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Forbidden Professors Boxed Set: A Forbidden Professor Student Romance Collection

Page 3

by Penelope Wylde

  Finding any semblance of calm is way past my abilities right now, but I fight for a few drops of whatever I have left all the same. I swallow around the dryness in my throat a few times, but it is not happening. Not when all I see are the older man’s broad shoulders bunching beneath his button-down dress shirt defending my honor like a knight.

  I hold my laugh. No way my mind should go there. He was just a man doing the right thing. But damn if it did anyway.

  All that rippling muscle and thick forearms do unspeakable things to my libido. That had to make me a freak of some sort because I like it. A lot.

  Thomas’s eyes are wide. “Get the fuck away from me, old man. You know who my father is? He’ll show you what a loser has-been you are. Make that a jealous wannabe, more like it.” He slings his insults vehemently and I see the second Thomas realizes his threats fall on deaf ears.

  Sadly for him, his new angle isn’t much better.

  Cold eyes slant toward me as Thomas makes one mistake too many. “Hey, if you want a piece of her first, I’m game.”

  “Wrong move,” Elliot roars, rearing back. Thomas’s pretty boy jaw does a glorious job of catching a meaty right hook and the professor lets the jerk fold to the ground like dirty laundry.

  Elliot’s eyes narrow on Thomas, and the smirk on his face reiterates what he just said with his fist. Some lessons are hard learned, I guess.

  “Tomorrow morning report to the dean’s office. Your future at BU will be determined then. Looks like you just might have pissed away your full football ride, buddy. Daddy’s not going to be too happy about that news.”

  Daddy referred to Thomas’s NFL quarterback father with several Super Bowl wins under his belt. I only know all this because it’s on every girl’s lips and apparently has gone to Thomas’ head.

  “The rest of you, move the fuck on unless you want your names on the report too.” Professor Riley’s deep booming voice catches me off guard and I almost scream my surprise as he comes to stands so close I feel the brush of his body against mine.

  Heat touches me first and then a light hand comes to rest on my lower back just above the globes of my ass. Not too intimate but close enough.

  We stay like that a minute until all the twenty-somethings clear out with both men flanking me like a protective shield of muscle.

  And let me say, nothing gets a bunch of college students moving faster than a pissed off professor dealing out free ass beatings. Legal or not. Elliot didn’t seem to care if putting his hands on a student in defense of another meant trouble for him.

  Elliot starts to move me away from the crowd but I step around him to watch Thomas scurry off to someone’s souped-up muscle car. It peels out of the pub parking lot with a bunch of buddies.

  What a loser.

  My eyes lock on his, and my gut twists at the blast of hatred fired my way from the passenger window but I dig deep, steel my nerves, flicking Thomas a double-fingered salute.

  “Douche,” I mumble under my breath, but obviously not too hushed because Samuel grins my way, those blue eyes of his flashing his approval.

  My chest rises and falls evenly but I feel anything but the calm I’m working to project.

  Try more like freaked the hell out. What was I thinking attacking someone that big with friends in the wings?

  When the last set of headlights fade and we are alone, Elliot turns his full attention on me and I immediately freeze under all that intense power. He’s by my side in two strides and his brows are pinched in a stern angle. “Are you okay, Emberly?”

  His tone matches his expression, but I am not expecting that kind of question. I feared something more along the lines of what kind of idiot I must be to try to walk home alone.

  Fair question. But one that would still sting.

  Warm arms encircle me and pull me against a firm chest, shoving my thoughts aside. Anyone looking our way would only see two men. We stood off in the shadows with a truck on either side, obscuring any nosy onlookers that might chance by.

  “Fuck him. Don’t give the bastard another thought.”

  The deep, low-pitched voice belongs to my foreign affairs professor and hits my ears, working in tandem with hints of Ivory soap and sandalwood reassuring me I’m safe. But that I’m also female and immune to a man like him.

  Powerful. Rugged and enough sex appeal to kill me with an overdose of orgasms. If that’s a thing. If not, it will be in a few seconds.

  I’m amazed at my sudden shift. While one male gives me the creeps, this specimen pushes all the right buttons.

  I blush, looking down for a moment before I bring my hands up to rest on Samuel’s thick, exposed forearms crossed over my chest. His sleeves are rolled up and I run my hands up and down his warm flesh, uncaring who sees.

  All three of us stand in silence for a few seconds and I feel the tension melt away from my shoulders and I relax even more into Samuel’s arms and Elliot’s nearness.

  Samuel strokes my bare shoulder. “Feel better now, sweetheart? You were shaking like a leaf.”

  I didn’t move to say it was anger making me shake and instead, accepted his touch in the quiet.

  It might be wrong and forbidden to have any kind of relations with a professor, but that didn’t make this feel any less perfect. Maybe it makes it more so. I don’t know. I’m no psychology student.

  When I try to move away, he tightens his arms a fraction to let me know I’m okay where I am and our eyes lock as I turn my head and peer up at him.

  I freeze for a long moment, drawn in by the sudden combination of his hands on me and the feel of his hard body pressed against mine. Add the shock of his focus entirely on me and I can’t move.

  I slowly look to the side and find Professor Elliot looking at me in Samuel’s arms and his eyes are on fire as if reading every dirty thought in my head.

  He comes to stand beside us so close I can smell the same Ivory soap on him as I do Samuel, but instead of sandalwood, I smell the sweet hint of whiskey. I could be blindfolded yet still see a million questions on his tongue, but he keeps silent for now, content staring down at me like he can’t figure out what to do about me.

  “Did that fucker hurt you anywhere else?” Elliot’s voice is edgy, dark and falls around me like a warm embrace. His eyes never leave my face.

  The cool air has dried my lips and I sneak the tip of my tongue out to wet them. With a gentle touch on my shoulder, Samuel pivots me around, putting Elliot at my back.

  I drag my gaze off a thick, wide chest and over nicely shaped lips to find Samuel’s jaw twitching and enough wrath glazing over his sharp, icy blue eyes for the both of us. Make that three of us, I notice as I turn my gaze to meet Elliot’s.

  Those flames from a moment ago flicker and grow, warming wicked desires inside of me.

  Samuel speaks softly so his voice doesn’t carry past us. “Be honest with me.” I stare at his lips the whole time he speaks, and I shiver at the soft command in his voice.

  One would think a man of his size didn’t know how to be gentle, but the way he holds me close but not too tightly says otherwise.

  I let out a quick breath and manage a short answer. “I’m fine.”

  Elliot tugs off his jacket and wraps it around my shoulders. “Little punk is lucky you took him down first.” His words practically drip with venom.

  Maybe too short from the glint of annoyance that flashes across his face and then I realize I’m dead wrong. It is not annoyance at all but well-constrained rage as he eyes the beginnings of what will be a nice bruise on my cheek come morning.

  “He was half drunk and I promise he didn’t get far. I can take care of myself. Had he been sober and at full strength maybe I’d be telling a different story, but I’m fine. Honest.”

  Elliot bends and before I realize what he’s doing his lips are on my cheek, his hands wrapped around my neck and his thumbs gently stroking my tender skin. I’m no longer in Samuel’s arms but tucked into Elliot’s strong, protective chest.

nbsp; I don’t know what to focus on more—there are so many warring thoughts. Samuel’s hands are on me too and before I can question my actions, throw on the brakes or demand what the fuck I am doing, I turn my head, bury my hands in his hair and kiss Professor Elliot.

  I’ve never been so wet, so fast in my life.

  Holy shit.

  Chapter Four


  Kissing a man like him should come with a flashing red warning sign. Something to prepare me for the onslaught of electricity spiraling through my entire body.

  It’s all-consuming and leaves behind a rush of adrenaline. It zips through every vein and pore in my body. I’m a New Yorker and being coy never really was my style so I roll with my spontaneous outburst.

  The second his rough stubble catches my chin and his lips brush against mine hot, sticky liquid slips out to wet my panties.

  Anticipation of the unknown of where the heck all this is leading leaves me unbalanced. While my head is all over the place, my body on the other hand has no problem reading the signals my brain is getting crossed.

  I rise to the tips of my toes and his arms are around me before my next breath.

  The kiss is soft at first like I caught him by surprise but that does not last long. That fire that keeps growing inside of me is out of control and I wind my arms around his neck as he flicks his warm, demanding tongue out to tease the seam of my lips open.

  “God damn,” Samuel half-growls beside us, and his hands are not just touching me now. They are possessive and demanding. The jacket Elliot gave me is tossed aside and Samuel’s fingers are buried in the soft fabric of my dress. I can feel the confines of the material tighten around my ample bust. Another inch and my needy nipples will be exposed to both my gorgeous, passionate and obviously hungry professors.

  Do I give in to my dirty fantasies here, tell them how I really feel? Or show them? Shimmy my shoulders a bit and give them what we all want? Do I risk it? Or wait?

  Gah, why do I have to be so unsure all the time when it comes to them?

  Samuel steals the choice from me and hikes the hem of my dress over my thigh. His large, warm hand peels aside my drenched panties and he slips a finger beneath the lacy edge as Elliot's tongue explores my mouth.

  “I knew you’d be wet for us.”

  He studies my expression when I pull away from Elliot’s kiss. For what I don’t know, but I think he finds what he is looking for because in the next second he has his finger in his mouth, licking my juices off.

  I whimper when he takes my lips next, and I taste my arousal on his mouth. Elliot holds me, kneading my ass as Samuel takes our kiss deeper. I wonder for a second if this can truly be happening and then I dash the thought away.

  None of my fantasies can come close to what this feels like.

  “My turn.”

  Mmm…that voice.

  I shiver as it works its way over me like a third lover.

  Using one hand, Elliot buries it in my hair and pulls me back to him, devouring my lips. If it’s possible to get drunk on a man’s taste, I found the way.

  At first, I think Samuel will protest but he takes up the space behind me and Elliot shares my weight with his friend, never breaking our kiss.

  Samuel sears the delicate skin of my neck with heated kisses and nips. I gasp into Elliot’s mouth when he brushes over my thigh with his hand and drags a rough, thick finger over my aching clit.

  Elliot takes that moment of surprise to haul me up against his body, and I wrap my legs around his thick waist, moving my dripping wet pussy and drenched panties over the large bulge of his cock.

  Samuel helps support my weight, taking my ass in both hands and between them, I feel light as a feather.

  Elliot swipes my soft mouth with his tongue and I moan into his kiss.

  I gasp, shivering and loving the way they work my body together with not so much as a word between them.

  Warm, claiming lips find my bare shoulder and I slip my hand behind his head to hold Samuel close. Night cocoons us away from prying eyes, but I can’t help but wonder for how long?

  I’ve craved this moment, dreamed of it, and I’m sad it could end before it ever really gets started. My heart hammers against my ribs, and I gently suck Elliot’s tongue between my soft lips. I tremble as he wraps his large hands on my hips and pulls me against his hard, very aroused cock. With nothing but a thin strip of wet silk between us, I feel every groove and shimmy my hips in small circles.

  He growls. “Fuck me, you’re going to make me cum in the damn parking lot if you keep that up, sweet thing.”

  “Me too, Professor.” It’s out of my mouth before I can call it back. Not like either man needs the reminder of just how off limits I am to them.

  Samuel’s grip tightens. One little tug and he’ll have my off-the-shoulder dress around my waist.

  I don’t remember telling my brain to reach for my nipples, but I do it anyway, and the cry of pleasure that comes out of me shocks us all.

  Neither move.

  And then, just as suddenly as it happened, both men break from me and Elliot is scanning the empty parking lot for any onlookers.

  “Fuck,” he groans with a pained expression, putting my feet back on the ground.

  He pulls away, slamming a meaty fist down on the hood of the truck I now recognize as his.

  I’m stepping back from both and I suddenly feel the chill of the night. My eyes stay locked on the ground and I wrap my arms around myself.

  “I’m sorry,” I start but quickly close my mouth. Where the hell am I going with it? I am not sorry and I refuse to say something I don’t feel. Screw feeling guilty for taking what I want, especially if it’s not hurting anyone.

  Samuel leans his substantial weight against the truck and pulls me in as we let the night mask us, rubbing his hands up and down my arms.

  “Don’t do that. None of this is your fault, sweetheart.”

  I lean into him, absorb his nearness as raw, forbidden need pumps through my veins. Didn’t I tell my best friend I wouldn’t do this? I would simply do my studies, keep my nose clean and head down?

  It is like I can’t help but act. To feel. And be felt.

  I place my palms on Samuels’s chest and whimper when I feel all that taut, ripped muscle beneath my touch. It’s wrong to like such older men looking at me with so much hunger. More so to have such naughty thoughts about my professors, but I can’t deny the warm feeling of my hot liquid pooling between my thighs.

  My fingers flex and my young body realizes it doesn’t want anyone else but them.

  “Fuck, baby girl.” Samuel groans, sweeping a lock of hair from my cheek, and between us I can feel his cock twitch. Feel it? No, I can see it fight against the confines of his zipper and the size has me clenching my thighs tight.

  Elliot is beside us with a grim look on his face and I pull out of Samuel’s arms. He’s reluctant to let me go but drops his hands to his sides and faces his friend.

  “This shouldn’t have happened, damn it, Samuel. Let’s get her home. I told you it would be a mistake.”

  I run that across my brain a couple of times. So they had thought about me in that way. I can’t help the smile on my lips, but I quickly tuck my chin against my chest.

  There’s a silence and I can feel the warring moment of wills between the men. Neither wants to walk away, I hope, but I have no way of knowing with how their expressions are locked up tight and their no-bullshit professor looks slip into place.

  “Because I am a taboo?” I frown. My entire mood is shifting and quickly. I pull away and both men growl like beasts, pinning me to where I stand.

  My pulse booms. I swear it is like a supersonic blast goes off inside me.

  My face burns and their gazes follow my every movement as I run my hands down the front of my dress.

  “Maybe this is the part where I should just say goodnight and walk away.” I move to make good on my words and get half a step before firm hands are on my bare arms, pu
lling me against two hot, muscular bodies.

  “Don’t fucking move unless you want us to chase you down and haul you over our fucking shoulders, little girl. You will not be walking anywhere alone,” Elliot whispers but the underlying growl I hear has my pulse throbbing in time with my aching core.

  But that doesn’t mean I have to like it.

  My body goes rigid and before I can control my sharp tongue, I have my finger in the air and fury unleashes like hell’s wrath. “Little girl,” I start. “I’m not so little that you don’t like the taste of my girl cum on your tongue,” I sling at Samuel who only raises his black brows.

  “Hmm. No denial?”

  I turn to Elliot. “Or the taste of my tongue on yours as you tongue fuck me while I dry hump your cock.”

  I have no idea where this bravado is coming from but I’m glad the uncharacteristic outburst showed up when it did. With the way it lights both men’s eyes with fire, I can’t say I’m all that sorry for giving them a piece of my mind. “This little girl is pretty tasty up until what?”

  “Until the part where we took advantage of a student in the parking lot of a pub,” Elliot bites out and he did a perfect job of not disguising his disgust in himself.

  “Taking advantage? Maybe you missed the part where my panties are so wet I probably left your pants wet too?”

  Again, no denial. Just the clenching of his jaw.

  “Sounds like our little girl needs a good spanking.”

  My chest rises and falls and both watch how my dress clings to my young, defiant nipples.

  My lips part. Spanking? “As in bending me over…you wouldn’t fucking dare?” Would they? I blinked back at them, my whole body going on high alert.

  “Don’t fucking go there, Sam.” Elliot scrubs a palm over his face and groans, but I see the wild look in his eyes as if he likes the idea just as much.

  Samuel ignores his friend. “Look how flushed she is. I think she secretly likes the idea of us spanking her virgin ass.”

  Heat shoots through me and settles between my legs. Their breaths quicken along with mine.

  Elliot’s eyes burn fiercely into me and the signs are clear he’s at odds with what his dick wants versus what he considers is wrong. Wanting me.


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