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Vet's Desire

Page 22

by Angela Verdenius

  From dance to seduction, from innocence to carnal, her moves became slower, more sensuous, and Tim moved closer and closer, winding his way gracefully yet with pure masculine intent towards her.

  There was a set to his mouth that was more than wickedness, more than playfulness. His movements had changed, becoming almost like a hunter as he watched her with an intensity that held a touch of rapacity. Brown eyes caught the light, a glitter that was surely from the flashing lights reflected in his eyes.

  Closer he came, stalking her in a fluid, effortless motion, and she couldn’t help but slow down, swaying as he neared, her heart pounding as the room seemed to narrow, the people vanishing from her vision as her sole attention was captured by the man who stopped directly before her, his arm sliding around her waist to pull her close against him.

  She could feel the heat coming from his body, his masculine scent filling her senses, and she looked up to find him watching her with pure sexual hunger in his eyes. Her knees shook a little, her skin tingled, and her lips parted.

  In one smooth move Tim whirled them around, his hand sliding down to capture hers, and he led her through the crowd and out of the club, barely pausing to nod to the bouncer at the door.

  He didn’t say a word and more than conscious of the tension in his body that matched her own, she could only cling to his hand, her other hand curled around his forearm as he hailed a taxi.

  It attested to the earliness of a club night when a taxi slid to a stop in front of them almost immediately. Tim opened the back door and she slid inside. Without a word, but his eyes sending her a smouldering message, he shut the door and came around the other side to sit beside her.

  When he gave the address to the taxi driver, her head snapped up in surprise.

  Catching her startlement, Tim asked huskily, “Do you need to be anywhere?”

  “Not for awhile. Alex is baby-sitting Al.”

  “Good.” His gaze dropped to her lips. Picking up her hand, he pressed a kiss to her knuckles, his gaze burning into hers before he straightened and turned to face the front without releasing his hold on her hand.

  His thumbs brushed her knuckles and while his movements were gentle, she could feel the tension between them, a sweet, hot, nerve-tingling tension.

  Whatever she’d started at the club by making him chase her, now he’d caught her, he was going to finish it.

  Lord have mercy, she couldn’t wait.

  But even more, when the taxi slid to a halt in front of his house, she couldn’t stop the myriad of emotions that assaulted her. He’d brought her to his home.

  She got out of the taxi while Tim paid the driver, and then stood there as the taxi drove off, leaving her and Tim alone in the quiet street.

  Tim crooked a finger at her and damned if that autocratic gesture didn’t make a tingle go right down her spine. Silently she walked across the small expanse of road and up onto the footpath, coming to a halt directly in front of him.

  His eyes held heat, so much heat, and she swallowed even as her own heart raced in anticipation.

  Lowering his head, he kissed her, moving from a brief kiss to something much harder, much darker, and when he lifted his head, breaking their kiss, she couldn’t help but whimper and try to follow him.

  Framing her cheek with his hand, he rubbed his thumb across her bottom lip in a gentle caress that was a stark contradiction for the heat in his eyes. He moved backwards and blindly she followed, her gaze caught in his. In this way, the tension racheting up between them, he lured her to the steps to his house.

  Sliding an arm around her waist suddenly, he turned and unlocked the door, opening it and crowding her into his home using his body, closing the door behind them and clicking the lock into place.

  Cindy started to turn around, only to have her whole world swept out from under her.

  Plucking her purse from her hand, Tim tossed it aside, grabbing her without any finesse, simply dragging her up against him. He took her mouth, kissing her so deeply it left her gasping for air, and kissing her so ruthlessly it left her clinging dizzily to him, her hands wrapped in his shirt.

  Dipping his head, he kissed her throat, his lips seeking, searching, sucking at the tender skin, hot kisses that threatened to be so much more.

  Hungry. Tim was hungry, she glimpsed it in his eyes when he lifted his head briefly, his gaze scorching her with the unbridled ardour that glittered within the brown depths. Hungry for her.

  Her blood seared through her veins, pooling low as his mouth, his wicked, magical mouth, took hers again, his tongue sweeping in, plundering deep.

  His hands moved over her, seeming to be everywhere at once, undoing the clip holding her hair back, unzipping the back of her dress, pulling and tugging quickly, easily, expertly, until she was naked before him.

  Through his slacks she felt the hard length of his shaft pressed against her abdomen and she cupped him.

  It inflamed him more, his cheeks dark with passion, eyes glittering with fierce desire.

  “Cindy.” Her name was a hot, damp brush against her lips as he took her mouth again and again, sipping and kissing, taking so much from her and leaving her aching for more.

  She wasn’t in control and she knew it. Right now the man who had stripped her so expertly, who had aroused her body so skilfully, he ruled them both. Every time she tried to caress him back, he blocked her, taking her hands, holding her, kissing her senseless until she didn’t know whether she was coming or going, until all she was aware of was soul-searing carnal heat.

  Heat burned through her to pool in her loins, sparked down her back, tingled in every area of her body.

  She didn’t know when or how, but suddenly Tim’s bare skin was against hers, his lean strength surrounding her, strong hands guiding her, sweeping over her body to claim her.

  One minute she was standing, the next she was on the floor, her knees bent as he came over her, his muscular thighs nudging her softer ones apart. Biceps flexed as he supported his upper body, lowering himself so that their lips hovered just inches apart.

  “Cindy.” His eyes burned down into hers.

  “Tim..” She sighed, arching up, hearing him hiss as their bodies touched.

  One hard thrust and he was buried deep in her body, his shaft driving through her intimate, feminine muscles that clutched at him.

  She cried out, but when he stilled, she grabbed his shoulders, begging, “Don’t stop. Oh God, don’t stop!”

  The words unleashed his control and his hips fell into a hard, relentless rhythm as he thrust into her over and over, drawing back fast and driving forward with a rapacious seeking of both mastery and pleasure-giving.

  The climax started to build fast, the heat in his eyes, the grated “You’re mine, Cindy,” only causing the internal fire inside her to flare higher, hotter, brighter, until she shattered, splintering apart even as he continued to thrust, pushing her higher, further, hotter and hotter, shattering her again before she heard her name cried out hoarsely, felt him stiffen, and then she didn’t know anything more as the prurience of the moment simply spun her out into Eros.

  When she finally opened her eyes, it was to find Tim lying on his side propped up on his elbow with his head resting on his hand, watching her quietly.

  She opened her mouth but was unable to say anything at first. On her second try, she managed, “Wow.”

  His other hand flexed lightly on the gentle swell of her belly, but she didn’t feel a shred of self consciousness as she gazed up at him, because God help her if he still didn’t look hungry.

  Half expecting some witty comment, she was surprised when he said softly, “Welcome home.”


  With a small smile, he glanced around him. “Well, this is only the hallway, but yeah.” His gaze returned to her. “Welcome to the whole of my home.”

  Pushing herself up on her elbows, she saw his eyes darken as his gaze dropped to her generous breasts that swayed with her movement. “Really?”
br />   His gaze snapped back up to her face. “Yes.”

  “But you never bring women here.”

  “I brought you.”

  And he’d taken her hard, fast, and bloody awesomely on the hallway floor. She couldn’t stop the quiver of pleasure that tingled through her belly at just the memory.

  His hand on her belly flexed again and she wondered if he felt the quiver.

  “This is my sanctuary, my home.” Leaning down, he stopped only when his lips hovered a bare inch from her own. “You’re the first and only woman I’ve brought here. This is my home. You are welcome here any time and for any reason.”

  The statement was almost as shattering as the climax he’d given her.

  Staring into his eyes, so close she could see the paler flecks in the brown irises, she whispered, “Really?”


  Happiness slipped through her, the joy of knowing that he really cared, that she meant so much to him that he’d opened his home to her.

  Reaching up, she laid her hand against his cheek. “You won’t be sorry.”

  “I know.”

  She wondered how he could even know that, but then he was kissing her again and all thought vanished beneath the tide of desire that once again carried them both away.

  Creeping into the house several hours later after the tail lights of the taxi disappeared down the driveway, Cindy still couldn’t stop smiling. Tim had dragged her into his big bed and made love to her a third time, and had protested when she’d finally dragged herself back out to return home.

  Reminding him that Alex was doing her a favour by baby-sitting Al so she could go out with Tim in the first place, she managed to placate him. Due to the drinks they’d had at the club Tim couldn’t drive, but he insisted on calling the taxi and seeing her into it, stopping her at the doorway to kiss her, then again at the taxi, taking her breath away and leaving her tingling in all the right places - at the very wrong time.

  “Just wanting to make sure you’re suffering like me.” He grinned and stepped back.

  “Heartless,” she retorted, and blew him a kiss as the taxi pulled away.

  Now she was at home and still tingling. The night at the movies had turned into so much more than she could have ever imagined.

  Alex stuck his head around the corner of the lounge archway and knowingly cocked a brow as he took in her dishevelled appearance. “I take it the night went well.”

  She could only giggle and say, “Um…yeah.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Don’t tell me. I don’t want to know.”


  The dog was in renal and kidney failure. There was nothing that could be done and Tim had the awful job of telling the owner.

  Old Mr Bertram stood there with tears in his eyes. “Nothing?”

  “I’m sorry.” Tim ran his hand down the old dog’s flank as it lay on the table between them. “He’s had a good, long life, but I’m afraid his old body has gone as far as it can go.”

  A tear ran down Mr Bertram’s weathered cheek as he reached out and patted the old dog’s head. “He’s been a faithful friend all these years.”

  And even worse, Tim knew the dog had been the old man’s closest companion since his wife’s death a couple of years ago. It made what he had to say, though truthful, all the harder. “And a faithful friend deserves to pass away in peace, without anymore suffering.”

  Mr Bertram looked at the drip going into the dog’s leg, the outline of the ribs that were starting to show through the skin, the weary way the dog lifted his head only slightly before laying it back down and closing his eyes.

  “Yes,” he said. “Yes.”

  Tim watched as the old man continued to stroke the dog’s head, feeling the lump in his own throat as the tears trickled down and Mr Bertram sniffed repeatedly before taking out a handkerchief and blowing his nose.

  He hated these times, hated when owners had to make the decision to part with their loved furry family members. It was a sad part of his job, but a necessary one, too. He understood how hard it was, and so he said quietly, “I’ll wait out the back, give you some time alone with Blackie. When you’re ready, let us know.”

  Mr Bertram nodded and Tim left the room, shutting the door behind him. Going out into the back room, he drew up the solution that would stop the old dog’s heart, and then he waited, leaning back against the bench, watching the clock tick away the last few minutes of the dog’s life.

  Lara touched his arm, empathy in her eyes. “You all right, Tim?”


  “You want Margie or Bill to do this? I know how close to Blackie you are.”

  “Even more reason for me to do it.” He smiled a little. “Thanks, Lara. I’ll be fine.”

  “I’ll come in with you.”

  “Thanks, I’ll need you.” Yes, he’d need Lara for both holding the dog’s leg and bringing the vein up, and to comfort Mr Bertram.

  Ten minutes passed before another vet nurse poked her head around the door to say softly, “He’s ready.”

  It wasn’t long before Tim was carrying the old dog’s body, wrapped in a soft blanket, out to the car. Mr Bertram slipped behind the wheel, his eyes dry but red-rimmed.

  Tim leaned down and looked into the window. “Are you sure you’ll be okay? I can drive you home.”

  “No, I’ll be fine.” Mr Bertram cleared his throat. “My son is on his way to the house. He’s going to help me bury Blackie.” His eyes teared up and he looked forward out of the windshield, taking several seconds to blink rapidly and clear his throat while Tim waited patiently. “Thanks, Doc. I know you did everything.” His smile was a little wobbly when he turned his head to look out at Tim. “You were always good to Blackie and me. Always.”

  “I wish I could have done more.” Tim patted the old man’s arm. “I’m so sorry.”

  “I know.” Mr Bertram cleared his throat again and straightened his thin shoulders. “Ah well, he’ll be with my Mary now, won’t he? Playing and jumping around.”

  Tim squeezed his arm gently. “They’ll both be waiting for you.”

  “Yes.” Mr Bertram started the engine and his smile was a little more genuine. “Yes, they will be.”

  Tim waited until the car had disappeared into the traffic before he went back inside the clinic. Going into the vet’s office, he found a steaming mug of coffee waiting for him. God bless Lara.

  Sitting down, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Losing a patient was always hard, but losing patients he’d treated for years was harder. He knew them so well, knew their habits and particular quirks that made them so individual. It didn’t matter if they were animals and birds and mammals instead of people, they each had a spirit, a soul, were individual living beings. He loved them all.

  And with every animal he knew personally that died, he grieved. Not as much as the owner, true, but he still grieved a little. And his nurses knew enough to give him some space to regroup before he started consults again.

  The day didn’t get any better. A battered-looking old cat with one eye was brought in, found, said the rough-looking woman with the raspy voice, in her garden. No one knew who it belonged to and she certainly didn’t want the wretched thing around her place.

  After checking it out, the cat was found to be a sterilised male, in reasonable health, approximately thirteen or fourteen years old and very affectionate, with a yowl that could shatter ear drums within fifty feet. Lara took it out the back to place in a cage while they advertised him, and hopefully the owner would come looking. A scan had shown no microchip, which made it all the harder.

  Tim grinned as the door swung shut behind the vet nurse. The old cat’s yowling could be clearly heard, along with the kennel maid’s “Good grief!”

  The next consult was for a bird with a malignant tumour, again nothing that could be done, and another euthanasia. The owner was a little teary but remained calm.

  Then the dreaded call out to another patient, this one to a couple of pet lam
bs who’d been attacked by dogs, and possibly neighbouring dogs let loose, for the hobby farm was on the outskirts of the city. Another euthanasia, this time accompanied by the crying children who had been helping their parents hand-raise the lambs.

  Jesus, the day was just getting worse and worse. The other two vets worked just as hard but it seemed as if Tim’s luck was just plain rotten, as he seemed to get every bad scenario.

  Another owner who came in and abused them all for the cost of caring and medicating his dog, and a woman who couldn’t decide whether to sterilise her cat or let it have a litter so ‘the kids can witness the miracle of birth’. When Tim tried to point out the difficulty in getting homes for kittens, she brushed it away and he watched in frustration as she walked out the door, head held high, as she announced that children needed to watch the miracle of birth.

  “You should have asked her if she wanted her kids to witness the sadness of watching the kittens put to sleep because no one wants them,” Lara said sourly. “Think she’ll be back with the unwanted kittens?”

  “God, I hope not.” Tim scowled. “Then again, better to be put to sleep than dumped. Shit, days like today I don’t need.”

  Sighing, Lara nodded.

  Going through the swing door out to the back, Tim heard the old cat yowling and he went into the cat’s room and squatted before the cage.

  The old cat bumped his head against the cage door and looked up at him in anticipation of a pat. Smiling, Tim complied, rubbing the big head through the cage door, feeling some of his tension slip away as the old cat purred.

  But if the owners didn’t turn up, this was another cat destined to be euthanised. He sighed. All he could do was hope the owner would turn up or someone would take the old cat, but there weren’t many people wanting an old cat and all the health issues that could come with him.

  Straightening, he moved onto the last consults of the day. The final consult was yet another euthanasia, this time a dog that had got hit by a car and was so badly injured that nothing could be done except to put it out of its pain. It didn’t help that the owner was the one who had been driving the car, and the sobbing woman had to be helped out by her husband while Tim followed with yet another dog wrapped in a blanket to put into the back seat of the car.


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