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Reclaiming Love

Page 8

by Shirleen Davies

  “You wanted to pitch in the majors. Instead you’re the chief of police in your hometown. I wanted to be a nurse, but I run a real estate firm—”

  “In the same small town.” He set the bottle down. “Let me ask you something. Are you happy with your work, enjoy going in each day?”

  “Yes, I love it. And you?”

  “I believe it’s what I was always meant to do. Baseball was great, but an injury disrupted my plans.” He reached for her hand, grasping it in his as he rubbed his thumb in circles. “Sometimes stuff happens we can’t figure out. After a while, it begins to make sense, even turning into something better than what we’d planned.”

  She studied their joined hands, remembering other times he’d held it in the exact same way, then pulled her to him, kissing her until they were both breathless. This time he didn’t draw her in as if waiting for an invitation.

  “I never stopped loving you. All I’m asking for is another chance. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll accept it and leave you alone with no regrets.”

  “You’d stay in town, keep your job?”

  “I would. I’d just have to live with the knowledge you’d meet someone else, marry, and be lost to me forever.” He exhaled, shifting his body closer to hers. “I wouldn’t like it, but I’d learn to accept it.”

  She began to lean into him when a noise on the front porch had Adam dropping her hand as he dashed to the door, Julia a few feet behind. They’d left a light on, and unless someone came by earlier, no one except his office knew he was there. He motioned for her to stay behind him as he pulled his service revolver and pulled the door open.

  “Grab that.” He motioned to an envelope, scanned the area in front of her house, then took off at a run toward the sound of a car engine firing up.

  He slowed as headlights appeared across the main road, not fifteen feet from where he stood.

  “Stop,” he ordered, holding his gun in front of him, noticing a male driver and no passenger.

  The car began to inch forward before the driver glanced outside to see the barrel of a gun pointed his way. He turned off the engine and rolled down the window.

  “Something I can do for you, Officer?”

  “Put your hands on the steering wheel where I can see them.” Adam took several steps forward as the driver complied, never taking his eyes off him, a sudden burst of recognition registering. “Mr. Farrell?” he asked, not lowering his weapon.

  “Adam Monroe. I thought that was you.” Farrell began to lower his hands until a command from Adam stopped him.

  “Leave your hands on the wheel. I’ll open the door so you can get out.” He stepped to the car, glanced inside, noticing a notebook on the passenger seat, a jacket in the back, and nothing else. “All right, step on out.”

  “What’s going on here?” Farrell’s voice remained steady, his eyes assessing Adam.

  “Turn around and place your hands on the hood.”

  “What the—”

  “Do as I ask, Mr. Farrell, then I’ll explain.” Adam patted him down and holstered his gun, while taking a quick look behind him. He could see Julia standing on the front porch and motioned her to stay put. “All right, you can turn around and explain to me why you’re parked on the side of the road outside Ms. Kerrigan’s house.”

  Farrell glared at him before his face turned from anger to interest. “I had a call to make, so I pulled over. Why? Is Julia in some kind of trouble?”

  “There’s been some disturbances around her place and she asked me to check them out.”

  “What kind of disturbances?” He peered around Adam, trying to see Julia.

  “The harassing kind. We heard a noise on the porch, saw an envelope had been left, so I decided to check it out and found you starting your engine. Is there a reason you chose this particular spot to park?” Adam had known Mr. Farrell since he and Julia had taken high school science from him. Slim and unassuming, he didn’t seem the type to harass anyone, yet Adam chose to be cautious. A stalker could be anyone as he’d discovered while working as a detective.

  He waved his hand toward the shoulder of the road. “As you can see, there’s a little more room to pull off here than on most of this road. Nothing nefarious, Adam, I can assure you.”

  Something about the way Farrell kept glancing behind Adam had him on alert, even though the explanation made sense.

  “How long have you been parked?”

  “Not long. Maybe two minutes.”

  “Did you see anyone when you pulled over? Another car, a person?”

  “Now that you mention it, I did see someone walking on the other side of the road as I stopped. I didn’t pay much attention. He was heading toward town.”

  “Can you describe him?”

  “I’m afraid not. He wore dark colors, that’s all I remember.”

  “Well, if you think of anything else, here’s my card. I’d appreciate it if you’d call me.”

  Farrell dropped the card into a pocket. “Well, it was good to see you, Adam, even under these circumstances.”

  Adam stepped aside as Farrell got in his car and pulled away. He continued to watch as the taillights disappeared around a corner before returning to the house.

  “Who was that?” Julia asked, meeting him on the porch.

  “Mr. Farrell.”

  “You’re kidding? Why would he be parked there?”

  He ushered her inside and closed the door, spotting the envelope on the table. “That’s a good question. He says he pulled over to make a call and happened to do it across the street from your house.”

  “Just a coincidence, I guess.”

  Adam had come to believe less and less in coincidences during his time as a cop, yet their former high school science teacher harassing Julia seemed a stretch. He picked up the envelope, noticing Julia hadn’t opened it. He glanced at her.

  “Go ahead and open it. Might as well see what he left this time.” She leaned toward him, bracing herself for what would be inside.

  “More pictures.” He drew them out, looking at each and muttering a curse before holding them out toward Julia. “You don’t have to look at these. They’re more of the same night.”

  She looked from him to the photos, taking a breath before reaching out her hand. One by one she shuffled through them, her hands shaking, seeing their entire session played out on film, from the time they parked Adam’s truck in the dense trees near the lake until they dressed and drove away. She felt a wave of nausea at the thought others might be able to see what they’d done.

  “What will we do? He must know you were here tonight. What if he releases them, puts them on the Internet or sends them to the mayor, or council, or…?” Her voice cracked as the ramifications of their action as teenagers hit her full force.

  Adam grabbed her by the shoulders and drew her to him, wrapping his arms around her, resting his chin on the top of her head.

  “Mayor Timmons and the others know we were close in high school. Even though I don’t want anyone to see them, I doubt they’ll be surprised to know what we did. It would be embarrassing for both of us, but nothing more.”

  “But they’re so graphic, so…” she stopped, swiping away a tear escaping down her cheek, panic threatening to overwhelm her.

  “Yes, they’re graphic, but also a reflection of how we felt about each other. It’s as if someone invaded our bedroom, making something dirty out of what was beautiful.” He skimmed a hand down her hair, wrapping it around the back of her neck, gently kneading the tense muscles. “You’re exhausted. Go to bed. We’ll figure this out in the morning.” He leaned back, tilted her head up, and placed a kiss on her lips.

  He began to pull away before she gripped his arms tighter, drawing him to her.


  Chapter Ten

  The images of the two of them together flashed through Julia’s mind as she settled her mouth on his and deepened the kiss, not wanting to let go, yet not knowing where tonight would lead. The thought of others seei
ng the pictures scared her, but the photos also did something else.

  As she’d stared at the two of them together, for the first time, she saw herself as Adam saw her, filled with passion, wanting him with every fiber of her being, a woman consumed with desire. The knowledge rocked her.

  She’d always thought it her fault making love with others had been a disaster. The photos told a different story. It had been the men, not her.

  Adam was who she wanted, still loved, and who could bring out the passion she concealed within her. No one else.

  Her hands moved up to his shoulders and wrapped around his neck, drawing him down. Her tongue traced the fullness of his lips, before he took over, exploring the recesses of her mouth. She relaxed, giving in to the hunger she felt for the man in her arms. Her hands moved down his back, feeling the wall of muscles under his uniform. Pulling his shirt free, Julia explore him, skin-to-skin, until heat coursed through her. She couldn’t get close enough as their kisses became almost frenzied and Adam pulled free, looking down on her with glazed eyes.

  “What do you want, Julia?” His lips brushed against hers as he spoke, his voice hoarse with desire.

  “You, Adam. I want you.”

  He drew away, wanting her with an intensity he’d felt for no other woman. Yet, he sensed the need for caution. “This isn’t a good idea…not tonight.” He placed a tender kiss on her lips. “You’re upset about what’s happening and may regret this when you have time to think it through. I want you, but not as a response to what’s going on.”

  She placed her hands on his face, searching his eyes, seeing all she needed.

  “No, this is about us. What we had and lost. I want it back, with you, tonight.” She drew him down to her for a kiss that had them both moaning.

  Without another word, he swept her into his arms and carried her to the bedroom, settling her on the bed before stripping off his shirt and stretching out beside her. He traced a finger down her cheek, settling his hand on the top button of her blouse.

  “Understand, Julia, if we do this, it isn’t for one night. I can’t have one night then let you go.”

  She grasped his hand with hers and brought it to her lips. “I know.”


  Adam struggled with fatigue, the phone’s ring wakening him from one of the best nights he’d had since…Julia. He glanced down to see her stretched across his chest, a leg thrown over his thigh. He’d never seen anything more beautiful or felt more at peace in his life.

  He ignored the phone, tightening his hold on her, careful not to let her wake.

  One time had turned to two, then three before neither could hold off sleep any longer. Now he wanted her again. He stroked a hand up her back, his heart pounding at the memory of the night before. In his mind, there would be no going back. She was his again, and there was nothing he wouldn’t do to keep her.

  She began to stir as the phone rang again. This time he slid from beneath her and grabbed it.


  “Chief, this is Officer Olander.”

  “Yes, Olander. What do you need?” He glanced at Julia, wanting to crawl back under the covers with her and continue.

  “There’s a pretty bad situation here you need to know about.”

  Adam’s chest tightened, sensing he knew what was coming. “Go on.”

  “We received an envelope addressed to you and all interested parties.” Olander cleared his throat. “I didn’t think much of it and opened it. Two other officers were standing behind me when I did, and…I’m not sure how to tell you this.”

  “They’re of Julia Kerrigan and me, together. Right?”

  “Yes, sir, they are, and they’re pretty graphic.”

  Adam worked to calm his breathing and his rage. He had to be in control.

  “Are you aware of the harassment case we’re checking in to?”

  “Yes, sir. Ms. Kerrigan has filed complaints. I assume this is part of it.”

  “It is. He left a similar set of photographs at her home last night. Who else knows about this?”

  “Just myself and the two other officers. Both are good people and won’t say anything until you have a chance to fill us in. But, Chief, there’s something else.”

  “What is it?”

  “A note inside.”

  “Read it to me.”

  “Peregrine Bay police chief engaging in underage sex.”

  “Shit,” Adam growled. “I’ll be there within half an hour.” He hung up, glancing at Julia to see her propped up on one arm, staring at him, eyes wide. He slipped into his shirt and pants, then sat on the edge of the bed, taking her hand in his. “The same set of photos is at the police station.” He put his arms around her, pulling her close as a gasp escaped her lips. “For now, I can control who sees them, but that won’t last.” He bent down and kissed her. “I need to go and handle damage control. Will you be all right?”

  She took a shaky breath, closing her eyes at the turmoil now ruling her life. “Yes. Do you need me to come by the station?” She pushed herself away, pulling the covers around her and brushing the hair from her face.

  “No. What I need is for you to go about your day, acting like nothing out of the ordinary has happened. Have you talked with Selena and Calypso yet?” He stood, buttoning his shirt, and tying his shoes.

  “Yes, but they know nothing of the pictures, and I don’t want to discuss it with them.”

  He understood her reluctance, but sometimes the best way to combat a bully was to outmaneuver them.

  “I think you need to be prepared to address it with them. We don’t know who this lunatic is and can’t do anything about it until we identify him. Will you be at your office?”

  Julia nodded, dreading what she might find when she arrived.

  “Look, I’ll come by and take you to lunch. We can talk more about it then.”

  Adam began to leave then walked back to the bed and leaned over, giving her one more kiss, wanting it to be more. “I’m staying here tonight. Any objections?”

  Julia wrapped her arms around his neck, giving him one more lingering kiss before pulling back. “No objections at all.”


  “Where have you been? All hell is breaking loose.” Officer Olander intercepted Adam as he approached. “The mayor and Mr. Kerrigan are in your office.”

  “Did they say why?” Adam grabbed the envelope Olander held out to him.

  “They didn’t say, but it doesn’t look like a social call.”

  “All right. I’d better see what the two gentlemen want.”

  He set his hat on the rack, noticing Joshua Kerrigan held an envelope in his hand. His stomach lurched even as his face remained impassive.

  “Mayor, Mr. Kerrigan. What can I do for you?” He took a seat at his desk, motioning to the other chairs. Both men remained standing.

  Kerrigan tossed the envelope in front of Adam. “I received these this morning, along with the note.”

  Adam looked inside, knowing what he’d see. He read the note then glanced up at the men. “Have both of you seen these?”

  They nodded. Mayor Timmons lowered himself into a chair while Julia’s father remained standing.

  “I was at Julia’s last night when someone dropped off the same photos—without the note.”

  “You were with her? Why?” Kerrigan asked.

  “She told me about being harassed and having her garage broken in to. She’d also received a couple of these photos via email. I’d been checking out what happened and made arrangements for a security firm to install an alarm system.” He pinned Kerrigan with a stare. “You should know Julia and I are working to get back together.”

  Joshua glared back at Adam before sinking into a chair. He’d hoped Adam’s return might trigger a reconciliation. It never occurred to him it might be this soon. “And the photos?”

  “They were taken during our senior year in high school. I suppose there was no reason for him to make them public before now.”

  “Someone’s been obsessed with her since high school,” Timmons murmured, shaking his head slowly. “Whoever it is doesn’t want the two of you back together. What of the note?”

  Adam drew in a breath. “As far as what it implies, it was true at the time. I was eighteen. Julia didn’t turn eighteen until the following summer. The statute of limitations is five years, so no charges can be filed at his point.”

  “We’d never file anyway,” Kerrigan said, beginning to direct his anger away from Adam. “It appears he’s out to damage your reputation enough for you to quit and leave town. You won’t let that happen, correct?”

  “No sir, not unless the council asks for my resignation. Even if I’m no longer police chief, I’ll stay.” He leaned forward to emphasize his words. “I’ll not leave Julia again.”

  The room fell silent as each considered the options.

  “Right now my efforts must be directed toward identifying the perpetrator and getting him off the streets. I’ve got a computer and cyber expert, Vic Nader, coming in from Spokane this morning. He’s going to go through Julia’s computer, see if he can trace anything.” Adam looked at Olander as the officer poked his head into the office.

  “Got a guy named Vic here to see you, Chief.”

  “Good timing. Send him in.”


  “Holy crap…” Caly swore as she stared at the screen, not recognizing the images of the two people. She glanced up, noticing her sister standing in her doorway. “You’ve got to see what someone sent me.”

  Julia dashed around the desk to see full screen images of her and Adam, their faces somewhat obscured.

  “Oh no.” She covered her mouth, tears welling in her eyes as her body began to tremble.

  “Do you know them?” Caly grasped Julia’s arm, concerned at her reaction.

  “It’s Adam and I when we were in high school. Where did you get them?”

  “My God, Julia. I’m so sorry. I just opened the email and this came up.”

  Julia peered at the sender information. “It’s from one of the main email providers. Do you recognize the name?” She shot a look at Caly.


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