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Blood of Spain_An Oral History of the Spanish Civil War

Page 94

by Ronald Fraser

  Margeli,* Ernesto, cabinet-maker (CNT), Aragon, 351–7 passim, 391–2, 393

  Marín, Juan, building worker (CNT–FAI), Andalusia, 98

  Márquez, Andrés, civil servant (left republican youth), Madrid, 79, 334, 507, 527

  Martín, Lazaro, medium-holding peasant, Aragon, 353–5 passim

  Martín,* León, mechanic (CNT), Andalusia, 51, 52

  Martínez, Father Alejandro [M], Madrid/Asturias, 103, 418, 419–21, 422–5 passim, 526

  Martínez, Dr Carlos, ex-parliamentary deputy (radical-socialist), Asturias, 69–70, 241, 246, 423–4, 484, 524

  Martínez,* Juan, medium-holding peasant, Aragon, 360–61, 392

  Martínez, Misael, miner (UGT–PSOE), Asturias, 251–2

  Martínez, Régulo, teacher (left republican) [M], Madrid, 54, 73–5, 174–6, 259–60, 265–6, 267–8, 270, 454, 455, 460, 488, 510, 528

  Masribera,* Eulalia, student librarian, Catalonia, 443, 482

  Mata, José, miner (UGT–PSOE), Asturias, 100, 245, 251, 253, 425, 426–30 passim, 556

  Maururi,* Jon, student (PNV), Vizcaya, 193

  Medina, Rafael, Duke of Medinaceli, industrialist (FE), Andalusia, 49–50, 56n., 108, 158

  Mera,*José, teacher (UGT: PCE), Madrid, 263, 264, 509

  Mérida,*Luis, lawyer (CEDA: FE), Andalusia, 161, 162

  Mestres,* Joan, sub-manager insurance office (CEDA), Catalonia, 473–5, 493n.

  Michelena, Luis, clerk (PNV), Guipúzcoa/Vizcaya, 189, 190, 397, 409, 412n., 536, 538 and n.

  Millan,* Alvaro, sales representative(PSOE), Andalusia, 163

  Millán,* José, small-holding peasant (UGT–PSOE), New Castile, 580, 581

  Miravitlles, Jaume, Generalitat deputy (Esquerra), Catalonia, 141–2, 145–6, 149–50, 181, 184, 350n., 382n., 385–6, 440

  Miret Magdalena, Enrique, student (Catholic Youth), Madrid, 298–300, 501, 527

  Mora, Tomás, chemist shop assistant (UGT–PSOE) [M], Madrid, 49, 461–5, 504, 508

  Morales,* Josefa, secretary, Madrid, 261, 269

  Moreno,* Anita, seamstress (JSU–C), Andalusia, 164

  Moreno,* Fernando, public prosecutor, Madrid, 177–8

  Moreno, Juan, day labourer (CNT) [M], Andalusia, 94–7

  Moutas, José María, parliamentary deputy (CEDA), Asturias, 249n.

  Moya,* Pablo, turner (UGT), Madrid, 262, 458, 488, 501

  Narcea,* Juan, mining engineer’s son, Asturias, 431–3

  Nárdiz, Gonzalo, politician (ANV), Vizcaya, 192, 397 and n., 402, 408–9, 540

  Navarro, Angel, small-holding peasant (CNT), Aragon, 359–62 passim

  Núñez, Miguel, student (FUE:JSU:PCE) [M], Madrid, 291–3, 324–5, 493, 509

  Ochoa, María, tailor’s daughter, Catalonia, 152

  Orad de la Torre, Urbano, retired army officer (PSOE), Madrid, 53, 72, 76, 77, 78, 103 and n., 568n., 572

  Ozamiz, Ignacia, housewife, Vizcaya, 398, 399–401, 402, 438n.

  Ozcoidi, Mario, civil servant (Carlist), Navarre, 53–4, 70–71, 541

  Palma,* Justina, pasta-maker (JSU–C) Madrid, 286

  Pañeda, Anselmo, miner (UGT–PSOE), Asturias, 251, 254

  Partaloa,* Francisco, public prosecutor, Madrid/Andalusia, 274–7, 308

  Pastor, Alberto, farmer (FE–JONS) [M], Old Castile, 55, 86–9, 168–9, 320, 511

  Pastor,* Sevilla, medium-holding peasant (CNT–FIJL), Aragon, 352–6 passim, 393

  Pérez, Antonio, student (JSU–S: PCE) [M], Madrid/Levant, 80, 103, 332, 385, 494–8, 501, 509, 563

  Pérez, José Antonio, civil servant’s son, Valencia, 477–8

  Pérez-Baró, Albert, civil servant, Catalonia 151n., 227, 232–3, 236, 346, 575 and n.

  Plaza, Encarnación, doctor’s daughter Madrid, 459, 502

  Polanco, Jesús de, dairy manager’s son, Madrid, 44, 456

  Pons Prades, Eduardo, woodworker’s son (CNT), Catalonia, 64, 137, 139, 150, 221, 222, 377, 378–9, 441–2, 454

  Portela, Luis, printworker (POUM), Madrid/Valencia, 44, 340n., 384n., 385 and n.

  Posadas,* Felipe, sharecropper’s son, Andalusia, 519, 520

  Posadas,* Juan, baker, Andalusia, 308

  Prada,* Maximiano, printworker (JAP), Old Castile, 84–5

  Puebla de Parga, Marquess de, student (monarchist), Madrid, 79, 195, 527

  Pumar, Prudencio, lawyer, Andalusia, 278–9

  Quintanar,* Pedro, industrialist, Andalusia, 163

  Quero,* María Carmen, parliamentary deputy’s daughter, Andalusia, 301–4

  Rey, Mario, carpenter (FE–JONS), Madrid, 76, 78, 187

  Riba,* Pere, civil servant (PSUC–S), Catalonia, 375, 377–8

  Ribas, Antonio, factory worker (UGT–PSUC), Catalonia, 578

  Ridruejo, Dionisio, student (FE), Old Castile, 89, 166, 283, 310, 313–20 passim, 469–71, 484–5, 512, 557

  Robles, Manuel, printworker (STV–PNV), Vizcaya, 192, 540

  Robusté, Josep, book-keeper (syndicalist party), Catalonia, 41, 63, 66, 225, 546

  Rodríguez,* Paulino, miner (UGT–PSOE), Asturias, 242, 422–3, 425, 426–30 passim

  Rodríguez,* Ricardo, student (PCE), Madrid/Levant, 491

  Rodríguez Ania, Juan, policeman’s son, Asturias, 434

  Roig,* Joan, factory manager, Catalonia, 139, 147–8, 226–7

  Roig Llop, Tomás, lawyer (Lliga Catalana) [M], Catalonia, 83, 443–5, 480–81, 529, 532, 533, 535–6

  Román,* Victoria, student (FUE), Madrid, 40, 260, 264

  Rosado, Antonio, quarry-worker (CNT), Andalusia, 371n.

  Rosel, Antonio, foundryman (PCE), Aragon 369–70, 391

  Royo, Macario, small-holding peasant (CNT), Aragon, 337, 339, 349–50 and n., 354, 358, 392

  Rubial, Ramón, turner (UGT–PSOE), Vizcaya, 193, 403, 404, 408, 539, 555, 556–7

  Ruiz, Timoteo, small-holding peasant’s son (JSU–S:PCE) [M], Toledo/Madrid, 255–8, 327, 391 and n., 480, 482, 510–11, 516, 583–5

  Saínz Rodríguez, Pedro, parliamentary deputy (monarchist), Madrid/Old Castile, 109 and n., 126–7, 526, 568

  Salazar, Pedro, army officer (monarchist), Old Castile, 565

  Saler,* Ricardo, student (JSU–C), Madrid, 333–4, 490

  Saña, Juan, fitter (CNT), Catalonia, 224

  Sánchez,* Faustino, student (FE), Asturias, 246n.

  Sánchez,* Fernando, ploughman, Old Castile, 84, 282

  Sánchez,* Juana, railwayman’s wife, Andalusia, 159

  Sánchez, Manuel, cabinet-maker (PCE), Asturias, 251, 253

  Sánchez, Rafael, art professor, Madrid, 177

  Sandoval, José, draughtsman (PCE), Madrid, 266, 325, 332, 557, 558, 561, 563

  Sangroniz,* Juana (Carlist), Vizcaya, 399, 400–401 and n.

  Sanpedro,* Francisco, student (FUE), Madrid, 76, 77, 510

  Santacana,* Luis, textile worker (CNT), Catalonia, 130–9, 217, 218–19

  Sanz, Ricardo, textile worker (CNT–FAI), Catalonia, 62, 110, 111, 112, 135, 336, 380, 545–6, 548n.

  Segovia,* Emilio, sandal manufacturer (PSOE), Aragon, 358

  Serrahima, Maurici, lawyer (Unió Democrática), Catalonia, 153–4, 529

  Solana,* María, herbalist (JSU–C), Madrid, 286, 288, 504

  Solano, Wilebaldo, student (POUM), Catalonia, 101, 120, 341–2, 343, 344, 380, 381, 384, 562

  Solé Barberá, Josep, lawyer (PSUC), Catalonia, 227–8 and n., 323, 346, 481

  Soler,* Marisa, teacher (PCE), Madrid, 294–295

  Solera,* Major Jaime, staff officer, Madrid, 118, 489, 500

  Solis,* Roberto, student, Andalusia, 97–8, 162, 308

  Súarez,* Pedro, clerk (JSU–C, MAOC), Madrid, 49, 77, 99, 116, 177

  Suñer,* Joaquín, grocer’s son (FE), Old Castile, 282–3

  Tafalla,* Fernando, student (PCE), Madrid, 79, 257n.

  Torre, Lt Julio de la, Foreign Legion, Melilla, 48, 570–71

  Torres,* Dr Antonio, Catalonia, 482

  Trueta, Prof. Josep, surgeon, Catalonia, 62, 148–9, 151n., 442–3

>   Tudela,* Carmen, secretary (PCE), New Castile, 488n.

  Unamuno, Felisa, Salamanca, 205–8

  Unamuno, Rafael, Salamanca, 208

  Valgañon, Ricardo, foundryman (PCE), Vizcaya, 56–7, 194

  Vallès, Edmón, student, Catalonia, 376

  Vázquez, Julián, tailor (PCE), Madrid, 54, 58, 93, 261, 268, 492

  Vázquez-Prada, Ricardo, journalist (FE), Asturias, 248, 249, 251, 253

  Vega,* Rosa, teacher (PCE), Madrid, 286, 435–7, 484

  Vegas Latapié, Eugenio, editor Acción Española (monarchist), Madrid/Old Castile, 108–9 and n., 168, 202, 204, 206–7, 469–70 and n., 574

  Venegas, Dionisio, teacher (UGT), Andalusia, 305–7

  Vergara, José, IRA delegate, agricultural ministry official, Toledo/Madrid, 93, 259, 458–9, 502, 515, 516n., 517n.

  Vitoria,* Alejandro, civil servant (JSU–S: PSUC), Catalonia, 67, 137, 389

  Vivancos, Pilar de, smallholder’s daughter (CNT), Aragon, 288–9

  Zafón, Juan, advertising agent (CNT), Aragon, 344n., 350 and n.

  General Index

  The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

  Abad de Santillán, Diego, 112, 181n., 190, 548n.

  on need for economic organization, 551

  argues against libertarian dictatorship, 112

  arms in rear, 135n.

  and supplies committee, 143

  opposed to collectivization, 212n.

  and loan to Generalitat, 234

  ABC, Madrid (republican), 105

  ABC, Seville (monarchist), 47, 154, 203, 278

  Acción Española (monarchist), 109, 168

  Acción Nacionalista Vasca (ANV), 192, 397, 532n.

  differences with PNV, 540–41

  Agrarian Reform, 42, 60, 552

  law ‘unworkable’, 93

  law gives ownership to state, 96

  government takes over 600,000 hectares, 99

  bourgeoisie’s fear of, 99, 517, 518, 519

  CNT hostility to, 519

  details of, 513

  problems of, 515

  ‘requires social revolution,’ 516

  and Landworkers Federation, 552

  in Toledo, 515–16 and n.

  in Los Navalmorales de Pusa, 256, 516

  in Santa Cruz, 280, 519

  collectivist v. individualist, 520 and n.

  those eligible, 516n.

  labourers ‘unsuited to become farmers’, 517–18

  Catalan industrial bourgeoisie, 518

  Catalan agrarian reform, 518

  fear of rural unrest drives government, 521

  in Popular Front pact, 560

  amount of land distributed, 521; and after Popular Front victory, 521

  and peasantry, 521

  during war, 325, 328

  decree, 347, 372

  land taken over, 373n.

  Agrarian Reform Institute, 93, 95, 373n.

  budget of, 517n.


  land invasions, 45, 92, 94, 98, 99; ‘labourers met with bullets’, 98

  land ownership, 36–7, 513; and nobility, 93, 514

  conditions for, 37

  Castilian peasant wheat producers, 83, 281

  as employers of labour, 282

  strikes (May-July, 1936), 93–4

  farmers stop planting, 94

  landowners’ ‘boycott’, 517

  socialist decrees, 517n.

  necessity for reform of, 513

  ‘semi-feudal’ nature of, 514 and n.

  Agrupación Escolar Tradicionalista (AET), 124n.

  Aguirre, José Antonio, 192–3, 408–9

  elected head of Basque government, 192, 398

  war aims of, 396n.

  commander-in-chief, 402

  and Basque allegiances, 412n.

  Air force, republican, 175n.

  Alava, 57n.


  in military rising, 106n.

  Albatera (Alicante), concentration camp, 507

  Alberti, Rafael, 292, 456

  Alcalá Zamora, Niceto, 40, 41, 524

  Alcañiz (Teruel) 133, 353

  Alcorisa (Teruel), 133, 352, 359

  Alfaro (Logroño), 122

  Alfonso XII, King of Spain:

  Bourbon restoration, 36

  Alfonso XIII, King of Spain, 148

  Alfonso Carlos, Carlist pretender, 104 and n.

  Algeciras (Cádiz), 65, 432 and n.

  Alicante, 198, 199, 502–7

  end of war, 502–7

  Allende, Salvador, 98

  Alloza (Teruel) (see also Collectivization, agrarian), 358–62

  agriculture in, 358, 373

  and politics, 358

  in military rising, 358

  repression, 358–9

  Almeria, 302, 515n.

  Almirante Cervera (nationalist cruiser), 241, 423–4

  Alpert, M., 464n., 564n., 565n., 570n.

  Alto del León, 116, 171, 177, 320

  captured by insurgents, 116

  Alvares, Melquiades:

  assassination, 176

  Alvarez del Vayo, Julio, 492, 494n.

  Alzina, J., 531n., 533n.


  origins in Spain, 38

  growth of, 39 and n.

  Bolshevik Triennium, 38, 95

  Anarcho-syndicalists (see also CNT):

  rural collectives, 95, 96–7

  criticizes agrarian reform decree, 372

  ‘bread and hatred’, 96

  rural hatred of bourgeoisie, 96, 97, 367

  attitude towards money, 66, 97

  and republic, 68

  bourgeoisie ‘dispensable with’, 96, 545

  and politics, 97, 213, 216

  under republic, 97

  and government, 214

  and clergy, 68

  anti-militarism of, 120, 337, 338

  and theft, 152

  and religious objects, 153, 156

  and violence, 215

  sobriety of, 215

  and wages, 218

  orders, 223

  and Soviet Union, 230–31

  puritanism, 288–9

  and women’s social role, 365

  ‘authoritarian marxism’, 340

  force and libertarian ideals, 349–50 and n.

  libertarian communism, 351, 354, 355

  and money, 354

  and bars, 354

  CNT and peasantry, 364

  fear of ‘stab in the back’, 394

  loss of purpose, 454

  ‘defeat better than victory’, 506

  differentiated aims of, 542

  anarchist views, 543

  syndicalist views, 543–4

  concept of revolution, 545; and state, 545

  hostility to intellectuals, 547

  damage of ‘pure trade unionism’, 549

  Andalusia, 50, 92, 129–32, 145, 155–7, 204, 277

  day labourers, 80

  agricultural situation, spring 1936, 94n.

  Andrade, Juan, 231n., 233, 341

  Angüés (Huesca), 367


  in 19th century, 36

  popular hatred of church, 419

  slaughter of priests, 419

  in Castilian village, 88, 282

  and education, 151–2, 527n.

  and republic, 299

  of Catholics, 300

  as ‘anti-body’, 525

  Anti-fascist militia committee:

  creation of, 111, 142

  decrees, 142 and n.

  representation on, 142 and n.

  organization of, 143

  and power, 143, 179, 180

  controlled by libertarians, 143, 340

  sets up supply committee (q.v.), 143

  and assassinations, 146

  dissolved, 186, 341

st women’s organization:

  workshops, 290

  Antón, Francisco, 462

  Antonov-Ovsëenko, Vladimir, 145, 385

  Aragon (see also Council of Aragon), 119, 120, 132–6, 348–51

  and militia advance, 348, 350n.

  and peasantry, 133

  revolution in, 133

  CNT in, 348

  agriculture in, 348 and n.; wheat crop (1936), 356; olive crop (1937), 356

  ‘colonization’ of, 350

  arrest of libertarians, 392; reaction of CNT troops, 393

  Arana, Sabino, 532n.

  condemns Basque-Spanish marriage, 539n.

  Aranda, Col. (later Gen.) Antonio, 70, 237, 247–54 passim

  and miners to Madrid, 70, 251, 253

  leads rising in Oviedo, 70, 72, 238, 239

  first broadcast, 238

  and number of volunteers, 247; fire power, 247

  ends fraternization, 248

  right-wing confidence in, 249 and n.

  promoted general, 254n.

  Aranda de Duero (Burgos), 122, 165

  Areilza, José María de, 409n.

  Armed workers’ patrols, 150n., 153

  and expropriations, 144

  assassinations by, 150

  composition of, 150n.

  dissolution of, 376

  ‘no longer revolutionary’, 376


  in 19th century, 36, 564

  defeats of, 564

  and Primo de Rivera dictatorship, 564 and n.

  strength of (1931), 564

  strength of (1936), 570n.

  and advent of republic, 564

  Azaña reforms, 42, 564–6, 568

  right-wing officers’ attitude to new regime, 568

  africanistas, 565–6 and n., 570

  promotions in, 566 and n.

  and Azaña, 566n.

  law, order, separatism, 566, 570

  social origins of officer corps, 566

  and Sanjurjo rising, 568

  anti-Catalan sentiment in, 568n.

  nation’s ‘spinal column’, 569

  political offenders not called up, 569n.

  senior officers unwilling to act against government, 570

  generals meet in Madrid, 570

  officers and Falange, 571

  ‘communists and masons’, 571

  barracks committees in, 571–2

  officer corps suspected of conspiring, 83

  rising takes shape after 1936 elections, 90

  planned risings April, May 1936, 90, 570

  officers insulted for not rising, 90, 572, 574

  doubts about its rising, 99

  bourgeoisie’s trust in, 45, 90

  to restore ‘old way’, 102

  peninsular officer corps not yet prepared to rise, 572

  officers without instructions for rising, 574

  in rising, 118n.


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