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Vet's Desire

Page 23

by Angela Verdenius

  Going back inside, he felt that the entire day was cursed. Even the vet nurses weren’t happy. Returning to the treatment room, he did a final check of the animals there, all in various stages of recovery from illnesses and operations. And one yowling old cat needing his owner.

  “Need anything before I go?” Lara came into the room.

  “No, thanks.” Tim shook his head. “Let’s just pray that tomorrow is much better.”

  “I hear you.” She looked at him. “You look really wrung out. Can I do anything?”

  Again he shook his head, but he managed to smile. “I’m fine. Go home, go out, whatever you do, just have a good time.”

  “If you’re sure…?” She hesitated.

  “I’m sure. You all did a good job today.”

  She smiled. “No worries. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “I’ll be here.” And please, God, let it be a much happier day.

  The clinic grew quiet as the nurses and the other remaining vet left, and Tim did one last, final check of the animals and locking of doors before returning to his office.

  Walking in, he took one look at who was waiting at his desk and the weight on his shoulders seemed to slip away. Cindy smiled at him, eyes warm, not saying anything, and then she straightened from where she perched on the edge of his desk and opened her arms.

  Without a word Tim strode straight into them, gathering her close and resting his chin on her shoulder, breathing in deep of her soft, sweet scent.

  She gently smoothed one hand over his hair while her other hand ran up and down his back soothingly.

  The tension eased from him, slipping away as he allowed her comforting, undemanding presence to soothe him. It was as though she knew what he needed, saying nothing, just being there for him.

  No one had ever been there for him except for his friends, but there were some things he couldn’t tell them. But with Cindy, he felt as though he didn’t need to tell her anything, that she just knew.

  And she accepted him. Closing his eyes, Tim snuggled her closer, feeling her softness resting against him, feeling the inner strength in her, her calmness in his storm of emotions, her comfort in his sadness, her quietness in his clamouring.

  He needed her, not sexually, but just to be there for him, and she was, asking for nothing and giving him what he needed.

  For two months they’d been going out, having fun, chatting about different things. She never complained when late-night call-outs took him from her, he didn’t complain when she had to go away for a meeting in another city with her father, brother and a business investor. Neither complained about the sometimes odd hours they kept - he for his work, she for hers.

  He’d learned a lot about Cindy Lawson in the short time they’d been together. The party girl worked hard, often from home, her agile brain and computer skills a useful asset to her family’s business. People disregarded the bubble-headed, giggly blonde to their own detriment, especially the business sharks cruising around looking for opportunities. They zeroed in on her father and brother, while she circled the permitter, looking into their backgrounds, gleaning information, using contacts in both the computer world and her own acquaintances in other countries and cities to find out about the business sharks. Her family took her advice and reports seriously, and she was just as serious about doing them.

  Yeah, Cindy was made up of many fascinating facets. Party girl, giggly blonde, luscious babe, steel trap minded business woman, a soft heart for the animals, and a quiet understanding of Tim.

  “How do you do it?” His voice was muffled in her hair as he turned his head to press a kiss to the side of her throat.

  “Do what?”

  “You seem to know what I need before I do.”

  “I read people well. Part of my job.”

  “So I’m just a part of your job?”

  “The worst job.”

  He gave her a squeeze.

  She laughed softly. “But I can handle it.”

  “You’re going to have to prove that one day.”

  “Uh-huh.” But she didn’t move, just kept holding him.

  Because she knew it was what he needed.

  Relaxing against her, he allowed his thoughts to simply drift away, filling himself instead with the scent of Cindy, her softness, her calmness. He couldn’t imagine a better way to end a horrible day.

  His mobile rang and with a sigh he straightened, but he didn’t move away from Cindy, holding her against him as he leaned to the side and picked up the phone from the top of the desk. “Hello?”


  “Yes. Who is this?”

  There was a light laugh. “It’s Sassy.”

  “Sassy?” He searched his memory without success.

  Cindy’s hand on his back went still.

  “Sassy. We met at the pub, remember? It was awhile ago. I manage Petite Creations?”

  “Oh yes, Sassy. Of course. I’m sorry.” Tim raised his brows as he looked out at the darkening night beyond the window. “What can I do for you?”

  “I was wondering if maybe you’d like to go out for a drink tonight?”

  “Tonight?” Tim ran his hand up Cindy’s back. “I’m sorry, no.”

  “Oh. Okay.” There was a slight hesitation. “What about tomorrow night?”

  “No.” Tim smiled down at the blonde strand of hair he was twining around his finger, feeling Cindy standing so still against him. She knew there was a woman on the other end of the phone. Her breasts pushed against his chest with every breath she took, and he felt it when she took a particularly large one. “I’m afraid I’m seeing someone, Sassy, but I thank you for asking anyway.”

  “You’re going out?” Sassy sounded puzzled. “Really?”

  “Yep.” Satisfaction oozed through him. Oh yeah, he was going out with a luscious babe who took all his attention, sexual and otherwise, and boy was he glad.

  “I see.” Sassy sighed. “Well, I guess I’ll see you around.”

  “No doubt. By the way…” He frowned slightly, a sudden thought occurring to him. “How did you get my mobile number? This is a private line.”

  Cindy started to pull away and he tightened his grip, keeping her in place.

  “Oh, Cindy gave it to me.”

  Tim pulled away just enough to look down into Cindy’s face, taking in her red cheeks in one glance. “Oh? Cindy? Really?”

  “Yes. She gave it to me the night we met. I thought she was considering breaking up with you.”

  “Really?” His hand slid down to Cindy’s ample backside. “Well, fancy that.” Amusement went through him, especially when Cindy looked away. “Well, like I said, I’m seeing someone.”

  “Sure. ’Bye.”

  “’Bye.” He clicked the phone off and tossed it back on the desk. “So.”

  “So.” Cindy rested her hands on his forearms and eyed him as closely as he was doing to her.

  “You gave Sassy my number. My private number.”

  “Hey, I didn’t know it was private.”

  He flexed his hand on her bottom. “How did you get it? Back then I wouldn’t have given you the time of day.”

  “Oh, that’s harsh.” A twinkle appeared in her blue eyes.

  “You were an irritating bit of goods that night, if I remember.” He delivered the lightest of taps on one generous buttock.

  “Hey, I was saving your life.”

  “You were dropping me into the manure, and you knew it.”

  She fluttered her eyelashes at him.

  “So how did you - oh geez.” He remembered her going back to Rick and asking him something, right before they left the pub. “You got it from Rick, didn’t you?”

  She laughed.

  “And then at some stage you passed it on to Sassy.”

  “Guilty as charged, sir.”

  Another light tap on her bottom. “You devious wench.”

  “Just trying to help you out.”

  “I bet.” Tim grinned. “You knew she was after me.”
Another thought occurred to him. “Hang on. It took her this long to call me?”

  “Oh, baby.” Cindy smoothed down his jacket collar. “Are you upset? Sassy found herself another man, but they’ve broken up now.” She winked. “You’re the rebound.”

  “You know, that would have made me happy once.” He tugged gently on the blonde strand of hair still around his finger, tipping her head back. “I could have boinked her without worry.”

  “You’re such a romantic.” She tapped him on the cheek, a little harder than warranted. “And not something you should be saying to me, your girlfriend.”

  Tim’s grin widened. “Luscious babe, you’re all the woman I want or need.”

  Her brow rose haughtily. “Now you’re just trying to regain favour.”

  “I swear I spoke without thinking.” He raised one hand. “Scout’s honour.”

  “You were never a boy scout.”

  “Hey, I’m always prepared. There’s a condom in my wallet.”

  “Oh well, I guess that’s proof.” The twinkle in her eyes spread to a sparkling smile. “So, Playboy Vet, I guess I’ll keep you for awhile after all.”

  “How about forever?” The words fell out before he thought about it, and she laughed.

  So did he.

  And then they looked at each other. Tim’s breath caught, his eyes widening as he realised what he’d said.

  Cindy’s gaze searched his eyes. “Tim…?”

  “I didn’t mean-” he began at the same time.

  His mobile rang again.

  She glanced away. “You better answer it.”

  He didn’t know whether to be relieved or not as he picked it up. “Hello?”

  “It’s me.” His mother’s voice came through, cold and clipped. “I want to see you at the house.”



  Tim released Cindy, feeling the loss of her warmth as she moved away. “What’s wrong?”

  “Something we need to discuss. This can’t wait, Timothy.”

  It had to wait. The vibes he was getting from Cindy’s stiff back wasn’t good. “Not now.”


  He cut her off and walked up behind Cindy, stopping just behind her, feeling the warmth of her body through his white coat. “Cindy, I-”

  Turning, she looked up at him, a small smile on her lips but her eyes serious. “It’s okay, Tim. This is too soon for us to talk about forever.”

  “I know.” Too soon. Way too soon. She wasn’t ready, he wasn’t ready.

  The mobile rang and he ignored it.

  “That sounds important,” Cindy said quietly.

  “It’s my mother. She can wait.” Reaching for her hand, Tim said quietly, “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “I’m not upset.” She gave his hand a little squeeze. “We’ve only been going out a short time.”

  The mobile phone started ringing again.

  “It’s not important.” Tim shook his head when she glanced at the mobile. “You are.”

  Warmth seeped into her eyes and she moved forward to lean against him. Automatically, his arms came around her waist.

  “That’s sweet,” she said. “But she’s just going to keep ringing you.”

  “I can turn the whole phone off.” He did so. “See?”


  Relaxing as the familiar companionship fell between them again, he sought safer ground. “Thanks for coming here tonight.”

  “My pleasure.”

  “Did someone phone you?”

  “I was driving past and decided to call in on the chance that you wanted to go out for pizza.” Cindy’s arms around his waist tightened. “I met Lara on the way in and she told me you’d had a hell day. So I came in here to wait.”

  Dropping his forehead to rest against hers, Tim smiled. “And you knew just what to do.”

  “Peace and quiet never hurt anyone.”

  Dipping his head to kiss her lightly on the lips, the taste of her strawberry lip gloss filled him. Lifting his head, he licked his lips. “Mmmm. Yum.” And he kissed her again, this time coming up to smack his lips. “Oh yeah. Now I want to lick you all over.”

  She giggled. “I don’t taste like strawberry all over.”

  “True. Strawberry at the top, cream at the centre.” He felt a little surge of heat at just the thought. “My taste buds are tingling.”

  “Maybe it’s your guilty conscious at not talking to your mother?” Devilment danced in her eyes.

  “Not likely.” He started to pull her skirt up. “I’ve had a hellish day and now here you come, all dessert and-”

  She smartly stopped him from pulling her skirt the rest of the way up. “No.”


  “We’re meeting Mike, Maddy, Rick and Cherry for tea.”

  “We are?” Totally unconcerned, he resumed trying to tug her skirt up.

  “At the Pizza Place.” She smacked his hand away. “In ten minutes, actually.”

  “Ten minutes?” He reached for her as she backed away. “I can work with that.”

  “Pizza now, dessert later.” She picked her car keys up from the hook by the door.

  Tim sighed. “Promise?”

  Cindy smiled widely at him. “Yep, and I’m going to enjoy every minute of it.”


  “Oh, honey.” She winked at him. “Do you really think you’re the only one who can give oral?” And she walked out the door.

  Stunned, Tim stared after her, the meaning of her words filtering through him, followed hard by heat.

  He started for the door in determined strides.

  “Pizza first!” she called out from the reception area.

  Damn it, he knew that tone. Hands on his hips, he frowned. But if he put his mind to it, he could change her mind. Grinning, he started for the door again.

  “And if the on-call vet comes in and finds us doing anything, Tim, you’ll get nothing from me,” Cindy added. “Zilch. Zip. In fact, you’ll be going home alone. Just you and your hand.”

  He knew her enough now to know that it wasn’t an idle threat. With a sigh, Tim shrugged out of his coat and hung it up, pocketed the mobile and picked up his car keys.

  As he walked out into the reception area, Cindy smiled approvingly at him.

  “Don’t say it.” Unlocking the door, he pushed her outside gently.

  “Good boy?”


  “Oh honey.” Her smile was pure sin as she got into her car. “I promise you, it’ll be worth it.”

  Chapter Ten

  Her silky tone and darkening eyes had his shaft hardening, and placing his hand atop the hood of the car, he leaned down to peer into the window at her. “Sure we can’t skip the pizza?”


  “Trust me, Rick and Mike won’t even notice us not being there, not with their ladies there as well.”


  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. Now get into your car and go home. I’ll follow and pick you up.”

  Hot damn, he still had a chance. Tim drove home quickly, got out of the garage and shut the door, and then leaned against the fence and looked at her, one brow raised. “Want to come in for a quick cuppa?”

  She laughed outright. “Get in the car, Tim.”

  When they pulled up in the car park at the Pizza Place, he said, “I’m on fire.”

  “Think cool thoughts.”

  He watched her get out of the car, those luscious curves now out of range of his hands, but not his sight or imagination. “Not going to work.”

  “Hopeless.” Coming around, she opened his door. “Come on, princess.”

  “I hope you know that it’s all your fault that I’m half crippled.” He used the motion of getting out of the car to rearrange the front of his slacks.

  Amused, she grinned.

  “Boy, are you in trouble.” Wrapping his arm around her waist, he deliberately dropped his hand to clutch her bottom. “W
ait until later.”

  Reaching behind her, she deftly moved his hand higher. “You want oral, you behave yourself.”

  Tim nearly tripped going into the restaurant.

  Mike and Rick saw him because, of course, they were sitting in the chairs facing the doorway. Sitting in the chairs opposite them, Maddy and Cherry had their backs to the door.

  Seating Cindy in a chair at the end of the table, Tim sat in the remaining chair opposite her. “Evening ladies.” He nodded to Cherry and Maddy before turning his gaze to Mike and Rick and nodding again. “Ladies.”

  “Hey,” replied Rick.

  Mike grunted.

  “So let’s have the pizza and blow this joint fast.” Tim held his hand up for the waitress.

  “Tim.” Cindy said warningly, but laughter lurked in her eyes.

  Rick knocked his hand down. “You haven’t looked at the menu yet.”

  “I’m only interested in dessert.” Oh boy, was he. Dessert. Tim eyed Cindy hungrily. Yeah, only dessert.

  Ignoring him, Cindy turned to Maddy and Cherry and started talking to them. How she could do that knowing what was to come back home, he didn’t know. All his attention was pretty much focussed on it.

  “Put ice on it,” Rick advised.

  “Huh?” Tim looked at him.

  “Man, you’re looking at Cindy like you could eat her up.”

  “Heh heh.”

  Mike frowned. “She’s a lady. Knock it off.”

  “You have no idea what she taunted me with.” Tim reached for the menu. “Not exactly what I’d call lady-like.”

  “Don’t care. Get a grip on yourself.”

  Rick grinned. “Good day at work?”

  “Shit day, but the ending is going to be bloody awesome.”

  “I’d say so, going by your shirt.”

  Tim stuck out his chest. “Oh yeah, baby.”

  The picture on his shirt was of a cartoon bull with steam coming from his distended nostrils and a set of huge balls on the other end. Printed beneath the picture was Get Balled by the Master.

  “Impressive,” Rick said. “Turns on all the girls, does it?”


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