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Dirty Little Brat

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by ChaShiree M

  Dirty Little Brat

  Chashiree M

  KinkyBoo Publishing

  Copyright © 2019 by Chashiree M

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover Created By Dark Water Covers

  Created with Vellum

  To Brenda and Connie. Thank you for the wedding dress inspiration. Enjoy your cameo!!!! To all the Dirty Little Brats out there: Be who you are. He is out there somewhere and will appreciate everything about you!!!




  1. Saxson

  2. Lexi

  3. Saxson

  4. Lexi

  5. Saxson

  6. Saxson

  7. Lexi

  8. Saxson

  9. Lexi

  10. Saxson

  11. Lexi

  12. Saxson

  13. Lexi

  14. Saxson

  15. Lexi

  16. Saxson

  17. Lexi

  18. Lexi

  19. Saxson

  20. Lexi

  21. Saxson

  22. Lexi

  23. Saxson

  24. Lexi

  25. Saxson

  26. Saxson

  27. Lexi




  About the Author

  Coming Soon


  As seen in the order they appear.

  Mamá- Mom

  Hijo- son

  Aye parasitó- oh parasite

  Sí- yes

  Sí mamá. Pero, no ahora- yes mom, but not right now

  Pronto- fast

  Claro que sí hijo. Te hablaré más tarde.- of course my son. I will call you back later.

  Hasta la mañana mami- until the morning mommy.

  Hola hermano, cómo estás? Hello brother, how are you?

  Estoy bien, hermano viejo, y tu? I am fine old brother and you?

  Estupido - stupid( towards a man)

  Papá- Dad

  Ah mi chico hermoso, qué pasa? - oh my young handsome son, what’s wrong?

  Nada papá- nothing dad

  Preciosa- precious

  Número uno- number one

  Papí- daddy

  Mi amor- my love

  Pequeña- little one

  Mi hijo- my son

  Bien mama- good mom or Ok mom

  Adiós- goodbye

  Sí papí- yes daddy

  Cariño- love, sweetie, honey

  Hija- daughter

  Mi vida- my life

  Buenos días mamá - good morning mom

  Buenos días hijo- good morning son

  Sí hijo- yes son

  Sí mamá- yes mom

  Estoy muy orgulloso de ti hijo mío- I am so proud of you son of mine.

  Bueno- good

  Un niño que maravilloso- a boy how wonderful

  Mami qué pasa- mommy what’s going on or what’s happening,



  What the fuck!!!!

  If someone would have told me a few weeks ago that an 18-year-old brat would be the ‘one’ I have been looking for…. I would have laughed them out of the room.

  But from the moment I saw my little Lexie, I have been a mess of want and need.

  When I find out her father has all but sold her to a family of monsters for money, I know I cannot wait any longer.

  Alexis maybe young. And she maybe a brat. But she is also,



  I have always gotten what I wanted. All I had to do was bat my eyes and pout my lips.

  When I set my eyes on Saxson for the first time, everything I have ever wanted pales in comparison to how much I want him.

  Then the doubts set in. Am I too young for him? Will I be enough for him? What do I have to offer him?

  Then he takes me. And everything I have ever wanted is,


  What you are about to read is the story of a mob boss and his young obsession. This story is safe, sexy, dirty and full of family, with a bit of violence thrown in. Did I mention it was dirty? Lay back and have fun with Saxson and his dirty little brat.




  She has my dick hard. Ordinarily this wouldn't be a problem, but the issue is, she knows she’s got me by the balls. And that shit ain’t cool. I have never let anyone get the drop on me and here this 18-year-old brat has me scrambling to hold onto my manhood.

  Damn it!!

  Looking through the window and seeing her has me feeling like a fucking pathetic-ass peeping Tom, but somehow this is what I am reduced to. I became a lost mess after I laid eyes on her two weeks ago and I will never forget it.

  Getting out of my car in front of a house I just bought, the first thing that comes to mind is, ‘Why the hell did I buy a house so big for one person?’ My mom sees it as me getting ready to fill it with a family. I know better.

  A man who is in my line of work, doesn't do family, hearth, and home. It is much safer to be alone. That way no one can be used against me and I have nobody to answer to. There have been a plethora of women who have come and gone, but they were strictly fuck and plucks.

  Holy shit! I crack myself up. Fuck and plucks. Sax, you are a wordsmith. I think shaking my head. But it’s true. I fuck ‘em and then pluck ‘em out of my bed. Yes, it seems callous, but believe me if they knew who and what I really am, they wouldn’t want to be with me either. But I am a grown-ass man who believes in having pussy on tap.

  As I continue to walk up the path, before getting to the door, I see what I assume is a little girl at first. Then she is strolling across the lawn, and for the first time in my life I know what ‘Fuck My Life’ means. At first glance she appears tiny, but as she is standing in front of me popping gum in her mouth and sticking her C cups in my face, I realize I am mistaken. She is every man’s wet dream come true is what she is. Besides her plentiful tits, she has an ass the size of a thoroughbred in training. Said ass is connected to a pair of thick, hard thighs that I immediately picture squeezing as she bounces off my dick.

  As I look at the rest of her and stare at her face, I am once again taken aback. She has hair the color of sunshine. It’s long and extends down her back, almost to the top of her ass. Her lips look as if she has been getting collagen injections since she was born. They are pink and plump. Damn if those smackers wouldn’t look good wrapped around my pipe.

  I finally get to her beautiful ocean blue eyes, where I get struck with one thought…. she is a fucking baby. I mean, she cannot be a minute over 18 and now I know I am totally screwed. I know it should make a difference, but it doesn’t. All I can think about is that I want in that. Then she opens her mouth.

  “You gonna just stare at me or are you going to introduce yourself? I’m Alexis, but everyone calls me Lexi.”

  I am literally too busy picturing her on her knees, taking my ten-inch cock between those pinup girl lips of hers that I miss my cue to introduce myself and the little brat knows exactly where my head is.

  “Well, since you don’t seem to be able to remember your name, I think I am going to call you Dicky.” She says. Her eyes move down from my face, to my chest, and as I follow their path to my crotch, I realize the joke. My dick is pointing straight out only to be hampered by my pants. It is like a homing device staring straight at her.

  “How old are you, little girl?” Her nostrils flare when I use the term ‘little girl,’ b
ut hey, she needs to know that two can play the game.

  “I am not a little girl. If you must know I am 18,” she says with more attitude than she needs. God 18. I am almost twice her age. Does that make me a dirty old man? What the fuck am I saying. Of course, I am, because literally all I can picture are her big tits bouncing in my face towards my mouth as I pulverize her tiny pussy. The need to make her dance on my big cock, until I unleash my life inside of her is imperative.

  What the hell. Unleash my life? Fuck. I must be horny, because looking at her has me thinking shit I shouldn’t. I need to get away from her and fast before I make a fool out of myself.

  “Well thanks for stopping by, Lexi. But now the grown-ups have shit to do. So why don’t you go do whatever it is little girls do. I’ll see you around. And by the way, the name is Saxson,” I throw over my shoulder.

  I sprint my ass inside the house as fast as my feet can carry me, without looking like a scared old man or checking to see the look on her face at my dismissal. There is no way I can chance it. If I stayed one more second in her presence, I might have snatched her little ass up, drug her into the house, and did unspeakable things to her safe little pussy. The likes of which the state of Florida has never seen. Not to mention, I am pretty sure the shit I want to do to her is illegal in all 50 states.

  Walking the rest of the way into the house I have to adjust my dick, while knowing I will need to rub it out tonight. And, I know who I will be picturing when I do.

  Just like that, she became my obsession. Over the course of the following weeks, I would be looking out the window or lurking to watch as she comes and goes. The need to try and learn her routine to figure out who she is with has started to consume my days and nights.

  I met her dad the other day. Fucking douche. He is the type of man who puts his family out in the middle of suburbia, so they are out of his way and he can live a second life in the city. What a fucking moron. He introduced himself as if he thought he was the king of fucking Miami, until I introduced myself and he realized I am actually the prince of Miami. My father is king.

  My father is Sergio Juanito Maldonado, leader of Los Cuatro Patrones de la Mafia. The four Dons Mafia has been around for decades. It is an organization that is governed by four families. Each one has a leader or ‘Don’ if you will. However, those four families have a high ‘Don’ who is usually the elder of the clan, and that would be my father, with me as his second in command.

  I would typically live in the city to be close to him. But ever since my brother Julio went missing a few months back, my father has spread my siblings and I out to keep us safe and to lay low. Although my brother was recovered and the stupid motherfuckers neutralized, my father is still insisting we stay separated. I think it is a mistake because it leaves him vulnerable, but he doesn’t care as much about himself as he does my mom, siblings and me.

  Now I am living in Pleasantville and I'm still in hell, thanks to her. My obsession with her doesn’t stop at peeking through windows and shit. It extends to following her around every time she goes out and taking down the license plates of everybody that comes over, so I can make sure she is safe. So far there is only one complication that I see. His name is Jared Smith. He is a pansy-ass, polo wearing prick, who has been sniffing around my pussy. Every time I see his fucking car in the driveway, I have to stop myself from storming out and bulldozing my way into her house to wring his fucking neck. The need to let him know to stay away from my woman is overwhelming.

  The only thing saving his life is the fact that I know my girl doesn’t really like him. I have my suspicions as to why he is always around, but until Roscoe gives me the report I need, I have no proof. However, I know that she is aware I am watching, because she looks at my house with a sneaky-ass smirk on her face every time she gets in his car. Fucking brat. Let’s see how funny she finds it when her ass looks like a stop sign. She will learn soon enough not to play with me. Right now, I am laying in my bed trying to refrain from beating my shit to death and wondering what exactly it is she is doing in her own bedroom.



  Ah, Ah, Ah……...Yes, Yes, YES!!!!!!

  Crap!!!! That is the third time today I have masturbated to visions of being taken by Sexson. I laugh at myself for a second. I know his name is Saxson, but the man is walking sex on a stick. So, I think Sexson is a better name for him. Plus, when I finally get a chance to call him by that name, I know it is going to annoy the shit out of him. Take that. Calling me a little girl.

  The truth is, when I saw him get out of his car the day he moved in, I’m not sure what possessed me to walk over and talk to him, other than trying to irritate my father and that walking robotic mama’s boy, Jared. The both of them seem to get up in arms when I converse with another male. It took me a while to figure out why, but eventually I got it. Of course, neither of them knows that I know what is going on. I am choosing to play the dumb card, biding my time, and saving my allowance and such, until the perfect time to get out of here.

  When I made it over to his car and saw him, I immediately wanted him. The evidence of this is when I instantly started acting like a brat, which I have discovered is my way of covering my real feelings. It was solidified by the fact that my panties started sticking to me the moment he opened his mouth. There is something incredibly Alpha about him. The way he regarded me and maintained his composure was enough to tell me that I was not dealing with a little boy. No. Sexson is all man. Exactly the type of man I have been saving myself for.

  People assume I sleep around because I don’t walk around covered up like a nun, who is taking her vows. The profanity from my mouth sometimes is all they need to automatically assume I’m a whore. None of them would say it out loud given my father owns more than half of the nightclubs in Miami and the businesses in this small town. But I do hear the whispers, see the stares, and it never bothered me

  Knowing my own father is using my reputation to his advantage is a swift kick in the gut. But, that’s ok. When he comes home and finds me gone, I will show him. The chink in my plan is Saxson. I want him more than I wanted that Audi Q7 for my graduation present and trust me when I say...I wanted that car. I wanted it so much, I accompanied my father to several of his business meetings. For these meetings I would dress as eye candy for the associates to ogle. Yeah. I wanted it that much.

  For the past two weeks after our first encounter, I have seen him watching me. He watches me out of his window when I am outside. I can see the anger simmering in him on the days he is mowing the lawn and Jared comes to pick me up. The mower stops and he stares, while clenching and unclenching his hands. His neck muscles bulging out like he wants to beat Jared to a pulp just for attempting touching me. But he has done nothing, and I don't know what else to do to taunt him into making a move besides showing up at his house completely naked. Which I am not above because, at this point, I want him so much my nipples bead of their own volition every time I think his name. My stomach spasms, my pussy clenches, and my panties cease to exist just at the mere thought of him.

  I have found myself shopping for a dress and then suddenly I wonder what he would think of it. Then, I have to masturbate right there in the changing room. One time, I came so loud the changing room attendant was standing at the door beat red with a boner of his own and his mouth gaped open like a guppy. Feeling no shame, I simply wiped my cum soaked finger across his cheek and under his nose to give him a cumstache. I grabbed my purse and said, ‘Don’t say I never gave you anything!!!’

  Dirty, I know. But hey. It's more than he gets probably…. ever so... Now how to entice Sexson?




  “Boss. I finally got the report you were asking for.” He pauses. I roll my eyes trying not to grunt at him.

  “Roscoe. Spit it out. I’m turning into an old man here waiting for you to tell me. Quit pandering like a little girl.”

  “It's just ain't gonna
like it.”

  Well shit. And here I was having a good morning. Apparently, that isn’t to be had. I’ve been waiting on this report for a few days and am not the type of man to send my men on fools errands. In the end it doesn't matter what they find, because it won’t change anything. The information on my Lexi and her family is a necessary evil. Especially, after meeting her fucking father and with the way Roscoe is quaking by the door, I know I must be dead on the money.

  “Leave the damn file and get out of my sight. How the hell did I get saddled with a fucking pansy.” I have gotta talk to my dad about the men he hires. I know I can be a scary motherfucker, and it’s true I once killed a man with a Bic ballpoint pen, but seriously…. he deserved it and it doesn’t make me a monster. Fuck.

  Feeling irritated and miffed at the bitch-ass actions of the people around me, I lift up the file to see what has made Roscoe so twitchy. At first glance, it is exactly what you would expect to see from someone like Tripp Bose. He lives lavishly and spoils his wife and daughter. His only child. He inherited his business from his father, made some missteps along the way, and now the company is hanging on by a thread. He doesn’t want his family to know so he continues to live as if he is in the black. His contact list is getting shorter and shorter by the moment, and his list of enemies is growing. Meh. Nothing new here. Same old story with white bred boys who have no balls.


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