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Made By Design (Blood Bound Series Book 2)

Page 12

by J. L. Myers


  Now in Australia, the cab passed by the Portside Wharf in Brisbane with its strip of boutique shops to pull around the bend at a huge shed-like building. Despite the jet lag radiating through my body, excitement streamed through me as I jumped out. The humid heat of summer hit me. I sucked in a lungful, trying not to cough at the heavy dampness of it. Even with my thick vampire skin, sticky moisture began to bead across my face and back. Appreciating how human this made me feel, I took in my surroundings while Ty removed our suitcases from the trunk. Beyond the huge building was the water where the massive cruise liner waited. People buzzed everywhere, the smell of salty sweat and blood mixing in the air as they dumped their luggage at the open roller doors. My stomach grumbled. I hadn’t drunk any blood in over twenty-four hours. Still, I wasn’t about to let that bother me. Not yet.

  I grabbed my suitcase then caught Ty’s hand as he paid the cabbie. “This is really happening!” I said, dragging him toward the bag drop.

  Ty smiled, hauling his suitcase alongside as if it weighed nothing. “I know.” He peered over the frame of his Oakleys, his golden irises rimmed with dark circles. “I keep wanting to pinch myself.”

  We checked our luggage and headed inside through the glass doors. The place was packed with people, all lining up to get their boarding passes. And there it was again. The heady smell of human blood. I groaned inwardly, gums prickling as I struggled to hold back my fangs.

  Ty squeezed my hand, frowning. “You okay?”

  I didn’t want to tell him why my face looked so pinched. Unfortunately after agreeing to drink from him, being discreet on the whole blood thing wasn’t going to work. “I’m a bit…” I lowered my voice. “Thirsty.”

  Ty shot a glance over the heads of people to the male and female restrooms. “We can, you know, fix that issue now…”

  Horrified at doing something as intimate as drinking from Ty in a public restroom, I shook my head. “Oh, no. It’s not that urgent. And I’d rather not… Never mind. It can wait.”

  Ty shrugged and curled an arm around my waist. “If you say so.”

  Thirty torturous minutes later we finally reached the front of the line. I shoved our itinerary and passports into the woman’s hands and tapped the counter. With Ty’s hunting travels and my mom’s tendency to prepare for the unexpected, we’d both already had our passports. The woman ran her fingers along the computer keyboard and frowned. “That’s strange,” she said, her accent Aussie. “Your booking states that you’re both eighteen, but your passports don’t.” She lifted a brow at Ty. “Yours makes you seventeen.” Then her brown eyes slid to me. “Yours, sixteen.”

  “Oh, it must be a clerical error,” I said, wondering why Marcus would have used the wrong dates.

  The woman glanced over the itineraries. “Well, if that’s the case I will need to speak with my supervisor.”

  Over the collective noise of everyone else talking inside the huge shed Ty asked, “And why is that?”

  “Being under eighteen makes you both minors,” she said, eying him then me. “All minors must be accompanied by an adult on board.”

  The woman began to rise from her seat behind the counter, and it seemed like time had literally slowed to snail speed. Her hand rose in slow motion in the direction of an older man assisting another teller further down. Then her lips began to part. Shit! She was about to call him over. About to bring the guillotine down on this whole dream vacation with the guy I loved. After everything I’d done to get here, I couldn’t let that happen. Plus I was starving, and if I couldn’t be alone with Ty soon I was going to lose it.

  My hand shot over the counter, catching her rising arm. The woman looked to me, startled. “We are eighteen.” All the desperation I felt to make her believe streamed from my eyes and into hers. “Our passports match the booking details. Look again and you’ll see it.”

  Still pleading with my eyes, I released the woman’s wrist. The red press of my firm grip was painted across her arm and I cringed. The one other time I’d successfully compelled someone was back in Anchorage when I almost killed the school quarterback. I didn’t like my odds. But at the same time, that desperation of needing something was there, so maybe I had a chance.

  The woman reopened both our passports and frowned. “Oh dear, my mistake. Yes, you are right.”

  When her fingers slipped across the keyboard my insides felt like they were doing backflips. A few minutes later the woman gave back our passports and booking itinerary. “These are your cruise cards,” she said holding up two plastic cards. “You’ll need them to access your cabin and to purchase anything on board. Crediting the cards can be done here or after boarding.”

  After handing over some cash, the woman gave us our cruise cards. “Being eighteen, your cards are blue. So when buying alcohol or smokes you simply have to present this card to prove your age.”

  Ty’s brows lifted, gaze shifting from his card to the woman. “Eighteen-year-olds can drink?”

  The woman smiled. “Unlike the United States, our drinking age is eighteen. Enjoy.”


  “You’re amazing,” Ty said as we rushed up a set of stairs to a corridor, heading for the cruise ship. “You compelled her!”

  “I can’t believe it worked.” With Ty’s hand fastened in mine I didn’t want to look back or slow down. “Let’s just get on board. I don’t know how well that’s gonna hold.”

  As we rounded a corner we almost ran into four red-faced and sweaty men carting two fridge-sized crates between them. The crates were big enough to fit a body and were covered in colorful courier and airline stickers. We darted around and kept running. “Sorry,” I called back.

  Another bend later and we had to slow. We were a few steps from embarking, but a man with a high-tech camera prompted us to wait. “You must take a boarding photo.”

  Not hearing any shouting about the minors who’d somehow tricked their way through check-in behind us, I nodded. “I think we’re safe.” Besides, I wanted a photo of Ty and me. In all our rocky time together, we’d never had the opportunity.

  We stood on the marked spot with a welcome aboard screen behind us. Ty wrapped me in his warm arms and pulled me so close that the amulet pressed between our chests. His lips brushed mine and the camera clicked.

  “Any pictures taken will be available on the promenade deck at the photo gallery for purchase.” The photographer waved. “Enjoy your cruise.”

  Once on board we were like kids in a candy store, tearing around every inch of what would be our home for the next five days. The boat was beautiful and massive. There was an Oasis up top with surrounding views and a hot tub. Inside on different levels there were boutique shops, restaurants, clubs, a show lounge, a casino, and even a spa that offered a full pampering experience. The outside deck housed a pizzeria, along with the dining lunch crowd, two pools, and two bars.

  Ty nudged my shoulder and pointed to the colorful drinks fit with paper umbrellas being prepared at the bar. “Wanna get a drink?”

  My stomach tightened. I was thirsty…for so much more than alcohol. But this drinking from Ty thing was new. Never been done. Well, except for the time I lost control at Troy’s party and attacked him. And what about this time? What if I couldn’t stop?

  Ty took my hand and began leading me away from the bar. “Come on.”

  “Why? Where are we going?”

  Ty draped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to kiss my hair. “To our cabin. You need blood.”

  Despite the panic that had my heart racing, I clutched Ty’s side and kept walking, unable to think of a single thing to say. When we reached deck 12 and our suite, Ty let me go to open the door. I backed up against the corridor and sucked air, unable to clear his scent from my nose.

  The door swung inward. Ty remained quiet, smiling as he caught my hand and led me inside. Trying to distract my sense of smell, I scanned our room. There was a small dining table, a couch, a personal bathroom, and a glass sliding do
or that led outside to a private balcony. But I didn’t care about any of that. A queen-size bed jutted out from one wall, taking up half the floor space and filling me with anxiety. For some reason, the sleeping arrangements had never crossed my mind. Now they were all I could think about.

  “I can sleep on the couch,” Ty offered, squeezing my shoulders. “I don’t mind.”

  I shook my head. “No, it’s okay.” Ty knew we couldn’t ‘sleep’ together while I was still unable to block Kendrick, so that wasn’t a real issue. “I just hadn’t thought about it. It’s fine, really.”

  “Well in that case…” Ty swooped me up and threw me onto the bed. He leapt on top of me in a flash and captured my lips. His hard body lowered against me. The suggestion in his movements had me tingling all over, and my fangs peeking through my gums. Alone together I kissed him back with force, lost in his scent and moments from biting down on his lip. But we weren’t really alone. Kendrick’s repulsion etched into my own emotions. Ty drew away before I got a chance to and reclined on his side.

  I shifted to face him. “W-why’d you stop?” I stuttered, struggling for breath.

  Ty let out a long breath and rolled onto his back. His arm reached out and pulled me in close beside him. “We have plenty of time to be alone together. Well, mostly alone,” he said. “And I know we can’t…you know. But we can take our time exploring other options.”

  I curled into Ty, laying my hand against his hot chest. The black covering of his T-shirt irritated me. “Other options?”

  “Well, I’m sure your thirst hasn’t just vanished,” Ty said. “You’re going to have to drink from me sooner or later.” He sat up and tugged his T-shirt over his head. Then he glanced back at me, touching my cheek. “I know you’re nervous. But you don’t have to be. If you need help to stop, I’m here.”

  I reared up on the bed and took Ty’s hand in mine. His heartbeat had elevated at his last words and I struggled to think past the flutter…not to mention his bare sexy chest. “Are—are you sure about this?”

  Ty removed his Oakleys and tilted my face up with his hand and looked—really looked—into my eyes. “Yes.”

  I took a deep breath, scrambling to pull up my mental blocks from Kendrick. When it was as solid as I could make it, I nodded. “What now?”

  Ty cupped his hand around my neck and pulled me forward until our lips met. The touch was electric, making my body hum as my fangs broke free. I lapped over his tongue, again and again, getting hotter, losing restraint. His pulse throbbed through his bottom lip. It was too much to take, too much to wait for. As my lips tore free I froze.

  “Wait!” I jerked back and my fangs ached in protest. “Won’t this hurt you?” Vampire bites were meant to elicit a sensation of ecstasy with a flood of dopamine to the system. Except not when the donor was vampire too. “I mean, because you’re a hybrid.”

  Ty reclaimed my lips hungrily. “The pain is nothing compared to the pleasure. Now stop stalling.”

  Worry sated, I met his lips again, reigniting our fire. I trailed kisses along his jaw and up its sharp curve to his neck. His scent was like a drug, tempting, alluring, and addictive. I kissed his neck with parted lips, tongue testing the vein that pulsed beneath. Oh God, I could practically taste him. Parts of my body warmed and my breath came in desperate pants. Then it was too much to withstand. Too much to hold back from.

  “Ty,” I managed to rasp, “I can’t hold on any longer.”

  Ty’s answer was a warm calloused hand at the back of my neck, and the distinct tilt of his head that exposed as much of his neck as possible. With my fangs in place I slowly bit down, hoping I wasn’t hurting him. Ty groaned, hands hauling my body closer as his sweet, fiery blood pooled in my mouth. The taste was a thousand times better than his scent, and I drew harder. His quick pulse changed, somehow blending with my own.

  As that sinister sensation of needing more and more grew, like no amount of Ty’s blood would ever fill this hungry void within me, a sudden chill shocked me. My eyelids flung open. Surrounding me from all angles were snow-covered peaks. Panic swept through me. My legs were dangling fifty feet above an ice-capped slope. My brain screamed to grip the chair rail, but my body refused to respond.

  Calm down, whispered a familiar voice.

  Kendrick? Irritation frayed on the edge of my mind. What the hell is going on?

  Anxious energy swirled through Kendrick’s chest as if it were my own. I’m sorry. I didn’t know this would happen. I just didn’t want to feel you…drinking him.

  You felt that? Nausea churned my stomach, exacerbated by Kendrick’s repulsion. Still, overriding his discomfort was the phenomenon of suddenly being in the snowfields in New Hampshire. How did this happen? What is this?

  You’re in my mind, Kendrick answered. Seeing what I see. Experiencing what I’m doing.

  Feeling the confusion building I wanted to frown, but I wasn’t in my body. It was like I was locked inside Kendrick’s shell, a meat suit that didn’t encompass my own form, just a soul. How is that even possible?

  I could sense Kendrick’s response without him having to speak. He had experienced this before, many times in fact. Sifting through his memories I realized how devastating this had been for him. On many levels I had already known this, but I hadn’t understood the full extent until this very second. He had been in my mind, in my body, seeing through my eyes when I’d been naked and caught him. And every time I sensed his depressed emotions because of what I was feeling for or doing with Ty, it had been emphasized by the fact the he was in fact seeing and feeling everything as I was. I’m so sorry, Kendrick. I didn’t know.

  It’s okay. His arm clung tighter to his Burton snowboard. It’s not so bad now anyway. I’m getting better at controlling it most of the time. Though I never thought wanting to escape your mind so bad would draw you into mine. Kendrick took a deep breath. Ready?

  For what? I asked as Kendrick pushed off the chair lift. His board connected with the snow below. The wind whipped past as he plunged faster and faster down a steep and rock-riddled slope. The experience was exhilarating and didn’t seem to go for nearly long enough with Kendrick reaching the bottom in record speed.

  That was awesome!

  I could feel Kendrick smiling. That was a warm up…

  So, I questioned. How do I control this, well, whatever you call it?

  Astral projection. He shrugged, unclipping his boots and picking up the board. Well, it kinda happened for me naturally, where I can now come and go as I please…well usually. But in the beginning I guess I focused on my body and being connected to it rather than yours.

  I focused on my own physical body and where it was. Oh shit! I had been fangs-deep in Ty’s neck, drinking his delicious blood.

  Do you have to think so loud? Kendrick’s stomach twisted.

  Sorry. I don’t know how else to do this.

  Kendrick began trekking back up to the snow lift as I concentrated. He mounted the chair lift and I focused all my mental energy on the bed I was sitting on. On my fingers threaded through Ty’s hair. On the taste of his blood as it filled my mouth. Then it happened. Darkness grew from the edge of my vision until everything became black. The taste of Ty’s blood returned to my mouth and my fangs retracted.

  Worry stirred up my stomach. I’d continued to feed from Ty while being absent. Had he noticed the change? Would he have any blood left? I edged back and licked my lips clean, watching as the punctures on his neck closed up.

  Ty’s head rocked up, burning gold irises shining. A sleepy smile played across his lips. “Told you there was no need to worry.”

  He had no idea. I sighed, knowing I wasn’t about to tell him and feeling shitty for it. “You were right.” Then I frowned. After donating his blood to me, Ty looked exhausted past being jet lagged, and even a little pale. How much had he let me take? “How about a cat nap?”

  Ty reclined against the pillows and pulled me down against him. “You read my mind.”


  Ty stirred as I drew away from his chest. He seemed so peaceful and content sleeping beside me, his breathing slow and rhythmic. His color had returned too after my feeding, his werewolf healing replenishing his body after I’d taken so much blood earlier.

  The sun had set beyond the glass doors, leaving our room bathed in growing shadows. Needing to figure out how to reveal the new bond link, I rolled off the bed and tiptoed out onto our own private balcony. I stood at the rail and peered out over the black-rippling ocean. Apart from the whipping sea breeze, it was peaceful out here with the sound of the ship slicing through the reflective ocean.

  “Here you are.” Ty’s familiar voice behind me almost made me jump. His breath was warm on my neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist. His chest molded against my back and his lips brushed my shoulder. The slight but intimate touch sent undulating goose bumps over my body and caused a shiver to run up my spine. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something.”

  I shivered again, not in reaction to his touch but because of the seriousness in his voice. Maybe he had noticed me slip away when feeding from him. Without turning I tried to control my voice. “What about?”

  Ty loosened his hug to run his hands up and down my cold arms. His obvious nerves spiked my own panic. “About us,” he whispered. “About my dismal lifespan, and your extended, maybe even eternal one.”

  So not about the bond. Instead, I knew Ty was referring to my immortal blood, and the possibility that this immortality could extend beyond my veins to my whole body. I could live forever…well, unless killed.

  Ty gripped my shoulders and forced me to face him. There was a fragile hardness to his face. “You expect to live for a millennium, at the very least. But my lifespan, since the vampire part of our line has been mostly bred out, isn’t expected to exceed much more than a hundred years.”

  I nodded and raised my hand to touch his face. A sinking feeling in my stomach told me I wouldn’t like where this was heading. “What are you saying?”


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