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DECKER: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 9)

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by Samantha Leal

  She didn’t have a clue what she was doing, but one thing was becoming clear… Maybe she was going insane after all…


  “Climb on,” Decker grinned as he revved the engine again and Jamie found herself giggling with glee.

  She looked around her, out into the parking lot, and back over to the diner. She was sure that the other girls who were working had their eyes fixed on her, and this could only mean trouble. But Tammy was off work and it wasn’t as if she was going on a date with Lynx. Decker was someone new, someone exciting, and also someone who had just stood up for her when she needed him the most. The least she could do was thank him properly by accepting his offer of a drink.

  She looked at the bike clasped tightly between his legs and a wave of excitement flooded through her. She had never been anywhere near a motorcycle before, but she was sure that she was going to love it.

  Jamie took another step forward, rested her hand on Decker’s shoulder for balance and swung her leg over the back and down the other side. Decker gripped hold of her thighs with both hands and pulled her close to him so that her pussy was pressed right up against his back and she felt a gush of wetness as she tried not to blush bright red.

  He was so handsome, and he was doing things to her that she couldn’t explain. He was turning her into a horny, sex obsessed nympho, and after her years of being single and practically celibate, it felt so good to have someone right there beside her whose attraction was intoxicating.

  She wrapped her arms around his waist and closed her eyes. The anticipation of being driven off into the dark on the back of a huge motorcycle was as exciting as it was terrifying. Decker revved the engine once more and then, with a surge of power, he floored it and sped off into the night. They bounced onto the highway and Jamie could barely breathe as the air pounded against her skin. She worked up the courage to open her eyes and when she finally did peek, she could barely believe how fast they were traveling, and how open and free she felt.

  She was vulnerable in that moment. Her body was open to anything, one false move or wrong turn and they could both be dead. But the feeling of exhilaration was overwhelming and she suddenly felt as if she was truly alive, for the first time.

  She nuzzled into the back of Decker’s neck and breathed him in. She had longed to taste his scent since the second that she had seen him in the gym, but she had no idea how incredible he would smell that close up. He was a mix of sweet sweat, as if he had been working out all day again, flexing his huge arms and building up those incredible muscles, and a woody cologne. He smelled like a man. A real man. One that could carry her up to the bedroom, rip off her clothes, and ravage her in all the right ways.

  She gulped and tried not to get any wetter than she already was. She was so turned on, being so close to him, it was almost unbearable.

  To try and take her mind off how sexy and dangerous he was, she leaned right in to his ear and shouted over the whipping of the wind, “Where are you taking me?”

  Decker looked over his shoulder and smirked.

  “To The Bleeding Bullet, of course…” he shouted back. “Where else?”

  Anxiety thundered into the pit of her stomach and she wanted to bury her head into his back. She had kind of known when she had run out of the diner that it was likely that Decker would want to take her to one of his stomping grounds, but she hadn’t truly thought of the implications.

  She was about to set foot into Biker HQ. She was going in amongst the men she had promised herself that she would stay away from, and she was doing it all behind Tammy’s back. She felt a pang of guilt, even though she wasn’t really doing anything wrong. She had never made any promises to Tammy that she wouldn’t ever get involved with one of The Forsaken Riders, but she had promised herself. And now, she was breaking all of her own limits. She was pushing herself as far as she had ever dared go. But it was brilliant, and she was loving every second.

  Decker swung the bike around a corner as he headed off of Main Street and started to ride into the darker part of town. For as long as Jamie could remember, she had never been this far off Main Street, and she had certainly never been out that far at night.

  She was surprised at how high the buildings were around her, all of their windows were dark and broken. She could hear the sounds of cheering, and the thumping of music rising to meet them. Decker slowed the bike and began to weave in and out of abandoned cars that had been strewn around the roads. Some of them were burned, and some of them were just left there to rust.

  “What’s going on?” she asked him.

  “The cops don’t come around here, anymore,” Decker said as if it was the most natural thing in the world. “Not since things have been heating up.”

  Jamie felt a rush of panic.

  What the hell is that supposed to mean? She thought.

  “But, the cars?” she prompted as she looked around at all of the charred remains and mess around the streets.

  “That’s all just fun and games,” he laughed as he threw his head back and let one of his hands rest on her forearm as he squeezed it tight. “There’s nothing to fear here,” he said genuinely.

  Jamie returned the little squeeze on his hand and nuzzled him slightly as he turned another corner and the music got louder.

  There, right in front of them, crawling high into the sky and flooded by red spotlights, was The Bleeding Bullet. It was crawling with bikers and scantily clad women, draping themselves around the entry way, all of them drunk and horny. It was oozing sex and it made Jamie bite her lip to snap her out of the lure to crawl in amongst them. It was unnerving to see people behaving that way, but it was also making her curious.

  What kind of place was this? Surely, it couldn’t just be a regular old bar.

  She had long wondered what was hiding on this side of town, but now that she was there, she was both curious and nervous. All she could think about was, she was about to set foot in uncharted territory. She thought about Tammy sitting at home, miserable and heartbroken, nursing a failed relationship with one of these very men, and yet here Jamie was, about to throw caution to the wind and follow in Tammy’s footsteps.

  I really did try and stay away, she thought as she took hold of Decker’s hand and climbed off the back of the bike. But maybe I’m not as strong as I thought I was…

  She looked up at him and smiled, and as he held her hand tightly in his, she felt herself melting even more. Her mind was spinning with anticipation. She was so nervous and so excited, she was barely able to concentrate on a single thing around her. She was dizzy as if she could trip and fall at any moment; it was almost like being drunk, but she hadn’t drank a drop.

  “Come on,” Decker said as he pulled her forward, toward the door.

  She hadn’t even considered the fact when she had agreed to go out with him that she was still wearing her work uniform. And as they approached and began to climb the stairs to the front door of the bar, she noticed that some of the women, lounging around in tight leather skirts and fishnets, were looking at her with amusement on their faces.

  Jamie looked down at her little blue uniform and wanted to cringe. She wished that she could have been wearing something a little sexier the first time she had gone on a date in over two years, but she would just have to make it work to her advantage.

  She momentarily pushed it to the back of her mind and let Decker lead her inside. As the door opened and the loud blare of music hit her, she instantly felt herself smile inside. This was exactly what she needed, and she wasn’t going to feel bad about doing it.

  The thick fog of cigarette smoke invade their air and the heavy darkness enveloped them as they walked further into the bar. The ceiling was low and it made the place feel like a cocoon, almost like a secret hideaway that no one else would know about. It was heaving in there. Bodies were crammed into every nook and cranny, and she could see men and women making out everywhere she looked. There were alcoves all along the outside of the room, filled with writhing bodi
es and groups of men drinking and smoking.

  Even though Jamie had never set foot in a place like it, she was surprised as to how many people from the diner she recognized. It wasn’t just the bikers that were in The Bleeding Bullet, there were many of the other towns’ residents enjoying themselves, dancing and drinking right there as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

  God, I’ve been so naïve, she thought to herself as she let a little laugh escape her lips. I’ve been in hiding, while everyone else in town has been living their lives… Well, now it’s time for me to catch up!

  Decker pulled her between the bouncing crowds and pushed her up against the bar. He was breathing deeply against the back of her neck and she was tingling all over. She was so full of desire for him, she didn’t know if she would be able to control herself, but she had to try. There was no way she could give it all up to him on the first night.

  “What are you drinking,” he growled into her hair, his hot breath warming her and awaking more lust in her.

  “I’ll let you decide,” she responded demurely.

  Decker’s eyes seemed to light up even more, as if he was turned on by her letting him take charge. He nodded his head and slammed his hand down heavy on the bar top, and one of the girls came tottering over on what looked to be five inch heels.

  “Hey, Decker,” she smiled. “What can I get you?”

  He leaned in and whispered something in her ear and Jamie was surprised at how jealous it made her to see him that close to another woman. They had barely even had a conversation, but she could already tell that he was going to be something important to her. He was stirring up so many emotions in her, both good and bad, that his existence was already becoming a prominent feature in her life.

  “This is for you,” he said as he slid a tumbler filled with ice and a clear brown liquid inside. “Just drink it and don’t ask.”

  He raised his eyebrows cheekily and held a glass of the same up to his lips.

  Jamie could smell the harshness of it, and even before she tasted it, she could already feel the burn. Decker moved his glass close to hers and clinked them together while looking deep into her eyes.

  “To the beginning,” he said seriously.

  Jamie couldn’t tear herself away from his gaze. He didn’t state what they were beginning, but he didn’t need to. For Jamie, she already knew that whatever was going to happen between them was going to be significant.

  She nodded and smiled while biting her lip cheekily. There was so much she wanted to say, and yet, common sense told her that it would be best for her to say nothing at all.

  Decker raised the glass back to his lips and knocked the whole thing down in one. Jamie followed suit and even though it was so strong she thought it may make her gag, she managed to drink it all and slam the glass back down on the bar top.

  Decker cheered her on and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. She was hot and fuzzy inside as the booze worked its way right down to the pit of her belly, and all of a sudden, her dizziness turned into calm and relaxing warmth.

  “Now you’re one of us,” Decker laughed. “Not many girls could handle that shot.”

  “I don’t even want to know what it was,” Jamie laughed as she wiped the corner of her eyes that were watering from the shock. “And no more of those, thank you.”

  Decker laughed and nodded in agreement and then he leaned over and ordered her a beer.

  “Just to take the edge off this shitty night,” he said. “I’m sorry for all that went on back in the diner.”

  Jamie felt a swell of gratitude for him, again, and she looked up to him and smiled.

  “Well, it hasn’t turned out to be so shitty, after all, has it?” she asked nervously.

  And Decker shook his head and smiled as he wrapped his fingers up in hers.

  “No, it certainly has not.”


  In the restroom, Jamie looked back at her reflection in the chipped and dirty mirror above the sink. She was smiling from ear to ear and having the best time, but she was also laughing to herself for how dumb she must look to all of the other girls in there watching her with one of the biggest and baddest bikers of them all, wearing her baby blue diner uniform.

  She reached to the buttons at the top of her neckline and started to undo them one at a time. As they popped open slowly and revealed more skin, she instantly felt better. Her cleavage swelled in-between the opening and she rolled up the sleeves on the shirt to make it look even less like a uniform and more like a random dress choice.

  “Who cares,” she said to herself as she flicked her hair and applied some lipstick.

  She had noticed a few familiar faces while they had been drinking and chatting by the bar, but she had yet to see Lynx, Tammy’s ex.

  Decker had ignored pretty much everyone else in the place while they had been talking, and it was obvious that he only had eyes for Jamie. He was totally focused on her and the way he looked into her eyes was so warm and honest, it was as if they were meant to be in each other’s company for a long time.

  Jamie took one last glance at herself before she turned on her heel and headed out of the restroom and down the long dark corridor toward the main body of the bar. Decker was leaning against it, propped up by his huge, muscular arm. And he smiled at her as soon as he caught sight of her moving back toward him.

  “What’s happened here?” he asked as he trailed a finger along her neckline. His touch made her shiver.

  “I felt a bit nerdy in my uniform,” she giggled. “I thought I better raunch it up a bit, otherwise, I won’t fit in.”

  “You don’t want to fit in,” he said as he brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “You’ve got your own thing going on and you look fantastic. Why would you want to look like any of these other women?”

  Jamie cast her eyes around and looked at them all. They all pretty much looked the same… Blonde hair, brown eyes, make-up so harsh that they could almost be cabaret dancers, tiny little mini-skirts that barely even skimmed their butt cheeks, and low cut tops that left little to the imagination. Decker was right, she didn’t want to look like any of those girls. She was a fiery red head with a ton of sass, and even though she had been out of the dating game for a while, she knew she could still play it exceptionally well.

  “So how come I’ve never seen you in the gym before?” he asked her as he moved in closer and sipped his drink slowly.

  Jamie thought for a moment about whether to tell him the truth. She knew that it could only go so far between them before she would have to admit that her roommate was Lynx’s very recent ex-girlfriend.

  “My friend is having a tough time at the moment,” she said finally. “And I was trying to get her out of her funk and back into living her life again. I used to work out and I went along to see if I still enjoyed it before I forced her to sign up.”

  “And I take it you didn’t enjoy it?” he smirked.

  “Well,” Jamie laughed. “It’s not that I didn’t enjoy it, it’s just…” she stopped herself from blurting out what was really on her mind.

  “But what?” he said.

  “Well…” she continued a bit more sensitively. “Well, then I was in there and I saw you, and I knew that if I kept seeing you, I would, no doubt, end up getting myself in trouble.”

  The idea seemed to excite him and a wicked grin flashed over his lips.

  “In trouble?” he said as he raised his eyebrows. “Now that sounds interesting.”

  Their flirting was reaching fever pitch and Jamie didn’t want it to end, but she also couldn’t go any further without putting all of her cards on the table. She had to be honest if this was ever going to be anything more than a wild fantasy.

  “My roommate is Tammy,” she said as she looked up into his eyes. “I don’t know if you ever met her… But she was with Lynx… Another one of the members of The Forsaken Riders.”

  Decker nodded and shrugged his shoulders. “Sure, I know Tammy,” he said. “She’s
a great girl. And like you say, Lynx and I are in a brotherhood together, he’s a very close friend.”

  He looked around the bar as if he was checking to see if he could see Lynx, but then his eyes slowly came back to Jamie.

  “I don’t see why that would mean I would get you into trouble?” he asked.

  “I just know how cut up she is,” she admitted. “And I also know what you guys are like with women.”

  Decker raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Now that’s a sweeping statement,” he mused.

  “I don’t mean it offensively,” Jamie continued. “It’s just, after what happened to Tammy and seeing how heartbroken she was, I didn’t want to find myself in a similar situation.”

  Decker nodded and shrugged again. “Babe, you have no idea what I’m like, or how Lynx has been since he had to call it off with Tammy. I assure you, she’s not the only one suffering.”

  Jamie’s head was spinning, and she wanted to probe him more on what he meant, but she also sensed the urgency that they were the only focus of their conversation.

  “I’m not a ladies’ man,” he added. “I’m not interested in any of the whores that line up in here every night, hoping to bag a biker. I look for a certain type of class and someone I could connect with… And I hadn’t yet found that here in Slate Springs, until about two weeks ago when I was working out in that little gym on Main Street and then suddenly, BOOM, you walked right into my life.”

  Jamie couldn’t help but smile. It was one of the nicest things that anyone had ever said to her. It was good to know that he viewed her as standing apart from the rest, that he saw her as a lot more than just a potential conquest.

  “Wow,” she whispered.

  “I mean it,” he said as he touched her cheek tenderly. “The club is my life and I haven’t had time for a woman since I’ve started to rise up the ranks. But truth be told, the moment I set eyes on you, I haven’t been able to think of anything else. I hoped that I would bump into you again, but you disappeared. It wasn’t just some coincidence that I walked into the diner tonight. I’ve been building up to it for about a week because I wanted to see you again.”


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