her.

  She took a deep breath. The air smelled sweet and clean, nothing like the smog of the city, and she wondered vaguely if someone had kidnapped her and dumped her in the country.

  Don’t be ridiculous, Abby. Who would kidnap you? You’re just a nobody.

  All perfectly true. She wasn’t an heiress with a million dollar inheritance, she wasn’t a famous singer or movie star. Truth be told she had less than twenty dollars in her bank account at the moment. She was just plain, fat Abby. Always had been, always would be.

  Yes, but don’t forget that you’re fat Abby with fifteen pounds less fat.

  Also true. She ran her hands down her size eighteen jeans. She had been thrilled when she had gone down a size in pants. She carried most of her weight in her ass and her hips, and to be down a pants size meant that her healthy eating and exercising was working. She hated exercising but she was becoming addicted to the results.

  Um, Abby? Not to rain on your parade but in case you’ve forgotten, you’re either dead or something very, very weird is going on. Maybe celebrate your weight loss victory another time, what do you say?

  Very good advice. If she wasn’t dead then she needed to find the nearest phone and call the police.

  She stumbled through the trees. She had no idea if she was moving deeper into the woods or not but she couldn’t just stand there. She had to keep moving.

  “She looks like a lost lamb. Does she not, Toron?”

  Abby shrieked and whipped around. Two men were standing behind her. They were dressed similarly in faded green pants and white shirts. One was tall and dark and the other short and blond.

  “Aye, she does, Alex.” The blond man said gravely.

  “Are you lost little lamb? Lost in the woods?” The one named Toron crooned softly.

  Abby backed up a step. There was something about the two men that was making all the hair on her body attempt to stand up. Adrenaline was flooding through her veins and her limbs trembled in response.

  She stumbled back another step as the men moved closer. Alex inhaled deeply. “I can smell her fear. It smells delicious.”

  Toron grinned at him. “I’m feeling generous this evening. Why don’t you have the first drink?”

  “Don’t mind if I do.” Alex said cheerfully. He was standing in front of her and pushing her against a tree before Abby had realized he’d moved.

  Her head banged on the tree, the knot screaming in protest, and she screamed shrilly into the cold night air.

  “Oh yes, little lamb – go ahead and scream. There’s no one to hear you and I do love it when the lambs scream.” Alex whispered.

  He was holding her with one hand across the top of her chest and she grabbed his arm and tried to yank it away from her. His arm was hard as iron. She struggled futilely, unable to believe that the small man could hold her so easily with just one hand. She stared at his pale skin, her eyes dark and wide with panic, and he giggled like a demented child.

  “You’re a big one but I don’t mind. More of you to drink, right?”

  She slapped him across the face as hard as she could. His head rocked back but his hand never moved from her chest.

  He hissed at her and she screamed as fresh adrenaline poured into her veins. Alex was grinning at her and exposing his long, white fangs.

  “You don’t ever want to hit me, little lamb. Not that it matters – you’ll be dead in a few minutes.”

  “Oh get on with it, would you, Alex. I want my turn. You shouldn’t play with your food anyway. Didn’t your mother ever tell—”

  Toron suddenly arched his back as a startled look crossed his face. “Alex—”

  Abby sucked in her breath when Toron suddenly exploded in a shower of ash and blood. Alex screamed, a sound of rage and fear, at the man standing in the trees. He held a long, curved blade in one hand and he smiled bitterly at Alex.

  “You would kill your own kind!” Alex screamed again and, forgetting Abby entirely, he lunged for the stranger. His fingernails were lengthening, becoming long and wickedly sharp talons, and he moved so quickly that he was nothing but a blur.

  Alex was quick but the stranger was faster. The blade plunged through Alex’s chest and his scream of fury became a long, gurgling moan. Abby sunk to the ground, wrapping her arms around her knees as the stranger yanked the blade free and wiped it on Alex’s shirt. He stepped back just as Alex exploded.

  Abby watched disinterestedly as the man approached her, sheathing his blade into the holder at his waist. He crouched in front of her and took her chin in his hand, tilting her head first one way and then the other as he examined her neck.

  He was tall and broad with long dark hair tied back in a neat ponytail. His eyes were a silvery grey and his skin was pale and smooth. He had a broad nose and high cheekbones, and his jaw was covered in dark stubble.

  “Are you going to kill me?” Abby asked dully.

  He shook his head. “No. Get up, girl.”

  He heaved her to her feet with one hard hand under her arm and gave her a look of disgust when she swayed. He eyed her up and down and another grimace of disgust passed across his face.

  “Gods, you’re a fat one.”

  She would have been offended if she hadn’t noticed his teeth. They were very white and, despite the rain and the darkness, she had no problem seeing his fangs. She moaned softly and he shook his head impatiently.

  “I said I wouldn’t hurt you. Come on, girl.” He dragged her through the trees, moving so quickly that she was soon out of breath and struggling to catch up.

  He grunted with frustration and slowed down a fraction, his hand tightening on her wrist when she tried to pull free.

  “Please let go of me.” She panted.

  “So you can run? You’ll be dead before morning if I do.” He snapped.

  “Where are we going?”

  “I’m taking you to your own kind. Now keep your mouth shut and hurry up.”

  In less than fifteen minutes they were at the edge of the forest. He stopped, his eyes roaming the large field in front of them. She stood next to him, panting and trying to control her runaway heartbeat as he rolled his eyes.

  “Have you considered eating less and moving more, human?”

  “Fuck you.” She puffed.

  He laughed. “The lamb shows spirit.”

  She glared at him and he suddenly cupped her face and pulled her forward until her face was only inches from his. He grinned at her, hi
s fangs looking very long and very sharp, and she swallowed nervously.

  “Although I do enjoy fucking a human, you’re not my type.” He let his gaze travel down her body and back up to her face. “Much too big for my taste.”

  She flushed bright red and yanked her head from his grip. He returned his gaze to the field. “We’re going to be moving very quickly across the field. Keep up. You’ll regret it if you don’t. Do you understand me?”

  He stared into her dark brown eyes. His eyes were grey and cold and she nodded, although she was almost positive that she would not be able to keep up with him. She wasn’t going to tell him that. He would probably kill her rather than give her the chance to try.

  “Good. Let’s—”

  He stopped, his head cocked to the side, and his eyebrows drew down in a frown.


  “Shut up!” He hissed.

  She closed her mouth with a snap as he dropped her wrist. She took a few steps backwards, wondering if she could sneak away without him noticing. Before she could dart into the trees, a silver mesh dropped on to the man in front of her.

  He hissed in agony as he collapsed to the ground. She watched in horror as his skin began to smoke. She reached for the net but two men and a woman dropped from the skies above her and blocked her from grabbing it.

  “Hello human.” The woman smiled at her, revealing her own set of fangs, and Abby moaned with terror.

  Chapter 2

  “Why would you be dragging a human through the woods instead of drinking from her?” The woman stared at the man who had rescued her.

  From her spot on the ground, Abby watched as the woman traced her long fingernail across the stranger’s face. Wearing gloves, the three vampires had chained him to a tree with long silver chains before removing the mesh. Abby had winced at the marks on his skin that the mesh had left. The woman had ripped off his shirt, revealing a pale muscular torso. The silver chains were slowly sinking into his skin and she wondered if after a few hours they would simply rip his body apart. Smoke was rising steadily from his body and he had to be in incredible pain, but his face was serene and his grey eyes revealed nothing.


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