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DECKER: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 9)

Page 5

by Samantha Leal

  Jamie was blushing and her cheeks were burning. She couldn’t help but smile, even though she didn’t want him to know how ecstatic she was. She was so taken aback by what he had just told her that she was lost for words.

  “Well, I’m glad you came to find me,” she managed finally. “I really, really am.”

  Decker smiled and tilted her chin up so her eyes settled in on his. They were so dark and mysterious, they were almost unnatural. She found it hard to believe that someone who’s soul appeared so black from the outside had so much light and beauty within them. He was gentle and kind, even though he was a beast to look at. He was so tall and muscular it was as if he could be a giant, and yet, he was so tender with her; it really was endearing.

  “And so am I,” he stated. “I never would have forgiven myself if I hadn’t taken this chance, Jamie. There’s something about you that gets me going, in every kind of way. I can’t explain it.”

  She twisted her toe into the floor in shyness and wanted to look away to break the intensity because it was so much she could barely stand it, but she couldn’t. She had to keep her eyes fixed on his. She knew that the second they broke, she would feel deprived.

  “Is that the real reason you tried to avoid me?” he smirked. “You thought I was going to be some kind of serial bedding womanizer?”

  He said it with fun in his voice, but Jamie could tell that her assumption of him had cut him deep. She shook her head and tried to reassure him.

  “I just haven’t been out with anyone in a very long time,” she admitted. “And I don’t want to get hurt. Not by anyone. And certainly not by a close friend of the man who had just broken my best friend’s heart.”

  “I’m not a heartbreaker,” he said. “And I wouldn’t try to get involved with someone if I wasn’t prepared to be committed.”

  Jamie felt his hand move down to her throat and his fingers wrapped softly around the back of her neck. His touch made her whole body tingle and he moved in closer, his lips grazing hers.

  “I don’t know why you have this hold over me,” she said with a sign. “I know I should run away, but I’m so curious… I just have to know what you’re all about…”

  He smiled and replied, “I’ve told you what I’m about, but I want you to know more.”

  His breath was hot on her face and she felt weak at the knees. She was so ready for him to kiss her it was almost unbearable.

  When their lips finally touched and she tasted him for the first time, her legs buckled and she had to cling to his big, thick arms. He held onto her face and cupped it tightly in his big, rough hands, and as his tongue searched her mouth, he took her breath away. It was the most incredible kiss, full of passion and fire, and Jamie knew in that instant, she was never going to be able to pull herself away from him. It wasn’t just her curiosity. It was her intense need for someone to make her feel like a woman again, and Decker was certainly reigniting old fires that she long thought had been extinguished.

  When their lips parted and he looked into her eyes, a wicked little smile flitted across his lips.

  “I will tell you one thing though, babe,” he whispered with a wink. “Never forget, curiosity killed the cat…”


  Jamie’s heart was pounding in her chest and her whole body was tingling. It was the sexiest thing anyone had ever said to her. When it came to him, she wanted her curiosity to kill her, she wanted him to destroy her in every way possible. She wanted to be vulnerable and give herself to him and let him mold her into whatever it was he wanted her to be. But she also knew she had to be strong. She had to stand her ground and not give in to her desires just yet.

  Decker smiled at her and took her hand in his before he lifted it to his mouth and kissed it.

  “Come on,” he said. “I think we’ve both had enough for one night. I better get you home.”

  Jamie was still so enamored with their conversation that she was stumped for words. She let his big rough hand enclose around hers and pull her deeper into the crowd of the bar. The bodies were still writhing on the dance floor, and the music was so loud it was disorientating. Decker held her tight and moved her expertly toward the door, and as he opened it and the fresh night air billowed in to meet them, she felt like she could breathe again.

  Decker looked back over his shoulder to check that she was all right, even though he still had a tight hold on her, and then he stopped and turned so that their bodies collided into each other. His torso was so hard and completely ripped with muscles, Jamie couldn’t help but let her fingertips trail across his abs, to feel each little dent and groove he was hiding under there.

  He held onto both of her shoulders and looked down at her from his immense height with those dark eyes. Jamie swallowed hard as the anticipation built for him to kiss her again, but just as he was leaning in to press his lips up against hers, she heard someone calling his name.

  “Hey, Decker!” the voice shouted. “Now this certainly is a first!”

  They both turned in surprise to see two tall, muscular men both wearing the same leather jacket and it was with a rush of panic that Jamie realized she knew who one of them was.

  It was him. Lynx was heading her way.

  The two men stopped and the one she didn’t recognize slapped Decker playfully on the shoulder.

  “Not like you to bring a girl down to the bar,” he said and Decker pretended to punch him in the stomach.

  “Leave it out,” Decker said.

  Jamie could tell that her eyes were wide as she looked at Lynx. She didn’t want to say anything to him, but inside, her rage was snowballing. She bunched her fists together and had to look down at the ground. But she had to admit that, from what Decker had said earlier, he was certainly right… Lynx did look pretty miserable.

  “This is Jamie,” Decker said. “Jamie, this is Ax and Lynx.”

  Jamie looked up at them both and nodded with a half-smile. She suddenly felt on display and also as if she had been caught out.

  “Jamie?” Lynx said as he looked up at her with a strange hopeful look in his eyes. “As in Jamie who works in the diner?”

  She instantly felt her stomach tighten with nerves and uncomfortableness, but she knew she couldn’t pretend to not know who Lynx was, especially when she had already told Decker what had happened.

  “Yes,” she said sternly. “And not that I can imagine you care, but I don’t just work with Tammy, she is also living with me now.”

  As soon as she said Tammy’s name, it seemed to make him flinch. Lynx almost recoiled and looked as if she had lunged forward and stabbed him in the heart. His reaction shocked Jamie and she instantly felt guilty. She stammered over her words to try and change the subject.

  “Nice to meet you both, anyway,” she said and she went to step away, but Decker pulled her back.

  “I’m not letting you walk out of here alone,” he said. “Come on, I’ll take you home.”

  Jamie shuffled on the spot as she could feel Lynx’s eyes on her. And then suddenly, he took a step toward them and came right up close to her.

  “Just tell me, is she all right?” Lynx said, almost in a whisper.

  Jamie looked up into his eyes and she could see the pain behind them. Decker had been right, Tammy wasn’t the only one suffering. But if this was the case, then why the hell would he ditch her after they’d had such an incredible connection and walk out of her life without another word?

  “Not really,” Jamie admitted. “And I think you can guess why.”

  Lynx nodded sadly and she was sure that she could see tears welling up behind his eyes, but he quickly blinked them away and ran a hand through his hair.

  “I…” he began. “I just… Tell her that…” he broke off and looked out into the distance. “Just tell her I was asking after her, okay?”

  Jamie shook her head. “I don’t know if I can do that.”

  The last thing she wanted to do was upset Tammy even more or set her back when she was starting to actually make
some progress.

  “Please, Jamie,” Lynx pleaded quietly. “I just want her to know that I’m thinking of her.”

  His eyes and tone were genuine, and he reached out and took hold of Jamie’s forearm and squeezed it gently to show how serious he was.

  “Okay,” she whispered. “I’ll try.”

  And then she turned and walked away from The Bleeding Bullet as fast as her legs would take her.

  When she reached the bottom of the steps and carried on out into the street so that the music was no longer blaring so loud it was hard to think, she finally stopped and sucked in a lungful of air and realized that she was shaking.

  She held her hands up in front of her and looked at them properly and at the way they were trembling.

  “Are you all right?” Decker panted as he ran up behind her. “They didn’t upset you, did they?” He looked concerned and he wrapped a protective arm around her shoulder.

  “I just got a shock, that’s all,” she said. “He really hurt my friend, you know? I didn’t expect to feel so angry.”

  Decker closed his mouth into a flat little line.

  “I told you,” he said. “There are two sides to every story, and I know for certain, Lynx is really broken over the whole thing too.”

  “But he broke up with her,” Jamie almost shouted.

  Her rage was firing up inside of her again and she had to clench her fists together to stop herself from losing control.

  “Sorry,” she said. “I’ve had one too many of those shots, I think.” She laughed and shook her head. “You know what us girls are like, loyal and protective to the bitter end.”

  Decker smiled and pulled her closer to him.

  “I sure do,” he said as he kissed her on the top of the head. “And I wouldn’t have it any other way. Loyalty is pretty well regarded around places like this, don’t you know?”

  Jamie couldn’t help but smile. He was right, after all. If there was one thing The Forsaken Riders were known for, it was their devotion and loyalty to their brotherhood and family.

  “Come on,” he said with a growl in his voice, “get on the back of my goddam bike.”

  He lifted her at the waist as if she was as light as a feather and placed her down on the seat before he climbed on in front of her. He gripped hold of her thighs again and pulled her right up against him so that the warmness from between her legs radiated all along his lower back. She knew he was in no fit state to be in control of a powerful machine, but she didn’t care. She trusted him and knew that he probably drank as much as he liked and rode his bike every night of the week.

  “Hold on,” he said as he looked at her over his shoulder and then he revved the engine so loud that it caused everyone who was standing on the steps and in the entrance of The Bleeding Bullet to whoop and cheer and clap their hands.

  Decker revved again and sped out of the street, weaving in and out of the abandoned cars and the shadows as he headed back toward the center of town and onto Main Street. The journey was a blur. Jamie’s head was swimming with questions and possibilities, but she didn’t want to ruin the moment by bringing up any of them to Decker. She clung onto his back as tight as a Koala Bear, and she nuzzled into him, breathing in his manly scent mixed with the rawness of the leather.

  When they had passed through Main Street, Jamie began to direct him and suddenly, she realized there was no way she could let him take her all the way to her door.

  “I live around this corner,” she called to him. “But I’d like you to stop here.” There was no way she could let the bike roar into her street and for Tammy to hear it. She knew it would destroy her.

  Decker slowed the bike down and it ground to a halt.

  “I want to see you to your door,” he said as he turned to look at her.

  “Well, I guess you’re getting off and walking with me then,” she teased as she cocked her leg over the back of the bike and landed on her feet.

  Decker smirked and followed her and they walked arm in arm to the edge of Jamie’s street. She liked the feeling of having a man at her side. She couldn’t even really remember the last time, and now that she had someone so powerful holding into her, she knew it was going to be addictive.

  The whole night seemed to have flown by, and she still felt as if she had so many questions. She could feel his eyes on her, taking in every undulation of her hips as they walked together in the dark. Most of the lights were off in the houses, but she could see the glow in her own windows and knew that Tammy must be up waiting for her. She stopped and turned to look at Decker. He was everything and more.

  “I never expected tonight to end this way,” she smiled. “It’s been… interesting…”

  He took a step closer to her and she felt her skin tingle with want.

  “I still can’t believe a girl like you is single around here,” he whispered.

  “And I can’t believe a guy like you is…” Jamie trailed off. She hadn’t built up the nerve to ask him anything about his past just yet, but she knew she wanted to learn about it all.

  “I told you,” he smiled. “I’ve been looking for something exceptional…” he traced a fingertip along her jawline and she felt her insides clench with excitement.

  “Well, thank you for a very pleasant evening,” Jamie smiled and then paused, trying to stop herself from becoming even more turned on. “You certainly cheered me up after what could have easily been a really shitty night.”

  Decker ran his hand through her hair and pulled her in closer.

  “I had a great time too,” he said softly. “One of the best nights I’ve had in a long while.”

  Jamie had butterflies in her belly and she felt nervous. Even though they had kissed already, this exchange between them felt much more intimate. Being alone in the silence of the night, without all of the music and activity around them, she was suddenly aware that it really was just them. They had been brought together out of nowhere, and they were choosing to spend time together, and it truly was a wonderful feeling.

  Decker leaned in and kissed her passionately on the lips. As he wrapped his hands up in her hair and moved closer to her, she wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled herself into him. She could sense how hungry he was for her, and it was driving her wild. All she wanted to do was pull him backwards toward her home, let him kick open her bedroom door and ravish her right there and then… But she had to have some self-control.

  “You’re something else, Jamie,” he whispered as their lips broke apart. “And now I’m going to have to get the hell out of here before I can’t stop myself…” he winked at her and moved backwards toward the edge of the street.

  She felt starving the second he was away from her. Hungry for him and for his touch. But the light was still on behind her, and she couldn’t do it to Tammy.

  “Good night,” Jamie smiled through the dark.

  “Good night, babe,” Decker said as he took another step back and then motioned for her to go on home.

  She turned and walked toward her house and even though she couldn’t see him, she could feel his eyes on her every step of the way.


  His hands were rough, but when they met with her skin they made her whole body convulse in soft, liquid pleasure. He had found her, through everything, and now they were playing a game… running and hiding in the darkened corners of the Main Street in Slate Springs. Keeping their secret away from prying eyes.

  It felt new and exciting. And as she slipped into the shadows and waited for him to come for her, her whole body shook with anticipation.

  She could hear his footsteps on the asphalt and she could smell his cologne as he got closer. She didn’t need to see him to know that he was about to lunge at her through the dark, pull her into his arms and make her feel like a woman again. And she couldn’t wait.

  She bit her lip and felt her pussy moisten. She needed him so badly. She couldn’t hold on for him any longer.

  “Decker…” she whispered. “Come and get

  “Oh I’m coming,” his gruff voice penetrated the darkness and his rough hands grabbed hold of her and pushed her flat up against the wall.

  His eyes were as dark as the night itself and as he slipped between her legs and held her, she was ready to give herself to him completely.

  “I’ll be yours forever,” she whispered.

  Her heart was pounding in her chest and she was so turned on she gasped. But out of the darkness a horn was sounding and Decker was turning away from her to stare into the distance.

  “No,” she panted. “Don’t stop…”

  But the horn only got louder and cut through her vision and into her reality. She was being pulled away from him. His features and the sensation of his touch was falling away. She was losing her grasp.

  “No,” she said aloud again.

  And the alarm raged on. Louder and louder until it right upon her and she was snapped rudely into awake.

  She rubbed her eyes and crunched up her face.

  “Whyyyy…” she moaned as she realized that it had all been a dream. She reached out to the side and picked up her clock and hit the top to turn off the alarm before she sank back down into bed and roused herself properly.

  She hadn’t wanted to wake up from that dream, but as she lay there with a huge smile on her face and the feeling that her life was about to change, she knew that reality could only get much better. She thought back to how everything had been only two weeks before. How she had been determined not to ever let a man into her life again, any man, never mind a wild lawless biker. And yet, here she was, falling for someone who was everything she had always strived to stay away from. And she had never been happier.


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