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Dirty Little Brat

Page 2

by ChaShiree M

  However, it is the information that comes after that sets my teeth behind my tongue. He has been trying to close a deal with Ransom Smith. CEO of Smith Jewelry Empire. Ransom is a very shrewd businessman. He has multiple stores in every state, his hand is in real estate, luxury cars, and even in the media pool. All of this makes him smart, innovative, and hard to beat. None of this worries me.

  What does worry me is that he is a very bad dude. Shut the fuck up, I tell my own inner demon. I know I am not a good dude. I have killed, maimed, and tortured all in the name of Four Patrones. I have never and will never apologize for it. I was bred for this by my father from the moment I was born. It is my legacy. But we have a code. A list of things that are never to be done, if you will. Things that we just don’t dabble in and if we found someone in our organization doing so, it would mean certain death.

  We honor women and view them as sacred. They are something to be revered and protected. The woman we choose to carry our seed is considered our property from the moment she is selected. She will be put before all others. As a result, we view all women as someone’s sister, mother, or daughter. The same for children.

  But Ransom, not so much. That fucking diablo is a wife beater, pimp, and he is teaching his son some of the same. Her fucking clueless-ass father is trying to broker a marriage deal between the two of them, so he can get his hands-on Ransom’s money. Selling his fucking daughter to the highest bidder. To a monster and his spawn no less. Unless Tripp knows and doesn’t care. “MOTHERFUCKER!” I roar throwing the shit off my desk. Over my dead body. Just thinking about my girl coming to any harm from those fucking vile excuses for men has me seeing red.

  Damn it. I was trying to talk myself out of taking her too soon. To give her more time. Maybe even court her a bit or something. But this shit just upped my timeline. I have to make way for my woman. NOW. Time to call in the big dogs. First, I need to set a few things in motion. Picking up my phone, I call Cortero, my contact with the police department.

  “Saxson. What can I do for you?”

  “Tero. How’s Bethany and the girls?” I ask about his wife and daughters. I saved them from a home invasion one night, when I was leaving the bar by his house. He has been paying me back ever since, even though I keep telling him he doesn’t owe me. Seems right now though, I am calling it in.

  “They are great. Bethany keeps telling me to invite you for dinner. You should come by.”

  “I will be sure to do that when I come back from my honeymoon.”

  “Honeymoon? Have I missed something? I didn’t even know you were dating. Who is the lucky woman?”

  Really not in the mood to get into this right now. “It’s a long story friend. Listen, Ransom Smith, I need you to pay him a visit. Maybe put him on notice. I need him to be spooked. Rumor has it that he has been trafficking girls out of the back of his shop. I need him to move them so my guys can retrieve them.”

  “Saxson, no disrespect, but you’re in the Spanish Mafia. Now you want to be a good guy? Am I hearing things?” A fucker can’t ever do good shit without all the fanfare.

  “We don’t traffic, deal in paid sex or hurt women and children. Nor do we know it’s happening and let it. Is that ok with you? Or don’t you remember that I saved yours.” I don’t like to bring it up but now he is pissing me off.

  “No. You don’t. Consider it done.”

  “Thank you. Keep me updated.” Hanging up, I call the next person on my list. My mama.

  “Mamá. It’s time. Make the preparations.”

  “Hijo. You have found her so soon?” I find it telling that she knew what I meant without asking one question. Just tells you what she has had on the brain. “Why the rush? Is she already carrying my grandchild?” This woman and her need for babies. You’d think she would be thrilled that her first born has found his one, but no of course it is all about the babies.

  “Mamá...of course not. I just met her two weeks ago. What do you take me for? An animal? What did you raise? I figured I would give her three weeks before I bred her.” I knew that would get her going. She is such an easy target. Although I don’t actually plan to wait.

  “Aye. Parásito. So much like your father. Ok. I will make for two weeks from now. Anything I should know? How old is she? Does she have a favorite color? When am I going to get to meet her? It is my prerogative to make sure she is a suitable wife and mother. Sí?”

  “Sí mamá. Pero, no ahora. Not right now mama. I need to make her see first. Okay? And better make it more like 2 days. Before you yell at me, know I will let you throw a lavish party later. I need this done pronto. It is the only way the restlessness will leave me. Can you do this mama?” I wait a moment. She could go either way on this. That woman is a loose cannon.

  “Claro que si, mi hijo. Te hablaré más tarde.”

  “Hasta la mañana mamì.” After telling me she understands and is waiting to hear from me soon, I tell her I will talk to her later. That woman can be a drill sergeant if we don’t stop her before she gets going. I feel sorry for my sister. She gets it from everywhere as the only girl.

  Now that mom has been set upon, I need to get some security on my girl until I am ready for the extraction. I need to have eyes on her at all times in case someone tries to hurt her or make her do something she doesn’t want to do. There is only one person I trust to handle this both discreetly and diligently. My brother. God help us. If people think I am a monster, then they haven’t met my little brother. He is a savage. He doesn’t give a fuck and it shows. His body count is twice that of mine and most of the time he likes to be up close and personal. Yeah. He literally uses his hands. He walked into my father's house one day with the heart of a hitman out to kill my father in his bare hands. Though to be honest, I can be more of an animal when it calls for it. Needless to say, my mom freaked about the blood staining her floors and my dad congratulated him. Me, I think the dude needs help or to get laid.

  “Ramone. Hola hermano. Como estas?”

  “Estoy bien, hermano viejo. Y, tú?”

  “I’m me. You know. But I am in a bit of situation. I need you.”

  “Who is it?”

  “Your future little sister.”

  “No shit. That’s fast. Who the fuck is it? She got a 24k pussy or what?” I know he is trying to get me worked up and though I know it, I still cannot stop the irrational rage I feel at his lack of respect for my future wife.

  “Watch your fucking mouth. Do you hear me? That is my future wife and the mother of your nieces and nephews. Show some respect Estúpido.” Fucking asshole.

  “Whoa, calm down. It was a joke. Shit. Sorry. Of course, I am wherever you need me. Send me the coordinates. How many do you need?”

  “One always on the house. One always with her. And one with her father.”

  “Done. And Sax, no shit, congrats man. Can’t wait to meet her.” Little prick. But that dude is solid gold. My siblings and I have a great relationship. There are four of us and we all hold our own place within the family.

  I am the oldest at 33 and the second in command as the enforcer. Next is Ramone. He is 30 years old and the assassin, so to speak. As big as that fucker is, he can be in and out in five minutes and you would never even know he was there. I should know, because I have been on the receiving end of his practical jokes one too many times.

  Then there is Julio. He is the family attorney as well as our inside man if you will. Working for the DA’s office, he gets first-hand knowledge of anything going on. Indictments, investigations, etc. Because of the sensitivity of his job, my father has allowed him to use my mother’s name, Montenegro. At 27, we are all extremely proud of him and not being connected to us by name, helps with not jeopardizing his position.

  And finally, there is Julissa. The baby and the only girl. Mom and dad thought they were done after Julio but then came a girl. She is the princess of the family. But she is also the family I.T. specialist. That girl could hack the Pentagon in less than five minutes. She is sort of a
genius. Though I have noticed, she seems a bit restless lately. I get it. She is 22 and has never lived outside of the family compound. I would be restless too. I remind myself to call her and catch up.

  But, right now I need to make this last phone call to get everything moving.


  “Ah. Mi chico hermoso. ¿Qué pasa?”

  “Nada Papa. Nothing is wrong. I found her.”

  “Sí? Ah congratulations my son. I am so happy for you. Wait. You're calling me. Is something wrong?” My dad is always sharp and in tune to us. My mother and siblings and I have always been everything to my father.

  “I emailed you the file on her. I need the jet set for the afternoon. It's a snatch and go job. Set the touchdown for the island on Corfu.”

  “Good choice my boy. Consider it done. Have you talked to your mama? Don’t make my woman cry son.” Always protecting her.

  “I talked to mama already. She is preparing.”

  “Good boy. It shall be done. Enjoy your new purpose in life my son. If you are faithful to her and treat her like she's your Queen, she will propel you to the throne. Love you my boy.”

  “I love you too papa.” Now, all of the ends have been covered.

  Time to go get my girl.



  Oh God. My pussy is so wet, and every time I run my fingers through it, they come up sticky. With nothing else to do with the stickiness, I have begun sucking my fingers into my mouth every night. I am picturing that it is Saxson feeding them to me. This has basically become every night occurrence. Me masturbating to some vision of him or another.

  I squeeze one of my nipples with the other hand and that causes my pussy juices to gush into my other hand that is pumping in and out of my greedy little snatch. I want him to take my cherry and fuck me. Looking at the size and width of his body, I know his cock is going to be massive. He is going to claim and tame me at the same time, while making me bow before it and worship it in tandem with my own pleasure.

  Shit. I squeeze my legs together as my hand continues to pump in and out, trying to add more pressure to my already swollen pussy. I have gone from using dildos today to my hand and it still isn’t enough. I have cum three times and each time I want more and more. The fucked-up part is I know it will never be enough, until it is with him. Normally, I can calm down after at least two. But I think the events of today have me more worked up and I need something more to take the edge off.

  The day started off nice enough. My best friend Lara came over, picked me up, and we went shopping for her college luggage. I was happy to help her, but I was also feeling jealous. She is getting out, living on her own, being her own woman, going to college, and having new adventures.

  I wish it was me. My dad would say every time I brought up college, “Why would you need to worry about that when you have such a beautiful face? Find yourself a rich husband and then you could be like your mom.”

  That, I find insulting. My mom does nothing all day except go get Botox, shopping, spending money she didn't earn, and drink with her friends. Oh, and when my dad needs to show her off, she is oh too happy to oblige. That is not who I want to be. I mean, to be completely honest I am not sure who I am, but I know I don’t want to do that.

  After we got Lara’s luggage and some clothes for school, we decided to go to lunch. Mind you, I love to eat. Though you can’t tell because I hardly ever gain weight. But I could give two shits. We are having a good time eating and gossiping when my phone rings. I look at the caller ID and see it is Jared. Rolling my eyes, I ignore it.

  “Who was calling you Lexi?”

  “No one important. Now what were you saying about preview?”

  Bzzzzz. Bzzzzz.

  Seriously. Doesn’t this guy not take a hint. I silence the phone again and as I go to put it back in my pocket it buzzes again, and Lara grabs it to answers it. The fact that I am trying in vain to signal to her not to answer it while trying to grab it back, doesn’t faze her one bit. I grab it too late.

  “Hello douchey Jared. How would your kind be today?” As much as I didn’t want her to answer the phone, I love this girl. I am trying very hard not to giggle, picturing his face. They hate each other and I can just see his pale, plain, country club face turning red and getting mad because she called him that. It is almost worth the price of admission.

  “Whatever, plastic boy. Here is Lexi.” I glare at her and roll my eyes while taking the phone, because she has now left me with no choice.

  “Hey Jared. What’s up?” I say with as much enthusiasm as I can muster for him.

  “Nothing sexy Lexi.” Ugh. Seriously. I roll my eyes, which puts Lara into a fit of giggles. Jared can hear her, and he is none too happy. Not like I care.

  “I told you that you should stop hanging with her. She is obnoxious and I don’t like the things she tries to get you to do.” Who the hell does this dude think he is? Like I would ever take advice from someone who thinks Rogaine can grow chest hair.

  Ignoring him, I try to get to the point. “So, what did you call for, Jared?”

  “I wanted to see if you would have dinner with me tonight? Your dad made reservations for us.” No. That is my initial reaction. But I have been doing some thinking, and I figure maybe I can convince him we would be a bad match. He can then tell his dad and this whole debacle would be over. I mean seriously I didn't even know they still did arranged anything anymore and the fact that my dad is making me do this, is worse. You have no idea how many arguments we have been in about this very thing. The end result being, that if I don’t make this work with Jared, I will be homeless. He says I owe him for giving me life. Can you believe him? Never mind the sketchy things being said around town about Jared’s dad and kidnapping women and children. But what can I do?

  Against every fiber of my being, I say, “Yes.” Knowing in the end, my dad would not have given me a choice. I can’t wait to not need him for anything. “Great. Your dad got us into Grande Italiano. However, I felt Mia Culpa would be more high class. Most people can’t get a table there for a year. I have a standing reservation.” Ugh! God give me a break. He thinks this makes him seem important, but what it really shows is that he doesn’t have to put in much effort. He doesn’t try to make the girl he is with seem special. Instead, he needs to make himself feel better.

  “Ok. Sure. What time?” I can’t stop the sneer on my face.

  “Seven, baby.”

  “Yep. Bye.”

  I look over at Lara and she quirks an eyebrow and I roll mine at her. After all it is her fault for answering the phone.

  “Sooooo, going to dinner with the douchetard huh?”

  “Shut up, Lara. I am trying to convince him that we are not good for each other. Seriously, he has to want to be with someone who actually wants him. Right? Plus, You know daddy dear is not going to give me a choice. God, I wish I was going with you.” I whine putting my head down.

  “My dear naive friend. Men like him don’t care. All men like him want is a woman that they can put on a shelf unused, then bring her out when they need to have something all nice and shiny to show off. You know. Kind of like your mom.” For fucks sake. She is exasperating sometimes. Especially when she is right.

  “Well, I am hoping he is different enough to get it. Now come on. I need a new pair of Jimmy Choo’s.” I sincerely hate shopping and do it as little as I can. But when I am stressed, that is my crutch.

  Three hours, two pairs of Jimmy Choo’s, and a new haircut later, my shopping day is over. Lara and I part ways when she drops me off and immediately I can feel the hair on the back of my neck standing up. Initially, I look around and I see no one. Of course, I am hoping for it to be Saxson, but no dice. But I do feel as if someone is watching me and on the off chance it is him from his house or something, I put an extra bounce in my step, flip my hair, and go inside.

  “Alexis. Alexis ... Oh there you are. Where have you been?” Oh brother. Now he wants to act the concerned father. Plea

  “I was out with Lara. We went shopping. Why?”

  “Why? Well was worried about you. You left and no one knew where you went, and with us having some unsavory characters in the neighborhood now, I have to keep an extra eye on you.” Doesn’t take a genius to figure out who he is referring to.

  “That wouldn’t be a problem if you would let me go to school.”

  “Honey...we talked about this. What about Jared. You wouldn’t want to leave him behind, would you?” Is he fucking serious?

  “Whatever dad. I’m going to my room.” Walking away from Dr. Strange down there, I go into my room and do something I have avoided for the past two weeks. I do a Google search on Saxson. I had managed to talk myself out of it for the most part because I know how much I would hate it if someone did that to me. But now, with the comment my dad made, it made me curious. Who is the man I have been lusting over for weeks?

  Grabbing my laptop, I pull up Google and type his name in the search engine. Can I just say, holy shit!!!! To say this man is known is a bit of an understatement. His name is literally everywhere. As I click on the links, I see hundreds of photos of him with a bevy of different women. All of them different, but equally as beautiful. Some of them are even Hollywood movie stars I recognize. My stomach starts to roll over as I swipe through pic after pic.

  Suddenly, my obsession with him seems so schoolgirl and juvenile. I mean let's get serious, what would an experienced man like him, who obviously has his pick of any woman he wants, want with a little girl like me? Now, I am starting to figure that maybe what I perceived as him watching me because he wants me is maybe just a coincidence. But every day? Really? What I also notice is that he has not been seen with another woman since the day we met. Interesting. I continue looking because I feel like with him, there are layers.


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