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Page 11

by JoMarie DeGioia

  He nodded to Chelsey and Lady Jayne and waved her ahead of him. “What’s this about?”

  She blew out a breath. “Do you really not know?”

  He stopped and turned to face her. “I won’t go into someone’s mind, Alyssa. Not without permission.”

  For some reason, she believed him. He seemed as open as Kelwin. She hadn’t realized how much she’d missed Kelwin until this moment. “Oh. Okay.”

  They sat at the table, but she wished they could go outside to the garden. It was just too cold out today. How could Kelwin be outside in that icy wind?

  “He’ll be fine,” Malcolm said.

  She gasped. “You said you won’t get in my head!”

  “I don’t have to, Alyssa.” He met her gaze. “I see the worry on your face and know it’s over Kelwin.”

  Her shoulders slumped. “We’re connected. He says it. You say it.” She clicked her tongue. “Even Donnic says it.”

  “You talked about Kelwin to Donnic?” His lip turned up at one corner. “I bet Donnic didn’t like that much.”

  “Well, that’s too bad. I have enough to think about without worrying about Donnic’s feelings.”

  “What’s this about Donnic’s feelings?”

  She covered her mouth. She hadn’t meant to say that but just being near Malcolm seemed to loosen her tongue. Lowering her hand, she shrugged. “I don’t know anything about his feelings, really. I know he cares about Kelwin. That was clear from the first time he accused me of chasing him.”

  “And now?”

  She knew Donnic liked teasing her. That he enjoyed talking with her, even if it wasn’t about Kelwin. “I only know what I feel for Kelwin, Lord Malcolm. And I don’t even really know what that is, except for this connection everyone keeps talking about.” She was quiet, then shrugged. “I felt it the first night I saw him.”

  He looked deep in thought, and for a second she wanted to get into his mind and see what wheels were turning. Did he know about their kiss? About how she heard Kelwin’s thoughts that night in her room and last night in this hall? Just what was Lord Malcolm thinking right now?

  He sucked in a breath and startled, then smiled. “Kelwin and I have been training. To get him to focus his gift.”

  She nodded. “I thought so. You were both quiet at the table last night, but…” She searched for the right words. “But not quiet, you know?”

  “He let me into his mind,” Malcolm explained. “I would never go into someone’s mind without their permission. I told you and I told Kelwin. That is an invasion I wouldn’t chance unless there was danger.”

  She nodded and ran her hand over the worn table top, watching as her fingertip traced over the dark grain lines. Focusing on that was easier than facing those intent blue eyes of his. “I think Lord Dalton is gifted.”

  “He most certainly is.”

  Her head shot up. “You know him!”

  “I do.” His lips thinned. “He’s powerful and without remorse. It’s a deadly combination. He wouldn’t hesitate to get into someone’s mind, Alyssa. He’d do that and so much worse if he thought he had something to gain.”

  She wrapped her arms around her middle, recalling the times she’d felt his dark gaze on her. The headaches and the nasty feeling. “He tried to get into my head,” she whispered. “Many times.”

  “Back at Merrickwood?”

  “Yes. It gave me terrible headaches.”

  “Headaches?” He looked like he wanted to say something, but he must have changed his mind. He tilted his head and regarded her with kind eyes. “Was that before your father died or after?”

  “Both.” She bit her lip. “He seemed to always know where I was.”

  She thought about the knocking in her head here at Rosemont. “I think he’s been trying to find me here, too.”

  “Then it’s very lucky you came here.”


  “You’re safe here, with Kelwin and his family. Your brother and you. Both of you are safe.”

  “From Dalton?” She didn’t dare hope so, but her heart began to race anyway. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m quite sure. Dalton’s gift is considerable, though.”

  “It’s stronger than yours?”

  Malcolm smiled. “I didn’t say that. His isn’t the strongest I’ve encountered, either.”

  “Kelwin’s is strong,” she said.

  “Yes. As strong as his father’s was.”

  “He read my thoughts last night,” she whispered.

  Malcolm nodded. “And?”

  “And what?”

  “Did you read his?”

  “I’m not gifted,” she said for what felt like the hundredth time. “There’s just something about Kelwin… I don’t know what it is.”

  His lip curled again in a crooked smile. “I can guess.”

  “Don’t tease me, Lord Malcolm. It’s enough that Donnic likes to provoke me.”

  His black brows rose. “Does he? And have you ever responded?”

  “What? No!”

  He held up his hands. “That’s not what I meant. I mean, did anything happen when you got mad at Donnic?”

  She thought about the slap she’d wanted to give him in the garden and his reaction as though she had. “No.”

  “You know, I don’t have to read your thoughts to know you have something more to say.”

  She opened her mouth, then cursed softly. “I think I slapped him.”

  “You think you slapped him?”

  “He pulled back and rubbed his cheek, but I never raised my hand. I don’t know what happened, really.”

  “Hmm.” His eyes were bright as he leaned forward. “Did you see if…”

  She could see his lips moving but couldn’t hear him over the rapping in her head. Someone was knocking, loud and insistent this time. Her palms began to sweat and her throat tightened. “I think Dalton is trying to find me,” she choked out.

  He covered her icy hands with his warm ones. “Alyssa, you’re safe here. Rosemont’s soldiers are strong and Kelwin’s gift will keep you safe.” His words were faint but getting louder. He patted her hands and warmth spread through her fingers and up her arms. “And I’m here.”

  She swallowed and breathed through her nose until the choking feeling past. She looked closely at him. There was no darkness in him, not like that gross feeling she always got from Dalton. He was a lot like Kelwin that way, solid and warm. Of course, Kelwin caused a different kind of warmth when he was near. Now her cheeks were hot again. She must be getting a fever.

  Pulling her hands away from his, she sat back. “Thank you, Lord Malcolm.”

  “You have more questions,” he said.

  She shook her head. “Stop doing that,” she said, but she wasn’t really mad at him.

  He grinned. “I’m here and I’m not going anywhere. At least through the winter. Kelwin needs me.”

  “You don’t have any children?”

  “I don’t. I thought about settling down but…” He shrugged. “Let’s just say I’ve been busy.”

  Again she wanted to get into his head and find out what he knew about gifts and Dalton and what was going on between her and Kelwin. He looked almost sad now, like he was thinking about the family he never had.

  Lady Jayne said he had been a great friend of Kelwin’s father, and sitting here with him she could believe it. There was a tenderness about him. She felt closer to Chelsey and Lady Jayne every day, but this feeling was something she’d missed since Papa died.

  She stood. “Thank you,” she said again.

  He leaned back. “You’re welcome. Always.”

  She took his words to mean more than one thing, as she was sure he wanted her to do. As she walked away from the table their discussion swirled in her mind. She’d learned a little but there was still so much she wanted to know. Donnic wouldn’t know about gifts. He had his own limited experience, just like Kelwin had until Malcolm came. She knew who had the answers, though. She’d been right all

  She had to talk to Kelwin.


  Kelwin braced himself on the rocky ledge, his crossbow held firm in his gloved hands. The wind blew, and icy shards stung his cheeks under his tightened fur hood as he focused. The sounds faded around him. The wind in the trees, the crash of the waves, the far-off chatter of Donnic and the other ceased to intrude. It was always like this when he hunted. As if he and his prey were the only two beings left on earth.

  He saw a flash of brown ahead, dark coarse fur matted with ice. It was a boar. Something shifted and he suddenly focused even deeper on the animal.

  It felt different this time. Today he knew where the animal would step next. The boar had no idea he was there. He knew that. He felt it checking the brush. Knew it heard the other hunters tramping through the woods far to the left. It was aware of the others but didn’t know he was close. Didn’t know he was just waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

  He shifted so the tip of his cocked arrow would be precisely where it was needed when the boar moved. The animal was going to run. Kelwin knew that. He narrowed his eyes and stared at the spot to the right. In the next moment he released the arrow, watching it zing through the air as the boar ran in that direction. The arrow found its way straight into the animal’s heart. The boar fell without another sound and Kelwin sat back. He lowered his crossbow and blew out a breath.

  “That was beautiful!” Donnic shouted.

  Kelwin nodded as his cousin ran up to him. It was Kelwin’s third boar of the day, and even larger than the other two. Rosemont would eat well for the next few days, anyway. He could thank Malcolm for his newfound focus. It was like his gift was getting stronger every day.

  Donnic hefted the big animal up on his shoulders, a grin on his face. “Chelsey will be happy.”

  Kelwin laughed. “Yeah, she always loves boar steak. Do you remember when my father was—”

  He stopped, dropping to his knees as the sensations struck. So many thoughts churned in his head. His stomach clenched as he closed his eyes and brought his hands to his pounding head. After a few excruciating moments Malcolm’s training came to him, though. He breathed in slowly, focusing his mind outward as he let everything else but those faraway thoughts fall away.

  Tomorrow, at first light. Rosemont will have enough for us. Let them worry about the winter. That’s too bad if they go hungry. Our people need to eat.

  Each thought was distinct, spoken by different men who plotted this coming raid. He didn’t know which estate was planning to attack in the morning. It felt like hundreds of men readied for their siege on his home. He couldn’t let that happen.

  “Kelwin?” Donnic asked.

  Kelwin opened his eyes and saw Donnic kneeling on the cold ground next to him. “I’m okay.” Amazingly, he was. The sickness passed and he was left with the thoughts and not the impressions they’d first brought. He had to ask Malcolm about that. To have control over his gift so that he could avoid the echoing sensitivity? That would be amazing.

  “What the hell happened?” Michal asked as he jogged up to them.

  Kelwin stood and faced the man-at-arms. “Make sure the soldiers are ready, Michal. We’re going to be attacked at first light.”

  Michal gaped, then gave a sharp nod. “Let’s get these animals into the storage building!” he called to the men. “We have to ready for a raid tomorrow.”

  No one questioned Michal. Not his orders or how he knew about the raid. They hurried into the estate carrying the day’s game. Kelwin looked down at the big animal on the ground, his last kill. This was to feed Rosemont’s people. To feed his family. He’d be damned if another estate got any of it.

  Donnic grabbed Kelwin’s coat, careful to only touch the sleeve. “What did you hear? Or feel, or whatever?”

  “There’s going to be a raid, Donnic.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I heard them planning it.”

  “Which estate is it?”

  “I don’t know. But a raid is coming. Unless I can stop it.”

  Donnic shook his head. “How the hell can you stop it?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. But I’m counting on Malcolm to tell me.”

  He might have been reluctant to take up his training at first, but over the past few days he’d come to realize the benefits of controlling this talent. Tonight he would do whatever his mentor asked of him. He would keep Rosemont safe. He would keep his family safe. His heart beat low and hard with conviction.

  He would keep Alyssa safe.

  Chapter 15

  Alyssa watched as the men returned to the estate. Their cheeks were all chapped from the cold, and bits of ice clung to their fur jackets. They carried several big animals with them, a few deer and several fat boars. They didn’t look happy with their spoils, though. Every man wore a worried expression on their ruddy face. Her stomach dipped. Something was going on.

  Kelwin entered then, sweeping the hood off his head as he walked. The expression on his face was so intense her breath caught. Something was up. She could feel tension pouring off of him, as strange as that was. It was like electricity singing over her skin.

  He stopped and turned his head toward her. His blue eyes were so bright she blinked. A blast of cool air seemed to strike her even though she was standing near the fireplace. What was happening?

  I promise I’ll keep you safe. His words were as clear as if he spoke them. Just like that night in her room. And just like when he was training with Lord Malcolm.

  She gasped as questions tumbled through her mind. How was he in her head again? Keep her safe from what? God, was Dalton on his way to Rosemont?

  Not Dalton, Alyssa. There’s going to be a raid tomorrow, but we’ll be safe.

  Warmth and relief spread over her now, as it had when Lord Malcolm covered her hands with his. She wanted to run into Kelwin’s arms as she’d wanted to that very first night. To cuddle against his chest and let his strong arms wrap around her.

  What he’d thought suddenly struck her. Wait, there was going to be raid? She had to protect Thomas!

  He’ll be safe, too.

  Oh, he was in her head again! She fisted her hands. “Stop doing that!” she cried.

  Kelwin stumbled back and landed on his butt with a shout. It was if she’d pushed him. Had she?

  She rushed over to him, ignoring the others she now saw were watching. “Kelwin, I’m sorry!” She crouched down and grabbed his arm. “Are you hurt?”

  He leaned up on his elbows. “No.” His eyes fell on her hand clutching him. “That doesn’t hurt, either.” His voice was low and full of awe. Warmth caressed her again.

  She felt his bicep beneath his thick coat. He might not be as strong as Donnic, but he still seemed pretty strong. She’d known that, though. “That doesn’t hurt?”

  He shook his head, his blond hair falling over his forehead. “You can push me anytime.”

  “I didn’t…” She thought back to that moment she’d wanted him out of her head. “Did I push you?”

  He shrugged and got to his feet. “It sure felt like it. Was that how you slapped Donnic?”

  “I don’t know,” was all she could say.

  “Kelwin, what’s going on?” Lady Jayne ran up to them. “Michal said there’s going to be raid?”

  “Tomorrow morning,” Kelwin said with a nod. “I have to talk to Malcolm.”

  “Malcolm?” his mother asked. “Why?”

  Kelwin shook his head. “I have to try to stop the raid. He said he can show me how.”

  Kelwin stared at Alyssa for a long minute, then smiled. “Thanks for helping me up.”

  She smiled back at him. Yeah, after she knocked him down.

  He grinned and she bit her lip. Oh, he definitely heard her thoughts. She stepped back from him. This was just too much.

  “Alyssa?” he asked out loud.

  She took a few more steps away from him, her mind running in circles from everything he’d told her. From everything
she’d felt. “I… have to go find Thomas.”

  He reached for her but she was faster. She slipped away as the others began to pepper him with questions about the coming raid and what he and Lord Malcolm could do about it. She wanted to know the answers to those questions, too. But with Kelwin now apparently able to slide so easily into her head? He hadn’t hurt her, she hadn’t felt icky. She just didn’t like the way it made her feel. She had to get out of the hall and fast.

  She ran and crashed right into Donnic, who caught her arms in his hands.

  “Where’re you running to?” he asked.

  “I have to get Thomas,” she said again.

  Donnic studied her and she flinched in reflex.

  He let her go. “What’s wrong?”

  She looked everywhere but at him. “Nothing.”

  “Did you hear about the raid?”

  She nodded. “Kelwin…” She wouldn’t admit he was in her head. Not again. “Kelwin told me.”

  “He said he can stop it.”

  She faced him. “With Lord Malcolm,” she murmured.

  “I don’t know how,” Donnic said. His eyes were sharp on her. “Are you sure you’re okay?”


  Before he could ask her anything more, she ran toward the kitchen where she knew she’d find her little brother. How could she tell Donnic she was afraid for a second that he was going to push into her mind too? That was crazy, of course. Donnic wasn’t like Kelwin and Lord Malcolm. He was as mentally gifted as she was, which was not at all. The only reason Kelwin and Malcolm could get into her mind was because of their own gifts. That had to be the reason.

  Donnic was shrewd, no question. His eyes were as sharp as Kelwin’s. Well, she didn’t need yet another guy in her head right now.

  It was too darn crowded in there as it was.


  Kelwin barely heard the worried chatter around him. His mind was still connected to Alyssa’s. She’d been in his head, as snugly as he’d been in hers. And then she’d run. From him and from her own gift. He’d heard her thoughts when she talked with Donnic, and worried that she didn’t like him in her head. Well, he didn’t have the time to worry about her denial right now.

  His gaze touched on his father’s sword. It held his father’s strength and his father’s will. He might not feel worthy to touch the thing himself but he couldn’t think about that either. He had a raid to prevent and a family to protect.


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