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Just Friends

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Her body tensed as the shudders increased.

  When she’d slowly come down from her orgasm, Chase moved his fingers away from her pussy. She stared at him, the flush on her face letting him know he’d done well.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “We’re not finished yet, baby.” He eased up the bed and presented his cock for her lips. She took him into her mouth without protest. He closed his eyes as her warm wet mouth tightened around his shaft.

  He gazed down as she pulled off leaving her saliva behind. She turned to Mitch taking his shaft to the back of her throat.

  Mitch cupped her neck in his hand. “I want to feel you swallowing me down.”

  Her eyes locked on Mitch as he went deeper. Chase saw her throat working to take him. Her eyes watered, but she still did not protest against the invasion.

  He reached down, pressing his fingers into her core feeling her wet cream dripping out.

  She pulled off Mitch’s length. “Please, one of you fuck me. I want to feel you inside me.”

  Chase glanced at Mitch and saw his friend wasn’t moving, so he moved down the bed, lifting her thighs over each of his shoulders. Mitch went back inside her mouth.

  There was no need for condoms. The thought of their baby inside her filled Chase with primal joy. No matter what happened, Leah was their woman.

  Chase pressed the tip of his dripping cock to her heat. Her pussy was as tight as he remembered. He eased the head of his cock to her aching cunt. She tightened around him. Gripping her hips in his hands he forged inside her. Her fist-like grip rippled around him with each inch he pressed inside.

  Leah cried out staring down at him.

  “You’ve got me, baby. I’m inside you.”

  “I love you,” she said.

  “I love you.”

  Tears glistened in her eyes. Mitch held her up. They all had wrapped their arms around each other. Chase felt the love flowing among all of them. Nothing would hold them back. This was how they were supposed to be. Chase knew that now more than ever.

  “We’re not going anywhere, Leah. I love you,” Mitch said.

  She nodded her head holding onto both of them. “I’m the luckiest girl in the world,” she said.

  Chase kissed her lips, tasting Mitch on her tongue. He wasn’t repulsed by the other guy’s taste. Mitch was his best friend.

  “We’re the luckiest guys in the world.”


  Mitch kissed her lips, feeling the love he had for her fill every part of him. He knew what she meant when she’d asked if she’d been dreaming. There was no way this kind of happiness was possible. He was so totally in love with her that it felt surreal to finally have her in his arms.

  Stroking her hair he watched Chase pull out of her body and then slowly press back inside. She’d been like this that Friday night, submissive in their arms. Leah had given everything of herself without asking for anything in return.

  He smiled down at her as she leaned back, catching his cock in her fist and pumping the length. He was a large man and never wanted to hurt her. When she’d swallowed his shaft down her throat, he’d felt it.

  “I love you.” She mouthed the words to him.

  “I love you.”

  It felt right not to hold anything back. His father was going to prepare the other parents as best as he could. He’d been very understanding over the phone even when Mitch had mentioned the baby. Mitch figured his dad was looking forward to being a granddad. Part of him was terrified at the thought of being a dad while another part of him was excited.

  Their family would be unique with two dads and one mom. If they needed to move then he was more than happy to do so. If they had to move to LawCastle then he would.

  Leah put her mouth around his cock and sent him to bliss. Mitch closed his eyes trying to contain his release. Her mouth was like pure heaven. She sucked him hard into her mouth and flicked the tip with her tongue. Leah wasn’t repulsed by his cum. She tasted his cream on her tongue and went back for more.

  Opening his eyes, he saw she’d closed hers. Looking behind him he saw Chase had her legs over his shoulders and he was working his length between her thighs.

  Together they touched and worked her body like they had done all those weeks ago.

  Mitch pulled out of her mouth and then slid back inside, giving her time to breathe in between thrusts of his cock.

  Chase rocked the bed as he fucked her hard.

  Mitch knew he wasn’t going to last much longer. After the Friday night they’d spent together, Mitch was ready to burst. His balls tightened as she swallowed around his length. He closed his eyes, his hands tightening in hers as he held her.

  Mitch growled as his release punched out of him shooting his semen into her throat. She swallowed him down. He heard Chase cry out and saw his friend freeze above her. Leah cried out seconds later. Mitch fingered her clit drawing out a second orgasm from her.

  Once they all came down from their high they collapsed onto the bed, Chase on one side and Mitch on the other. All three of them had a hand over her stomach.

  “Can you believe a life is growing inside me?” she asked. Mitch heard the wonder in her voice.

  “We’ve just had the best sex in the world, and you’re talking about the baby,” Chase said, smiling.

  “You don’t need me to stroke your ego. I bet you’ve had plenty of women over the years tell you how brilliant you are.” She smiled at Chase.

  Mitch chuckled, loving the banter.

  “Do you think it is a boy or a girl?” Mitch asked. He was assured of his skill in the bedroom.

  “Not you, too.”

  Mitch laughed as Leah let out a giggle. She turned to him, her green eyes filled with teasing. He knew that look. She was going to torment poor Chase. Nodding his head, he watched her turn to his friend.

  “What did you do again?” she asked.

  “I’m the one who licked the cream from your pussy.” Chase glared at Mitch but smiled down at her.

  “Really, you weren’t memorable.” She laughed as Chase began tickling her. “Stop. Stop.”

  She laughed as he found all the rights spots to tease her with. Mitch joined in laughing along with them. They’d been like this when they were kids. Leah was the only one who was ticklish out of all of them. “I surrender. You’re a stud and a hottie in the sack.”

  Chase laughed flopping down back on the bed. “I’ve won the war. So I think it will be a boy,” he said.

  “Oh, and why do you think it will be a boy?”

  Mitch watched them.

  “Because having a girl who looks like you would be too cruel. We’d be fighting the suitors off from an early age.”

  Leah thumped him on the arm. Mitch chuckled and froze as Chase’s words registered in his mind.

  “You both know I didn’t have any suitors. No one came near me except you two.”

  Chase stared at him across her head. The look of doom on his face made Mitch laugh.

  “What?” Leah asked, staring at each of them. “What am I missing?”

  He sighed. “You had plenty of suitors, Leah. Chase and I kept them at bay.”

  “What?” She went up on her elbows. Mitch hadn’t thought anything about it when they were younger. He didn’t like other boys dating his girlfriend. Before she picked her own dates, he and Chase had threatened everyone else with serious bodily harm if they went near her.

  “What are you two not saying?”

  “If one of the boys came to us and asked if they could go out with you, we’d threaten them,” Mitch said, feeling like an ogre for keeping her to himself.

  “I can’t believe you’d do that. Didn’t you know I was only interested in you back then as well?” Leah said. Her arms were folded underneath her breasts. He couldn’t stop looking at the firm mounds.

  “I didn’t like the way the guys stared at you. You’re not a thing to stare out.”

  “Yet neither of you asked me to prom?”

itch looked at Chase for help.

  “We’d fought over you. We were waiting for you to pick one of us to take you,” Mitch said.

  “And I was waiting for one of you to ask me out.” She lay back down and was silent for several minutes. “I rather like the idea of you two being possessive over me. I wish I’d known, and I would have stopped all those girls swooning over you.”

  “Those girls were only jealous because you had all of our attention,” Chase said.

  Mitch held her hand, and they lay down talking for the remainder of the day. He had his friend and the woman he loved back in his arms.

  He’d never been so happy in his life.

  Chapter Nine

  That weekend Mitch’s father arranged for all of their families to be around in one place. They travelled down the country roads to their old neighbourhood. Chase was driving, and Mitch sat in front with him. Mitch had wanted to sit in the back with her, but Leah refused. She sat staring out of the window. There were no massive changes to her body yet other than having sensitive nipples. Chase and Mitch loved sucking on her nipples, and she put part of her sensitivity down to their constant attention.

  “How are you feeling?” Mitch asked, breaking into her thoughts.

  “I’m nervous and scared.” She ran her sweaty palms down her dress wishing she was going somewhere else.

  “Dad has promised to keep them all at bay. He knows about your condition.” Mitch reached over and tapped her hand. “Everything will be fine.”

  She nodded her head even as she didn’t think it would be. Loving two men was not heard of. She’d never heard of it herself, but she felt it with both her men. Chase and Mitch were her men. When she’d spoken to her mother, Leah had wanted to tell her the truth. The words burnt on her tongue, and like so many other times she kept them to herself.

  Her mother knew she loved both men. What would she think knowing she was never going to make a choice between Chase and Mitch?

  Tears filled her eyes as once again indecision filled her. This was another change. Her hormones were all over the place. The vomiting in the morning was still awful. Mitch and Chase were always with her, holding and comforting her at every turn. Without them she wouldn’t have the first clue what to do.

  “Please don’t worry, Leah. No matter what happens Mitch and I will never leave your side. They either accept us as we are, or we all walk,” Chase said. He stared at her in the rear-view mirror.

  She smiled. “I’m fine, guys.”

  “No, you’re not,” they both said.

  Leah glared at them. She’d never been able to win at poker against these two either.

  “Look, I’m terrified. They can easily call me a slut, a whore, and all types of other despicable things. It’s not every day that a woman falls for two men.”

  “They’ll have us to deal with, Leah. You’re not alone. We both love you, and we’d rather you not choose between us,” Mitch said.

  “I never could choose, Mitch. I love you both. Life without either of you is unbearable.”

  They both nodded in agreement.

  When Chase pulled into Mitch’s parents’ driveway her nerves consumed her. She had a bitter taste on her tongue, and her stomach felt like it wanted to throw up her breakfast.

  Mitch climbed out of the car. Both men opened her door helping her out. She wanted to walk through the door without them fussing. “Give me some air, please,” she asked.

  She saw spots in front of her vision. Chase and Mitch took a step back, giving her space and air.

  “We don’t have to do this today,” Chase said. “We can go home and deal with this another day.”

  She shook her head. “We need to do this now. Otherwise I’ll never face it.”

  Mitch chuckled. “We could phone them from the hospital when you’re in labour. They’ll never argue with us then.”

  Leah smiled even as her stomach turned over. She had an appointment with the doctor in the coming week. “It would be funny to see how they handled that.”

  “Come on, Leah. We can handle this.” Chase took her hand kissing her knuckles. “We’re together, and nothing else matters.”

  She nodded her head. He let her hand go, and they made their way to the front door. Mitch knocked on the door. His father answered several seconds later. His father was a big, burly man. Leah loved him and saw him as an uncle.

  He hugged Mitch, shook Chase’s hand, and then pulled her into a hug. “Are you all right?” he asked, staring down at her.

  “Yes. I’m nervous.”

  “Don’t worry. If anything goes wrong I’ll take care of it.”

  Leah didn’t feel relieved. They were all friends, and their parents were, too.

  “Are they here?” Chase asked.

  “Yes. Your brother and sister are away at the moment,” Mitch’s father said.

  Chase nodded.

  “We’d better go and see them.”

  They followed him into the sitting room. She saw her mother was sitting at the far end of the sofa. The moment her mother saw her, she ran to her.

  “What is going on, honey? I’m terrified.”

  Leah accepted her mother’s comfort. She felt safe in her arms.

  “I think we need to all sit down,” Mitch said.

  All of their parents sat down. Leah moved past all of the parents not looking at any one of them. She and her men stared at all six of the parents.

  The concern on their faces made Leah feel guilty for worrying them. Mitch reached for her hand at the same time as Chase did.

  “We’ve got something to tell you,” Chase said. “Leah, Mitch, and myself are going to have a baby.”

  Leah knew that the way Chase said it was as subtle as he could be. Silence followed his words. She felt tears spring to her eyes. It was like being a child again waiting for punishment.

  “You’re pregnant, Leah?” her dad asked.

  She nodded her head. The words died in her throat. He looked so disappointed.

  Both of her men tightened their grip on her.

  “Who’s the father?” her dad asked.

  Leah looked to her mother waiting for her to respond.

  “Honey, I think Chase answered that when he said all three of them were starting a family.”

  “I knew something was wrong. I fucking knew it,” Chase’s father said getting to his feet.

  “Calm down, Dad,” Chase said. He didn’t leave her side.

  “What is this? You couldn’t make a choice, and so you’re just going to make them wait for paternity? Is that it?”

  She flinched away from the accusation in his voice.

  “Back the fuck off, Dad.” Chase stood in front of her.

  “I think we need to calm down.” Mitch’s father stood.

  “How can you be so calm? One of those boys has knocked up my little girl.”

  Closing her eyes, she leaned onto Mitch for comfort. He’d been quiet throughout it all. He held her hand tight.

  The arguing continued.

  “We always knew something was wrong. The three of them never should have remained friends.”

  “She’s a slut.”

  “Shut. The. Fuck. Up.” Mitch yelled the words. Everyone stopped. Leah stared at him, shocked. “I can’t believe you’re talking about Leah like that,” he said.

  Chase stayed in front of her ready to pounce on anyone who came near her.


  Chase knew he would hurt anyone who tried to harm his woman. The anger was building inside him with every curse word his father said. He stared at the man who raised him and was disappointed in what he saw. There was no acceptance in his eyes, only disgust.

  “We didn’t come here today to ask for your permission,” Mitch said.

  “No, we fucking didn’t.” Chase looked his father in the eye, so he knew who he was talking to.

  “We love each other. Chase and I have loved Leah all of our lives. Leah loves us. She never wanted to choose between us, and we don’t want her
to. We are happy sharing her. She is the woman we want to grow old with.”

  Chase listened to his friend’s words and felt them deep in his heart.

  “You all love each other and would do anything to stay with each other. Why can’t you see what we’re doing? We’re twenty-five years old, and we’re going to start a family. Leah is pregnant, and all of you will be grandparents within the next year.”

  “That will be no grandchild of mine,” his father said. Chase kept his eyes on his father.

  “Then you’re no parent of mine.”

  “You’d turn your back on your family for that whore.”

  Chase fisted his hands at his side. Leah reached out, touching his arm. She didn’t want him to murder the bastard. He knew she’d been trying to prepare him in the car for this kind of outburst. Chase knew he should have expected it, but he’d thought his father wouldn’t be like that. He loved his parents. Chase loved Leah more. She was his future, and if his parents refused to accept that, then they would have no place in his life.

  “I’d turn my back on my family for the woman I love. Leah is the same person. She hasn’t changed, and I love her with my whole heart. Mitch is my best friend. I’m not giving them up for anyone,” Chase said.

  “I think we all need to calm down before we say something we might regret,” Mitch’s father said.

  They all agreed. Chase wrapped his arms around Leah kissing the top of her head as he did.

  “I love you,” he whispered against her skin.

  “I love you, too.”

  Mitch squeezed his shoulder and nodded his head at him.

  He’d done right. Chase knew there was no future without his friends. His and Leah’s parents left. Mitch’s father showed them to their room.

  “I can’t promise anything. You will always be welcome here,” Mitch’s father said. “I’m looking forward to a grandbaby.” There was a smile on the older man’s face.

  Mitch chuckled.

  “They’ll come around. I’m not shocked, but then you have cousins in a similar situation, son. Take care, and I’ll see you soon.”

  The door closed behind him leaving the three alone.

  “Wow, that was intense,” Leah said. Chase rubbed her back wondering how she was coping.


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