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War in the Fringe - Chris J Pike

Page 63

by M. D. Cooper

  Bubbs gave Chassea a final glance, and, for her part, the smuggler stared straight ahead at Kylie and nowhere else. When Bubbs left, Kylie offered Chassea a drink.

  “Please,” Chassea said, but didn’t relax, sitting ramrod straight in her chair.

  “Rogers said I have you to thank for getting everyone out of the brig and saving Bubbs’ life.” Kylie poured whiskey into a clean shot glass and slid it over. She studied Chassea as the woman picked up her drink.

  “Not that she’s grateful,” Chassea said.

  “But I am, so thanks.”

  “Sure.” She tossed back the whiskey and grimaced. “Oh God, that stuff is horrible.” She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

  Kylie paused at hearing the reference to God. “Funny. Most people don’t reference him anymore…God. Are you a true believer in the Revolution?”

  Chassea tensed, swiveling her knees side to side.

  Marge commented.

  “Like I told Rogers. I do what I’m told to get paid. That’s all. My services are for sale.”

  Kylie crossed her legs and relaxed, but she didn’t take her eyes off the prisoner. “I can understand that. I was a salvager for a long time. I stole ships, usually damaged, and hauled them in for money. But when I got caught, I had to pay the price.”

  “Just like I’m going to have to, right?”

  Kylie nodded. “You’ll be coming with us to Silstrand. You’ll pay for what you did to those AIs—it’s a capital offense, I’m sure you know that.”

  “Yeah.” Chassea slid the shot glass back onto the table. “I was hoping maybe I’d earned enough credit with Rogers that maybe you’d let me go. I helped rebuild the brig. I saved Bubbs. Rogers gave me access to tools that I could’ve used to kill him and take the ship for myself. I didn’t.”

  Kylie was really going to need to talk to Rogers about that.

  Kylie rose from her seat. “You heard me speak to my brother. You know how I feel about it. If I won’t let my own brother go, what makes you think I’ll go easy on you?”

  “I made a mistake.” Chassea stood and approached Kylie. “I want to go straight. You think I want to live like this forever? Unless you have my freighter in your back pocket, my livelihood is gone. I’m just looking for a second chance.”

  “You can tell it to the officials when we get to the SSF. It’s not that I don’t believe in second chances, I do. But I have an AI, and this matter is important to her, which means it’s important to me.”

  Marge sent a warm feeling of appreciation to Kylie.

  Chassea’s eyes contracted, and her nostrils flared, as though Kylie’s words offended her.

  “You are a true believer!” Kylie reached for her weapon as Chassea charged her, a thin metal rod dropping from the woman’s sleeve to her hand. Kylie caught Chassea’s wrist before the sharpened point hit the flow armor she wore.

  Marge said.

  Kylie pushed Chassea back. Twisting her arm and spinning her around, she forced the woman against a row of shelves. The smuggler threw her head back and smashed it into Kylie’s nose. Kylie pushed harder and grabbed Chassea by the throat, then knocked her weapon away.

  Suddenly, Chassea swung her other arm around, and Kylie didn’t see the blade extend from the woman’s skin until the silver metal tip hit the soft tissue beneath her jaw and drove clean through, up into the roof of her mouth.

  Marge called out in panic.

  Chassea dropped Kylie, and though the pain blinded her, Kylie grabbed at the woman’s ankle, only to lose it as the door opened, and the smuggler ran out.

  Marge called as Kylie rolled over onto her knees, the metal rod still impaling her mouth.

  She was surprised at the amount of blood filling her mouth, and then surprised that she was worried about that.

  Marge said.

  Kylie nodded mutely and grasped the rod, pulling it out in one quick movement.

  She spat out a mouthful of blood.


  STELLAR DATE: 12.24.8948 (Adjusted Gregorian)

  LOCATION: Barbaric Queen, approaching FTL jump point

  REGION: Dante Velorum System, Fringe

  Rogers had prepared a meal of steaks, crispy potatoes, a berry cobbler for dessert with warm caramel sauce, and had cracked open a new keg of beer. All he needed now was people. He sighed as he took in the sight of the spread laid out on the table.

  “It’s going to get cold,” he muttered to himself. Does no one have any common decency anymore? He plucked out a toasted potato and popped it into his mouth. Yum, hot, salty, and spicy. The others didn’t know what they were missing.

  Ricket strolled into the galley. “We’re ready to eat!”

  Rogers’ heart pounded to see her again. Happily, he placed his hands on her waist and brought her in close. “At least you showed up.”

  “At least?” Ricket’s eyebrows raised to the ceiling. She locked her wrists behind Rogers’ neck.

  “At least I came to rescue you,” Rogers said with a lopsided grin.

  “Oh, yes, you did do that. My knight in shining armor.”

  “What’s a knight in shining armor?” Rogers smirked.

  “You are. Shut up already and kiss me.”

  Rogers complied.

  Bubbs sighed from the doorway. “That’s disgusting. You shouldn’t do that where people might see you. Plus, you’re standing right next to my dinner.”

  Rogers glanced up, ready to issue a mean retort, but his vision flashed, and his head raced with pain. “Oh…the brig.” Shit, here we go again. He saw an image of a cell, Paul sat in it, and then there was the sound of footsteps.

  “What’s the matter?” Ricket asked, resting her hands on his back.

  Marge said.

  “I’ll head to the brig,” Bubbs said.

  “I’ll head to the stealth ship’s airlock,” Ricket said.

  “Be careful,” Rogers called out. A moment later, smoke poured into the galley through the vents. Rogers coughed and covered his face with his arm as they made a dash toward the doors only to have them slam shut.

  Dammit! Rogers slammed his palm on the door panel. “Locked!”



  Rogers asked dryly.


  “That smoke is making it hard to breathe,” Ricket said with a cough. “It’s….” She put a hand on her throat as she wheezed.

  Laura said.

  Rogers said. He took Ricket by the shoulder and helped her sit down where the smoke was thinner. Then he handed her a dish towel. “You hang in there, you hear me?”

  Ricket nodded, her chest expanding as she took a breath. “Well, don’t I feel foolish. A Hand operative, taken out by smoke.”

  “You’re not going to get taken out. You’re going to be fine.” Rogers stroked her cheek and hoped his words were true.

  “Mr. Fizzle Pop, no!” Bubbs called out. “He’s gone up into the maintenance tubes. He’s going to shut the vents.”

  “Who knew he could be so brave?” Ricket said, closing her eyes and laying her head back.

  Mr. Fizzle Pop sighed and sent over multiple images of cats looking heroic.

  Rogers’ eyes bugged. “You guys gave him Link access?”

  Ricket shrugged then coughed and looked away. “It seemed a good idea at the time.”

  Moments later, th
e doors slid open, and everyone rushed out into the passageway. Bubbs ran off toward the brig, while Rogers helped Ricket through the door. She rested against the wall, but the sight of color flowing back into her face filled Rogers with great relief.

  He stroked her cheek. “Easy, easy….”

  Aware that time was crucial, and now that Ricket appeared to be recovering, Rogers grabbed the weapon on his hip. “I’m going to head to the stealth ship. You stay here. Get your strength back.”

  Ricket shook her head. “I should go with you.”

  “In a minute. You need your strength back if you’re going to fight.” Rogers dropped a quick kiss on Ricket’s cheek.

  For a moment, Ricket grabbed his collar and pulled him close. “You be careful.”

  He grinned. “Have you ever known me not to be?”

  * * * * *

  Chassea entered the brig as the alarms went off. Jacob rose to his feet. “I didn’t think you’d ever get here.”

  “I told you it’d all work out, didn’t I? Good work on your part. The both of you, be ready to move.”

  Elizabeth’s eyes widened. “I don’t know about this, Chassea. They fought to save me and Jacob, didn’t they? Maybe we shouldn’t.”

  Jacob snickered. “Don’t be such a sap. You think they wouldn’t kill us if they had to?”

  “Maybe we shouldn’t make them have to,” Elizabeth said. “Maybe it’s time we try something else.”

  Chassea ignored her and went to Paul’s cell. He sat like a crumbled mess on his cot in a way she had never seen him before. “We have to move. The smoke won’t hold them long.”

  With sad eyes, he glanced up at her, but remained on his cot.

  “Dad, we have to get to your ship.”

  Paul rose to his feet. “Soon as I saw you aboard, I knew you must have a plan.”

  “This isn’t how I wanted things to go. Unfortunately, Aunt Kylie didn’t see things my way.” Chassea slid the door aside so Paul could walk through.

  “She never does,” Paul said sadly.

  Chassea let Jacob and Elizabeth out of their cells. “Don’t let me down. You know what we need to do and what we must be prepared for.”

  “Long live the Revolution!” Jacob and Elizabeth said in unison, but Chassea didn’t hear the enthusiasm in Elizabeth’s voice. Not anymore.

  Not since her friendship with Bubbs.

  What a fool that woman is.

  “For death or for victory!” Chassea said and thrust her fist into the air.


  STELLAR DATE: 12.24.8948 (Adjusted Gregorian)

  LOCATION: Barbaric Queen, approaching FTL jump point

  REGION: Dante Velorum System, Fringe

  Rogers left Ricket and ran down the corridor that led to the starboard midships airlock. His HUD showed him that the prisoners had left the brig, and were moving toward the Isolation.

  If they got onboard, they would disappear, possibly forever, and then everything they had been through…it would all be for nothing.

  Rogers said.

  Laura answered.

  Up ahead, Rogers spotted the group and fired a warning shot. What he wouldn’t give to have Winter there right then to provide backup.

  Jacob stayed behind and faced Rogers while the others kept going. As long as Rogers could keep their master hacker and explosive guy busy, it might buy Kylie and the others some time.

  Rogers trained his weapon on Jacob. “You’d better think twice before trying anything. We’re not letting any of you off this ship. I will drop you.”

  Jacob smiled like something amused him. “Will you?”

  He pulled a silver ball out of his pocket and rolled it around in his hands. Three panels opened, and a bright light glowed from inside.

  Suddenly, a sonic blast washed over Rogers, dropping him to his knees. He cringed as his vision began to phase in and out, and nonsensical visions assaulted him. He didn’t know where they came from, but he didn’t want to see any of them come true.

  Flashes of Kylie dying at the hands of her brother.

  Ricket lying in a pool of blood, dead at Chassea’s hand.

  Bubbs’ good arm being torn from her body.

  Waves and waves of possible choices and visions bore down on Rogers, until his hands slammed onto the deck as he tried to keep himself from face-planting.

  Jacob stood over him, aiming Rogers’ own gun at his head. “Say goodnight, freak.”

  Rogers screamed and shook his head, unable to take the assault on his senses. Just when he finally gave in and fell down onto the floor, a strange, meow-like screech broke through the painful barrier of his mind.

  A moment later, a grate opened up in the ceiling, and Mr. Fizzle Pop jumped out, legs splayed like a flying squirrel as he landed on Jacob’s head. The cat hissed and spat as he swiped his claws and teeth in and on and across the man’s face, tearing into his skin.

  Jacob spun in a tight circle, dropping Rogers’ gun and the sonic emitter as he tried to tear the cat free.

  Rogers first grabbed the sonic weapon and clamped a hand around it to fold the panels back in. Then he grabbed the weapon and fired a few shots at Jacob’s dancing legs.

  One round hit, and the man screamed as he fell, Mr. Fizzle Pop jumping free to land a few meters away.

  “Thanks, pal,” Rogers said to the cat.


  “No, Fizz.” Rogers grunted as he stood on shaky legs and aimed at the man’s head. He thought about it for a second, and then fired, putting a hole right between the man’s eyes.

  “Even you can’t come back from that,” Rogers said and watched with satisfaction as Jacob slumped back, blood oozing from the hole.

  Holstering his weapon, Rogers staggered down the hall toward the airlock. “Kylie, Bubbs, I’m about to join you!”

  He turned the corner and ran right into Chassea, who drove a knife into his gut. Rogers groaned, feeling the warm, burning sensation first before the pain.

  He gasped as Chassea turned the blade, her face set with victory.

  “Sorry to disappoint,” she pouted and placed a kiss on his cheek. “Turns out I’m not as nice as you thought I was.”

  She pulled the silver-tipped blade back inside her arm, and the weapon disappeared as if it was nothing more than an extra appendage beneath her skin.

  Rogers fell to his knees gripping his stomach. He wondered if it would be him dying in a pool of his own blood instead of Ricket.

  “Night night.” Chassea waved with her fingers as Rogers gripped the wall to keep from falling over, but he could feel consciousness slipping from him.

  “No!” he heard Ricket scream before everything faded to black.

  * * * * *

  Elizabeth said to Chassea.

  Chassea backed up as Ricket came at her.

  The woman wielded two daggers. The way she spun them in her hands, Chassea was pretty sure she knew how to use them.


  Elizabeth said.

  Chassea confirmed silently as she jumped back and arched her back to avoid getting slashed in the gut by Ricket. The way her face was set with anger, lips twisted in a snarl, made Chassea suspect that Rogers had meant something to the woman.

  “Aww, did I hurt your boyfriend?” she asked innocently, blinking her long eyelashes.

  Ricket only slashed at her again, and Chassea deflected the attack with a block from her own blade. Ricket stumbled and caught herself. She seemed a bit dazed, which Chassea suspected was from the smoke.

  Chassea feinted again, and when Ricket moved to block, she sent a roundhouse kick into the side of the woma
n’s left knee, buckling it and dropping her to the deck.

  “Too bad. I thought you’d be harder to kill.” Chassea slammed her wrists into the side of Ricket’s head, knocking her down even as she struggled to rise.

  “Too bad you’re not as smart as your aunt,” Ricket whispered as she knelt down to finish off her opponent. “Yeah, I figured it out. Seems like there’s only one good Rhoads in the bunch.”

  “You think you’re so smart, but you’re just Kylie’s sidekick,” Chassea retorted with a cruel grin that suddenly faded as a warm feeling spread across her stomach, and she glanced down, surprised to see the hilt of Ricket’s knife sticking out of her abdomen.

  “But I don’t have to be as smart as her,” Ricket said through clenched teeth. “Just smarter than you.” She drew the blade free and stabbed again, this time up under Chassea’s ribs, puncturing her heart.

  Chassea let out a gurgling scream and then fell to the deck, her last action turning her head to look into Ricket’s eyes, as the other woman collapsed as well, chest heaving while she struggled to catch her breath.

  * * * * *

  Marge said.

  Bubbs asked.


  Bubbs said tonelessly as she followed the movements of the red blinking light.

  It brought her down a cross corridor, and she figured out where Elizabeth was going. She was headed back to the brig, probably going to pretend she had never escaped in the first place. Plead her innocence.

  Bubbs wouldn’t buy that again.

  She took a shortcut to block an entrance to the brig, and Elizabeth froze in her tracks when she saw her.

  “Going somewhere?”

  Elizabeth stuttered and raised her hands slightly. “Please….”

  Bubbs took another step forward. “I thought we had become something.”

  Not only that, but Bubbs had thought maybe they could be more. She felt like they were. She’d felt something between them and hadn’t even imagined that it had been manufactured.


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