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Masters of the Hunt: Fated and Forbidden

Page 273

by Sarra Cannon

  He brushed it away, rolling his eyes when she flinched. “Take off your shirt.” He grunted.

  She hesitated and he gave her an impatient look. “Do you want blood on it?”

  She shook her head and quickly took it off. She lay back on the bed and gave him another nervous look. Despite the fact that her breasts were covered by her bra, she kept her arms crossed tightly over them.

  “Lift your head.”

  She swallowed audibly and lifted her head, turning her face away and closing her eyes. He stared at her throat. Her fear was making her pulse pound and he could see it at the base of her throat. Her blood was calling to him and, without warning, he dipped his head and plunged his fangs deep into her throbbing vein.

  She cried out with pain and fear and he clamped his arm down across her thick waist, pinning her to the bed as she tried to struggle free.

  Her blood filled his mouth, warm and rich and tasting sweeter than any blood he’d ever tasted before. He groaned as his cock hardened in his pants and he pulled her closer. He drank and drank as her struggles weakened and she relaxed against the bed. He couldn’t get enough of her and as he swallowed her warm blood, feeling his wounds heal and his strength come back, he tugged her arms away from her breasts and wormed his fingers under her bra. He cupped her naked breast. It was warm and full and he squeezed it gently, rubbing his thumb across her nipple. It hardened immediately and she moaned - a sound full of longing and need that made his cock throb in response.

  He pushed his thigh between her legs, pressing it against her cunt and she squeezed his thigh tightly with hers, rubbing her crotch against his leg like a cat in heat. He continued to drink long after his wounds had healed, as he cupped and caressed her firm breast.

  He could feel her pulse weakening and she stopped squeezing his thigh and let her legs fall apart limply. With a harsh gasp he pulled his mouth free from her throat and moved his hand from her breast. Panting loudly, he stared down at the woman. He had drunk so much of her blood that she had fainted. He stared at the holes in her neck, licking her blood from his lips while his entire body screamed at him to continue.

  With a loud grunt, he jumped off the bed and backed away. Jesus, he hadn’t lost control like that in centuries. Even from across the room her blood still called to him and before he could give in to his urge and drain her completely, he turned and fled the room.

  Chapter 3

  Abigail groaned and opened her eyes. She stared at the blue sky above her and realized that her bed was swaying gently. She could hear the snorting of horses and the low murmur of voices.

  She closed her eyes once more. She was so tired and she didn’t understand what was happening. Where was she?

  “Abby?” A woman’s soft voice forced her heavy lids up once more and she stared blearily at the dark-haired woman.

  “Maria.” It all came back to her in a rush of remembrance and she sighed as tears slipped down her cheeks. She was in hell.

  “Don’t cry, Abby.” Maria’s voice sounded worried and she smoothed the hair back from Abby’s brow. “You’re okay, my love. Don’t cry now.”

  She opened her eyes and stared at Maria. “I’m not dreaming.”

  “No, honey. You’re not. I’m sorry.”

  “Why am I so tired?” She wanted to sit up but she lacked the strength.

  “Val took too much from you. You’ll feel better once you have something to eat and rest more.”

  “What time is it?”

  “It’s early morning. Can you sit up, Abby? You need to drink some tea. It will help restore your strength.”

  With Maria’s help, Abby sat up. She looked around wearily. She was in a wagon being driven by Neil. The rest of the group was walking, and talking softly amongst themselves.

  “Where are we going?”

  “We need to keep moving. We’re deep in their territory, and it’s best if we get to the outskirts as quickly as possible.” Maria held a cup to her mouth. “Drink this.”

  Abby drank the thick, dark liquid. It tasted spicy and warm and she gulped it down eagerly.

  Maria smiled at her. “That’s my good girl. Here, try eating this.” She handed Abby a piece of dried meat.

  Abby stared at it curiously. “What kind of meat is this?”

  “Nothing you’ll know. Eat it, Abby. It’s rich with nutrients.”

  Abby bit into the meat and chewed gingerly. It was tough but good, and she ate three pieces and drank another cup of tea before Maria helped her to lie back down in the blankets.

  “Go to sleep, Abby. You’re safe with us.” Maria stroked her forehead and Abigail closed her eyes wearily and slept once more.

  When she woke for a second time, the sun was nearly setting and the wagon was pulling to a stop in front of a large house. The place looked deserted and she sat up. She was feeling less tired and more like herself.

  “Where are we?”

  Maria turned from where she was sitting beside Neil. “An abandoned house. We’re going to stay here for the night.”

  She hopped down from the wagon and Abby squirmed past the supplies that were packed around her. She climbed out of the wagon, smiling gratefully at the young man who rushed forward and steadied her when she staggered and nearly fell.

  “Thank you.”

  He smiled at her. “You’re welcome.”

  “I’m Abigail.”


  “It’s nice to meet you, David.”

  “You as well.”

  Neil jumped out of the wagon and glanced at the setting sun before looking at the bottom of the wagon. Abby followed his gaze and frowned a little. She hadn’t seen many wagons but this one looked strange to her. There was a long wooden compartment attached to the bottom of it and one side of it was on hinges.

  “What is that?”

  “It’s where Eone and Val sleep their daysleep.” Neil cleared his throat as Abigail paled and backed away from the wagon.

  “I don’t want him to touch me again.” She whispered. She started to tremble, remembering the fear and the pain as he had bitten into her.

  It didn’t hurt for long. You remember how good it felt when he touched your breast. You wanted him to fuck you, you know you did.

  Maria gave Neil a confused look. “Why is she afr—”

  The door to the compartment started to open and Abigail backed up until she bumped into David.

  Neil put his large hand on the door, holding it shut for a moment.

  “She should go in the house.” He said nervously, staring at Abby.

  David nodded and held out his hand. “Here, Abby, let me help you into the house.” She took his hand and he led her up the stairs of the porch and into the house.

  Neil waited until she had disappeared into the house and then lifted the side of the compartment. Eone slid out, followed by Val, and she stretched prettily.

  She looked around curiously. “God, I’m so hungry. I don’t suppose we’re near a village?”

  Neil shook his head and she sighed. “Ugh, deer again.”

  Val’s nose wrinkled and he leaned against the wagon. Eone looked back at him. “Are you coming?”

  He shook his head. “No.”

  “Suit yourself.” She shrugged and disappeared in a flash of light.

  “Show off.” Val muttered. Although he could move much faster than a human, at nearly seven hundred years old Eone had perfected the ability to shift from one spot to another within seconds.

  He realized Neil was frowning at him. “What?”

  “You almost killed her.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Not even close, Neil. She had plenty of blood left.”

  “Why did you take so much from her?”

  “I was badly injured remember?”

  “You didn’t need to take that much.” Neil gave him a look of disgust.

  Val shrugged. “I’ll apologize to her.” He looked around. Most of the group was unloading the wagon but Abby was nowhere to be seen.

“She’s in the house. Stay away from her, Val.”

  Val licked his lips. “She’s not going to stay away from me, Neil. You know that.”

  “You don’t have to make it any harder on her than it already will be. Avoid her as much as you can.” He clapped Val on the shoulder and lifted a box of bedding from the back of the wagon.

  Val grunted in reply and stared into the woods. He was hungry, despite the large amount of Abby’s blood he had taken last night, but he didn’t want deer. He wanted more of Abby. Her blood had been deliciously sweet, and remembering the way she had moaned when he cupped her breast had his dick hardening in his pants.

  He shook himself. He was being ridiculous. She was a chubby human who would most likely be dead within the month. The ones that came from her world never lasted long in his. Still, he couldn’t help but remember the way her dark lashes had looked against the paleness of her skin. Her skin had been so smooth and soft.

  He swallowed thickly. She would not be able to resist him and when she came to him and begged him to touch and kiss her, to bite her, he would do it. He was doing the chubby human a favour really. She would go mad if he didn’t. He would drink her sweet blood each night and when they finally got back to civilization, they would dump her with the other humans and she would forget him.

  “Abby, do you want to share this room with me?” Maria examined the small bedroom. It had two twin beds in it and had obviously been a bedroom for children.

  Abby nodded as she peered into the room. “Why do you think this house was abandoned, Maria?”

  Maria sighed. “Many of the houses in this area were abandoned when the leeches took over this part of the territory. It was quite a few years ago and their numbers have dwindled significantly since then, but most people never returned to their homes.”

  “Or they were killed by the vampires.” David said softly.

  “Aye, that’s true.” Maria agreed.

  Abby felt a shiver go through her. “Why are you travelling through here?”

  David put down the bag he was carrying. “Our village was overtaken by the leeches. Those of us who escaped the carnage had no choice but to travel this way. We’re going to Karna. It is a larger city and more secure.”

  Abigail frowned. There were only fifteen humans in the group and she had a sudden bad feeling. “How big was your village?”

  David glanced at Maria. “There were 125 of us.”

  “Oh my God.” Abby whispered. “You’re all that survived?”

  Maria nodded and sat down on one of the beds. “It was a very large pod of leeches. If it hadn’t been for Eone and Val, none of us would have lived.”

  “Is that why you’re travelling with them?” Abigail asked. Her hand moved to her neck and she touched the two small holes on her throat.

  Maria smiled at her. “Eone and Val have sworn allegiance to the humans. They have turned from their own kind and will never harm us.”

  “Why did they leave the other vampires?”

  “Each of them has their own reason and it is not mine to share.” Maria smiled at her before standing and clapping her hands briskly. “Enough talk for now. You need to have more to eat and drink. You’re still much too pale.”

  She turned to David. “Will you keep an eye on her? Stay with her and help to distract her?”

  “I don’t need a babysitter.” Abigail frowned.

  “I know that.” Maria replied. “But, Abby, please believe me when I tell you that you do not understand what will happen when you see Val. David is big and strong and will help you to stay away from Val, won’t you, David?”

  “Aye, I will.” David replied solemnly.

  “Why are you afraid of Val?” Maria asked suddenly. “Once a vampire has bitten a human, they’re not usually afraid of them.”

  “I’m not afraid of him.” Abigail lied. “He insulted me and nearly killed me by drinking too much. I don’t want him near me again. And don’t worry, I can control myself. Trust me.”

  “I know you believe that, Abby but…” She trailed off and gave David a helpless look.

  David took Abigail’s hand in his. “Abigail, come to the kitchen with me and I’ll make you some tea.”

  He led her from the bedroom as Maria followed.

  — —

  He smelled her before he saw her. He inhaled deeply, a small smile playing on his lips, as the flow of her blood sang sweetly to him.

  Patience, Val. She will come to you soon enough.

  “Val?” Neil put his hand on his arm as he glanced past Val’s shoulder. “Stay away from her. She’s made it clear she doesn’t want you to touch her again.”

  Val grinned at him, his fangs flashing in the dim light. “I will not have to go near her, Neil. She will come to me and I will not deny her what she wants.”

  “Why the sudden change? You were adamant yesterday that you wouldn’t feed from her again.”

  Val shrugged. “Perhaps my time with the humans has returned a spark of my own humanity. I will feed from her like she will beg me to. I would think my decision would please you. Unless you want to watch the poor girl go mad?”

  He could sense her in the room and he winked at Neil before turning around. He could feel his fangs lengthening in anticipation and he reminded himself to stay calm. Her blood had been incredibly sweet, even frightened half to death. Tonight he would seduce her, bring her pleasure, and her blood would be unimaginably tastier. He could almost taste the thick, salty sweetness.

  David was leading Abby into the room. He was gripping her hand tightly and nearly yanking her across the room toward the kitchen and Val grinned a little. He understood what the boy was trying to do but it was pointless. The moment Abigail saw him she would do whatever it took to get to him.

  His smile widened when Abigail’s head turned in his direction. She stared at him, her dark brown eyes sliding across his face, before moving to Neil standing beside him. She smiled briefly at Neil and without hesitating followed David into the kitchen.

  Val’s mouth dropped open as Maria crossed the room and joined them. Her round face mirrored his own surprise and she stared at Neil.

  “Did you just see that?” She whispered.

  Neil nodded as Val closed his mouth with a snap.

  “Did she – did she just ignore me?” He could hardly spit the words out.

  Neil burst into loud laughter and clapped Val so hard on the back the vampire staggered forward. “Welcome to my world, my blood-sucking friend.”

  “It is impossible. She should be –“

  “Begging you to fuck her?” Neil asked crudely.

  Maria slapped him lightly on the arm. “Don’t be rude, Neil.”

  Val was staring at the kitchen doorway and spoke absentmindedly. “Perhaps it is because I did not seduce her first. Perhaps her fear from last night has somehow blocked her need for me.”

  Maria turned on him, her face red with fury. “You didn’t calm her first? You just bit her without using your powers to reassure and soothe her? You asshole!” She punched him hard on the chest. “Why would you do that to the poor girl? She offered to save your life, and you repay her by biting into her while she was frightened and confused? Then you nearly killed her by drinking from her! You selfish fucking leech!”

  “Maria, calm down.” Neil pulled the small woman away from Val. She kicked him hard in the shin and he winced and let her go.

  “She should have let you die, Val.” She hissed at him before turning and stomping towards the kitchen.

  Neil turned to him and Val actually felt a trickle of embarrassment at the look on the big man’s face. “Why would you be so cruel to her, Val?”

  “I don’t know.” He was lying. He had done it because he had been disgusted by her despite her willingness to help him. He had been so sure that her blood would taste horrible that he had just wanted to get it over with. All of that had changed the moment he had tasted her. Now he was craving her, and he never imagined that she would be able to resist h

  “Do you really believe your cruelty is why she can resist you?” Neil asked curiously.

  Val shook his head. “No. I have done this to other humans in the past and although it helped lessen their need a little, it did not diminish it completely.”

  He didn’t know why Abigail could resist him but he was determined to find out.

  — —

  “Abigail? Are you okay?” Maria’s warm hand touched her back hesitantly and Abby looked up from where she was staring at the kitchen table.

  “Just fine.”

  Maria glanced at David. He was pouring water into a pot and he widened his eyes a little at her. She shrugged.

  “I’m going to go put this over the fire in the fireplace.” David said as he lifted the pot from the counter. “We’ll have your tea ready in just a bit, okay?”

  “Okay.” She said absently. She had returned to staring at the table.

  “Abigail, you saw Val in the living room right?”


  “And you felt nothing? No need for him?” Maria spoke hesitantly, as though even mentioning it would make it happen.

  Abigail didn’t reply and she reached out and gently tilted her face up. The girl’s eyes were soft and unfocused and Maria frowned. “Abigail?”

  Abby blinked rapidly. “I feel a bit of a draw to him.” She admitted as she pressed her lips together tightly. “But nothing I can’t handle.”

  “Are you sure? Val has changed his mind about feeding from you again.”

  “Has he? How generous of him.” Abigail said sarcastically.

  “It will help. I know it was frightening for you last night but they do have the ability to make it - well – less traumatizing. I’ll get Neil to talk to Val about being gentler. And it will only be until we’re in Karna. Once we’re in the city it will be easier to avoid him, and the craving will wear off.”

  Abigail shook her head. “No. I don’t need his pity feeding. I’m perfectly fine.”


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