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War in the Fringe - Chris J Pike

Page 62

by M. D. Cooper

  Ranstock swallowed and tried to suppress the swelling emotions she was experiencing from meeting her sister. “She did. She’s been…helpful in all this. I know what it is you want of me. It’s something I’ve secretly wished for…and feared.”

  “I know how unsettling it must be to realize your birthright, but I pledge Silstrand’s support,” the colonel said, glancing between Ranstock and her sister. “We won’t let you go through it alone. We’ll be there to guide and help you every step of the way. Easing Battia toward democracy won’t be a simple task. They’re not used to freedom…. They need someone they know they can trust. If you two stand together, I think that can happen,”

  Together? It shocked Ranstock, but she saw how Fen’s face beamed as they gazed at each other, and Ranstock thought it could work. She thought maybe she could learn from Fen while still taking care of the older woman.

  Then she stiffened. “My crew…the ones who tried to rescue me. They were just trying to protect my secret; it wasn’t their fault.”

  Colonel Grayson nodded and glanced at Chimin’s pro-tem governor. “I can work on Winter, but we’ll need to formalize things with Battia. The same treaty you signed as the leader of Coalesce applies.”

  It seemed reasonable. “And those robes and headdresses? I won’t have to wear them, will I?” Ranstock glanced at Fen, who wore a look of disgust.

  “I think it’d be better if we burned them,” Grayson said with an intense glint in his eye.

  Ranstock smiled. “Then I think you have yourself a deal, Colonel.”


  STELLAR DATE: 12.24.8948 (Adjusted Gregorian)

  LOCATION: Governor’s Office, Chimin-1

  REGION: Chimin Asteroid Group, Hanoi System (independent)

  Lana knocked on the door to one of the spare offices Grayson was using. “You wanted to see me?”

  Grayson looked up as she entered the room, then leaned back in his chair. “Lana, yes. Please take a seat.”

  She sat down, willing her right leg to stop bouncing nervously. She’d only received a cryptic message from Alice that Grayson had a new mission for her. Lana couldn’t help but wonder if she had done something he hadn’t liked while he was away. Was he being critical of her performance?

  “I feel like I’ve been sent to the principal’s office, I have to admit.”

  Grayson smiled. “Don’t be nervous. Unless you think you have something to be nervous about?”

  Lana thought about that. “It was hard to rein Winter in.”

  “No one can rein Winter in. You did what you could and, in the end, it worked out. No, what I wanted to talk to you about is the transfer of power on Battia and the placement of Ranstock in her new role.”

  Lana nodded. So far, what Grayson had to say didn’t sound too bad.

  “She’s nervous and hesitant, as anyone would be coming into that situation. We’ll be leaving a portion of the fleet behind until things are settled here. She’ll have the SSF’s full support, and advisors to help her transition.”

  “OK, that all sounds good.” Lana didn’t know why he was telling her any of this.

  “Ranstock trusts you. You put her at ease, even if she did shoot you. She’s put in a request that you stay behind during the transition.”

  “Me?” Lana felt faint. “Why would she want me?”

  “You’re a familiar face. Someone she can talk to. She said you’re friends. I thought if you can help ease her concerns, it’d make the transition easier. If you agree, it won’t be forever. You’d leave Battia with the SSF fleet, when the time comes.”

  Lana nodded readily, surprising herself a little. “I’ll do it. Thanks for trusting me with this.”

  Grayson smiled briefly. “I thought that might be your answer. We leave tomorrow. It’ll give you time to get your affairs in order here, in case there’s anyone you want to say goodbye to.”

  “It would be nice to see Dr. Grace before I move on. Though I guess we’ll be in the same system. Grace and I, I mean.” Lana bit her fingernail.

  “Yes, you and Grace.” Grayson cleared his throat. “Ranstock is briefing her people from the Coalesce Legion, as well. I’m hoping they’ll also move to protect Battia, once we get their affairs in order.”

  Lana nodded. “Sounds like it could work out well for Battia. I’m glad. Based on everything I’ve heard, it’s been a long time coming.”

  “Indeed. We’ll meet you tomorrow in the docking bay at oh-seven-hundred. And Lana, good job.”

  She grinned and laughed at how happy she felt, nearly skipping her way out of his office.

  * * * * *

  Lana packed her clothes and toiletries into her backpack before sending a message to Cassandra to see if she could track down Winter.

  It turned out he had retired to the governor’s quarters for the evening, so Lana pulled up its location in the residential block and headed over there. She didn’t know why she was making such a big deal about saying goodbye, or why she didn’t just ask Winter where he was.

  She guessed she just wanted to surprise him.

  After ringing the doorbell outside his apartment, she waited, combing her fingers through her short, blonde hair. When the door opened, Winter wore a shocked expression. He was casually dressed in a ribbed green tank top and a pair of cargo pants.

  “Lana, everything all right?”

  “Yeah, I just wanted to talk. Can I come in?”

  “Sure, yeah.” Winter ran a hand through his short, white hair, stepping back so she could walk inside. As she entered, she could feel his eyes checking her out, the tight pants she wore doing their job in getting his attention.

  But what am I doing? She shifted to face him. “I have my new assignment.”

  Winter crossed his arms. “Already, huh?”

  “Yeah. Ranstock’s requested I go to Battia with her…. I guess she trusts me. Wants a friend to help ease the transition. Grayson said we’ll leave tomorrow morning at oh-seven-hundred.”

  “So you’ll be staying in Hanoi a little longer, I suppose.”

  Lana nodded. “Yeah. Anyway, I just thought I’d come and say goodbye. It was nice seeing you again.”

  She paused, hoping he’d say something, but he didn’t. He only stared down at his shoes. She quelled the rush of anger she felt and ran her tongue along her teeth.

  “Well, guess that was it. See you around, maybe.”

  She breezed past Winter, but he grabbed her arm. “Why’d you really come here?”

  Lana froze, unnerved by how direct he was being. “I…to say goodbye, like I said.”

  “Maybe you thought we’d have a future. Maybe I’d kiss you. Slide you over there onto my sofa?”

  “That’s not what I wanted.”

  Isn’t it?

  Lana wasn’t even sure, but her lip trembled as he stared into her eyes. Even when he wasn’t angry, the intensity of his stare intimidated her. And for some reason, she loved how it felt.

  “Maybe I even want to.” Winter’s gaze fell to her breasts and then rose back up to her face. “But not this time. I’m sorry, kid.”

  “Kid?” Lana’s face twisted with shock and disgust. “I’m not a—”

  “You’re what? A woman now? You’re still finding your way, Lana. You’re growing. You’re coming into your own. You don’t need a guy like me pulling you back down. Even if I want to—and let’s get it straight, I do want to. Soon as you stepped off that pinnace, I wanted to.”

  “But you won’t.” Lana’s jaw twisted to the side.

  “Not this time,” Winter whispered. “Trust me, you don’t want this.”

  Lana thought she had finally proven she was strong and capable. Who the hell did Winter think he was, treating her like that? Angrily, she turned toward the door and felt a rush of hot tears stinging her eyes.

  “Good luck on your mission with Ranstock. If you need any support from Chimin—”

  “I won’t.”

  The door slid open, and Lana stormed her way
out of his apartment, never looking back.

  * * * * *

  On the docking bay, Winter studied Lana from behind as she stepped up onto the pinnace’s ramp. It was hard watching her leave, almost harder than it had been the night before, but it was for the best. Guys like him messed up girls like her. Lana, so young and impressionable, had risen above the crap General Samuel had thrown at her. Finally making a name for herself, she didn’t need him pulling her down.

  That part had at least been true.

  Ranstock and some of members of the Coalesce Legion boarded the ship next. Fen walked up the ramp, carrying a day’s supply of donuts and bacon.

  Winter stepped out from the security booth as Grayson entered the docking bay. “Yo, Gray.”

  Grayon’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Winter, come to see me off?”

  “Thought I might.” He offered Grayson his hand.

  He shook it. “It’s been…well, a pleasure. Ranstock has already pledged her support for Chimin. Regular trade, food deliveries to be made in the interim. It’ll take a few weeks at the earliest to appoint a leader for Chimin, so if you can hang on a little bit longer, see that the farming and mining operations get back on schedule….”

  Winter nodded. “Sure thing, man. If you happen to run into Kylie out there, tell her I’m going to need a damn ride soon.”

  Grayson laughed. “The SSF can always get you where you need to go. I think we’ll all be seeing the Barbaric Queen soon enough.”

  “Good.” Winter nodded.

  “Something else on your mind? You seem troubled…more than usual, but not in a homicidal sort of way.”

  “Lana,” Winter said with a huff. “Make sure she’s OK.”

  “I will. She’ll have the support of some of the very best. I wouldn’t have offered her the role if I thought she couldn’t handle it.”

  She could. Winter was sure of it. “Thanks for the heads-up yesterday.”

  Grayson nodded. “We both want what’s best for Lana. I’m sure of that.”

  So was Winter. “I ain’t it. Someday, maybe she’ll understand.” He raised his eyebrows. “Have a safe trip. Don’t get kidnapped, hijacked, or anything like that.”

  Grayson chuckled as he sprinted up the ramp to the shuttle. He turned around and gave Winter a salute. “I certainly will do my very best.”


  STELLAR DATE: 12.24.8948 (Adjusted Gregorian)

  LOCATION: Barbaric Queen, approaching FTL jump point

  REGION: Dante Velorum System, Fringe

  It was good to be back aboard the Barbaric Queen and with her crew, even if her brother would be a prisoner on her ship.

  Kylie escorted him through the umbilical. Paul’s hands were cuffed behind his back to put her mind at ease. While she didn’t think he’d hurt her, he might hurt members of her crew who were waiting on the other side of the airlock.

  The moment it cycled open, Mr. Fizzle Pop ran ahead to greet Bubbs, rubbing against her leg, but Kylie stopped and smiled at Rogers.

  “I hope the brig’s back in tip-top shape.”

  “Not even a hello first? You wound me, Cap.”

  Kylie hugged him. “It’s good to see you, too.”

  Rogers gave her a squeeze and patted her on the back. “As for your question, yes. It’s a bit hodgepodge, but Bubbs and I managed to piece it back together. Chassea actually helped with the labor. Don’t worry, we’ve been keeping her on a short leash.”

  Kylie still didn’t like the sound of it, and the frown she wore gave it away.

  “Bubbs would be dead if she hadn’t helped me get that door open. No thanks to Jacob.”

  “All right. I guess you’re forgiven then. I’ll meet up with you soon.” Kylie gave Paul a gentle push forward.

  “Dinner is in half an hour!” Rogers called after her. “Don’t be late.”

  She wouldn’t dream of it.

  Paul glanced back at her. “These are the people you replaced your family with?”

  Kylie ignored how his comment bit at her. “This is only some of them. Not that I expect you to understand.”

  She guided Paul to the brig, and Bubbs followed after, standing guard. When they arrived, Mr. Fizzle Pop resumed happily rubbing his cheeks against Bubbs’ legs, and the woman wore a big smile on her face as he did so.

  “Captain, thank you for returning my cat safely.”

  “That’s your cat?” Paul asked.

  Bubbs gave him a dark glower. “I wasn’t talking to the prisoner.”

  “Is that what I am?” Paul threw a glance to Kylie.

  “Pretty much, until we transfer you.” Kylie led him into the brig and opened a cell. “But I promised you I won’t leave you, and I meant it. I’ll stand by you no matter what the SSF decides. You won’t face their judgment alone.”

  Paul stepped into the cell and turned back around. “Or you can let me go. I’ll take the stealth ship and never be heard from again, I promise you.”

  Kylie shook her head and activated the door. “I can’t.”

  Paul studied her. “But you want to. You know it’s the right thing to do.”

  “No, Paul. It’s not. And I won’t. I’m sorry I can’t save you. This needs to happen. You need to tell the SSF everything you know, then stand for judgment. I know it won’t be easy.”

  “Easy? They’ll kill me.”

  “If you show them what you’ve shown me, the Isolation, actual remorse, give them something that will help them against Orion and their plans, they might go easy on you.”

  “You’re really willing to make that gamble? A gamble with your brother’s life?” Paul stared her down.

  Kylie didn’t waiver, she couldn’t.

  “Well,” Paul’s eyes narrowed, “I guess it’s good you have two brothers, then, isn’t it?”

  “Don’t you dare.” Kylie pointed her finger at him. “That’s not what it’s like, and you know it. You did this. You went along with Dad when you shouldn’t have. You could’ve stopped him.”

  “Kill him? Like you did?”

  “I didn’t have a choice,” Kylie’s voice rose. No good would come of this conversation, and while she knew that, she couldn’t just disengage. “Think what you want about me, but his plan was to kill billions, eventually trillions. I couldn’t look the other way.”

  She didn’t wait for his response, just did an about-face, storming out of the brig and ignoring the other prisoners. Bubbs’ good eye followed her movements, but Kylie didn’t say anything to her, either.

  She just felt like destroying something. Punching, smashing, maybe even a little bit of shooting. She turned and punched the wall.

  And, boy, it hurt.

  “You’re stronger than me,” Bubbs said quietly when she’d caught up to her. “I would’ve killed him.”

  “The thought crossed my mind, but it wouldn’t make me feel better.”

  “It would,” Bubbs argued, “for three to five seconds. A good three to five seconds.”

  Kylie smiled. “Thanks, Bubbs.”

  She nodded. “You did what you had to do, but if you wish, I’ll go in there and finish the job. Gladly.”

  Kylie shook her head, but appreciated the offer. “No, let’s leave it be. Couple days, and we’ll jump to FTL and be on our way. Might be better to have someone else bring him his meals, though.”

  “I’ll do it. I don’t mind needling the prisoners. It’s fun,” Bubbs said with a glint in her eye.

  “I do want to talk to Chassea, see what her intentions are. Have her brought to my quarters. I really don’t want to go back in there yet.”

  “Of course. And I like the blonde hair, Captain. It suits you. You almost look exactly like her.”

  Kylie’d noticed that, too.

  Mr. Fizzle Pop said.

  Kylie laughed. “Soon, I promise. Just not today.”

  Mr. Fizzle Pop’s face turned down.

  “You promised him pizza?” Bubbs shook her head. “What a
m I going to do with you, Mr. Fizzle Pop?”


  * * * * *

  Kylie sat in her quarters and poured two shots of whiskey. Ricket sat beside her, and they each picked up a glass. With a clink, they downed their share of the golden-brown liquid.

  “I could use another. Not sure about you,” Ricket said.

  “I don’t think there’s enough whiskey on this ship right now to suit my needs,” Kylie said as she poured another round.

  “We did it. You made it through. Facing all those personal demons. How’s it feel?”

  “Like shit,” Kylie admitted as she downed her shot, “but the worst is over—for now. I don’t know how I’ll handle it.”

  “Like you always do.” Ricket smiled as she crossed her legs. “A little bit of reckless shooting here, a little drinking there…but you’ll pull it together when it really matters. You’ll endure your brother’s trial. You’ll be there for him, no matter how much it hurts. You’re top-notch, Kylie. I mean it.”

  Kylie appreciated Ricket’s words and gave her a wink. “Thanks. You really think I’m reckless?”

  Ricket burst out laughing, and Kylie wasn’t sure if she should be offended or not. She let it go.

  “The meds and your nano handling your radiation poisoning OK?”

  “So far, yes. I should be cleared up in a few days.”

  A knock sounded at the door, and Ricket rose to her feet.

  Kylie gave her an admonishing look. “Tell Rogers that I’ll be a few minutes late to dinner and not to eat all the crispy potatoes before I get there.”

  Ricket stood. “I’ll make sure he’s a good boy, don’t worry.” She gave Kylie a wink.

  Kylie shuddered. She didn’t want to think about the things they would be doing to celebrate.

  The door opened, and Bubbs and Chassea stepped in while Ricket stepped out.

  “As ordered,” Bubbs said and pushed Chassea down into a chair.

  Kylie cringed a little bit on the inside, but Bubbs was Bubbs. “Thanks. I’ll handle her, you can head to dinner. Just a quick chat, girl to girl.”


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