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Masters of the Hunt: Fated and Forbidden

Page 272

by Sarra Cannon

  The woman glanced at Abby before looking back at the chained man. “Do you keep her as your pet? Feed from her when you need to?”

  He refused to answer and she swiped across his face with her long nails. They dug long, bloody furrows into his face, and Abby winced but the vampire didn’t flinch.

  “You wouldn’t mind if we have a taste of your pet, would you?” The vampire standing above her grinned and yanked her to her feet. He cupped the back of her neck and stared at her. His eyes were a very light blue, and Abby could see herself reflected back in them.

  “That’s right, look at me, sweet one.” He whispered. She could feel a strange, heavy warmth coursing through her body and she smiled a little. For the first time since she had woken on the floor of the forest, she wasn’t afraid.

  The vampire smiled again and stroked her cheek with his thumb. “You’re very pretty. Did you know that?”

  She gave him a dreamy, lost look. “Thank you.”

  “Lift your head, my pretty. Let me see that beautiful throat.”

  Still staring into his eyes, she lifted her head obediently. He dipped his head and nuzzled her throat. She gasped. Her nipples were hard little pebbles in her bra and there was sudden wetness between her thighs.

  “Shall I taste you?” He murmured.

  “Yes, oh yes please.” She whimpered.

  He opened his mouth, his fangs lengthening, and she let her head fall back until she was staring at the night sky. The clouds were parting and she could see the moon shining brightly. Her entire body shivered and she waited breathlessly for his bite.

  Before he could plunge his fangs into the throbbing vein in her neck, there was a sharp whistle. He dropped her and she fell bonelessly to the ground, panting and moaning softly as desire coursed through her body.

  The whistle came again, sharp and piercing, and then the vampire above her made a soft grunt. He looked down to see the dagger sticking out of his chest and reached for it with pale hands. Before he could pull it from his chest his entire body exploded, splattering blood and ash over Abby.

  The female vampire screamed as the second male vampire turned and stared into the trees. A bear of a man stepped out and drove a sword through his chest. He yanked the sword free, stepping back as a glut of blood sprayed from the vampire’s chest. The female screamed again as the vampire exploded and then she was standing next to the man, her hand wrapping around his throat. Despite his size, she lifted him easily and threw him against the tree. He slammed into it, his head bouncing off the tree, and fell to the ground. She pounced on him and leaned over, grabbing his hair with one pale hand and yanking his head back to bare his throat.

  Before she could sink her teeth into him, a second woman, pale and blonde, stepped out of the trees and tapped her gently on the back. The vampire whirled and hissed as the woman, her hand a blur, slashed her across the throat with a short blade. The vampire’s head slid from her body and landed with a soft thump at the woman’s feet. She walked away as the body turned to ash.

  “Neil, are you okay?” She asked as she walked towards Abby. Her voice was low and musical and Abby didn’t need to see her mouth to know that she was a vampire. It was in the way she moved, in the easy grace that flowed through her body.

  She held out her hand and, after a second, Abby took it. The woman pulled her to her feet easily and smiled at her. “What’s your name?”

  “Abigail…Abby.” Abby stuttered as Neil stood and hurried towards the man still chained to the tree.

  Abby noticed with a curious type of numbness that he wore no gloves as he unwrapped the silver chains that bound the man to the tree.

  Human, she decided, as the vampire standing in front of her looked her up and down. “I do not think she is from here.”

  Neil caught the vampire as he crumpled forward and he heaved him over his shoulder. “Christ, Val. You’re goddamn heavy.”

  Val grunted with pain. “I can walk.”

  Neil shook his head. “No, you can’t. I can smell your flesh from here.” He made a grimace of disgust and shifted Val on his shoulder. “Eone, we need to get back to the house. Right now.”

  “I know.” Eone stared at Abby. “Do we bring her with us?”

  Val shook his head. “No, she’s too slow. It’s why they caught us in the first place.”

  “We’re not leaving her.” Neil replied. “She’ll die if we do.”

  “I do not think she is from here.” Eone repeated herself softly.

  Val lifted his head weakly and stared at the two women. “She isn’t. I saw the light that brought her here.”

  Abby took a deep breath. “Please, can someone tell me what’s going on? Where am I? Who are you?”

  Eone smiled at her and Abby felt warmth surging through her pelvis again. She shook her head and made herself look away from Eone’s gaze.

  “Come, pretty one.” Eone took her hand. “We’ll explain everything when we are safe.”

  — —

  “Jesus Christ! What the fuck happened?” A short man, his grey hair thin and stretched across the top of his head in a vain attempt to hide his bald spot, watched as Neil dumped Val on the couch.

  “What do you think happened, Bert?” Neil said. “Leeches.”

  He glanced at Eone and Val. “No offense.”

  “Who is this?” A short, plump woman, her dark hair pulled into a bun on top of her head, stared curiously at Abby.

  “This is Abby.” Eone tugged her forward and stroked her hair. She had plaited it this morning but it was starting to come loose from her braid.

  More people were crowding into the room, men and women of varying ages and sizes, and Abby shrank back as they gathered around her.

  “Don’t be afraid, sweet one.” Eone smiled at her. “We will not harm you.”

  “Please tell me what’s happening.” Abby whispered.

  Bert stared at her. “Christ, she’s another transplant. Who wants to try and explain it this time?”

  The woman with the bun stepped forward. “I will.” She took Abby’s hand and led her to a second couch across from the one that Val was lying on.

  “My name is Maria. It’s nice to meet you, Abby.”

  “It’s nice to meet you too. Are you – are you a vampire?” Abby stared at her.

  Maria shook her head. “No I’m not. I’m human like you. Only Eone and Val are vampires.”

  She took Abby’s cold hand in her warm ones. “Abby, do you remember what happened to you?”

  “I was – was walking home from work. It was raining and dark and then there was this weird glowing orb. The next thing I remember was waking up in the forest.”

  Maria sighed. “All of this is going to be hard for you to believe but I need you to try and have an open mind. Can you do that, Abby?”


  “Good. That glowing orb was a – a doorway of sorts. It sucked you from your world and into ours.”

  Abby frowned. “Am I on an alien planet?”

  Maria shook her head. “Not exactly. It’s what you call earth – only a different version of it.”

  She glanced behind her at a tall, thin man and he smiled encouragingly at her. “Our version has not only humans but other creatures as well. Vampires like Eone and Abby and other different species.”

  “Like what?” Abby rubbed the knot at the back of her head.

  “We’ll explain more later. Right now, I just want to make sure you understand that you are no longer on your earth. There are many things in this world that will seek to harm you, and you must stay with us for your own protection. Do you understand that? None of us will hurt you.”

  Abby’s eyes slid to Val and Eone and Maria grasped her chin and turned her face towards her. “Eone and Val will not harm you.”

  “They’re good vampires?”

  Bert snorted loudly and Maria glared at him. “Yes, Abby. They’re good vampires. Most vampires prey on humans, seek them out to feed and turn, or keep them as pets. However, there a
re some who have joined forces with the humans. They wish to create a world of peace like we do. Val and Eone are two of those vampires.”

  “How do I get back to my own world?”

  Maria gave her a look of sympathy. “You cannot, Abby. I’m sorry but there is no way to return to the life you once led.”

  Abby stared at her in shock. “But – but you said the orb was a doorway. I just need to find another one and –“

  Maria squeezed her hands. “There is no guarantee that the orb would return you to your own world. Most likely you would be sent to yet another world. There are many different worlds.”

  Abby could feel the tears sliding down her cheeks as Maria squeezed her hands again. “I’m sorry, Abby. Why don’t you come with me? You can bathe and I’ll find you some clean clothes, and then you can lie down for a bit. Things will be clearer once you’ve gotten some rest.”

  Abby stood and allowed the smaller woman to lead her from the room.

  — —

  “Do you feel better, Abby?” Maria smiled at her when Abby entered the kitchen.

  “A little. How long have I been sleeping?” She pulled nervously at the top and pants that Maria had given her. The pants were too big, she suspected Maria nicked them from one of the men, and the top too small. It clung tightly to her large breasts.

  “Only a few hours. Here, have some tea.”

  Abby accepted the cup and sipped at the steaming liquid. It had a woodsy, velvety taste to it and she stared curiously at it. “What type of tea is this?”

  Maria smiled. “None that you would recognize.”

  “Are you from my world?” Abby asked tentatively.

  “No. But I was married to one who was.” Maria replied. “At least I think you’re from the same world. You speak in a similar manner to him. Tell me – do you have metal wagons that propel themselves using a liquid that catches fire? Metal tubes that fly in the sky?”

  Abby nodded. “Yes.”

  Maria smiled. “I thought so.”

  “Where is your husband?”

  “He’s dead.” Maria replied bluntly.

  “I – I’m sorry.”

  Maria nodded. “It was a long time ago. Are you hungry? Would you—”

  There was shouting from the living room and Abby followed Maria as she hurried out of the kitchen.

  “I ain’t letting him bite me.” A redheaded woman was staring furiously at Neil. “You have no right to ask me to do that, you big lug! You think I don’t know what will happen afterwards? I won’t become his meal ticket every night just because he knows I won’t be able to stop myself.”

  “Erin, if we don’t do something he’s going to die.” Neil said desperately.

  “So, let him die! What do I care if some dirty leech lives or dies?” Erin shouted.

  “That leech has saved our lives more times than we can count.” Neil said through gritted teeth. “Are you honestly okay with just letting him die?”

  Erin didn’t reply and he stared around the room at the other women. “Is there not one of you who will help him?”

  “What’s going on?” Abby whispered to Maria as Neil went and knelt beside the couch that Val was lying on. The vampire was noticeably paler, and his wounds from the mesh and the chain were still oozing a steady flow of blood.

  “Val needs human blood to heal. He’s going to die if he doesn’t get it.” Maria replied. Her hands were wringing together and she was staring anxiously at Eone.

  “Eone, what if one of the women was to just slice her arm and drain some blood. Val can drink it that way. It will heal him.”

  Eone shook her head. “It will help but not quickly enough. You know how this works, Maria. A human’s blood works best when we can drink directly from the source. We do not have time to drain blood and wait for it to heal him. By tomorrow night vampires will be all over this place. We killed three –“

  “Five.” Val said weakly from the couch.

  She rolled her eyes. “We killed five of them tonight. They will belong to a large nest. We are too far west for them to be striking out on their own. The others in their nest will search for them tomorrow night when they don’t return. They will find the house easily.”

  “This is all your fault!” Erin suddenly hissed at Abby. “Val and the others should have let you die. You’re going to get us all killed!”

  “Erin, enough!” Maria said sharply. She turned to Abby. “Ignore her. She’s just frightened.”

  “Why does it have to be a woman?” Abby asked quietly. “Can’t one of the men do it?”

  Eone laughed, a tinkling soft sound that made the hair on Abby’s arms stand up. “The act of taking blood from a human is a very sensual experience, Abby. Once a vampire has fed from a human, there is a connection between them that humans cannot resist.”

  She drifted closer and stroked Abby’s soft hair. “Sometimes the act of feeding even leads to the act of lovemaking. We vampires are very aware of the needs of our humans. We are attentive and thorough lovers, Abby.”

  Abby stared into Eone’s dark blue eyes. An ache was starting up in her pelvis and she wondered what it would be like to press her mouth against Eone’s. Wondered how it would feel to have Eone’s soft hand squeezing her breast, her thumb rubbing against her nipple as Abby lifted her neck and let the vampire drink from her.

  “Would you like that, Abby? Would you like to feel my touch? I could make you feel so good if you’ll let me.” Eone’s fangs lengthened. “The human males are not willing to feel such a connection, a desire, for a male vampire so they will not help Val. I, however, have no issue with pleasing a female human.”

  “Eone!” Neil’s voice broke through the fog that had drifted into Abby’s head and she took a step back as Eone tore her gaze from hers.

  “What?” She asked petulantly.

  “In case you’ve forgotten – Val is dying.” Neil glared at her.

  Eone sighed. “I have not forgotten. But I am thirsty.”

  “Knock it off, Eone.” Neil snarled. He turned back to the people grouped loosely together. “Please, someone needs to help him.”

  “Forget it, Neil.” Val said hoarsely. “They will never agree to it. They only let Eone and I stay because deep down they’re afraid of us.” He raised his head and bared his fangs at them. “And they should be.”

  “Val! You’re not helping.” Neil moaned. “Please. He has done so much for us. Can not one of you—”

  “I’ll do it.”

  Her voice, low and husky, could barely be heard.

  Neil swivelled and stared at Abby. “What?”

  “I said I would do it.”

  “Abby, honey, you’re tired and confused and you don’t quite understand what this means. If you let him feed from you, there will be – be an obsession that you will not be able to control.” Maria squeezed her arm. “You will yearn for him in ways that I cannot even begin to explain. You will need to leave our group until the obsession fades or risk going mad.”

  She hesitated and glanced at Val. “Unless Val continues to feed from you until we can find a safe place for you to—”

  “I will not.” Val interrupted darkly.

  “You asshole!” Neil growled at him. “She is your only chance.”

  Maria squeezed her arm again. “You don’t want to do this, Abby.”

  “He saved my life in the forest.” Abby said. “I owe him a debt.”

  She stared distastefully at Val. “Besides, I’ve never obsessed over a man in my life and I’m certainly not going to start with him. I’ll be fine.”

  “Thank you, Abby.” Neil said gratefully.

  Maria frowned at him. “We cannot let her do this, Neil. She doesn’t understand—”

  “Quiet, Maria! She’s made her choice.” Neil spat.

  He grabbed Val and hauled him into a sitting position. “You just got lucky, Val.”

  Val frowned as blood dripped down his face. “I do not want to feed from her. She will taste bad. The fat ones al
ways do.”

  Abby flushed a brilliant red and Neil slapped Val viciously across the face.

  “Shut your fucking face, Val! This woman is about to save your life and you’ll be grateful for it.”

  He put his arm around Val and hauled him to his feet. He turned to Abigail. “Follow me.”

  — —

  Abigail watched nervously as Neil helped Val lay down on the bed. He turned on the lantern beside the bed and the room was illuminated with a dim light. He smiled at Abigail and patted the bed beside Val.

  “Lie down, Abby.”

  She moved nervously across the room and lay down beside Val’s body. He stared at her as Neil patted her arm awkwardly. “Thank you for doing this. He’s being an ungrateful bastard but trust me, he is actually grateful.”

  Abby nodded and felt a thin thread of fear when Neil headed towards the door. “Are you not staying?”

  Neil shook his head. “No. Try and relax, okay? It will make it easier.”

  He left the room and closed the door gently behind him.

  Val rose up on his elbow, wincing as the wounds dripped fresh blood, and stared down at the clearly frightened woman. He didn’t want to feed from her. It would be weeks before her need for him wore off, if she didn’t go mad first, and he had no wish to have this fat human pining after him, begging him to feed from her again, or worse – have sex with her.

  He sighed. He had no choice. He was growing weaker by the hour and Neil was right – the wounds from the silver would kill him if he didn’t feed. He thought briefly of making it easier for her, of using his powers to seduce and calm her, but dismissed it almost immediately. Sometimes a human’s need would be less if the feeding was frightening and painful. It wouldn’t kill her desire for him entirely, but it might give him a moment or two of peace from her in the following weeks.

  “Should I – do I do anything special.” She whispered.

  He continued to stare at her. She was not unattractive, he thought wearily. Her dark brown eyes were framed with long, thick lashes and her skin was pale and blemish free. His gaze dropped to her mouth. Her full pink lips were trembling and there was a strand of her dark hair caught against them.


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