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Made By Design (Blood Bound Series Book 2)

Page 13

by J. L. Myers

  Ty’s gaze pleaded. “Amelia, I want to be with you for as long as inhumanly possible. One hundred years will never be enough. Not when you deserve someone beside you for your lifetime.”

  I blinked back the beginnings of tears. It was our first day away together and already the daunting topic of our relationship’s lifespan was creating waves. As I read between the lines, a shocking realization sent my heart racing. Ty believed I deserved someone for my whole lifetime, or as close to that as possible. He personally would never come close. The only beings that could even compete in life years were other royal vampires. Was Ty about to release me? To let me go so I could have what he thought I needed? I stared down at the deck. “You can’t leave me.” My voice was shaky. “You promised.”

  Ty wrapped his arms around me and held me close to his chest, the amulet trapped between our hearts. “I’m not leaving, Amelia. I’ll never leave you.”

  A sigh escaped my lips and I hugged him tight. I squeezed my lids shut while dread pooled in my stomach like hot lava. “But?”

  “I want to offer you more. I know I could never give you a millennium, but…”

  I pulled away. Sudden intensifying wind whipped my hair over my face. I yanked my hair back and twisted it over my shoulder. “Ty, what are you saying?”

  Ty smiled, resting his palm against my cheek. “I want you to turn me. Reignite the vampire part of me that’s been bred out. I know it’s possible.”

  My jaw fell open. In theory the option was almost a good one, but in reality? It could kill him. “Ty, we can’t. You can’t. I won’t—”

  Ty raised a finger to my lips, silencing my words. “We can have a real life together, Amelia. You and me. Five hundred years to a millennium together, depending on how my royal wolf blood deals with the turn. Don’t you want that?”

  I dropped my now clenched hands to my side, feeling my nails biting into flesh. “Of course I want that. All I want is you. But I won’t risk your life. I can’t.”

  Ty slumped into the plastic deck chair behind him and rubbed his forehead. “I know the stats. Fifty percent of infected humans live. Fifty don’t. But I’m not human. I’m already part vampire. And the lycan part of me is strong, stronger because I’m a hybrid.”

  “Exactly,” I shot back a little too loud. Turning Ty was a risk, a risk that could give him what he wanted at best. Alternatively it could change him, the person he is. And what about his feelings for me? Would turning him change that part of him too? Would it harden his emotions or swamp his mind with bloodlust, extinguishing his humanity? Worst of all it could kill him, taking him from me. Forever. I knew if I went ahead and this backfired, I would never forgive myself. “Ty. It’s far too dangerous. We have no idea what could happen.”

  Ty peered over the railing, where twinkling stars reflected light over the dark water. The look on his face was distant and cold.

  I lowered onto his knee and lifted his chin, forcing him to look at me. “Please, Ty. Don’t ask me to do this. I would rather have you now, than dare to risk it all.” I swiped at the tears rolling down my cheeks. “Ty, I can’t lose you.”

  Ty ran his hand up my back to stroke my hair. The distant coldness melted from his blank features. “You won’t lose me. I’m not going anywhere. We don’t have to decide anything this minute.” I went to argue, to tell him that there was nothing to decide. Before I could, Ty pulled me down to his waiting lips. “We can just live in the moment,” Ty said between the kiss, “for now…”


  Later that night we got pizza up on the deck after missing the dinner service in the dining lounge. We ate in silence, Ty scanning over a ship map while tension rippled between us. Our minds were distracted, but neither of us dared to bring up the elephant in the room.

  When Ty finished the last pizza slice he sighed. Then he peered up. His irises were now deep brown with contact lenses to mask the gold from human sight. “Wanna get hot and sweaty?”

  The image of me naked and crushed beneath Ty back in our room flashed through my thoughts. Rapid heat burned my face. “Um…”

  Ty winked. “You know, in the Oz bar.” He pointed to its location on the map in his hands. “On the dance floor.”

  My lips curved into a cheeky smile. I had always loved dancing, and before all the stress of my new life had started, I used to rock out to pop songs. Now my playlists were inspired by more serious music that reflected my feelings of being different. Of being a monster. Except here with Ty, I wasn’t a monster. I was accepted and loved. It was time to live a little, to let go and loosen up. “You couldn’t hold me back if you tried.”

  After a quick stop at our room to change—me in the bathroom while Ty dressed in the main room—we were ready to burn up the dance floor. Wanting to keep Ty distracted from our earlier discussion, I’d pulled out my most daring outfit. The short ruffled skirt and bright purple top left just enough to the imagination. I was far from comfortable in it, but with Ty already stealing peeks, I knew the distraction would hold. As usual, Ty looked perfect and sexy in cotton pants and a black collared shirt.

  The Oz bar was raging as we pushed through the glass doors. There were tables that glowed from lights beneath their glass tops. Benches surrounded them, jammed full of humans, drinking and chatting. Bodies flooded the dance floor, sweating and gyrating to the blaring pop music.

  I waited by the entry, adjusting to the loud onslaught of DJ-spun music pounding through my ears. Then, letting my worries melt away, I lured Ty onto the dance floor. A Kesha song was blaring, the bass thumping through my body. Ty curled one arm around my waist and held me close. The touch of his hot body against mine, along with the energetic beat of the music, had my blood thrumming through my veins. We moved together, our hips joined by an invisible force, the heat and sexual tension growing with each flirtatious second. The seconds turned into minutes and the minutes into who knows how long as we continued our seductive dance. Songs passed and the dancing crowds dispersed and built back up with the humans needing a break from the energy-draining movements.

  After a countless number of songs, I shot a glance at the bar. Glass shelves lit by blue light and stocked full of alcohol spanned the wall behind. Thirst dried my throat and for a moment I wished I were at Bite at the Armaya, where blood was the number one drink. All the close dancing had left me craving Ty’s vein. Still, I didn’t want to leave this bubble of energy and weightlessness to drink from him. Hopefully alcohol would buy me some time. “Wanna drink?”

  Ty smiled before bringing his lips to mine. “Thirsty again?” His word were a rumble before he smiled and winked. “Come with me.”

  “Where are we going?”

  Ty led me from the dance floor. “You’ll see.”

  We continued past the busy drinkers, stopping when we reached a dark corner that escaped the green light coming off surrounding tables. Ty backed into the wall and drew me in with his arms, eliminating all space between us. He tilted his head to the side, exposing the pulsing vein at his neck. Sudden realization dawned on me. Ty wanted me to drink from him here, in front of all these people.

  I inched back, mouth watering even though my head was shaking. “Ty, no! Someone will see.”

  Ty’s hands were still on my hips as he panned left to right over my shoulder. “See for yourself. No one’s even looking. And even if they were, their human eyes can’t make out enough detail in this dim lighting.”

  “Ty, I don’t know…” Looking around I found no one even glancing our way. The offer of his blood and the scent that had been tempting me since we began dancing had my body sure of what it wanted. But this was still public. What if I couldn’t stop? “I don’t think…”

  Ty lifted my hand while I continued scanning the crowd. Then his scent bloomed. My focus shot back to see my nail tipped with crimson. A small cut along the side of his neck was already beginning to heal. Blood had dripped from the tiny cut to pool along his collarbone.

  The trance-inducing puddle begged me to lap it up.

  Through a primal need, I leaned into Ty. One hand curled around his neck and the other pressed against his chest, feeling his heart flutter. His hands encased me, holding me against him. My lips found the curve of his collarbone, lapping up the pooled blood from his salty skin. Then they rose, kissing his neck and finding the right spot. My fangs slid free of their sheaths and broke through his skin. His blood mesmerized me, still my paranoia of being caught resurfaced.

  Drinking carefully so as to not make a mess, I scanned left. People still sat at tables, drinking and talking. To my right I could see the dance floor, which was still packed with an erratically moving sea of people. The bar was also packed. No one was looking our way.

  I was about to let my paranoia recede when a stalling sensation struck through me. Someone was watching me. Watching us. There, at the far end of the bar and bathed in shadow, was a guy. He had light hair and looked around twenty.

  And he was staring straight at me.

  A flash of strobe lit his face, making his eyes appear red and his pallor bright pink.

  I let my fangs retract and did my best to cover my mouth as I drew away from Ty’s neck. The guy smiled, looking pleased.

  Instantly I spun away, covering my face with my hands. Having drunk live blood my irises would be piercing and silver, my whites red. Why hadn’t I thought of that before? “Shit! Someone’s watching.”

  Ty lifted his head and glanced around. “Where?”

  I peeked through my fingers. A slow-moving group of guys with drinks in their hands blocked the view of the end of the bar. I held my breath, cursing as they shifted out of the way.

  Behind them the end of the bar was empty. No guy. No one watching.

  Plus no one was screaming down the roof at the monster in the corner making a meal of the hot guy. I felt relieved and a little stupid. Ty was right. Humans had terrible eyesight. Even if someone had been watching, they would have assumed we were a couple making out. “It was nothing. I’m just being paranoid.”


  Ty rifled through his backpack. “I know you’re immune. But just in case…” He held up a bottle of sunscreen, a mischievous smile pulling at his lips.

  I tugged my loose beach shirt off, revealing a tight purple bikini. The urge to re-cover myself was there, but I held it back. Ty’s hungry eyes drinking in every inch of me spiked my confidence. I shrugged meekly. “Better safe than sorry.”

  Today was our second cruise day, and our first port of call at Isle of Pines. It was a small island, requiring a motorized passenger boat from the ship to cart passengers to shore. Following the ride we exited onto the floating dock, which rose and fell with soft waves and lead to the beach. A quick photo op with local islanders dressed in traditional tribe attire followed. Then we found a shaded spot bordering the soft sandy beach, with short trees hanging above us to spread our beach towels beneath.

  With my face warming at Ty’s lingering gaze, I lowered stomach-down onto the beach towel. At the same time I formed a wall around my thoughts and actions before Kendrick could intrude. Ty threw a leg over my back, straddling my hips. A squirt of cold sunscreen dropped onto my skin. His rough hands began massaging the thick liquid into my back and shoulders, warming the lotion as his palms slid in a circular motion. The touch of his hands on my naked skin had my blood rushing with heat. I rolled over with him still on top of me and smiled. Ty squirted another cold blob onto my stomach causing me to flinch, then another onto my chest. He wavered, his hands hovering above my pale skin.

  Knowing where I wanted those very hands, I connected our palms and directed them down to my stomach. His hands and fingers massaged me there before hesitantly trailing up over my chest. His eyes found mine over his Oakleys and I smiled. Taking the invitation, he rubbed the sunscreen into the exposed flesh, careful not to overstep by actually touching my breasts. His breathing deepened as he leaned closer to me, but he didn’t make eye contact. Instead his focus remained on his hands, trailing from my chest, up my neck, and over my face.

  Arching up from the beach towel I met his lips. I teasingly bit his lower lip before parting his mouth with mine. Our tongues met briefly before Ty drew away. He smiled and grasped my hand, jumping up and pulling me along with him.

  “I need to cool down.” His voice was rough with lust. He tugged me across the scorching hot sand and into the lukewarm water. He released my hand and dove under the surface. A moment later he reemerged a few yards away.

  I followed, loving the feel of the soothing water before rising above the surface to float hard up against Ty. Sexual tension grew between us like crackling static. Unfortunately the bond block was failing. So I decided to diffuse the situation, for now. “How about we go for a swim around that.” I pointed to a giant rocky mass that was covered by scrubby trees and bordered by water, connecting on one side with the beach’s shore. “Check out the marine life?”

  Ty grazed my face with his hand. “Good idea.”

  After checking out the colorful marine life and coral reef around the giant rock, we reclined back on our beach towels. With our arms grazing we lay quietly. Rhythmic waves lapped against the sandy shore, and a light breeze blew through the surrounding palm and pine trees. The relaxing sounds almost had me nodding off to sleep.

  Then a sudden recognizable shift jolted my senses awake. I was sitting in a cozy cocktail bar, my back leaning against the cold glass window. It was the only thing that separated me from the freezing snow building against the glass pane. With a start I realized what was happening. In my relaxed state my mind had shifted into Kendrick’s body. He was nursing a crisp brandy on the rocks, and favoring his left arm which throbbed. What happened?

  Kendrick stiffened in his seat, noticing my intrusion. I’m fine. Just had a little tumble on the slopes. He threw back his drink. It’s nothing you need to worry about.

  I searched Kendrick’s mind, finding the replay of events that led to his injury. He had been attempting a double flip off a crest and didn’t pull off the landing. I tried to push further into his memories but came to a dead end. You’re keeping something from me.

  Kendrick motioned to the bartender for another drink. It’s nothing. I’ve just been practicing blocking you…for both our sakes. With a new drink put before him, he took a big gulp. That’s all.

  There had been fewer intrusions from him when I was with Ty. He hadn’t even popped in when I’d fed from Ty in the club. So I supposed he was telling the truth. Please be more caref—

  All thoughts shattered as I was ripped from Kendrick’s mind. “Amelia!” Ty’s voice was panicked, his calloused hands shaking my shoulders. “Shit. Wake up!”

  My heart shot into my throat. My eyes flew open. Sunlight blinded me and I blinked back tears. Ty’s shaking stopped and I leaned up on my elbows. Still clearing my vision, I scanned the beach. “What’s wrong?”

  Ty breathed out hard, scrubbing a tense hand down his face. “Shit, you scared me. We both fell asleep, but when I tried to wake you…” His face paled like he’d seen a ghost. “It was like you weren’t even here.”

  Ty knew I’d slipped away. Fan-freaking-tastic! There was no keeping it from him now. I sighed, resigned to telling the truth. “I wasn’t here,” I confessed. I turned further on my towel and laid a gentle hand on his knee. “I was at the ski lodge…well sort of. In Kendrick’s mind. It’s a bond thing. And I didn’t mean to. It just kinda happened.”

  Irritation edged in on Ty’s grim features. He looked away from me and out to the sun-speckled water. “How long has this been going on?”

  I stared at my hand resting on Ty’s knee, then let it slip away. “It happened for the first time yesterday. Well, at least for me it did. Kendrick’s been able to come and go since the beginning.”

  “So now the bond has grown between you two.” Ty’s voice was hollow, a shell without emotion.

  I shook my head frantically. “No, I mean yes. But this doesn’t change us. None of this has to change us.”

  “But it does.” Ty’s head twisted. The hurt plaguing his expression broke my heart. “You will always be connected to him. The bond between you continues to grow. As do your feelings for him.”

  I wanted to throw myself into Ty’s arms, but held back, feeling the glacial turn this discussion was taking. “No, Ty. That’s not true. I’m in love with you, not him!”

  A muscle ticked in Ty’s jaw as his contact-shielded eyes shifted to me. I swear I could see gold sparking from the edges of his irises. “You think I’m blind, Amelia? You may not love him like you do me, but you can’t deny that your feelings for him have grown. I know you love him too. How am I supposed to compete with that, when you won’t even give me a chance?”

  “W-what do you mean, give you a chance?” My stomach dropped with suspicion that had my eyes tearing up.

  Ty placed his palms on my cheeks and rested his forehead against mine. “Even the odds, Amelia. Level the playing field,” he whispered, voice low and sharp. “Lengthen my life.”

  I yanked my face free, jumping to my feet. A flash of Ty cold and dead shone behind my lids as I blinked back tears. Complete with bloodstains over his face and bare chest, the image almost brought me to my knees. “Are you so freaking threatened that you would risk your own life to beat him? Is that all I am, a prize for you to win?!”

  I sprinted away from Ty without a backward glance. Tears were streaming from my face now and I couldn’t bear to show him how vulnerable he made me.


  I spent the evening alone in the dining lounge. Now on dessert, I forked pieces of mud cake and pushed them around my plate. The fact that it was chocolate didn’t seem to matter. For the bitter taste it left in my mouth, it may as well have been acid.

  I sighed for the millionth time. Lost In You by Three Days Grace played through my iPod’s earphones, only making me feel worse. My head was a mess. I felt sick over my fight with Ty. As usual, I had overreacted. Not that I didn’t deserve the right to react. Turning Ty could kill him, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I had been the one to do it.


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