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Blood of Spain_An Oral History of the Spanish Civil War

Page 95

by Ronald Fraser

  militia distrust of officers, 117, 246

  Army of Africa, 65n., 108, 117, 126, 258, 337, 405

  ‘sergeants’ revolution’ in, 571

  plans for rising, 102, 574

  strength of, 108

  air lift, 108 and n., 127

  combat capacity, 118n.

  heads for Madrid, 155, 174–5, 201

  reaches Madrid suburbs, 259

  delays Madrid offensive, 260

  surprised by resistance, 262–3

  continues offensive, 266

  occupies Clinical Hospital, 267

  Army, nationalist:

  ‘amateurism’ at beginning, 246n.

  Galician peasantry in, 246n.

  role of peasantry, 283 and n., 466; and vanguard of, 283n.

  alféreces provisionales, 320 and n.; numbers of, 464n.

  sacks Gijón, 425

  captures Aragon and reaches Mediterranean, 441

  comparative size of, 464n.

  Basque deserters from, 467

  as fighting force, 472n.

  occupies Barcelona, 481–2

  reaches French frontier, 482

  Arnedo (Logroño), 92n.

  Arriba (falangist), 269n.

  Ascaso, Francisco, 62, 548n.

  death of, 110

  Ascaso, Joaquín (president of Council of Aragon), 66, 347, 392

  Asensio, Gen. José:

  dismissed after fall of Málaga, 304

  Assault guards:

  creation of, 51, 567

  strength of, 567; and in 1936, 570n.

  during military risings in: Seville, 51, 52; Valladolid, 55; Burgos, 56; Barcelona, 63, 66, 67; Madrid, 76–7; Oviedo, 245

  after defeat of rising in Barcelona, 71, 110

  fusion with masses, 107, 117

  revolutionary force in Madrid, 107

  take brunt of insurgent offensive on Madrid front, 117

  Astigarrabía, Juan, 326n., 397n.

  Asturias (see also Council of Asturias), 100, 422–5

  revolution in, 238; and railways, 240–41; and mines, 242; Duro-Felguera steel works, 242; domestic consumption collectivized, 243; and bars, 243; and peasantry, 243; and small traders, 243–4; and chemists’ shops, 244n.; and fishing industry, 244; and problem of power, 244–5

  failure to organize warfare in, 245

  advance of insurgent columns, 245, 246

  lack of trained armed forces, 245; and of

  arms and ammunition, 245

  El Mazuco, 247n., 422n.

  evacuation of, 423–4

  destruction of war industries, 422, 425, 427

  Asturias, 1934 rising, 43, 59, 176n., 204, 240

  rights’ hopes after, 84, 557

  Vega del Ciego, 245

  initial successes, 554–5

  lessons of, 555 and n.

  justification of, 556–7

  Asturian mineworkers union, 69–70, 242

  and San Vicente mine, 242n., 428

  Avila, 171

  Azaila (Teruel), 134

  Azaña, Manuel, 40, 41, 60, 92n., 100, 224, 242, 274

  army reforms of, 564–6

  and ‘pulverization’ of army, 566 and n.

  forms left republican party, 41

  ‘Spain no longer Catholic’, 530

  imprisoned after October 1934, 559

  becomes president of the republic, 45

  wants to form national government, 54

  and military rising, 72

  meets left republican delegation, 73

  foresees course of war, 73

  in Mola broadcast, 114

  in Barcelona, 377n., 382n.

  posters of, 456

  war aims of, 460n.

  and officers’ training, 464n.

  resignation of, 489

  Azkue, Ramón, 191

  Azpeitia (Guipúzcoa), 189n.

  Azul (falangist), 273, 309, 310n.

  Badajoz, 92, 164, 175

  Badalona (Barcelona) (see also Collectivization, urban and agrarian), 231n.

  situation after military rising, 228

  TB sanatorium, 451

  monastery attacked, 451

  women’s demonstration in, 452

  Baena (Córdoba), 129–32

  social conflicts in, 130

  repression in, 131–2

  Balcells, A., 41n., 152n., 182n., 518n., 531n., 532n., 540n., 547n.

  Baleztena, Joaquin, 104, 169

  Baliús, Jaime, 381n.

  Barcelona, 40, 119–21, 210–13, 227–8, 284, 286–8, 287, 296, 358, 374–83, 441–3, 480–82, 549

  ‘oasis of peace’, 62, 83

  military rising in, 62–4, 65–9, 72, 106 and n., 107, 110

  Atarazanas barracks, 66, 110

  after defeat of military, 71–2

  artillery depot stormed by libertarians, 71

  revolution in, 137–46, 147, 179–87 passim, 210–13 passim; and lumpen-proletariat, 141–2

  nuns’ corpses disinterred, 152

  cost of living increases, 374, 376

  production in, 441

  and rearguard, 453

  refugees in, 454

  air raids, 441–3

  war-weariness in, 448, 480–81

  ‘political struggles sap spirit’, 480

  last call-ups, 480–81

  fall of, 481–2

  ‘a city that has sinned’, 484–5

  population of, 523; composition of population, 548n.

  Barcelona, May events:

  start of, 377

  Telephone Exchange, 377–8

  alignment of forces, 378

  and libertarian views of, 378–9, 380, 384

  Catalan nationalist view of, 379

  CNT forces in, 380

  CNT defence committees, 381

  death toll in, 382–3

  JSU view of, 385

  Barcelona, 1934 rising, 63, 176n., 535, 555

  weapons in monastery, 452

  Barrio, José del, 134

  Basque army:

  chief of staff, 397, 401

  and Oviedo, 398 and n.

  and German artillery, 404

  holds enemy for 70 days, 405

  surrender at Santoña, 410–12 passim

  and Franco, 412

  Basque country (see also Vizcaya), 120, 189–95, 206, 247n., 337, 396–405

  autonomy statute, 42; pre-war course of, 537–8; approved October 1936, 192; reactions to, 192; ‘Vaticanist Gibraltar’, 538; and army under, 396n.

  government forbids more than one directorship, 194

  and army of the north, 396 and n.

  war leadership criticized, 397, 404

  political commissars, 397n.

  and central government, 403 and n.

  Vatican cable, 403n.

  evacuation of children, 402, 437–8

  destruction of war industries, 409 and n.

  abolition of concierto económico, 409n.

  and religion, 417

  no Basque university, 537

  Basque and Catalan languages, 537n.

  statistics, 53n.

  and banking, 531

  Basque nationalism, 35, 194.

  ‘threatens unity of Spain’, 79, 173

  constituents of, 406

  ‘Basques not Spanish’, 406

  bourgeoisie does not espouse, 531

  importance of religion and, 532

  ‘lacked cultural element’, 532

  and separatism, 536

  and cultural oppression, 537

  and Basque language, 537

  in Vizcaya, Guipúzcoa, 541

  distribution of Basque-speakers, 541

  Beceite (Teruel), 288–9

  Belchite (Saragossa), 133, 480

  Berneri, Camillo, 335

  assassinated, 379

  Besnard, P., 544n.

  Besteiro, Julián, 459, 491

  attacks ‘bolshevizers’ in PSOE, 100

  ‘long-term vision’ of, 463

  in national defence
council, 499

  Bilbao, 56–7, 190, 192, 205, 385

  in military rising, 56, 72, 106

  normality in, 190, 404

  blockade of, 398, 402

  ring of iron, 402, 403, 404; and XYZ line, 404n.

  air raids, 402, 403

  fall of, 403, 404, 405

  prisoners released, 405–8

  prison massacre, 407, 414

  war industries’ destruction, 408

  and Altos Hornos, 408

  Bilbao, 1934 rising, 555

  Bizcarrondo, M., 552n.

  Bloc Obrer i Camperol (BOC), 141, 383

  Blue Division, 511, 512

  Blum, Leon, 127

  Bobie (British merchant vessel), 411

  Bolea (Huesca), 467

  Bolloten, B., 94n., 331n.

  Bourgeoisie (see also Petty bourgeoisie)

  upper class unrepresented in constituent assembly, 42

  fears Popular Front revolution, 89

  waiting for military to rise, 90

  its parliamentary representatives close ranks, 92

  frightened of rural revolution, 93

  ‘most reactionary in Europe’, 449

  lifestyle of, 524

  alliance with landed aristocracy, 525

  economic, ideological dominance threatened, 530

  Brenan, G., 41n.

  Bricall, J., 182n., 226n., 227n., 370n., 578n.

  Britain, 216, 327, 328, 375

  and republican fleet, 108n.

  Italian fears of, 127

  unilateral ban on arms sales to Spain, 127

  PCE views on, 325, 327, 329, 482–3

  POUM views, 340

  and nationalists, 409–10

  ‘indifference of’, 449

  seen as enemy by nationalists, 470n.

  Admiralty officer informs nationalists, 470n.

  agreement on Italian troops, 480n.

  ‘move only when attacked’, 483

  ‘cowardly’, 483

  recognizes Franco regime, 489

  ‘another betrayal’, 503

  evacuation of political refugees, 504–5

  British embassy, Madrid, 195, 196–7, 457

  Broué, P. and Temime, E., 45n., 231n., 331n.

  Brunete, battle of, 271, 410, 480

  Buiza, Adm. Miguel, 486

  Burgo, J. del, 102n., 124n., 317n., 573n.

  Burgos, 118, 122

  in military rising, 55–6, 72, 108–9

  population, 523

  Cabanellas, Gen. Miguel, 202

  Cabezas, J. A., 244n.

  Cáceres, 202

  in military rising, 106n.

  Cádiz, 129, 306

  in military rising, 65, 72, 106n.

  Calanda (Teruel), 133

  Calvo Sotelo, José:

  assassination of, 49, 59, 102–3, 109; effect of on rising, 574

  defends integrative state, 91

  takes over leadership of right, 92n.

  and Catalan autonomy, 533

  view of army, 569

  Cardenete (Cuenca) (see also Collectivization, agrarian):

  in rising, 580

  Carlists, 45, 100

  civil wars, 35, 36, 123, 493n.

  origin of name, 53n.

  importance of flag, 55–6

  rise to defend religion, 70, 123–4

  plan rising in Andalusia, 90

  determined to crush socialism, 102

  break with Mola, 102, 573

  minimal demands for joining rising, 102

  intransigence overcome, 104

  and agreement with Mussolini, 127, 573n.

  a ‘popular movement’, 123

  and revolution, 123–4 and n.

  and king, 124

  and clergy, 125

  and repression, 158, 165, 169; and chaplain’s reaction to, 165

  Margaritas, 310

  and Crusade, 124, 311–12

  fusion with Falange, 317; Unification decree, 317; reactions to, 319; ‘cause betrayed’, 511

  and Basque nationalism, 541

  non-members’ views: ‘reactionaries’, 319; affinities with anarcho-syndicalism, 319

  Carod, Saturnino:

  and column, 120–21, 132–4, 135, 289 and n., 351, 353, 359

  Carr, R., 35, 92n., 185n.

  Carrero Blanco, Capt. (later Adm.) Luis, 457

  Carrillo, Santiago, 297, 496, 498n.

  joins PCE, 263

  defence of democratic republic, 322

  Carrillo, Wenceslao, 498n., 500

  Cartagena (Murcia), 491

  Casado, Col. Segismundo:

  in defence of Madrid, 485

  tells Negrín resistance impossible, 485

  and end of war, 486–502 passim

  evacuation of, 504–5

  Casares Quiroga, Santiago:

  as prime minister and war minister, 53, 60, 103

  Casas Viejas (Cádiz), 92n., 546n., 552

  Caspe (Saragossa), 120, 360

  Castilblanco (Badajoz), 92n.

  Castile, New, 92

  Castile, Old, 86, 204

  Castilla Libre (libertarian), 462

  Castillo, Lt José, 76

  assassination of, 102, 103

  Castro, C. de, 515n.

  Castro del Río (Córdoba), 95, 129, 132, 134n.

  land distribution in, 96

  Castrogeriz (Burgos), 84 and n., 281–2 and n., 283

  landownership in, 282n.

  Catalan nationalism, 35

  bourgeoisie’s use as lever, 38, 531

  ‘threatens unity of Spain’, 79, 173

  ideals of, 444

  not separatist, 444, 533

  army reaction to, 534

  two class-based parties, 532

  Catalan students federation, 150, 151

  Catalonia, 120, 206

  autonomy statute, 42, 62, 530; approval of, 532–3; provisions of, 533 and n.; right-wing reaction to, 533; and liberal republicans, 533; revenues from, 533; threatened by military rising, 83, 443; army under, 396n.; and after October 1934, 558; abrogated by Franco, 479

  distribution of working population, 531n.

  statistics, 531n.

  land of small family business, 149

  needs large Spanish market, 531

  lack of finance capital, 180, 533n., 534

  advanced bourgeois democracy taking root, 536

  Basque and Catalan languages, 537n.

  central government intervention in, 383, 578

  erosion of Generalitat powers ‘saps resistance’, 448

  and Badalona sanatorium, 451, 452

  Left Front electoral victory, 83, 535

  collapse of state power, 141

  industrial production during war, 234

  unemployment in, 234 and n.

  cost of living in, 234

  wages in, 234

  production, prices and unemployment indices 1936–9, 235

  food production in, 370 and n.

  refugees in, 375

  and Aragon front, 390, 405

  refugees to France, 484

  defeat, 484; and effects of, 485

  Catholic agrarian syndicate, function of, 281

  Cattell, D., 559n., 563n.

  Cazorla, José, 297–8

  Centre Autonomista de Dependents del Comerc i de la Industria (CADCI), 540n.

  Chinese communist party, 329

  Chipiona (Cádiz), 305, 306

  Church, Catholic:

  in 19th century, 36

  and left republican mistakes, 75, 528

  persecuted by republic, 79, 421

  Basque and Navarrese clergy, 125

  in Castile, 125

  in Catalonia, 152n., 153, 444, 529

  in Basque country, 528 and n.

  ‘social function’ of, 174

  priests in Popular Front zone, 293, 300; and religion in, 446; and Catholics, 299, 526, 529

  views on hierarchy, 415

  ‘unworthy egoism’ of, 416

  bishops’ co
llective letter, 413, 415; as ‘war propaganda’, 418; approval of, 418

  Basques and hierarchy, 416–17 and n.

  Basque clergy reaction to Crusade, 417

  Castilian clergy’s attitude to rising, 417

  ideological dominance of, 525

  strength of, 526

  religion as ideological ‘cement’, 526

  clericalism ‘bane of Spain’, 527

  rights’ ‘roots in clericalism’, 80, 527

  and education, 527

  an ‘official religion’, 529

  ‘material, religious interests intertwined’, 530

  Church burning, May 1931, 43, 305–6

  impact of on right, 84, 526

  in Navarre, 124

  in Málaga, 303

  in Madrid, 421, 526, 527

  in Barcelona, 1936, 66–7, 147, 152

  and ballad, 153

  as ‘act of faith’, 153

  by militias, 132

  and Badalona monastery, 451

  Ciano, Count Galeazzo, 127, 410, 442n.

  attacks British influence, 470n.

  Ciudad Real, 117

  Claridad (left socialist), 100, 102n.

  Claudin, F., 331n., 492, 557n.

  Collectivization, agrarian:

  numbers of in Popular Front zone, 370n., 393n.

  clashes over, 373, 583

  declared legal for ‘current agricultural year’, 373, 390

  differences between libertarian and socialist experiments, 582

  in Aragon: its origins, 349; ‘spontaneous’ and ‘forced’, 349; and differences between, 366; control of production, consumption, 349, 370; and social equality, 349; ‘war effort and future model’, 350 and n.; and money, 354, 367n.; local currency, 354., 360–61; and women, 288, 257, 365, 368; number of collectives, 348, 370; agreement on small-holders, 367n.; trips, 368; re-distributive effect of, 371; voluntary, 371; localism, 371; and revolutionary war, 371 and n.; consumption, 354; rationing, 354; family wage, 354; agricultural machinery, 356; inequality of, 357; militia requisitions, 360; administrators for collectives, 362, 364, 366; and school for, 366; agro-town, 365–6; production of collectives, 370; and non-libertarian peasantry, 352, 355, 364, 367, 371, 391; realism of, 373; and views of, 353, 355–6, 360, 361, 362

  libertarian views on: limits of, 348; and voluntary, 349, 353–4; ‘economic dictatorship’, 357; assemblies, 357; education, 357; freedom, 357; people, 360; the ‘pile’, 352, 354, 362; success of, 362; problems with small-holders, 362, 364, 366, 367; accountancy in, 363; abolition of money, 352, 354, 363; ‘cantonalism’, 366; ‘pushed too far’, 371n.

  PCE views on, 347, 369–70, 391

  in Mas de las Matas: organization of, 352, 360; general village, 352; and right-wingers, 353–4; abolition of money, 352, 354; taverns, 354; libertarian youth in, 355; production of collective, 355; work conditions, 355; individualists, 355; individual plots, 356; shepherds, 356; threshing machine, 356; exchanges, 357; assemblies, 357; schools, 357; success of, 357–8; medical attention, 358, 368n.; communist sweep, 392

  in Alloza: organization of, 359–60; and terror, 360; the ‘pile’, 360, 361; private stocks, 360; work conditions, 360; ‘vices’, 361; cafés, 361; school, 361–2; opponents of, 362; threshing machine, 362; coal, 362; accountant, 362; and communist sweep, 392


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