Green Man Must Pay

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Green Man Must Pay Page 5

by Bill Evans


  Historically, all great leaders met with resistance. Gregor knew he could expect no less. Many of the most beloved leaders in the annals of time were initially considered arrogant or abrasive. The bombastic and even pompous Gregor was no exception. In time, the great leaders were accepted and even loved. Eventually the populace would love and embrace Gregor too.

  A certain amount of corrective discipline to the employees was needed at first. There would necessarily be some collateral damage. Then there would be acceptance. Then adoration and loyalty. Gregor would emerge victoriously through it all.

  This was his destiny.

  Gregor was going to be a great leader.


  (part twenty one)

  Gregor looked on with pride as the P.E. instructor led the Thera band aerobics class that morning. The participants were grateful for the instruction, as exhibited by their enthusiasm during the workout. The energetic and outgoing instructor flashed a toothy grin as Gregor entered the room. They were about halfway through the routine. Gregor was encouraged to join in, and gladly did so. Choosing a bright canary yellow resistance band, Gregor shuffled to the rear of the room and seated himself with his back to the wall. Gregor always seated himself with his back to the wall, even under safe and innocuous situations such as this. Old habits die hard.

  Gregor dove vigorously into the exercise routine with energy and excitement. He knew he would feel great after a good old-fashioned sweaty workout. Gregor decided right then and there that he would make a commitment to getting into better shape physically.

  Strong body, strong mind…he reminded himself while giggling.

  Gregor loved his own wit and propensity for humor. It was one of a number of character traits that made him such a nice person. Gregor never minded demonstrating these traits to the other patients on the floor. It set a good example. Was it any wonder that he was viewed as so endearing to others?

  People admired Gregor. He knew he had established a high standard for himself, and that others were always watching, usually with admiration. People had lofty expectations of Gregor. The expectations were often unrealistic and unfair. Gregor never complained. It was yet another responsibility that he willingly assumed. Gregor knew he was strong, and that others relied on his strength. It was yet another cross for Gregor to bear.


  “Dr. Pricener needs to see you…right away.”

  Gregor had seen the orderly enter the exercise room and look frantically around as if his head were on a swivel. He rushed quickly toward the seated Gregor after spotting him in the back.

  “Tell him I’m exercising. I will see the doctor when I’m done,” Gregor barked at the approaching aide.

  The anxious orderly began to sweat, perhaps even more profusely than the diligent exercisers around him. The orderly knew that Dr. Pricener did not like to be kept waiting. On the other hand, he had been written up twice recently for not adhering to Gregor’s sometimes outlandish wishes. One more write up would cost him his job.

  Gregor noted the discomfort of the large and sloppily built orderly, as the big oaf just stood there mumbling while shuffling his weight from one foot to the other.

  Gregor was incredibly compassionate-perhaps to a fault. Nevertheless, he allowed this weakness to best him yet again.

  “Very well. You may inform Dr. Pricener that my arrival to his summons is imminent.”

  The fancy words confused the orderly. Gregor’s abrupt hand gesture did not. The orderly hurriedly raced from the room.

  Gregor slowly arose and absent-mindedly slid the yellow resistance band into his side pocket as he slowly exited through the side door.


  (part twenty two)

  “Anybody giving you any problems?”

  “No, you’ve done a sufficient job of instructing the staff. They have conformed nicely to the new modification of rules,” Gregor replied smugly. He then smiled as his bloated fly friend hovered teasingly above Dr. Pricener’s head. As usual, the doctor seemed oblivious to the presence of Gregor’s newest best friend.

  The self-assured doctor smiled warmly. He was pleased as to the progression of his plan.

  The doctor did not realize that he wasn’t the only one in the room with a plan.

  “Now Gregor as you must know, I have delivered on my promise to you. Is that true?”

  “Agreed,” came the rapid-fire response.

  “Then as you must have already deduced, I want something in return. Quid pro quo as the saying goes. That’s reasonable-agreed?”

  Gregor nodded affirmatively as the fly circled furiously over the doctor’s head. Gregor lowered his eyes to focus on Dr. Pricener.

  “What is it that you require from me, doctor?”

  “I need to interview you again, Gregor. That’s all. That’s not asking too much is it?”

  “Do you require a response to your loaded question doctor?”

  Dr. Pricener reclined back into his high-backed office chair and chuckled amusedly. He loved how Gregor played intellectual games. He loved Gregor’s candor. Gregor was even close to being his intellectual equal.

  It was fortunate that Gregor did not have the power and advantages that were availed to the manipulative Dr. Pricener. Heaven help them all if Gregor were allowed to play on a “level playing field”.

  It made Dr. Pricener shudder at such a thought.


  “Ok then Gregor. Let’s begin, shall we?”

  “I am at your service doctor.”

  “Very well. Now as a reminder, I want you to respond with the first thing that comes to your mind.”

  “Naturally,” Gregor responded in a dead panned tone while trying to stifle a yawn. He then looked up to see his friend buzzing around a flickering fluorescent light overhead. The fly seemed as disinterested as Gregor.

  Bright minds think alike, Gregor mused to himself.

  “Now then, let us begin earnest,” Dr. Pricener said in an excited tone.

  Gregor nodded. He knew it was now time to turn up the intensity. Dr. Pricener was obviously primed and poised for action. Gregor needed to be ‘ready’ for him. The fly seemed to sense the same sense of urgency, as he began that frenetic circular swirling thing that he did when alarmed.


  “Gregor, do you possess multiple personalities?”

  “Again, a loaded question doctor. We all possess multiple facets of ourselves. I am no different.”

  “Expound on that Gregor.”

  “There are different versions of me. There is one that smiles, one that cries, one in agony…need I go on?”

  “I see,” Dr. Pricener said, not being able to conceal his glee. “Which personality manifests most of the time?”

  “All of them, and none of them. That which typifies my true self will not be shown. It is not allowable. It would not be prudent.”

  The doctor paused to scribble furiously on his notepad. He quickly looked up and continued.

  “What do fear, Gregor?”

  “My monsters,” was the candid and spontaneous reply.

  “Expound please,” the doctor said, perhaps a bit too loudly.

  “Rephrase,” the calm Gregor retorted. Checkmate he mused to himself.

  In attempt to calm himself down, the doctor took a couple of deep breaths. After a few moments, he resumed.

  “What I mean to say Gregor, is that I think we all have monsters. Are you intimidated by yours?”

  “Perhaps. Nevertheless, I also love my monsters. If it were otherwise, they’d devour me from within.”

  Dr. Pricener gasped with delight.


  (part twenty three)

  A shrill ringing of Dr. Pricener’s office phone interrupted what was up to this point, quite an engaging conversation with Grego
r. A now agitated Dr. Pricener apologized to Gregor and briskly whisked the receiver up to his right ear.

  “I thought I gave explicit orders not to be interrupted,” Dr. Pricener barked into phone.

  The office grew silent as the doctor listened intently. Gregor tapped his fingers nervously on the side of his wooden chair. He looked up and saw that the fly decided to take a break. As his insect friend landed lightly on the windowsill, Gregor could have sworn that his friend was staring back at him in mock disbelief. This made Gregor smile. The fly knew that the tapping on the chair was not due to nervousness. The fly knew it was just another mind game that Gregor often played to amuse himself. Why was it that the fly seemed to understand him so well?


  “Gregor, please excuse me. I’ve been called away for a very minor emergency. May we temporarily postpone this interview for perhaps an hour or so?”

  “As you wish doctor. Summon me when you wish to resume.”

  Gregor slowly arose and let himself out of the office. He waited an extra few seconds to allow the fly safe exit before closing the door. Gregor slowly shuffled down the hallway towards his room. He was softly humming a happy tune. The fly buzzed overhead. Gregor thought his friend was trying to harmonize along with the tune. Gregor chuckled.

  When the two friends entered the room, Gregor decided he’d better try to rest for a bit. As Gregor sat down on his bed, he instantly turned to lie down. He then realized something. Horrified, Gregor slowly reached into his hip pocket. He carefully removed the yellow exercise resistance band that he had been using earlier. Gregor knew immediately that this was a problem. The band was considered contraband and not allowable in the patient rooms. Gregor was a good person. He didn’t believe in violating rules.

  “Now what should I do?” Gregor asked, posing the question to the fly. Again-his friend gave him one of ‘those looks’.

  “Yeah, I suppose you’re right. Nobody is going to check this room for contraband. They wouldn’t dare.”

  Gregor arose from the bed and proceeded calmly to his clothes dresser. He carefully folded the resistance band neatly and placed it in the small top drawer on the left. He then turned back to face his friend.

  “Thanks for the guidance. I’m glad I have a friend like you to turn to during problematic times.”

  The fly swooped over, and alit lightly atop the bed headboard. He sat there protectively as Gregor slept below.

  Neither friend seemed to have a care in the world.


  (part twenty four)

  “Hey Gregor. Wake up. The doctor wants to see you. Now!”

  The black horsefly launched from the headboard, and flew directly at the unsuspecting orderly. The insect looked like a small swollen blurred black dot. That must have been what kamikaze pilots looked like to their terrified victims during the war. Gregor admired the courage of his small winged friend. The little thing never backed down to anyone. However, unlike Gregor, the angry friend had limited patience when dealing with troublemakers.

  “Damned fly-shoo,” the orderly snapped while futilely swatting at the elusive insect.

  Gregor leapt out of bed and raced toward the distracted orderly. He launched himself like a self-propelled projectile at the burly orderly. With a slap of his ham hock sized hand, the orderly easily swatted the frail Gregor away. The orderly then donned a look of horror after realizing what he had just done.

  “Here let me help you up. I’m…I’m sorry little guy. I didn’t mean to…”

  “Silence you barbarian,” Gregor hissed as he glaringly looked up at the hulking ogre looming over him.

  Apologetically, the orderly bent over to assist Gregor to his feet.

  “Unhand me you overgrown Neanderthal,” Gregor screamed, as he quickly rose to his feet under his own power.

  Gregor pushed the orderly to the side, and exited the room. Purposefully, the rage filled Gregor strode toward the office of Dr. Pricener.

  The downtrodden orderly simply walked away, and toward the exit door. He silently rode down the elevator, seven floors, until reaching the lobby. Without a word, he gave his nametag and keys to the front desk receptionist. Not a word was spoken. There was no need. He knew his career at the Cogan County Regional Hospital was now over.


  “Gregor, what’s the matter? You seem a bit preoccupied.”

  Dr. Pricener appeared concerned. Gregor knew better.

  “No…it’s just that I had a somewhat unpleasant encounter with one of the aides just moments ago. People can be quite contemptuous at times; wouldn’t you agree doctor?”

  “Huh...Oh yes Gregor. I agree whole heartedly with that assertion,” the distracted doctor said while making yet another notation on his pad.

  Fire the orderly assigned to Gregor .

  After scribbling the notation, Dr. Pricener was ready to resume with the interview.

  “You seem aggravated. Does this recent experience with the orderly bother you still?”

  “I have always acclimated myself to the scorn and ridicule others have heaved in my direction. The same methodology applies to this encounter.”

  “Are you a victim?”

  “No, doctor. I am a survivor.”

  “Do people like this orderly bother you?”

  “What are you implying doctor?”

  Dr. Pricener paused for a moment. He sensed that Gregor had anticipated the next question. Rather than attempt to deceive Gregor as he had unsuccessfully attempted in the past, the doctor thought it prudent to go ahead and simply ask the question. He cleared his throat nervously and looked squarely at Gregor.

  “Do you have contempt for people in general…the orderly not withstanding?”

  “I do not. I understand their jealousies. I’ve always known I’m special. I do not hold their petty triflings about me against them.” Gregor paused for a moment. He then added…”Besides, they are my fellow slaves.”

  Dr. Pricener involuntarily squealed with delight.

  He just could not help himself.


  (part twenty five)

  “Tell me, Gregor. When people mock you-what happens?”

  “They awaken every monster. A fire-breathing dragon or perhaps a rabid wolf. Then there is the resulting chaos…internally of course.” Gregor smiled a toothy grin while blushing, and then added, “I’d never act on those impulses. As my record clearly shows, I am a non-violent pacifist in every way. Rest certain doctor.”

  Dr. Pricener quickly returned a warm smile. “That is implicit,” the doctor said assuredly. He then paused to resume his frenetic scribbling into the notepad.


  “Who do you idolize?”

  Gregor cocked his head and hesitated ever so slightly. This pleased Dr. Pricener very much. At last, a question was posed that Gregor did not anticipate.

  Gregor nodded in acknowledgement, as if being able to read the doctor’s thoughts. He then answered.

  “I compare myself to no one.”

  “Do you love anyone Gregor?”

  “You must hate in order to love. I do not want to hate. Therefore love, for me, is not logically possible.”

  “Do you deserve to be loved Gregor?”

  “Yes. I am a good boy. Yet just because one deserves something does not necessarily mean that it will come to fruition.”

  “Do you ever sin?”

  “I am imperfect, Dr. Pricener. I have sinned. Nevertheless, remember, there is also forgiveness. One must forgive others as well as oneself. I spent all week last week washing my sins away. I do not wish for my soul to be held down. I wish to heal, but ultimately I cannot forgive myself. As a consequence, I have not healed.”


  “Dr. Pricener. Sorry for the interruption yet again.”

  The female
voice on the interoffice intercom sounded strained. This time the interruption came from Dr. Pricener’s personal secretary. The doctor knew she wouldn’t dare contact him unless it was an extremely urgent matter.

  “Yes, Julia. What is it?”

  The inwardly seething doctor showed considerable outward restraint as he “calmly” listened to the message. He was not pleased.

  “Gregor, my apologies once again. Apparently, the Board of Regents has a housekeeping issue that needs addressing. This will not take but a minute. Do you mind staying here in the office until I quickly attend to the matter?”

  “No, of course not doctor. A very important man such as yourself has many responsibilities to juggle. I understand that completely. Please do not rush. I’ll amuse myself until you get back.”

  Dr. Pricener politely thanked Gregor and rushed from the room. Gregor sat motionless until he heard the door close.


  Oh how I’ve so been waiting to do this, Gregor thought as he sprang from his seat and raced over to the hook behind the office door. Gregor carefully removed a white lab coat belonging to Dr. Pricener. The doctor’s nametag was prominently displayed on the front. Gregor quickly placed his arms into the coat and wrestled it up onto his body. He raced over to the nearby mirror.

  My, my…how distinguished you look!

  Gregor changed facial expressions while observing his reflection. He looked serious, then stern, then compassionate, then studious. He really ‘looked the part’ of a real doctor. Even the lab coat fit him-perfectly.

  Paging Dr. Gregor…paging Dr. Gregor. Please come to the emergency room…stat.

  Gregor loved using his imagination. Sometimes when you dream, the dreams can come true. Gregor had proven this time and again.

  Maybe someday he could be a real doctor.


  (part twenty six)

  “Sorry for the delay, Gregor. Now can we get back to…what?”

  Dr. Pricener looked on in astonishment as Gregor hurriedly wrestled the lab coat from his frail frame, and clumsily attempted to hang it back on the hook. In his fumbling attempt to return the coat, Gregor tripped and fell. After getting to his feet, he again attempted to hang the coat. This time he dropped the coat on the floor.


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