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The Lonoki Solution

Page 3

by Sharon L Reddy

  Kiev relaxed under the massage and closed her eyes. She opened them and smiled when Jarun took over. He was skilled and they would learn watching him. She left Dane tied in the dining room of their apartments and followed Jarun to his sleeping platform. Dane, Taral and Yan were going to give them more time together. Taral and Yan had already begun. Jarun said his girls were anticipating Dane being available. They all liked him and enjoyed playing with him. She thought about the other things Wren Taylo had said to her that day. She had too high respect for his opinion to just dismiss it because she didn't like it.

  "I've decided something, Jarun."

  "You do that quite often, Kiev. It's surprising that it's still surprising."

  "Call Candred and Trennon now. I'm ready."

  Jarun dove for the comm console. If Kiev said 'now,' that's when she meant. Trennon answered and said they'd be coming by flyer and there in a half solar unit. Jarun grinned when Kiev translated that into the human time measurement of ten minutes. She liked their smaller divisions of time and found them extremely useful. He, personally, preferred longer units and a much looser schedule. However, he was beginning to be so busy that 'looser' was no longer an option and the human time measurement, without fractions to add, convenient.

  The number of "seconds" minutes" and "hours" in their day and "degrees" of a circle were a bit odd, but "ten minutes" was so close to one-half solar degree in the lonoki system that conversion was very simple.

  When Candred and Trennon arrived, they dashed for Jarun's rooms. Kiev had indicated she was willing and no one had any idea when she might do so again, or even if the bit of time it had taken them to get there was too long. The two dropped coats and clothes and climbed onto Jarun's huge sleeping platform with the two they loved more than any others, besides each other, and began to love and build their families.

  In the rest of the house, slaves worked to be pleased. Dane didn't know how. He stood where his master had tied him. He was alone. Even Yan and Taral had sought others for company and understanding. His tears fell unheeded by any. His master had given another lesson. He had been shown, without doubt, that she would never love him in the way he loved her. It was several units before Gedin untied him from the banquet table, led him to the body waste facility, then retied him outside the door of Kiev's room. Yan and Taral came a few units later and sat down beside him to wait. They slept there, curled together, that night. All of them were learning the truth of what they were and the real horror of what had been done to their people.

  Kiev was quite pleased with her sudden decision she was ready. She would make it again as soon after the two were born as possible. Her life was going to get very busy and she didn't want to be trying to fit the problems of pregnancy into an enviro suit when she personally needed to see work being done on a ship in space. Her uncle was getting ready to turn the entire operation over to her and she knew it. The three in front of her door pleased her, as well. She began making plans to sell the rest of her male slaves. She knew who they should belong to, even if they did not. She wanted to do it before she moved into her apartments in the new wing her uncle was building.

  Dane, Yan and Taral started on their studies that morning. The basic courses were all comp programs and available in the house. They would not need to travel to the university complex until they began advanced ranking courses requiring laboratory work. Dane 'buried' himself in the study programs. His master had not touched him since she had claimed him. The need in him was building. He could ignore it when he worked his mind as hard as he could. He didn't notice that Yan and Taral were working just as hard as he was in an effort to keep up.

  Dane didn't know Kiev was extremely pleased with him and them. He knew nothing but that he was tied by the banquet table at dinner and at her feet each night, and that everyone in the house touched him but her, though no one would relieve his need and he had been forbidden to masturbate to ease it. He was going to learn exactly what the geneticists had done when they increased the physical desire of his people.

  Kiev had decided not to give Dane release until she'd borne her children, all of them. She wouldn't want him while she was pregnant. He'd wait the nearly two years and be leashed and naked, until she was ready for him. His course of study in the house would last at least that long. She began planning the breeding timetable for her slaves and looking for one or two more. She wasn't being cruel. He was a bit too beautiful and brilliant. She had to make sure she fulfilled both their obligations to their people. He was far from being ready to surrender himself completely to her will. She was pleased with that too. His inner strength was what would make him capable of the task she'd given him.

  She began to give him to Yan and Taral each night and he learned to please them and entertain her, but he was never allowed to enter them or ejaculate. She had him taught to give her massage and oral pleasure, which was the only kind she wanted. She watched him carefully. She would not push him beyond his limit, until she was ready to take him. If he reached it before that time, she'd give him release with her touch or give him Yan, not a female.

  Chapter Three

  Dane stood where he'd been tied and watched his master command Yan to give the female his seed. The combined sudden cry of complete release and loss of consciousness of the two slaves told both masters they had been successful. They moved to Taral and the other female.

  Dane began to want his master to command him in that way. He'd begun to want her to command him in any way she would. She was carrying her second set of twins and had still not touched him. He was beginning to have trouble thinking and soon his studies would begin to suffer. He didn't know she'd already collected the deposits for his breeding fees and he had a very full schedule beginning not long after the twins were due.

  Kiev smiled when Taral responded to the command and Dane arched with him, though he didn't ejaculate. He was almost ready. She wasn't yet, but she had taken care of her obligations to her species. She would, of course, spend the first night she wanted loving after the twins were born with Jarun. Then she would spend two or three with Yan and Taral. By then, Dane would be truly ready to surrender himself completely and accept her commands. She hadn't planned on it being nearly two years when she'd bought him, but had seen the strength in him and the danger of it for her. Jarun had been too right. She'd bought a slave she could fall in love with and she'd moved immediately to counter it.

  She led her three near-stumbling slaves from the breeding room back to her apartments in the new wing of the house. She was pleased to find her other two slaves asleep in front of the door. Mal and Kano were adjusting well and would be ready to breed at the time she'd scheduled them. She led all five into her rooms and told them to prepare for the evening, then went to visit and play with her children. They were in Jarun's apartments. He had room for the nursery and more than enough slaves to take care of them. Her section of the new wing of the house, by comparison, was very small. She didn't plan on needing more.

  Jarun now had fifty-nine female slaves and room for all their children. She had five males and they had closets and drawers. They needed nothing else. They bathed, dressed and slept in her room and under her eyes. Dane didn't have closet or drawers, of course. He wore only a collar and leash. He didn't know the closet and drawers, where she kept her maternity wear, would be his when she no longer needed it, nor that she had been buying him clothes to fill them, one or two items at a time, for two years.

  She was surprised when she felt the first pain, but it was only four days early. She told Jarun to call the physician and walked to the birthing rooms. In a few 'hours,' her obligation to give children to her people would be fulfilled. It was time to begin on fulfilling Dane's.

  Gedin told Kiev's slaves where she was and called Dane to come out of the apartment. He was a bit surprised, but went to work on the project proposal which Kiev had been preparing. He didn't know it had been set aside, to be completed while she birthed her children, as his first real task in her name. She had care
fully made sure it would be hard work for him, but not beyond his capabilities. He finished it just before Gedin walked into the office with the news the labor had been difficult, but Kiev and the babies were all doing well. He gave her the completed project file and she led him back to the apartment.

  Dane carefully packed all of Kiev's maternity wear just as Gedin said she had instructed and set the containers outside the door to the apartments. He carried the containers which he had found outside the door in and set them in the closet unopened, also as instructed. He prepared dinner for his master's other slaves and himself and went back to his studies, until they arrived to eat it.

  He felt rather good about the project. Gedin had seemed surprised it was done. He thought he'd done it well. He didn't know Kiev's uncle was checking it against Kiev's completed work to see if he'd learned to 'think with his master's mind,' nor that the first question Kiev asked when she woke was how he had done.

  Her uncle told her he couldn't tell which she'd done and she whooped. He laughed and said the training had lasted long enough. She agreed and told him it had hurt her that it had been so very hard on Dane, but she had realized that the several days she had originally planned would not be enough and he would never be the perfect substitute for her that he must be, until he could think of nothing but pleasing her. Her uncle agreed that had only really begun in the last twenty days.

  Dane began to answer the comm "Kiev." He would at any time she was not available to do so. Other times, he would answer "Kiev Dane." His identity was beginning to be submerged in hers. It had taken longer than anyone but Kiev had expected. He didn't realize it was happening. It would only be truly successful if it arose out of his subconscious. He became completely hers, in the days which followed the birth of her second set of twins. She stayed in Jarun's apartments, with him and their children, and Dane was Kiev for fifty days.

  The four other male slaves all knew when it happened. He began to command them and they obeyed without thinking because the commands were hers. Kiev observed from Jarun's apartments, through his slaves, and carefully intercepted those calls and projects which were still beyond her body slave. There weren't many and they wouldn't be for much longer. He was ready for the next phase of his training and education.

  Kiev spent her first night of loving after the birth of their children with Jarun, then went to her apartments after she breast-fed the youngest for the last time. They were both ready for rich infant formula, which had been carefully structured just for them, and she was ready to give them completely into Jarun's care. He and his slaves would be the ones to raise their children, as her mother and hers had been the ones who had raised them. Kiev was more temperamentally suited to the supervision of the business and he to the supervision of the family. She was more like their uncle and he more like their mother, in that way. It was realizing it that had made her ready to have her children. Wren Taylo had made a rather loud contribution to the decision, too.

  Kiev walked into her apartments and found all five of her slaves hard at work. Mal and Kano were assisting Dane on a project, in which the only real problem was its deadline, and Yan and Taral were studying. She surprised Dane with her pat on his head and smile. He started to rise, but she told him she wasn't ready to get back to work yet and walked into the kitchen.

  She was going to fix dinner for her slaves. They had all fully accepted they were her slaves and were now ready to become more. They would begin to become very good friends and a family. Dane had twenty more days of intense submission and so did the others, but she decided fixing one of her famed stews for their dinner was not going to endanger his training.

  The five were stunned when she called them to dinner and served them the stew she had made. All had heard Jarun, her mother and uncle plead with her to make one for them at various times. They understood why at the first taste and added another accomplishment of their master, to the long list none of them knew they subconsciously kept. Kiev smiled when Dane trembled when she warmed her feet against him that night when they went to bed. She was a bit tender from the lovemaking of the night before, but expected to be ready to begin his preparation the next day and teach him to make love the next night. She was delighted when she woke in the morning and he was still trembling.

  "Yan, Taral, Mal and Kano, all of you will play with Dane for my enjoyment. You have no other duties this day. I cleared all schedules and I am not in to calls, at all. Yan, wrap his leash around his wrists to keep his hands behind his head. If you need him supported for your play, use chairs or pillows to do so, but don't block my view of it."

  "Yes, Master. Master, I don't think he's going to be able to stop ejaculation much longer. I've never even heard of a male staying virgin as long as he has and would not have believed any could be without release for two years."

  "You think he's done well, Yan?"

  "I think he has endured it longer than any other and he fears he can't any longer. I say this for him because he would never speak it."

  "You love him, Yan. I have watched the love all of you have for him and each other grow. It's exactly what I wanted. I have now given my children to my family, to my kind and to yours. Soon, you too will have fulfilled the obligation all have to strengthen our peoples and help maintain our population. That doesn't mean I will never again command you to give your seed, but those occasions will probably be within this house and at the request of a slave belonging to my brother, not as contractual obligation and according to the plan of the Masters' Slave Breeding Commission."

  "Thank you, Master."

  Kiev watched the four love Dane, but carefully avoid touching his genitals. The avoidance told her they all knew he'd reached the limit of his control and they would not break it. She waited. The moment would come soon. Suddenly Dane lifted to his knees and shouted.

  "Master, I beg your touch! Just a touch. I beg it."

  Kiev walked to him and gently brushed the tears from his cheeks, released his wrists and led him to the sleeping platform. It had taken less time than she had expected. Yan grinned and told the others it was time to start lunch and 'herded' them out of the room. Kiev was pleased he understood Dane's first loving should be with her alone and unobserved.

  Dane shook with his need for her, but didn't know what to do. She kissed him deeply and pulled him above her by his leash. She gently guided him to her and whispered she loved him and the wait had been long and difficult for her too. She smiled into his amazed eyes and drew him into her.

  He gasped and plunged into her, screamed in the total release of his kind and fainted. She smiled and removed his collar. She held him in her arms and vagina until he awakened. His expression when he awoke and was still within her was wonderful, then he reached up and felt the collar was gone.

  "It wasn't easy for you to become a slave, Dane. To become my body slave, you had to surrender all of yourself and accept you wanted to be completely possessed by me. I didn't realize the same qualities which make you capable of being the body slave I need would also be the ones which would make it so hard for you to become my body slave. I love you and have since the day I bought you. It's the reason I would accept nothing less than all of you. You were willing to work and do anything I asked, but you'd have sired no children. The command could not have reached the depth needed to open you. You couldn't have surrendered to it, Dane. You couldn't surrender yourself until now. The collar is gone because you no longer need it to know you are my slave."

  "You know me so well, Master. I'd have tried to please you because you are my owner and I love you, but until this day, I was not a slave. Teach me to please you."

  "I plan on it. When I've finished teaching you to make love to a female, you will call me Kiev, except for times you need to affirm you're mine. Then I'll call you 'slave.' Now that you know you are one, we can be friends and lovers. Until you did, we could only be master and slave. I've always disliked being called 'Master.' Now all of you know I am your master and it's no longer necessary."

  "You will always amaze me."

  "I plan on surprising you, though I don't expect it will ever be as difficult as this time. Mmm, you're ready to begin to learn the pleasures of making love. I learned from the best. There is no one else quite in the same class as Jarun when it comes to skilled loving. I don't expect you to be his equal, Dane. There is something about his lovemaking which can't be taught, and no other male I've known or heard about possesses it."

  "His slaves say that each of them is sure she is the most beautiful and desirable female in existence when she's in his arms. I know you are. Jarun is, as you have noted, the best judge of it and he's sure you are. I'll back my opinion, based on my two solar units of experience, with his as true expert."

  Dane began to move within her and she smiled and told him she didn't think he needed much teaching. He told her he'd had a great deal of visual instruction in the last two years. She became sure he was hers forever in the next few hours. He gave her all the passion of his soul through his body, and all the passion of his body, as well. She didn't tell him he satisfied her more completely than Jarun. It was something he would realize in time. Jarun was a superb lover with any female. Dane only desired to be the perfect lover for her.

  Chapter Four

  Kiev and her five had dinner together and she took all of them to bed with her for the night, but they didn't make love and she slept in Dane's arms with the other four around them. In the morning, she sent Dane to the closet he'd emptied and told him to unpack the containers. She walked over and put her arms around him when he opened them, saw what they contained and began to cry. Every item had a little slip of paper with the date she'd purchased it laying atop it. She had told him, in a way no words could, that she had been waiting for him and it hadn't been easy for her either.


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