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Page 10

by JoMarie DeGioia

  “You’re both still training with Michal though, right?” she asked.

  Donnic nodded, but she already knew that. She couldn’t seem to make herself stop watching Kelwin when he trained. When he sparred with Donnic he moved like a dancer, nearly matching his cousin’s every move. His face showed such concentration and he looked almost beautiful.

  “Yeah.” Donnic smiled. “And Kelwin still manages to get in a few good jabs before I knock him on his ass. He goes off with Malcolm right after, though.”

  That she knew, too. Malcolm hadn’t stopped eyeing her, either. From that first night speculation was in his eyes as he watched her, like he was trying to figure out what she really was. Had Kelwin told him about Dalton and what happened at Merrickwood? Had Malcolm somehow figured it out?

  “He’s gifted, you know,” Donnic said.

  Her heart clenched. “I was afraid of that.”

  Donnic studied her now. “Are you sure you’re not gifted?”

  “Yes!” She fingered the end of her braid. “Why won’t anyone believe me?”

  “Maybe they feel something, Alyssa. Maybe Kelwin feels something. Did you ever think about that?”

  She kept her head down but looked at him out of the corner of her eye. “What did Kelwin say about me?”

  “He won’t talk to me about you.”

  “Do you ask him?” She faced him. “About me, I mean?”

  “Do you want me to?”

  “Donnic, I want a lot of things. I want my father to still be alive. I want to be back at Merrickwood. I want to never have heard of Lord Dalton.”

  “But then you never would have come to Rosemont.”

  That made her catch her breath. If she’d never come to Rosemont she wouldn’t have met Kelwin. She wouldn’t have gotten to know the warmth of Lady Jayne’s care or Chelsey’s friendship. Heck, she wouldn’t have met Donnic, either.

  “I just want my brother and me to be safe, Donnic,” she said. “If that makes me selfish, that’s too bad.”

  He touched her hand like he had before. His calloused fingers were warm against her skin. “It doesn’t make you selfish. I know what it’s like to miss your parents. Believe me.”

  She knew he was an orphan, but didn’t know much else. “When did your parents die?”

  Pain crossed his face and she could almost feel it. Almost. She wasn’t gifted, after all.

  “It was a long time ago. Kelwin’s parents were like my mom and dad when they took me in. Lady Jayne’s still that way to me.”

  “You’re lucky.” She walked through the hall, turning away from Kelwin and Malcolm’s mysterious conversation, and Donnic followed. “When my mother died we only had our father. Dalton came and now my father’s gone.”

  Donnic stopped walking and the action made her look back at him. His dark brows were drawn together.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Do you think he did something to your father?”

  Her heart thumped down to her stomach. “I don’t want to. But maybe he did. I never liked him but my father seemed to.”

  “Could he be gifted?”

  Again she thought about the headaches at Merrickwood and the knocking in her head now at Rosemont. His dark eyes were always on her, searching for something. It was a lot like Lord Malcolm’s attention, but Malcolm never made her feel nasty.

  “I think he might be,” she said. “I was going to ask Kelwin about his gift and what he can do, but then Lord Malcolm came.”

  “You could still talk to him, you know. You haven’t said a word to him for almost two weeks.”

  “Are you watching me?”

  His cheeks turned a little red. “Not really. Hey, there’s not a lot going on around here.”

  “Do you still think I’m playing Kelwin?”

  “No. If you were playing him you’d be acting like you needed his help, not pulling away from him.”

  She smiled. “That’s something.”

  He smiled too, and looked pretty cute doing it. “Sometimes I wish I had his gift instead of mine.”

  That surprised her. “Why? I would think having strength would be a good thing.”

  “It is.” They started walking again. “But it’s like that’s all I am, you know? No hidden talents, no mysteries.”

  “Do you want to be mysterious?” she teased.

  He winked at her. “Don’t you think it would make me even hotter?”

  Right then, she doubted he could look hotter. It was almost a shame that he wasn’t the Rosemont she was drawn to. “Flirt with your maids, Donnic. Not me.”

  His Kelwin-blue eyes went round. “I’m not flirting with you.”

  She smirked at him. “Yeah, right. Well, at least you made me stop wondering about Kelwin and Malcolm for a minute.”

  “See? Regular old charm can have its uses.”

  She laughed and Donnic did, too. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Kelwin raise his head to stare at them. At her. She felt that pull toward him again, like he somehow grabbed on to her sleeve and tugged her close. She instinctively dug her heels into the rush-covered floor as if fighting the sensation.

  “Alyssa,” Donnic said, his voice low.

  She pulled her eyes from Kelwin’s and faced his cousin. Donnic looked really concerned. “What?”

  “You went all red,” he said. “You were holding your breath and got stiff as a board.”

  She flexed her fingers and rubbed her palms over her hips. “I was just… I don’t know what I was doing.”

  Donnic looked over at Kelwin and Malcolm, but she couldn’t. Not right now.

  “You’re connected,” he said.

  She swallowed, her throat tight and nodded. “I think so.”

  Donnic looked disappointed somehow. It wasn’t her fault that she felt a pull toward Kelwin. Yes, he was a cute boy but it was more than that.

  Donnic left her and she walked over to the hearth. Lady Jayne and Chelsey smiled at her as she joined them. She returned the expression and sat down and stared at the logs burning in the hearth.

  Donnic was right. She was connected to Kelwin. Denying it to Donnic was useless. For just a second she wished it was that Rosemont boy she could like. He was simple and easy. Strong and funny, too. He was everything he presented with no mysteries. He was right about that. There was also the added benefit that Donnic couldn’t get into her head.

  She risked a glance at the table again, and was relieved that Kelwin wasn’t still looking at her. Lord Malcolm was, though.

  Why did that feel even more inevitable than her connection to Kelwin?


  “You have to talk her into training with you, Kelwin.”

  Kelwin shook his head. “No. She made it clear that she doesn’t believe she’s gifted.”

  Malcolm was quiet, then he nodded. “If she doesn’t accept her gift and learn to control it she could hurt herself and everyone around her.”

  Kelwin wanted to believe that wasn’t true but he really couldn’t argue. Malcolm had a lot more experience with gifted kids than he did. Hell, other than Donnic and his father he’d never known anybody else who was gifted until Alyssa.

  “Have you tried the exercises I showed you?” Malcolm asked.



  Kelwin thought about the past few days as he’d tried to train his mind. Malcolm had told him to focus his mind outward, to see if he could pick up any sensations from outside Rosemont’s walls. It was no use, though. He hadn’t felt anything but that constant pull toward Alyssa no matter where she was in the estate. Just a minute ago he’d wanted to jump up from the table and run over to where she talked with Donnic. She’d looked upset, but for once he didn’t think it was about anything his cousin said.

  “I don’t think I have much reach,” he told Malcolm. “That night at the harvest festival had to be a fluke or something.”

  Malcolm glanced over at Alyssa again. “Or something.”

  “I don’t know wha
t’s going on at the other estates,” Kelwin added as if Malcolm hadn’t said anything. “How can I prevent a raid if I can’t feel it?”

  “You’ll feel it.” Malcolm eyes narrowed in his direction and Kelwin knew he wanted to enter his mind. At Kelwin’s nod he pushed in. It was like that cool breeze through the courtyard after his bout with Donnic weeks ago. Back on the day of the harvest festival before all this began.

  You can’t let your fear block you. Malcolm’s thoughts were as pushy as his voice.

  I’m not. I’m trying. I just can’t hear anything.

  You get in my mind easily enough. There was a trace of laughter in his thought.

  That’s because you just…open a door.

  Like you just did. I never thought about it like a door but it is, isn’t it? Now, try to make me do something against my will.

  Kelwin shook his head. You’re too strong, Malcolm.

  Try. Flex these muscles, Kelwin. Like you do when you spar with Donnic.

  Kelwin glanced at the goblet at Malcolm’s right elbow. It still held his wine. He thought about being thirsty. Of wanting a drink of something so badly his throat closed. Parched, aching skin burning his mouth. He shoved the thought into Malcolm’s mind. The man’s arm shot out and he grabbed up the goblet and drained it.

  Malcolm slammed the goblet down and shook his head. Damn, you’re getting stronger already.

  Kelwin grinned. Ha!

  Malcolm dragged a hand over his lips to catch a drop of wine. All right, pup. Don’t gloat.

  What did you feel when I pushed in? Did it hurt?

  No. I felt thirsty. That’s what you wanted me to feel, right?

  Kelwin nodded. Can you do that? Make people feel a certain way?

  You most definitely can.


  Yes, but that’s too unpredictable. A physical response can make people respond more quickly than an emotional suggestion.

  Have you tried to get into Alyssa’s head? Kelwin had to know.

  No. I wouldn’t force that on anyone. Not like Dalton does.

  A chill crept over Kelwin’s skin. Can he hurt her?

  A flash of comfort came from Malcolm. I don’t think so. Not while she’s here at Rosemont.

  Kelwin chanced a look at her as if to make sure she was safe right now. Will you keep her safe?

  I’ll try, but your gift is more suited to it. You’re the one connected to her.

  Kelwin thought of her conversation with Donnic then. That friendly talk they apparently had in the hall tonight. She hadn’t talked to him in more than two weeks but she talked to Donnic. She couldn’t be connected to him, too.

  What had she told him? Did Donnic know Kelwin kissed her? What about after? After they kissed? Did she tell him what happened then?

  I didn’t tell Donnic about the kiss.

  Kelwin’s body jerked. That was Alyssa’s thought he’d heard. And she was sitting all the way across the hall from him. She must have heard his thoughts, too. Again.

  What just happened? Malcolm’s mind asked.

  Kelwin pulled away from Malcolm with a jerk, slamming the door in his head so hard the older man flinched.

  He looked over at Alyssa and saw she faced the hearth. It was like his father’s sword mocked him from above her. He couldn’t use his sword. Why should he be able to use his gift?

  Her eyes were closed and for the first time since that night in her room he tried to knock on the door in her head. She sat up and turned to him, her eyes wide open with obvious surprise.

  Kelwin pulled back and buried his face in his hands.

  “I shouldn’t have done that,” he gasped. “I can’t do that to her.”

  Malcolm might not be in his mind anymore but he seemed to know what he was thinking just the same.

  “That’s enough for tonight,” Malcolm said.

  Kelwin lifted his head and eyed this stranger who looked like his father and had their gift. “I’m tired.”

  “Go rest.”

  He kept his eyes from Alyssa in spite of the pull he felt. “It’s getting cold outside, Malcolm. There isn’t much time.”

  “You need to rest. We’ll work more tomorrow.”

  Kelwin rose from the table and headed for the stairs.

  “Good eve,” he called toward the hearth before making his escape.

  “Good eve, Kelwin,” his sister called. His mother echoed her words.

  He just nodded. He couldn’t join them. Not with the echo of Alyssa’s thoughts still in his head. He knew they all watched him. His mother and sister. Alyssa and Thomas. He glanced over there and didn’t see Donnic, so that was something.

  He had enough to deal with without having to answer to Donnic. Just what was he talking to Alyssa about anyway?

  When he reached his room he got ready for bed. One candle was lit on his bedside table, but he didn’t really need its small flame. Once he pulled back the flap over his one narrow window light from the nearly-full moon shined in. There would be another Pageant at court in just a few days. What were those poor gifted kids thinking? Did they hope to win or wish they were anywhere but there?

  He kicked off his boots and dropped his pants, leaving them on the floor like he usually did. A few splashes of cold water from the basin seemed to clear the cobwebs from his mind. He stood by the window and welcomed the cold December night air against his body.

  Even wearing just his long cotton shirt he was still boiling hot. He braced his hands on either side of the open window. It was like he could still feel Alyssa inside him. This…whatever this was…seemed even more intimate than their kiss.

  How the hell had Alyssa heard his thoughts? And how had she answered him? He’d been practicing with Malcolm for several days now but she hadn’t even tried. She was gifted. There was no doubt now. He didn’t need Malcolm’s assurance on that. Her strong natural talent must be what Dalton had sensed in her, the bastard.

  Using one of Malcolm’s exercises, he was able to put Alyssa out of his mind for a minute. He focused out across the fields to the estates beyond. He heard whispers of hunger, rumbles of desperation. He didn’t sense any danger, though. Not yet. There was no plan to attack Rosemont at the moment.

  He sucked in a breath and pulled back. His gift was getting stronger and more focused. This pleased him even more than the progress with his physical training with Michal. It was something he guessed his father would have wanted for him. To train his gift to protect the family.

  He turned away from the window and flopped down onto his bed. Once again his father’s sword mocked him, even from far below. His father had his sword and his gift when he’d gone to Lotherin.

  Too bad neither had been enough to protect him.

  Chapter 14

  Alyssa stood in the hall the next morning, her stomach in knots. She had no choice now. She had to ask Kelwin about his gift. She’d heard his thoughts last night while he talked with Lord Malcolm. She’d almost felt his worry that she’d told Donnic about their kiss. How could he think that? If he’s supposed to know everything in her head, why didn’t he know she would keep their secret?

  “Alyssa!” Chelsey called. “Come join us.”

  She smiled and walked over to the hearth. Kelwin’s sister and mother both eyed her, their brows drawn together. Their needlework seemed forgotten in their laps.

  “Is something wrong, Alyssa?” Lady Jayne asked.

  “Is Thomas all right?” Chelsey looked around the hall. “I saw him with the servants’ children in the kitchen.”

  Alyssa held up her hands. “Thomas is fine, Chelsey. No worries there.”

  “But you’re worried about something.” Lady Jayne lifted her chin toward the chair facing her. “Sit, dear. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  Alyssa shook her head. “Nothing’s wrong. I just wondered…” She took a breath. “I wondered if Kelwin was around.”

  Both their faces wore surprise, their brows shooting straight up.

  Chelsey slid her a smile. �
�Why do you need to talk to Kelwin?”

  Alyssa’s cheeks grew hot. Kelwin’s sister obviously thought she just wanted to flirt and tease him. She’d never done that, despite Donnic’s accusations when she first got here.

  “I wanted to talk to him about his gift,” she said.

  Lady Jayne’s eyes clouded, then she shook her head. “Kelwin’s out hunting with Donnic and the others, Alyssa. I hope they stay warm.”

  As if listening, the winter wind buffeted the walls. The hall was warm enough though, especially near the hearth. She wondered about Merrickwood’s people, but knew that if Dalton was living there the place would be warm and toasty. The food would be plentiful and the lights burning bright. Here rush torches and candles lit the place but she felt more comfortable.

  “I wish they didn’t have to hunt in this weather,” Lady Jayne went on.

  “We need to eat, Mother,” Chelsey said, her face wearing a serious expression Alyssa rarely saw there. Then she smiled. “I hope they bring home a big deer or maybe a boar.”

  Alyssa nodded, but she was barely paying attention. Lord Malcolm was walking through the hall, that commanding way he had showing in his posture and in his easy stride. He’d been up to something with Kelwin last night, before she’d heard Kelwin’s thoughts. What, exactly, was he up to now?

  “Lord Malcolm!” she called.

  He stopped walking and turned. His brow furrowed, then he smiled. He began to walk toward the hearth.

  She glanced at Chelsey and Lady Jayne and saw they watched her closely. It didn’t matter. Maybe it was a good thing Kelwin was outside this afternoon, in spite of the cold. She didn’t want him to hear the questions she planned to ask his new mentor.

  “Good afternoon, ladies,” Malcolm said to Kelwin’s mother and sister. He faced Alyssa fully. “Did you want to speak to me, Alyssa?”

  She looked into his blue eyes and felt the room tilt. He had the answers. She just knew it. “I wanted to ask you some questions, yes.” She managed to catch her breath. “When you have the time, that is.”

  He shrugged. “I have time right now.”


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