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50 Forbidden Explicit Erotica Sex Stories

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by Lexi Sinner



  This book is devoted to any and all lovers of the lewd, nasty, and bawdy filth that fills our world. Erotica is not a plague or blight upon society – no! It is a wonderland of fantasy and adventure, a place to live out those wanton dreams we try so desperately to keep to ourselves. Set them free and read on!

  And for those of you who would like to read even more smutty stories... simply click the link below to subscribe to the spam-free and private e-mail list!

  Temptation Tales

  …for all the naughty tales you can't resist...

  The Naughty Stories

  Story 1

  Story 2

  Story 3

  Story 7

  Story 4

  Story 5

  Story 6

  Story 7

  Story 8

  Story 9

  Story 10

  Story 11

  Story 12

  Story 13

  Story 14

  Story 15

  Story 16

  Story 17

  Story 18

  Story 19

  Story 20

  Story 21

  Story 22

  Story 23

  Story 24

  Story 25

  Story 26

  Story 27

  Story 28

  Story 29

  Story 30

  Story 31

  Story 32

  Story 33

  Story 34

  Story 35

  Story 36

  Story 37

  Story 38

  Story 39

  Story 40

  Story 41

  Story 42

  Story 43

  Story 44

  Story 45

  Story 46

  Story 47

  Story 48

  Story 49

  Story 50

  Story 1


  “Mrs Sommers?” I called as I knocked repeatedly on the new neighbors’ door.

  There was no response.

  “Mrs Sommers?” I tried again. Everywhere was dead silent.

  I shifted restlessly on my feet; the plate of macaroons in my hand was getting heavier by the second. Mum had a terrible tradition of sending plates of food over to new neighbors until she embarrassed them into coming to visit; I wouldn’t have minded but seeing as I was her go-to errand girl, I wasn’t too amused. I love my mother but she was a busybody, I thought with a frown.

  The Sommers had moved in three months ago and had shown every inclination of keeping to themselves. Mum had been after them the entire time sending plates after plates of food.

  They somehow contrived to always leave the plate on our doorstep with a warm thank-you note when we weren’t in; they somehow never honored the tacit invitation to visit.

  I had so much reading to do tonight and I was very eager to get to it, yet here I was stuck at a doorpost wearing my knuckles to a nub. I gingerly tried the doorknob and my eyes widened in surprise as it opened up immediately.

  I pushed the door open the rest of the way and slowly entered the house. It had a warm, welcoming, homey feel, I noted looking around. The living room was huge and done in an exotic style. Even the bookshelf at the end of the room had ornate, intricately carved, foreign patterns on it.

  I traipsed towards the kitchen, and gingerly set the plate on the table. I looked around for a note; I spied one on the counter and I tore off a sheet and scribbled a short note. I tucked it partway under the dish and then I turned to leave.

  A sudden apparition in the kitchen door way tore a startled scream from my throat.

  “Who are you?” I gasped. Even as I asked, I recognized him at once; he was Derek, the Sommers’ son but we had never been introduced.

  He was half-naked, with only a towel tied around his waist. His arms were so well-muscled they seemed like tiny tree trunks; his skin glistened with droplets of water which meant he had just stepped out of the shower. His hair was so dark it was almost black; or perhaps it just looked darker because it was wet. His eyes were a startling cobalt blue; he had firm, soft-looking lips and his shoulders were so wide they seemed to go on for miles. His stomach was flat and taut with a single line of hair that headed from his navel, straight down and disappeared beneath—

  I jerked my gaze upwards hurriedly feeling my face suffuse with heat.

  “You’re in my kitchen! Who the hell are you?”he growled even though his eyes were checking me out.

  I was probably as pink as petals, I thought, angry at my penchant for blushing. I had red hair and grey eyes, a spill-over from my mum’s Irish lineage. I was tall at 5’8 with curves in all the right places and a face that made most guys get tongue-tied or outrightly stupid. My best friend Lydia claimed I only had to walk into a room and all the guys went into zombie mood. I didn’t think so though, my face wasn’t such a big deal to me; I was convinced it was my red hair that made the entire soccer team stare and whistle every time I walked past. I was the only red-head in the entire school after all. I didn’t mind the red hair that made me stand out but I did mind the fair complexion because every time I got embarrassed, it showed!

  Derek was waiting for a response and even as he did so, his gaze roved boldly down my figure. He was so hot it should be illegal!

  “I’m Jenny Crawford, from next door,” I stuttered, trying hard not to swallow my tongue.

  “Okay. What do you want, Jenny-Crawford-from-next-door?” he demanded with such a taunting grin that I wanted to smack him.

  “My mum asked me to drop off a plate of macaroons for your mother,” I said, gesturing towards the plate on the table.

  A wide grin split his face transforming his taut masculine features into one of such boyish handsomeness that my breath caught in my throat.

  “Macaroons! My favorite! Your mum is one hell of a cook by the way,” he said as he rushed forward to flip the cover off the plate. He inhaled deeply and my heart warmed at the compliment. Mum would be pleased to learn that someone appreciated her efforts. It had been hard to tell given the continued reclusive nature of the Sommers.

  “Are— Are your parents home?” I demanded.

  “Why?” he asked, deftly stealing some macaroons with his fingers and flipping them into his mouth. “Am I not enough?”

  He turned to face me and moaned a little, his eyes drifting shut in gastronomic pleasure. His tongue flicked out to lick his lips, the motion automatic and innocent; my entire insides clenched in reaction.

  I took a hasty step back for self-preservation from the blast of heat that seemed to be coming from him.

  “I should go,” I tossed out as I gave him a wide berth and headed for the door.

  He lunged for me, “Hey! What’s the rush?”

  His arm brushed mine fleetingly. I paused in my stride and turned around with a ready-made excuse on my lips. His towel chose that very instant to unwrap itself from around his hips and collapse in a white puddle at his feet.

  For the first time in my eighteen years of existence on earth, I saw a real-life, honest-to-goodness penis! It was well-muscled and had to be at least twelve inches long and very thick. It was so huge my heart nearly stopped in my chest from part-fright, part-incredulity and part-fascination.

  “Look away, Jenny. Look away,” I whispered to myself under my breath.

  My gaze continued to caress the hard length of his penis. I couldn’t look away to save myself. Who could blame me? I had never seen a real-life honest-to-goodness penis up-close and personal before.

  Time passed in seeming slow motion
as Derek slowly, unselfconsciously, bent and picked his towel. He wrapped it around his waist and my heart mourned the loss.

  I reluctantly lifted my gaze to meet his eyes — his heated eyes. My breath caught in my throat. He was looking at me like ice cream on a hot sunny day. My heart started to pound in dazed excitement and my palms turned clammy as though I was going to faint. Pinpoints of darkness danced in front of my eyes and I took one quick step back. I took another step backwards, my gaze still locked on his and I unwittingly stepped on something small and sharp.

  I yelped in reaction and promptly lost my footing. Derek was beside me in a flash, moving so fast he’d have outdone Clark Kent. His strong masculine arms wrapped around me like a vise and held me partly bent backwards over one hand with my body shaking like a leaf against his.

  Up close, I could make out tiny flecks of gold in his eyes. It was the most amazing color and my own eyes widened unconsciously.

  “You’re so sweet,” he crooned softly, his gaze stroking my face. Before I could guess his intent, he leaned down and melded his lips with mine in a light, infinitely delicious kiss. I felt my senses whirl as he kissed me. I had never been kissed before; not even so much as a chaste peck. He was so incredibly delicious; he tasted like macaroons and faintly like wine.

  Unbidden a moan escaped me; part-encouragement, part-protest. He gave an answering sound and one hand covered my perky, left breast; squeezing, kneading, stroking.

  Desire vanished in a crash of reality at the first touch of his hand on my breast and I struggled out of his hands with a flush of embarrassment. I was breathing heavily, my chest rising and falling.

  “What— What the hell?” I demanded.

  I expected an insouciant grin to slash across his handsome features. He didn’t look amused though; he seemed almost lost and confused as he stared at me across the space that divided us. His eyes had dilated so much they were so dark they stopped being blue and were in fact almost black.

  Slowly he licked his lower lip as though committing my taste to memory. I swallowed convulsively as his tongue trailed over every inch of his lips.

  Then with a muttered “Goddamnit!” he turned and stalked from the kitchen leaving me to make my own way out.

  I fled as though all the demons from hell were after me; I didn’t stop running until I reached the safety of my room.


  I clambered out of the front seat of my best friend Lydia’s car snorting with laughter at her smartass jokes. Lydia had a weird sense of humor, which was cool because I did too. Lydia was my best friend in the whole wide world and she totally got me.

  “Jenny don’t forget to Whatsapp me those PDFs,” she called through the wound-down glass on the passenger side of her car.

  I turned around, my long red hair swinging close to my waist as I raised a cheery hand in a wave. Lydia drove off with an answering wave; her smooth sedan soundless as she left.

  As I turned back towards the house, a flash of movement from the corner of my eyes drew my attention and I looked over. In few seconds, my eyes were bulging from their sockets. The new neighbors’ son, Derek Sommers, was stark naked on their balcony!

  Worse, he wasn’t alone! He was dancing with a short brunette who was equally naked. It was a slow, nonchalant dance on the balcony upstairs as though the rest of the world did not exist.

  My tongue got stuck in my throat as my helpless gaze feasted on miles of taut, bronzed, tantalizing, male flesh. Derek was my greatest dream and my worst nightmare, I admitted to myself as I watched the couple. I had never been able to get out of my head the afternoon I had gone to his house. Try as I might, I couldn’t forget it.

  He was so handsome it should be illegal and in the three months since the Sommers had moved in next door, I had been treated to an endless parade of either a flash of bare chest or naked, well-muscled,athletic thighs. After that kiss in his kitchen, he had become even more unbearable; sometimes I thought he was trying to seduce me. But who was I kidding? I was just eighteen going on nineteen and I still had a smattering of freckles around my nose and cheek. I must seem as boring as Goldilocks to him. He always had a selection of exotic sophisticated women on his arm; I never saw him with the same woman more than twice.

  Derek liked to work out every morning and he liked to wear shorts so tiny they were practically non-existent. Sometimes he raced by wearing his trademark shorts and nothing else; it was disgusting!

  Disgusting? That tiny voice inside my head taunted knowingly.

  Okay maybe not exactly disgusting but how else could one describe how it felt watching sweat course down a man’s taut, whipcord, silken fleshed body in rivulets as he raced past, muscles bunching and clenching with every move?

  I didn’t know how to describe the shock wave that swept over me as though he were touching my breast again.

  I swallowed past the sudden knot in my throat as I watched Derek slowly lift a strand of his lover’s hair and carry it to his nose. As he sniffed the strand, he looked right across the yard, and my gaze collided with his.

  I forgot to breathe, caught up helplessly in the sheer fire of his gaze; even from the distance that separated us I could feel the raw heat of it.

  Suddenly I sprung back to life. I jerked my gaze from his and raced for the front door of my house as though the hounds of hell were nipping at my heels. I didn’t stop until the front door crashed behind me, and I leaned back against it, panting and trying to regain my breath.

  “Jenny? Is that you honey?” Mum called from the kitchen.

  I didn’t answer. I let my eyes drift closed on a sigh of relief. Derek had a reputation that was bad enough to make anyone’s hair curl in alarm and I wasn’t certain I wanted to get involved

  You’re already involved, my subconscious whispered to me again.

  I sighed as I half-walked, half-dragged myself to my room. I flung my knapsack onto my bed and flopped down right beside it.

  That kiss was the bane of my existence. Every time I remembered it, I felt like screaming. He had kissed me and stolen what little was left of my senses. I thought of him every waking moment and I was almost ashamed of the intensity of my feelings.

  Alright, I wasn’t almost ashamed, I was ashamed! Lydia was my best friend and we shared everything but I hadn’t told her about the kiss or the crush or the rest of it!

  If I told her she would be shocked to her toes because I never shut up complaining about the bad boy next door.

  “Jenny!” Mum screamed again.

  I sighed as I clambered off the bed. The woman never gave up! “Coming!”

  Dinner was annoying. Every time Dad travelled Mum seemed to think the only way she could comfort herself for his absence was to serve his favorite dish: lasagna. And seeing he was away a lot, it meant we ate lasagna in penance almost every time. It had quickly become my least-liked dish.

  “Jenny your father isn’t going to be back for three days,” Mum chattered, oblivious to my inner thoughts. “I’m going to join the Porters for that Bridge party they’re having tonight and tomorrow. I’ll be back on Sunday.”

  “Just in time to welcome Dad,” I muttered not holding back on the sarcasm dripping in my voice.

  Silence. She regarded me with wounded eyes.

  “It’s true I miss him and yes it’s true I like to fix a lot of activities for when he isn’t in. But you don’t have to be here all by yourself. You could come with me,” she reminded me.

  I rolled my eyes. “Yeah right.” Talk about a fun weekend; I would be all by myself stuck in the midst of a bunch of aging ladies.

  “I’m serious,” Mum said earnestly.

  “Forget it Mum. Go be with your friends. When Dad is here you two make me feel like a third wheel anyway! And when he isn’t, I get to feel like an orphan. I’m over eighteen! I should be moving out! I’ll get a job soon and I’ll be out of your hair!” I spat.

  I stormed from the room and slammed every door I passed until I got to my room. Sometimes my parents
made me feel like I was interrupting their lovey-dovey world. I wanted them to be happy; I wasn’t a monster after all. But sometimes it just made me feel…

  Jealous? That inner voice whispered in my ear.

  I collapsed onto my bed in surprise as I realized that was what I was feeling. Jealous.

  I heard mum’s steps as she moved around then just before she left, she knocked timidly on my door and said, “Jenny? Do you want to come with me?”

  I didn’t respond and I heard her sigh softly.

  “Stay safe honey. Call me if you need anything.”

  The house was eerily silent as she left and I grabbed my assignment and began to work on it after I mailed Lydia the PDFs. My hand quivered as I sent her the mail. Could I talk to her about Derek? Would she understand?

  I didn’t talk about Derek in my mail; just teased her about her boyfriend Mark. And that was when it hit me: everyone was all loved up. Everyone but me.

  I wanted more. I wanted something different.

  “Maybe I should consider getting a boyfriend,” I thought aloud.

  Easier said than done, my mind informed me.

  I sighed. That was the truth.

  Every time I shut my eyes, I saw Derek. No boyfriend would appreciate coming second place to that man in his girl’s life.

  I shut my laptop with an audible snap. There was no use pretending to read. I was bored. Perhaps I needed to get some sleep?

  I stood and walked down the hall towards the living room. Loud music reverberated through the house; practically shaking the walls.

  I frowned in the direction of Derek’s house. I didn’t have to be a genius to figure out a party was in full swing. His parents were rarely home and obviously he had decided to bring his wildness home tonight.

  Angrily I recalled how he had wrapped his paws around that girl on his balcony uncaring that I could see them. And now this! It was the last straw.

  I was going to go over there and give him a piece of my mind. And if he didn’t turn down the freaking radio, I would be calling the cops in a nanosecond; I decided.


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