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50 Forbidden Explicit Erotica Sex Stories

Page 2

by Lexi Sinner

  I stormed over to the Sommers’ my feet flying over the grass in my rage. I gave the door a loud bang; it flew open almost at once.

  “You need help?” a russet-haired guy asked, peering blearily at me through the haze of smoke and alcohol.

  “Get out of my way!” I barked as I shoved past him and stumbled inside.

  I froze. I barely recognized the Sommers’ formerly quaint and homey living room. Every inch of the house seemed to be covered in bodies; bodies gyrating to music, bodies undulating in sensual pleasure and bodies passed out cold from drink or drugs or both.

  “Holy cow!” I breathed.

  “Yeah, tell me about it,” a familiar voice said beside me. I turned around to glare into a pair of familiar cobalt blue eyes.

  “You!” I spat.

  He peered at me in the exact same way Russet Hair had. “Yes me, Jenny. Who did you expect? The Easter Bunny?”

  “Before you remind me that this is your house, let me remind you that I live right next door! I want to read and get some shut eye after that but none of that’s gonna be possible if you’re going to play your music loud enough to wake the dead! Tone it down a notch, dammit!” I shouted.

  I hadn’t realized I had drawn attention nor had I noticed I was shouting but for some reason, everyone around us had quieted and even the music had stopped abruptly. I flushed to the roots of my hair when I saw that the entire room was watching the pair of us. And worse, I had been cussing him out and yelling my head off like some fish-wife. What must they think of me, I wondered.

  “Now look what you’ve done! Everyone’s staring,” I whispered furiously.

  “Me? What did I do? You’re the one who managed to create a scene in less than two seconds,” he whispered back.

  He grabbed my arm and yanked me in the direction of the door, “She’s leaving.”

  I jerked my arm free. “No I’m not. I’m calling the cops.”

  The room erupted in laughter.

  I gaped. Who were these people? Normal human beings got in line when one threated to call the cops; these ones just laughed in my face.

  I looked at Derek in confusion. He was staring at me with a strange half-smile on his face. “That threat doesn’t work around here, Jenny. The cops are in on this and they’ve been paid to stay away for three whole hours. So here’s the deal, you can either scurry back to your hole Goody-Two-Shoes, or you can get with the program!”

  With that he turned on his heel and strode away.

  I glared after him, feeling hot, angry humiliated tears burn the back of my eyes.

  “You heard the man Sweetling. Come blow off some steam,” someone called with a laugh.

  “Yeah right, Mark! She’s a delicate flower and Mummy’s little girl. Just look at her hair,” someone else laughed throatily.

  Shame and humiliation roared through me until the sound was drowning out almost everything else including the resumed sound of the music. Derek had reached a corner of the room and one red head had her hands around him while she kept a malicious gaze trained on me.

  I stumbled in my haste to reach the door and as I fumbled for the knob, a hand miraculously appeared and opened it for me. I mumbled a ‘thank you’ and jerkily stumbled into the yard.

  A hand at my elbow stopped me and I turned reluctantly. I just wanted to be far away from this place and back home.

  The girl was chubby with her hair in wispy strings around her face; her eyelids were covered in black eye shadow that lent a Gothic air to her appearance and her face was somber as she gave me a strangely pitying look.

  “I’m Triana. Aren’t you about leaving High School?”

  I stared at her confused. “Huh?”

  “These are mostly college kids. They’ve marked you as a Goody-Two-Shoes and you’re going to be a Freshman in about a month or two. They aren’t gonna forget what happened here tonight and you’re going to have a very hard time of it.”

  I licked my lips in confusion; they were dry.

  “Listen. I’m not going to pretend I want you here okay? I heard Derek call you Jenny and I knew at once that you were the Jenny.”

  “The Jenny? What the hell does that mean?” I demanded.

  “Derek’s real popular in school but he’s also one of my closest friends. I can tell you for free that so many girls think he’s all that and they’re not afraid to show it. Problem is, Derek only has eyes for the one girl.”

  I threw back my head and laughed at that one. The guy was a rapacious womanizer! Every time I turned around he had a new girl in his arms!

  I didn’t realize I had spoken aloud until the girl responded, “It might seem that way, but trust me. From the day he clapped eyes on you, Derek was a goner. Why do you think he jogs all the time wearing those briefs? He hates jogging Jenny. He’s been angling for your attention.”

  I gawked at her stupidly.

  “He has. And when you came over here tonight, he was so filled with hope. But you only came to scold him in front of everyone. Being Derek, he naturally pretended it didn’t matter and cut you down to size. But if you leave, that’s it.”

  The finality of that sent a knot of fear straight into my heart. “What do you mean that’s it?”

  “Derek’s also stubborn. He’d convince himself his attraction to you was all his imagination and then he would turn his back on you. Worse, you would already be a social pariah before you even got into college.”

  “Who says I want to go to college in this State?”

  Triana shrugged, “Doesn’t matter where you go. Word travels.”

  She obviously decided I wasn’t going to be convinced because she turned on her heel and headed back to the house.

  My phone beeped just then and I turned the screen to look at the new message. It was Lydia. “What am I going to do with you Jenny? Everyone’s calling you Goody-Two-Shoes on Wemstar.”

  Wemstar was a social media platform exclusively for kids in our school. How did they get to hear it? My heart raced. Triana was right. Word did indeed travel.

  I was facing social suicide!

  “Wait!” I called.

  She froze with one foot on the step. She threw a look over her shoulder, “Yes?”

  “Tell me what to do. Please.”

  She withdrew the foot from the step and beamed a smile of approval on me. “You have to seduce Derek. In front of everyone.”


  “Are you crazy? I’ve never seduced a man in private never mind in public!”

  “All the more reason it would be more authentic if you do it now! He needs you and he’s not gonna make the first move because every time he comes around you, you make him feel like some pervert!”

  I sighed. I really was going to have to seduce Derek. But how? My palms began to perspire.

  “What do I do?”

  “Walk up to him right in the crowd and go with your instincts,” she instructed.

  I stared at her owlishly.

  “Anything else would look fake and forced,” she told me.


  The music was still blasting as I walked back into the house.

  I could feel eyes all over me from every corner of the room. I willed myself to ignore them and focus on some inner strength I didn’t even know I had. I looked around the room. Derek was still lounging right where I left him!

  This time, two girls, the redhead and a blonde were competing for his attention but without much success because he looked bored and wasn’t even trying to hide it.

  The moment he saw me, something alive and electric moved in his eyes. Because I was watching for it, I saw it. It zinged from right across the room and scorched me; so hot and fast in its intensity.

  Suddenly the last of my nervousness vanished. I threw back my shoulders and walked straight towards him.

  He straightened from his lounging position to glare down at me. I refused to be intimidated. I held on to what Tiara had said about him wanting me and the emotion I had seen in his eyes few

seconds ago when he noticed me.

  “What?” he demanded.

  I tossed my hair, baring one side of my neck and I was gratified to see his gaze fasten to the spot.

  “I want to make a deal with you Derek. Since you won’t turn down the music and I can’t go to the cops, how about we compromise?” I whispered, looking at him from beneath my lashes.

  He stared at me. “What did you have in mind?”

  I slowly placed both hands on his chest. I felt the muscles leap and bunch beneath my hands and I was emboldened.

  “If I can get you hot and bothered, you’re going to have to do as I say and turn down the music.”

  His lip quirked in a smile that was half-derisive. “And if you lose?”

  I swallowed. That didn’t bear thinking about. If I lost it meant he didn’t find me desirable at all and Triana was wrong! Panic welled and I looked around wildly. I caught Triana’s eyes just then in a corner of the room and she gave me an encouraging nod. I relaxed and looked back at Derek, “If you win, you decide what you want. Anything.”

  His eyes flamed. “This should be interesting. Go for it, tiger.”

  My mind went delightfully blank. I didn’t know what next to do!

  I raised panicked eyes to his and he seemed to take pity on me. He moved fractionally closer and just like that, I knew at once what to do. I slid my hands around his neck and pressed my body against his. I lifted my face, offering him my lips and obligingly he began to kiss me. His kiss deepened and deepened as he began to kiss me harder, deeper. I slowly embraced him harder against me and he kissed me all the more.

  His hands delved into my hair, holding me in place as his tongue tangled with mine. Catcalls and wolf whistles rent the air and I slowly detached myself from his arms. I realized then that while he had been kissing me, he had merely been following my lead.

  He seemed calmly unruffled and faintly amused, I realized as my angry gaze caught the faint smile on his lips.

  I would wipe off that smile in two seconds, I promised myself.

  I went in for another kiss and this time I kissed him with everything in me. I pressed my breasts against his chest and began to undulate and twist against him as I kissed him. One hand drifted from his neck to slowly stroke his chest. My finger grazed his nipple and I heard his sharp intake of breath. I smiled to myself. So that was the secret was it?

  I boldly began to fondle the nipple as he groaned and moaned against my lips. I twisted it and stroked it and his hands tightened about me even as his tongue delved deeper into my mouth.

  Now we were getting somewhere, I thought in feminine triumph.

  I pushed my hand underneath his chest and began to fondle his nipples directly. He was groaning openly now. Without stopping to think about it, I raised his shirt and bent my head to suckle his nipple. The others in the room were practically going crazy by now.

  I distinctly heard someone say, “This isn’t a virgin! She’s a whore!”

  I smiled in triumph against his chest.

  Derek was enjoying my ministrations because his hands were also everywhere. I felt the hard poking of his penis against my body and I rubbed against him experimentally. He groaned some more.

  I licked first his right and then his left nipple. Then slowly, I slid to my knees in front of him.

  I saw his eyes widen in shock as I reached for his fly.

  Chants of “Jenny!” “Derek!” filled the entire room as everyone seemed to be egging us on.

  I raised one brow, “Ready soldier?”

  I didn’t give him a chance to respond. I unbuckled his belt and unzipped his fly. His arousal sprang free at a ninety degrees angle and the entire room crowed.

  Derek was huge. He had to be about 12 inches. I felt my hands begin to shake at his incredibly huge size.

  He noticed because he raised one hand and caressed my cheek, “It’s okay Jenny. It won’t hurt you,” he promised huskily.

  I looked into his eyes and suddenly in that moment I saw with clarity what had been hidden in my heart for months. I loved him. I didn’t care if he was the world’s worst player, I loved him.

  And just like that I knew he wouldn’t hurt me. I trustingly bent my head and began to suck his dick. He moaned and groaned and wriggled against me. I licked the salty head of his dick and then I began to bob my head up and down instinctively.

  He threw back his head with a hoarse cry escaping from his lips again and again and again as I sucked him.

  “Fuck, I’m cumming,” he groaned as I sucked and sucked and sucked.

  I pulled my lips away immediately and rose to my feet.

  Derek raised tortured eyes to mine. “Please don’t stop. I need to cum. I need—”

  “See the pressure you’re feeling now Derek? It’s not gonna go away until the music ends,” I enunciated carefully.

  He gaped at me in disbelief. Then like a mad man, he suddenly turned around and yelled, “Everyone get out! Right now! Party’s over.”

  The room erupted in a cacophony of voices. I watched as Derek jerked his pants over his still erect penis and I winced as he shoved it around, trying to zip the fly. He settled for buttoning it and jerking his shirt over his erect penis.

  “Clear out! Party’s over!” he yelled.

  “Dude, you wanna get laid, go get some. Leave us in peace.”

  “Everyone you’ve got five seconds. If you aren’t out the door by the time I’m done talking, I’m getting the cops. And I’m done talking now!”

  The place erupted in a burst of activity and in less than five seconds, I was left standing in an empty room with Derek. I felt my heart melt to my very toes.

  I had asked him to stop the music, he had stopped the entire damn party! For me!

  “Jenny, you shocked me today,” he breathed as he locked the door after the last person and reached for me.

  I blushed to my toes. I knew what he meant. I had shocked me too. This had been so out-of-character for me. But in a strange way, I kind of liked it; I liked knowing I had a side of me no one could have guessed. A wild, bold, confident side.

  And that power I had had over him… sheer feminine power. It made me feel real good about myself.

  Derek came back to me. “Let’s go upstairs. It’s much cleaner.”

  I nodded happily at him and he leaned down and jerked me up into his arms. I yelped in surprise and he bent his head and kissed the scream off my lips. He was so incredibly gentle it melted my heart.

  As he carried me upstairs, I listened to the sound of his heartbeat; sure and strong.

  “I can’t believe you threw your guests out,” I laughed against his chest.

  He stopped in front of a large wooden door. I assumed the door led to his bedroom.

  His eyes were shining with a strange un-nameable light as he looked down into mine. Then without warning he said the last thing I expected to hear, “I love you Jenny.”

  My breath caught in my throat. I stared up at him in dazed disbelief.

  “I didn’t know how to tell you all those months ago that I loved you especially because every time you saw me, some girl was hanging around. Every time I looked at you, I saw a disapproving frown. I was afraid you would think I was a pervert so I stayed quiet.”

  Without waiting for my response, Derek kicked open the door and laid me gently on a bed covered in blue bedspreads as if I was made of fine china. I sat up immediately watching in fascination as he hurriedly shed his clothes. My heart was still racing at the words he had said. Did he really mean it? He loved me?

  He was naked almost at once and he clambered onto the bed.

  His hands encircled me and I groaned in excitement as he bent to kiss the sensitive spot behind my right ear.

  “Oh Jenny. I’ve dreamed of this for so long,” he breathed.

  I began to shake as he kissed my ear lobe and licked it. Next he moved his lips and began to kiss me.

  I shook even more severely in his arms. He bent his head and kissed my neck, my collarbon
e. Then he slowly raised my top and began to feast on my breasts.

  No one had ever suckled my breasts. I discovered at once that my nipples were so incredibly sensitive as shafts of pleasure shot through me. Derek kissed me again and again until I began to quiver all over.

  “I love your breasts. They’re small and firm and easy to grab,” he moaned.

  I had never liked by size 34A boobs but in that very moment, I fell in love with them.

  Derek worshipped my breasts, laving them with his tongue, grazing them with his teeth and sending shafts of uncontrollable pleasure racing from my breasts to my nipples, to my stomach and down to the juncture of my thighs.

  His hands slipped downwards and unfastened my jeans. In a flash he had slipped it off.

  “You do that so well,” I accused.

  “Someone’s jealous,” he chuckled.

  I flushed in embarrassment. “So what if I am?” I demanded.

  He grinned and then he slowly reached out and dipped one hand between my legs. All traces of laughter vanished from his eyes as he felt my soft, wet core.

  “Jenny,” he groaned.

  I couldn’t respond. I opened my legs wide to give him access. He bent his head and opened his mouth over my pussy. I jumped in surprise. But his hands steadied me.

  I slowly spread wider and he began to kiss me and lick me.

  One slim finger gingerly entered between my legs. I was incredibly tight around his finger but I was also wet. He began to move his hand in and out even as his lips and tongue continued to give me pleasure.

  Finally, he stopped and I groaned. He raised himself to look at me.

  “Jenny? I want to make love to you.”

  I nodded.

  “You’re a virgin, aren’t you?”

  I nodded again, feeling my cheeks going red.

  “Hey, don’t be shy. I like that you’re a virgin at your age and I’m the first and last guy to ever make love to you.”

  I lifted one brow. “Confident much?”

  He shrugged. “Alright I hope to be the last. I want you Jenny. Not just for now; for always.”

  My heart was in my eyes as I looked into his. He was earnest, and sincerity blazed from his eyes.


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