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Hollowed: Return to Sleepy Hollow, the Complete Duology

Page 40

by Candace Wondrak

  I let out a skeptical chuckle, blinking away the excess water in my eyes.

  “Now, what I’m sure we’re all wondering,” Bones paused, glancing to Wash and Crane, “is who’s going to get to dance with you, first?”

  “As if we all won’t get a turn,” Crane scoffed, adjusting his bowtie, and acting like a total dweeb in the process. “You uncultured swine.”

  “That’s mean,” Bones remarked. “Don’t talk about Wash like that.”

  “I wasn’t—”

  As Crane and Bones got into it, I found my eyes drifting to the tall, dark, and handsome man standing near us quietly. I offered my arm to Wash, figuring Crane and Bones would be at it for a while, and by the time they stopped, we’d already be on the dance floor, doing a square dance or whatever it was these people were doing.

  Wash stepped forward, grabbing my hand, and together we headed into the crowd. We took the same position everyone else had, doing our best to mimic them. Wash only stepped on my toes a few times. Not nearly as bad as I expected.

  This place, these people—Sleepy Hollow had become my home. No matter what happened next, no matter what shit life threw at us, I knew without a doubt it would be fine. Nothing else mattered except being here, with my men, surrounded by people who at one time I thought were just as kooky as my dad.

  I’d found a home in Sleepy Hollow, one I wasn’t expecting. I’d found three loves, none of which I wanted, at first. I’d found my purpose, and it wasn’t to work at a retail store for a shitty pay. No, I was meant for so much more. I always was.

  I was Kat Aleson, the daughter of the loveable town fool Philip Aleson, the new and improved Katrina. I had Irving Crane, Brom Brunt, and Washington by my side. This life was only just beginning. For the first time ever, I couldn’t wait to see what my future held.

  Hopefully a threesome.

  Extra Scenes

  If you don’t like a little M/M in your life… you might want to skip these.

  After the Party, Wash’s POV

  I find it odd how different everything looks after midnight. Kat claimed she didn’t plan on staying at the shindig that long, but we’d found it was difficult to leave when everyone either wanted to steal a dance with her or talk to her about her deceased father and how much they adored him. A sobering night, but I hoped she had fun, regardless. From the way she spoke of him, Kat had no idea just how much her father had meant to everyone in the town.

  In Sleepy Hollow.

  Things had changed here, become more substantial. I had been made full, and though I still had ties to the otherworld, I was a man once more. A man with a head, a full body, and a heart that had begun to beat for one woman alone.

  Kat Aleson.

  The world had gone on without me, changed and become something I could hardly recognize. I was fortunate to stumble across her, to meet her before the original Katrina could sink her claws into her and take her.

  And me, by extension.

  As we drove back to the house, I couldn’t help but sit there and think about how content I was. No more rage-induced stalking, no more days trying to find the words to say when I could not speak. No more ax-throwing.

  I stared out the window, still not accustomed to sitting in one of these metal machines. A car. There were so many newfangled things out there I was yet to understand, things which Kat, Bone, and Crane had yet to teach me. I liked to think I was learning, that soon enough I would be just like anyone else on earth, but I knew that would never happen. I would always have a link to the otherworld and my ax, after spending so many years roaming that place in search of my head.

  Kat was a witch. She’d closed the weakening veil, but she’d always be different, too. There would always be spirits who tried to cross over; our work with Katrina Van Tassel was done, but it was not done when it came to Sleepy Hollow.

  Within a few minutes, we were inside the house that used to belong to Kat’s father. Most of the clutter had been organized, a lot of it thrown out by now, but there still remained quite a bit from Phil Aleson.

  Crane, the tall, elegant fellow who often tripped on his own feet, worked on loosening the small bow around his throat, untying it before adjusting his glasses. His short brown hair was combed to the side, his green eyes alive and on fire as they looked at Kat. “Ms. Aleson,” he spoke, standing before the stairwell and reaching for her hand to plant a soft kiss there, “I do believe Bones and I owe you something.”

  Kat giggled, a soft, feminine sound as she turned her head to watch Bones take her other hand in his. “Tell me it’s a threesome. Not going to lie, I’ll be super disappointed if it’s not.”

  Beside her, Bones gave her a dimpled smile. He wore freshly-pressed clothes, his blue eyes heavy on her. His blonde hair was combed back, although the night’s dancing had caused some of it to fall over his forehead in a puff. “Heaven forbid,” he replied in good nature, causing Kat to laugh again.

  I would be the first one to admit, I adored that sound. But… then again, I adored each and every sound she made.

  What was between us was not normal by society’s standards. I knew it wasn’t normal for history’s standards, either—but none of us seemed to care much, because we all desperately needed Kat. We needed to be near her, to have her, to belong to her. We each had a connection to her none of us could fight; we’d be foolish to try.

  Together, Bones and Crane led Kat up the stairs. I stood there at the base, watching as they went up, wondering if I should go with them. I didn’t understand the details of what a threesome would entail, but surely by its name—threesome—the term only lent itself to something with three people. I would make four.

  I didn’t know much, but I did know that staying down here alone was the last thing I wanted to do.

  It didn’t take me long to catch up to them. I was the largest out of them, able to take two stairs at a time easily. I found them in her room, having already helped her out of her shoes and the straps of her dress.

  When I entered the room, both Crane and Bones turned toward me. Kat gave me a smile, pushing away from them as she walked toward me, her hips swaying with each movement. Those hips were easy to get lost in.

  Kat ran a hand down my wide chest, and I bent down, placing my lips upon hers. When the kiss was done, she whispered, “You can stay, if you want, but I think Bones and Crane want to star in this episode.”

  Her words confused me a bit, but she did invite me to stay. I let my eyes wander, spotting the small chair near the window on the side of the room.

  She saw what I stared at, and she grinned. “Take a seat then, voyeur.” Again, using a word I didn’t understand, but I supposed I could put two and two together. A voyeur must like to watch, because that was what I was about to do to Kat and her other two suitors.

  Kat shimmied out of her dress, leaving it on the floor. She wore nothing but her undergarments now, standing between Crane and Bones. I took my time in walking to the chair, reclining in it as I kept my gaze trained solely on her, on her face. She faced Crane, and the man responded by weaving his fingers through her hair and kissing her softly.

  Bones was in the process of taking off his shoes, then his socks, stopping only to pull Kat from Crane’s grip and press his mouth to hers in a way that told me he was hungry for her. They went at her from both sides for a while, like some kind of odd competition, always trying to be better than the other. She seemed to like it, though, reveling in the possessive way they each held her.

  Fate had tied us all together, given us this beautiful woman. It was only natural to want to worship her.

  Bones went to unhook the fabric holding back her breasts, and the cupped lace fell to the floor, her top half exposed. Crane knelt before her, locking eyes with her beneath his glasses as his thumbs hooked around her undergarments, slowly tugging them down her legs and getting rid of the last piece of restricting fabric.

  My own body grew hot watching, the cock between my legs becoming hard as a steel rod. Still, I did not mov
e, did not go to join them. This was something Bones and Crane had planned, and I would not interrupt. I knew how important time with Kat was, and I would not steal it from them. Now, we would have all the time in the world.

  Leaning back on the bed, Kat drew her gaze between Crane and Bones. “Why am I the only one that’s naked?” she asked, her voice smooth as velvet. “Why don’t you two get comfortable?” They reached toward their necks, tugging off the tie and undone bow there, but she stopped them when she suggested, “Why don’t you take off each other’s clothes?” Kat wore a brilliant smile, a smile no sane man could ever resist.

  Crane and Bones glanced at each other, something unspoken happening between them. I could not say what they thought, but I did know they eventually relented.

  Coughing once, Crane stepped toward Bones. They each had a bulge between their legs, but it would seem they were doing their best to ignore it, at least while shedding their clothes. His long, elegant fingers brushed the tie Bones wore before loosening it and taking it off, and then he worked on his shirt, exposing the musculature on his chest.

  When Crane’s fingers brushed the blonde trail of hair heading down from Bones’s belly button, Crane paused. Under his glasses, he looked at Kat, who sat on the bed, squeezing her thighs together as if watching her men take off each other’s clothes was the most erotic thing she’d ever seen.

  Those green eyes returned to Bones, and even though Crane’s cheeks were a tad pink, he continued. His hands worked to undo the belt first, and then his pants, taking his time in unzipping it. In a moment, when Bones stood, bare of all clothes, Crane took a step back, his eyes traveling along the other man slowly, taking him in. His cheeks were pink for a whole different reason then, I bet.

  “Now,” Crane whispered, his voice halting the moment Bones took a step closer to him and tilted his blonde head.

  “I know,” Bones said. “Now it’s my turn.” His cock stood straight, thick and veiny.

  On the bed, Kat was clearly thrilled.

  Bones was a little rougher as he took off Crane’s clothes, doing a bit more yanking. Whereas Crane had been hesitant, Bones was not. He was as cavalier as he could be, and when Crane stood as naked as he was less than inches from him, he didn’t bat an eye.

  “There,” Bones murmured. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”

  The other man’s cock, I noticed, was not as thick; it was longer, though. They were each different in their own way; one tall and slender and the other a bit shorter but more muscular, and their lengths mirrored that fact.

  Kat didn’t know where to look first. “That was hot,” she whispered. “Like, super hot.”

  Crane and Bones shared a lingering look, but within a moment, they were crawling onto the bed with her, one on each side, showering her naked body with attention. Their hands roamed her skin, caressing and tweaking her chest and her nipples. Bones had her lips locked with his, one of his hands massaging her chest while Crane took to showering her lower half with affection; his hand slipped between her legs, curving along her body. When he touched her there, Kat had to break her kiss with Bones to groan.

  I knew Kat was in heated bliss, and I was too lost in her to judge her for it. If something felt this right, how could it be wrong?

  Crane had to take off his glasses, rolling to place them on the nightstand beside her bed. He took Kat’s lips, his hand cradling her neck as Bones moved to position himself between her legs. His blonde head bent low, his tongue flicking out seconds before he licked along her slit.

  Kat liked that a lot, for she writhed, her back arching, but Crane did not release her from his passionate kiss. In fact, Crane’s mouth was still attached to hers even when Bones lifted his face from her apex, even when he grabbed his thick cock and rubbed it along her slit. Her hips began to move, grinding against it, and Bones let out a grunt before he pushed inside her, filling her up with one push of those mighty hips.

  When Bones began to thrust rhythmically, Crane’s lips parted from hers, and he leaned his forehead against her, watching through half-lidded eyes as Bones claimed her first. Kat let out a cry of pleasure every few moments, especially when she was full to the brim with cock.

  The bed was a mess of limbs and sweat, but I could not look away. My own cock ached with the need to join them, but I would not. Perhaps later, after Bones and Crane were done with her, I could have her, too. I didn’t care if I felt their seed still inside her.

  Bones’s body began to shudder, his back tensing. He pumped into her more rapidly now, furthering his own release. When he came, he came with a vengeance, growling out his pleasure as he emptied himself inside her. It was a few moments before he pulled himself out and Crane traded places with him.

  Crane, it seemed, did not fancy having her the same way. He helped roll Kat to her side, allowing Bones the opportunity to hold her front against his chest, to kiss her soft, sweet lips as Crane lifted one of her legs over Bones’s. His cock was so long he could go at her entrance from behind while she was lip-locked with Bones, and that’s exactly what Crane did.

  He pushed into her from behind, heaving out an explosive sigh when he was inside her. I found myself leaning forward, amazed that the position actually worked. It was almost awe-inspiring how creative one could be when sex was in the picture.

  As the tall man took her from behind, Kat continued to kiss Bones, losing herself in his arms and Crane’s cock. Crane’s hips worked furiously behind her, thrusting erratically. Perhaps he was turned on from watching Bones have her first, or perhaps it was simply because he needed her like the air he breathed. Either way, Crane didn’t last long.

  A groan escaped his throat when his orgasm came, his cock jerking into her as he finished. His tall form locked against hers, and he rested his cheek upon her shoulder, breathing hard.

  I felt the need to touch myself, but I resisted. Perhaps Kat would take pity on me and finally invite me onto the bed, now that Bones and Crane were spent.

  Kat, however, had another idea.

  Just a Kiss, Kat’s POV

  My body was hot, practically on fire from both Crane and Bones. My lungs heaved for breath, and though my lips were attached to Bones, I still wanted more. Crane was slow in pulling out of me, and my body felt his loss immediately. Though it was the last thing I wanted to do, I sluggishly pulled my lips off him, rolling onto my back as I stared between them.

  Bones looked at me like I was his whole world, his blue eyes crisp and clear and full of heated lust. Crane stared at me like I was his everything, albeit his slightly hazy everything since he wasn’t wearing his glasses, like he could never get enough of me.

  My eyes flicked to the chair, where Wash sat, still watching, making no moves to relieve himself of the hard-on pressing against his dress pants.

  How the hell did I get so lucky? Well, it wasn’t all luck. I guess I owed my life to Katrina and her wanting to have her body back. If she had her way, she’d be inside me, her spirit having taken over, and she’d be with Wash, the one she wanted from the beginning, not Bones or Crane.

  Now it was time to look past all that, to move on from Katrina and her schemings. What better way to move on than with three handsome, ridiculously sexy men who all loved me?

  “You know,” I said, sitting up near my pillows, “I think you two should do a little something else, just to make this night more memorable.” That was just silly, because there was already no frigging way I’d ever forget tonight.

  Having both Bones and Crane naked on my bed, together? It was a dream come true.

  But, if I was honest, watching them take off each other's clothes had made me all sorts of hot and bothered. I never knew watching two handsome men do something like that to each other would be so… well, hot.

  Because it was. So, so hot it was unreal.

  Knowing they had been enemies before this, before me, somehow made things even hotter. I mean, enemies-to-lovers was my trope, you know? I loved it when it happened in TV shows, and I always secret
ly rooted for it to happen between the hero and villain in the books I read. When I actually had time to read.

  Bones looked at me, his lips thinning into a mock frown. “Dare I ask?” he spoke, and I saw his dick do a little perking up. He might try to hide his emotions on his face, but the state of his dick said it all.

  Crane reached for his glasses, sliding them on before staring between us. “Yes,” he agreed with Bones for once, “I do find myself a bit on edge wondering what else you’d like us to do.”

  I sat there, feeling their cum start to leak out—I’d have to wash the sheets, but that would be a job for tomorrow. Wash was stone silent in the corner, not that I thought he’d have much to say about this. No, if anyone directed this show, it was me. All me, baby.

  “Stop acting like you think I’m going to ask you to do something impossible,” I said, resting my hands over my lap. My shoulders went up and down in a shrug.

  “Then what is it?” Crane asked, emerald eyes on me.

  I waited a moment before saying, “I think you two should kiss.” My cheeks were on fire as I suggested it, but I was going for gold here, going for the home run. I remembered how Crane had wanted Bones to be in the threesome, not Wash, how his dick had twitched against me when I’d brought up Bones, so it wasn’t too far-fetched. Plus, watching them take off each other’s clothes had been one of the hottest things I’d ever seen.

  “Kiss?” Crane echoed, his cheeks turning pink as he sat up.

  Bones sighed out, “Kat…” He got up as well.

  Neither was outright saying no, so I took that for a miniscule win. “It was just a thought. You don’t have to. I just figured it might be a good thing to do, since there’s something between you—”

  That did the trick.

  “I’ve hated that weirdo for my whole life,” Bones said, causing Crane to scowl at him. “Even before I met him.”

  “And I felt the same,” Crane muttered.


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