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Just Friends

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  Her biggest fear was her parents. Not just her parents, but Chase’s and Mitch’s parents as well. She lay back against the couch feeling her head thicken as thoughts ran riot through her mind.

  Chase came back carrying a cup of fresh orange juice while Mitch handed her a tray of poached eggs and toast. Tears welled in her eyes at their thoughtfulness.

  “You didn’t have to do this for me,” she said.

  “I want to.” They both responded in unison.

  She picked up her knife and fork, tasting their food. She knew Mitch must have cooked because Chase was not the best cook. He tried but lacked in every culinary department.

  “We’ll have to get it confirmed by the doctor,” she said.

  “Chase and I were just talking, and we think we should get our parents to meet in one place and all three of us break the news together.”

  She stared at Mitch as he talked. His blue eyes looked animated as he spoke.

  “What are we going to do about the future?” she asked. The baby was a good thing, but they hadn’t considered a future other than them all staying together.

  Chase caught her face and turned her to look at him. Without another word, he slammed his lips down on hers. This was not a friendly kiss but a consuming one. He plunged his tongue between her lips, stroking her. The touch sparked off a memory inside her mind. She saw him grabbing her face and pulling her close. The image felt so real, and the feelings it evoked made her wonder if the kiss had taken place that Friday. “That’s the future,” he said, breaking apart from her.

  “And this.” Mitch took her chin in his hand, pulling her closer. He kissed her lips, slowly. His tongue ran over her bottom lip before slipping inside her mouth. She whimpered when he pulled away.

  “You’re happy to share me?” she asked. “Because I refuse to pick between you.”

  “I never expected you to pick, baby. I’m good to share. I look forward to watching you come apart under Mitch again.”

  She heard the again, and she couldn’t stop the thoughts of that Friday. What had they done?

  “That is something you’re going to have to remember, darling,” Mitch said, stroking her nose.

  “How did you know what I was thinking about?”

  “Your eyes are expressive. You’ll remember when you’re ready.” He gave her a wink. “Finish your breakfast. I’m going to call my folks.”

  Chase leaned back as she finished her breakfast. Her stomach wasn’t messing with her today, and she was able to eat everything on the plate and finish her orange juice.

  “Did you enjoy that?” Chase asked, smiling.

  “It was delicious.” She rubbed her stomach enjoying the peace that had washed over her.

  He tapped her knee taking her tray from her.

  Licking her lips, she watched him walk away. Leah got up off her butt, stretched her arms above her head, and walked back toward the bathroom. The used pregnancy tests were in the sink. She grabbed the trash can and began putting them inside. Each one mocked her with their result. She’d collapsed in a heap on the floor after the third positive test. Her fear of their reaction had stopped her going outside.

  She threw all of them into the trash can then proceeded to clean up the mess. When the bathroom was clean, she removed her clothes and climbed into the shower.

  Warming up the water first, she stepped under the jet a few minutes later. The warm water felt like heaven against her aching muscles. The poached eggs on toast were the first bit of food she’d been able to keep down in the last couple of weeks. She closed her eyes relishing the feel of the water around her.

  “Are you okay, baby?” Chase asked. His arms wrapped around her waist pulling her closer. Opening her eyes, she stared into his brown ones. The urge to cover her body swept over her. She raised her arms to cover herself.

  He shook his head and grabbed her arms placing them by her side.

  “You never need to hide your body from me,” he said. “I like looking at you.” He stroked her arm. His fingertips ran up and down her arm. Her pussy tightened from the small contact. “I’ve wanted to do this for weeks. Having you in my arms, Leah, and then not being able to touch you was a nightmare. I’ve waited years to be with you.”

  Chase leaned down and kissed her lips.

  “I feel like I’m dreaming,” she said, pressing her head against his.

  “You’re not dreaming. Watch.” He pinched her nipple, making her squeak. A wave of heat pulsed at the apex of her thighs, cutting off her protest. “See, you’re awake.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck pressing her body against him. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  His hold tightened around her. She felt the thick length of his cock press against her stomach. Leah pulled away and stared down at his length. He was long, and the width of him was impressive. She’d never seen anything so beautiful in all of her life.

  “You’re big.”

  He chuckled, and red stained his cheeks. “You didn’t complain.”

  She frowned trying to remember what happened that Friday. He pressed a thumb between her brows. “Don’t over-think it. You’ll remember.”

  “What if I don’t?”

  “Then Chase and I have something to use against you,” Mitch said, climbing into the shower and moving in front of her.

  “I never knew this shower fit three people.”

  Mitch smiled down at her. “It probably won’t be the best fit, but like everything else, we’ll make it work, Leah.” He leaned down kissing her.

  Leah knew he was referring to more than the shower. “You’ve told your parents.”

  He nodded his head.

  “I thought we were supposed to tell them together.”

  Mitch stroked her cheek, pushing the hair off her face. She stood between two, hard muscled chests, and she was struggling to concentrate. They were touching or stroking her body, awakening her lust for them. “My dad can prepare your parents. I trust him, Leah. He’d want to know the truth.”

  She wanted to argue. Chase chose that moment to cup her breasts, thumbing her nipples. She cried out as the pleasure shot straight through her body. Mitch went to his knees in front of her. His tongue peeked out, and he licked her nipples. Her legs were like jelly.

  “I’ve got you, baby. Watch him suck you,” Chase whispered against her ear.

  Leah stared at Mitch seeing the fire dance within his eyes. She’d never seen him so consumed. It was like a mask was being pulled off, and she saw the hidden passions underneath.

  “I think we should show her what she missed that Friday,” Mitch said. “I love your tits.” He pushed Chase’s hands away, cupping her flesh in his own. He nibbled on her buds taking his time to love her body. Chase held her close with one hand banded around her waist.

  She didn’t know how she was going to keep her senses.

  “I think she wants it.” Chase ran his free hand down her body to her stomach and stopping just above the fine hairs of her pussy. His fingers teased the hair tempting her with what he could do to her body.

  “Show me. Take me.” She spoke the words she’d been longing to say. Chase fingered her slit stopping any words from leaving her lips.

  Mitch and Chase together were an unstoppable force.

  “We’re going to get you washed first, and then we’ll show you what you’ve forgotten,” Mitch said, standing up in front of her. He touched her head and caressed her temple. “It’s all in here. You’ll remember when you’re ready.”

  He handed Chase the soap.

  They touched her body soaping every inch of it. She’d never felt so on edge. They touched her all over, working her to their will. She didn’t know whether to close or open her eyes. Mitch and Chase were masters in pleasure, and she was merely an object for them to play with.

  Mitch washed her hair as Chase knelt before her cleaning her feet and the insides of her legs. Their delicate touch meant the world to her. They were showing her with actions

how much they cared about her.

  After what she’d just discovered she needed their affection.

  For the past few weeks she’d not had the energy to take care of herself. Their attention was making up for her lack of it. Only when they were ready did they turn the water off.

  She waited as they dried her body and then their own. Leah stared at their bodies. The thick muscles in their arms showed they worked out. She’d never thought muscles were such a turn-on.

  Mitch walked to her. He picked her up in his arms and moved her out of the bathroom. She knew he was going to one of their rooms. He walked past her and Chase’s rooms. His door was kicked open, and she was dumped onto the bed.

  Chase followed behind them leaving the door open. The blinds were shut and the bed made. The soft cotton duvet felt good underneath her.

  “I’ve waited too long to have you on my bed.”

  She watched as he crawled onto the bed. His legs were on either side of hers as he went over her.

  “I never knew. I thought it was just me who felt this.” Leah was honest with him. She’d thought her feelings for him were one-sided.

  “We’ve wasted a lot of time.”

  “We’re still young,” she said. “We can make up for it.” Leah reached down cupping his impressive length. A growl escaped his lips as she ran her finger over the tip of his cock.

  Chase climbed onto the bed laying down the side of them. “You’re teasing him.”

  “That’s the idea,” she said, feeling more powerful than she’d ever felt before.

  Running her finger over the tip of Mitch’s cock she used her other hand to cup his balls. “I wish I could remember what happened that Friday,” she said.

  “You’re making up for it.” Mitch caught her lips with his. She pulled away from his cock to circle her hands around his neck. His body went over hers. Leah used the little leverage she had to turn him onto his back. She sat up on him staring down. His cock lay against her mound.

  Leah rubbed her pussy over his shaft. Mitch grabbed her hips in his hands stopping her from moving.

  Chase moved to his knees capturing a nipple with his lips. She moaned, and her head fell back onto her shoulders. Two men, her lifetime friends, were worshiping her body.

  She bit her lip to try to stop herself from begging them.

  Mitch moved one of his hands away from her hip. She used the opportunity to slide over his cock. Her cream was soaking her pussy lips and coating his cock. He slapped her ass. The slap echoed off the walls making her cry out and jump. Chase left her breast to cup them in his hands.

  “Did you like that, baby?”

  Leah shook her head, rubbing herself over Mitch. He slapped her ass once again. She looked down into his eyes. The blue of his eyes flashed a darker shade as he stared at her.

  “Do you like smacking my ass?”

  For answer, he slapped her ass once again.

  He sat up, sinking his fingers into her hair. Mitch fisted the length and pulled her close. “I love everything when it comes to you.”

  She loved his roughness. Leah sank her fingers into his hair and pulled on the strands, tilting his head back. Claiming his lips, she felt Chase running his hand down her back.

  This is what she wanted, both of her men surrounding her.

  Pulling away from Mitch she turned to Chase, giving him the same treatment. She kissed him relishing the feel of being taken by her two men.

  Leah plunged her tongue inside his mouth and reached down to palm his cock. Chase covered her head and pumped his fist. She matched his pace loving the feel of him getting harder under her touch.

  Mitch licked her nipple and bit down on the bud. She broke off the kiss and gasped as she felt the explosion inside her body. Her nipples were sensitive, and the smallest touch set her off.

  She kissed Mitch’s neck and followed the movement down his body. Chase grabbed her hair in his fist pulling the strands out of the way.

  Leah felt both of their eyes watching her. She wanted to give them both a show. Flicking his nipples, she followed the path down to his belly button. Without looking up, she moved down until she blew on the small pubic hairs nestled around his cock.

  His cock jumped in the air. She cupped him in her fist and flicked the tip she’d been stroking with her finger. His pre-cum coated her tongue. She swallowed him down tasting him.

  “Fuck,” he said.

  She took a quick glance at Chase. He was looking at her like a predator ready to pounce on his prey. The burning blaze within them was taking over.

  They were making up for years of being with other people.

  Thinking about the wasted years filled her with regret. Then she remembered her words. At least they could make up for missed time. She was never going to let them slip through her fingers. This baby inside her was unexpected, but the little boy or girl had brought them together. Leah knew she was going to love it with abandon.

  Chapter Eight

  Chase fisted his cock as he watched Leah flick her tongue over Mitch’s length. She looked so fucking gorgeous on her knees with her ass in the air. He saw the small red marks from the spanks that Mitch had given her. Staring down at his two friends, he felt a consuming love fill him. Both of them meant the world to him. They were his reason for wanting to be a better person. He thought of them and knew he’d give his own life to make sure they were safe. This was how it was always supposed to be, the three of them together for always

  Their friendship had been strange. They never went looking for other people and were more than happy with each other’s company. He let Leah’s hair go, watching the brown length fall around her. Running his fingers through the silky mass, he pulled it together and wrapped it around his fist.

  “Take him into your mouth,” he said. She gazed up at him and then covered the head of Mitch’s cock with her lips. He couldn’t tear his gaze away even if he wanted to.

  Chase pressed down on her head watching as she took more of his friend’s cock into her mouth. When she pulled up a trail of her saliva was left on Mitch’s cock.

  Mitch cursed, and his hands were fisted into the sheet under him.

  Chase pushed her head down and pulled back up, his gaze never leaving the sight of her lips wrapped around cock. She looked turned on by taking his length into her mouth. He and Mitch had never shared a woman in the past. They’d both agreed to wait for Leah. He was damn pleased he had waited. When they’d decided to share Leah, they had wanted to go into a relationship with their eyes wide open.

  He pulled her completely off Mitch’s cock and let go of her hair. She knelt between them. Her glorious tits were thrust up, and her nipples were rock hard.

  Mitch sat up and caught her in his arms. He pushed her to her back. “I think it is time for Chase to have a little taste of your cunt.”

  She gasped, and her legs opened wide. Chase ran his hands up and down her thighs watching the muscles tense at his touch. Mitch held her hands above her head stopping her from fighting them.

  He stared down at her red slit. Her cream was leaking out of her slit. The sight made his cock thicken further and his mouth water. Leaning down, Chase inhaled her sweet musky scent. He’d tasted her that Friday all those weeks ago, but that memory was spoiled because she hadn’t remembered.

  Looking back up her body he saw Mitch was devouring her lips. His tongue claimed Leah as his.

  Chase moved between her thighs running his hands up and down the soft flesh. She felt fantastic.

  “He’s going to lick your creamy pussy.” Chase heard Mitch tell her.

  He smiled against her thigh nibbling her skin. Chase stayed away from the pussy devoting his time to teasing her and drawing out her pleasure.

  She whimpered, and she pushed her pelvis in the air inviting him to do more. Mitch ran his hand down her body going straight to her slit. Chase watched him dip a finger into her core and pull it out coated with her creamy cum.

  “You’re ready for his tongue, aren’t you?�

  “Please, one of you, do something. I’m dying here.”

  Mitch pressed two fingers inside her cunt sawing them in. Chase watched his friend opening her for him.

  Chase moved Mitch’s hand out of the way and replaced the fingers with his tongue. Her cream coated his tongue, and he swallowed her down as if she was the most delicious morsel he’d ever tasted.

  She cried out. Her arms flailed in the air, and he saw Mitch catch them. His friend held her in place as he brought her to the brink of pleasure.

  He didn’t want to let her climax. Chase was tasting her and finding out what she liked. Tonguing her cunt, he moved up to circle her clit. When he moved away from her pussy he filled her with his fingers.

  Staring up the length of her, he saw Mitch was flicking her nipples. Leah had her mouth filled with his cock.

  Chase worked her clit while watching them together. Leah opened her mouth, and he saw her throat swallow Mitch down. He loved this. He’d never thought he’d feel this much pleasure. The feeling was unlike anything he’d ever known. The love and trust multiplied the pleasure.

  His cock leaked his cum out of the tip. Chase fisted his length watching the show. His tongue worked her clit. Her hips rolled as she tried to push onto his face. He let go of his shaft to hold her in place.

  Her pussy tightened around his fingers.

  “You’re going to have to make her come, Chase. I can’t last much longer.”

  Chase flicked her clit and fucked her with his fingers. The time for teasing was over. She needed her climax. He saw the effort it was taking on his friend’s face to not climax. They both wanted her to come apart before either of them found their own release.

  He felt the ripples around his fingers. Chase kept the flick of his tongue on her clit. Mitch pulled his length out of her mouth as her climax shook her body.

  She screamed out reaching for their hands. Chase caught one in his, and Mitch caught the other. Chase worked her clit with his fingers, finishing her off. He stared at her, loving the look on her face as her orgasm flowed through her.


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