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War in the Fringe - Chris J Pike

Page 64

by M. D. Cooper

  Clearly, she had been wrong.

  Elizabeth’s expression grew soft, and she set her weapon on the deck. “We are something special. We are…I feel it too, Bubbs. I do.”

  “You have a funny way of showing it.” Bubbs took three steps forward and lifted her gun arm. “My captain is hurt, my friends are scattered. I know what you and Chassea have planned. You won’t be getting Paul off this ship. We’ll die before that happens.”

  “Chassea…the Revolution…I didn’t have a choice. You know what it’s like when you run with a crew.”

  “We always have a choice.” Bubbs drew her lips into a thin line, struggling now with her own choices. “You said you were a doctor. You said you didn’t like to hurt people.”

  Elizabeth raised her arms and looked between Bubbs and her gun-arm. “I was and I don’t. I give up, OK? I’ll stay with you. I’ll stay with your crew. I’ll do anything you want me to, please, just lower your gun.”

  Bubbs seethed with rage and didn’t lower her gun arm. “You treated me like I was normal. You acted like this didn’t bother you.” Bubbs nodded toward her gun arm. “You made me feel like a regular woman again.”

  And for that, Bubbs would never forgive her.

  “It doesn’t bother me. I swear!” Tears shone in Elizabeth’s eyes. “Please just stop aiming it at me. Lock me up, do whatever you have to, but I surrender. I give up.”

  “Like we locked you up the last time? I made sure you were OK. We made love. I thought maybe we might make a future when the captain returned. Look at how you repay us.”

  Bubbs’ nose flared, and she spun her scope eye to line up the shot.

  “No, Bubbs,” Elizabeth cried and held up her hands.

  “I put my captain, my crew in danger for you. I cannot forgive you. I can’t trust you, Liz.”

  Elizabeth’s mouth opened, but Bubbs didn’t give her a chance to respond.

  She fired a projectile round from her GNR, and when Elizabeth’s body fell backward, Bubbs stepped forward and fired again—just to be sure.

  Bubbs had tears running down her face. She didn’t remember the last time killing someone had caused so much physical pain within herself. She lowered her gun arm and wiped her face clear with her hand.

  “I hate you,” she whispered, “for making me do that. For making me feel. I hate you!”

  She sobbed for the first time in a long time, her chest welling with so much pain, Bubbs didn’t know if it’d crack or if she’d survive. She had liked who she was with Elizabeth. She’d begun to like herself enough to even consider using her real name again.

  Never again. Never. Not even if she survived this pain.

  I wanted to be a whole person. She was beginning to make me whole again.

  It had been so long, Bubbs forgot how bad it could feel. She needed distance. Space.


  She glanced down and laughed with a sob, seeing her favorite cat stare up at her. “No, I’m not, but I will be, Mr. Fizzle Pop.” She bent over and stroked his head, and the sound of his soft purr pieced a small part of her soul back together.


  “Later. First, let’s go make sure everyone else is OK.”

  Bubbs sprinted away, and Mr. Fizzle Pop ran after her, trailing only slightly behind.

  * * * * *

  Kylie was racing down the corridor toward the midships airlock. The throbbing, slicing pain in her mouth that had split her tongue apart was down to a soft throb, thanks to her nano and copious amounts of adrenaline, but even that would only bring her so far.

  Marge said.

  Kylie saw that the inner airlock door had been opened, and she bolted through until she was in the umbilical. She spotted Paul rushing through the short tunnel and, since she couldn’t speak out loud, she fired a warning shot at him.


  Marge sent a thumbs-up across the Link.

  Kylie continued her advance and watched as Paul reached the other side of the umbilical, and found he couldn’t open the door. He slammed his hand into the access panel twice before turning around. He leaned against the hull, a look of intense fear on his face.

  “I didn’t ask them to break me out. I didn’t ask for Chassea to do what she did to you or your crew. I’m sorry, Kylie.”

  Kylie broadcast her words to the audible systems in the airlock behind her as she raised her weapon.

  Paul’s eyes widened. “You wouldn’t. You’re really going to kill me?”

  Kylie shot him in the leg and then the side, taking moderate care to miss all major organs.

  Paul cried out as he gripped his side and slid down onto the gantry. “Kylie….”

  She ignored him. she announced to the crew.

  Bubbs said.

  Ricket said, and the sound of her voice…well, it terrified Kylie.

  Bubbs hurried into the umbilical, heading toward Paul. “I’ve got him, Captain, if you want to hurry to the medbay.”

  Stars, how bad is Rogers?

  Kylie nodded and struggled to turn around, holding onto the wall. The pain in her jaw was getting worse.

  Bubbs gave her an appreciative nod. “Kickass, Captain. That’ll make a nice scar.”

  She touched her jaw and then winced from the pain, but she paid it no mind. She was only worried about Rogers.


  STELLAR DATE: 12.27.8948 (Adjusted Gregorian)

  LOCATION: The People’s Palace, Banglad, Battia

  REGION: Hanoi System, Silstrand Alliance

  Ranstock pulled the collar of her jacket up around her neck. A simple blue jacket, white pants, and a conservative necklace completed her look. Her blonde hair was done up in a braided twist around the base of her head, a look that softened her appearance quite a bit. Still, she didn’t feel right about this.

  The job, the palace, everything felt out of place.

  Lieutenant Lew said,


  She wondered if he’d come, then chastised herself. Of course he will.

  Drawing herself up, she left her private quarters and walked into her suite’s main room. Lana stood at the window, hands folded in front of her as she stared off at something in the distance.

  Ranstock walked toward her, but paused and studied herself in a full-length mirror, wondering if she was striking the right look.

  “Empress,” Lana said as she turned and handed her a golden staff with a gleaming emerald in the center.

  “Stars, Lana. Please call me Ranstock. If you don’t, I think I might lose it.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m only here to help.” Lana’s tone was serious, but her eyes glinted with mischief.

  “And I thank you for that.” Ranstock touched the staff but then changed her mind. She shook her head. “Put that thing away, along with the throne. I have no intention of using anything that Empress Mei touched. I want it all burned.”

  “I don’t think you can burn something like this.” Lana chuckled. “Well, I guess if the fire is hot enough. But really, you need to give the people of Battia something that is familiar to them. You don’t want to scare them. They have so much change to accept already.”

  Ranstock twisted her lips and scowled. “I suppose you’re right. I shouldn’t let my contempt for Mei sour me on how I respond
to everything.”

  A bell chimed, and Lana raced to the door to answer it. Grayson and Maureen entered, along with Ranstock’s new advisors, who had come with Silstrand’s fleet. Ranstock left her place in front of the mirror to greet them.

  Grayson gave a curt bow and then shook her hand. “Empress, we just want to wish you luck. You have our support.”

  “But you’re leaving, aren’t you?”

  He nodded. “Silstrand calls. I’ll spend a while here yet, a week at most, but then I must get back. The fleet will remain longer, though. You’re a part of the alliance, now. Silstrand will make sure your transition is as easy as possible.”

  “Thank you for all that you’ve done. I can’t express it enough, but I think we’ll be all right here.” Ranstock smiled at Lana, who smiled back.

  “We leave you in Lana’s capable hands. I’ll see you around. Good luck with your speech.” Grayson nodded and headed back out the way he came in.

  “He’s a force to be reckoned with,” Ranstock said.

  Maureen smiled. “That he is. The SSF is lucky to have him, whether they know it or not.”

  Ranstock raised an eyebrow and cast a weary glance at Lana. “I guess it’s time, then.”

  She took a deep breath and stepped up the three stairs to the balcony. The door was closed, and now two of her security guards opened it for her. With her staff in hand, Ranstock stepped outside to address her people.

  When she peered down, a gust of wind took her breath away. She was awestruck to see how many had gathered where the gates in the golden wall had once been, and humbled as she heard their chants and calls to see the empress.

  She paused and glanced back at Lana, who only nodded.

  Ranstock held in her sigh and returned to face the crowd. “People of Battia, my people. It’s time for us to forget the tyranny of Empress Mei Maji and forge a new future together. One where we prosper, where we don’t fear technology, but rather use it to better ourselves and our culture. We must forget fear and terror, and move forward with hope. There’s so much that we need to undo and so much you must be taught, but we can do it one step at a time.”

  She slammed the edge of the staff down into the stone balcony twice, the noise carrying through the crowd. “The first step to leaving behind the past is to forget the old ways. I will start with the melting of this staff, followed by the golden throne, and eventually this very palace will be gone to show you that our situation is the same. What happens to you, happens to me. May history never forget what Empress Mei has done, and may we also ensure we never repeat her mistakes.”

  Ranstock took a deep breath, and when her people clapped, when they began to shout with excitement, she held her arm up high into the air.

  Their calls of joy and excitement climbed only higher.

  Ranstock ordered, and a moment later, blue, red, green, and purple fireworks burst over the capital for the first time in over one thousand years.


  STELLAR DATE: 12.25.8948 (Adjusted Gregorian)

  LOCATION: Barbaric Queen, approaching FTL jump point

  REGION: Dante Velorum System, Fringe

  “If this keeps up, we’re going to need a bigger medbay.”

  Rogers opened his eyes and glanced over at Ricket with a smile. He stretched his hand out to her. She took it and gingerly hopped up beside him on his cot. “You guys didn’t manage to eat that dinner yet, did you?”

  “Eat without the cook?” Ricket’s smile fell. “We did, and it was delicious.”

  “You ate without me? I can’t believe the betrayal!”

  “Well, it was sitting right there, getting cold, and you were unconscious. It was nervous eating. None of us enjoyed it all.”

  Mr. Fizzle Pop said.

  “Besides him, no one enjoyed it. Especially Kylie. Let’s be honest, we’re lucky it didn’t fall out of the hole beneath her jaw.”

  Rogers laughed and then grimaced. Then laughed again. “Ow, it hurts.”

  “I should go, let you get some rest. I just wanted to see you.” Ricket started to rise, but Rogers held her in place.

  “And have you walk out again? Look what happened the last two times. A nuclear blast, and a knife right up the back.”

  “Those are pretty bad odds.” Ricket snuggled down and planted a kiss on his lips. “I guess I’d better stay.”

  “For how long? Soon, we’ll jump to FTL and head home to Silstrand space. What’s going to happen then?”

  Ricket bit her lip, looking unsure. “How about we worry about that tomorrow and just enjoy today?”

  Rogers wanted to argue, hash it out, but Ricket kissed him passionately and everything else faded away.

  * * * * *

  Kylie said as she sat up in her cabin’s bed. Her tongue had been pieced back together, but she wasn’t ready to talk out loud quite yet. The damn thing still felt as tender as an open wound.

  Bubbs said.

  Kylie knew Bubbs was taking something hard, and just wished the woman would talk to her about it.

  Bubbs said and cut the communication.

  Kylie sighed and settled back against her pillows. Everyone handled disappointment and trauma differently, she knew that. She just wished she could reach Bubbs.

  Absently, she stroked Mr. Fizzle Pop, who sat beside her, but he was restless and wouldn’t stay still for very long.


  He glanced up at her with wide and sad yellow eyes. “NO. TOOK OFF MY TRACKER. BUBBS GONE FOR GOOD. SHE’S GONE.”

  Kylie didn’t believe that. Bubbs wouldn’t just leave them, but Mr. Fizzle Pop believed it. He meowed and roared, crying the best a selfish furball could. She scooped him up and held him close, feeling just as uncertain about the future as always.


  Could it be true? Kylie wished Bubbs would just talk to her.

  Absently, she stroked Mr. Fizzle Pop’s furry head.

  Mr. Fizzle Pop pouted and swatted her with his tail.



  That sounded more like the cat Kylie loved.

  She rose from her bed and walked out into the corridor. Mr. Fizzle Pop trotted by her side as though he had always been there. It felt good to get moving. Now that she was a brunette again, she felt like things were getting back to normal.

  Marge said.


  Marge sighed.



  Kylie said simply.

  Kylie stepped onto the bridge and saw Ricket standing with her arms crossed by the pilot’s seat, as Rogers readied the ship for the transition into the dark layer and their long journey home to Silstrand. Kylie never imagined that she’d miss the place, but she did. After everything they had been through, she almost even missed Maverick.


  He had been simple enough, and she had always known what to expect. Her mission to capture Paul had been far harder than she’d ever imagined it would be.


  Ricket groaned. “Cat on the bridge.”

  Rogers tilted his head back to gaze at Kylie. “Cap on the bridge.”

  Kylie smiled and patted his forehead.

  “I’m sorry, Captain,” Ricket said. “But I’m glad we’re all right. Glad we’re still together.”

  Kylie said with a rueful expression.

  Mr. Fizzle Pop said, curling around Ricket’s legs.

  “Until then, I guess you’re stuck with us.” Ricket pulled some cat treats out of her pocket and placed them on the floor for him.


  “Hey, eat with your link closed!” Rogers chastised.

  Kylie said with a smile.

  “Tell me about it. I think he saved my life.” Rogers shook his head.

  Kylie nodded. Their lives had gone from strange to bizarre these past few months.

  “Well,” Ricket said, stretching her arms overhead and then placing one on the back of Rogers’ seat. “I guess I owe Fizz a big platter of beef jerky, because there’s no way I’m leaving any of you just yet.”

  Mr. Fizzle Pop glanced up. “LOVE JERKY.”

  Rogers grinned at Ricket, and Kylie felt like a third wheel in the best possible way. Having someone you cared about always made things feel a little better—even if it did complicate things.


  At the bridge’s exit, Kylie turned and gazed at her crew, or rather, those present and accounted for. Her heart felt light, and she smiled at the tenderness between them, wanting nothing more than this simple comradery as they simply stood and talked.


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