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Hollowed: Return to Sleepy Hollow, the Complete Duology

Page 41

by Candace Wondrak

  I waited a moment before adding, “But you don’t feel that way about each other now, do you?” They’d come together to be with me, to work with each other to rid this town of Katrina. They made a good team, who could deny that?

  The two men were silent, though they did glance at each other. What I wouldn’t give to peek into their heads and see what they were thinking. Were they asking themselves if I’d gone crazy? Did they wonder what would happen if they kissed and actually liked it?

  I’ve thought about this. Right now, it was a reverse harem type of situation, all of the guys focused on me. It could work in the long-term, but I knew I was only one person. These guys might be happier if they shared certain things with each other, too. That, I guess, would make things less harem-like and more poly-like.

  “Well, I suppose I do not hate him anymore,” Crane muttered, adjusting his glasses as he met Bones’s stare.

  Bones was slow in saying, “Crane’s not bad.” He caught himself. “I meant as a person, not, uh, how he looks.”

  I’d take it as a good thing that neither man was hopping off the bed and running away. It had to mean they were open to it, right? Open to trying, at least, seeing if, maybe, something was between them other than the old fated hatred?

  Crane and Bones shared a long look, their expressions hardened and confused. But then something strange happened. Crane glanced to me, saying, “I suppose I would be willing, if it would make you happy.”

  “Yeah, sure,” Bones muttered. “If it would make you happy.” I didn’t know if he said that to convince me that it was all for me, or if he was trying to convince himself. I supposed we’d all find out shortly.

  I heaved a great breath, my chest still warm from being stuck between them. My eyes dragged between their naked bodies, raking over their smooth chests. Having them both on my bed, I was lucky enough. To get more… might be considered being greedy, but I didn’t care.

  Bones and Crane were slow to meet each other’s stare, their bodies even slower in inching closer. Their legs touched mine; it seemed they’d kiss right over my knees, not that I would complain about that.

  As their faces neared each other’s, Bones whispered, “So, uh, how are we doing this?”

  Behind his glasses, Crane’s gaze dropped to his lips, and he said, “I suppose we simply kiss and get it over with.” A fine suggestion, but by the electricity zapping through the air, the tension I could feel between the two men, I hoped it wouldn’t just be a quick peck.

  “Right,” he murmured. “Just get it over with.”

  Crane nodded, inching closer.

  My stomach knotted, butterflies in my body as I watched them come together over me. Both their eyes closed somewhat, though they each kept their lids open just enough so they could see what they were doing. The moment their mouths brushed against each other, I swore I could pass out from excitement.

  A soft, gentle kiss, seconds ticking by as neither of them pulled away immediately. I could hardly breathe as I watched them, as I felt heat pool between my thighs. I tried not to blink, lest I miss something.

  When their lips parted, they hovered near each other, their eyes meeting. Neither Crane nor Bones moved, simply staring at each other.

  “Maybe,” I took to suggesting, “you should do it again.”

  To my surprise, Crane was the one who closed the distance between them this time, his eyes fully closing as his lips met Bones’s again. This was not the same tentative, careful kiss they’d shared mere moments ago; this was harder, faster, and worlds hotter.

  Even though it was super late, I wasn’t tired. Not a single bit. Who knew getting no sleep would be so fun?

  Seeing their heads tilted, seeing their mouths take whatever else the other gave them, it was something else. Not to mention the fact that I saw both of their dicks perking up again.

  Suddenly I had an idea. I pulled my legs out from between them, watching as their chests moved closer, one wide and one thin. I crawled around Bones, running a hand along his back as he continued to kiss Crane. Moving onto his lap, I straddled him, careful to keep out of the way of their lip lock.

  When I came down on him and took his length in again, Bones tore his mouth off Crane’s, panting as he glanced to me.

  “Keep kissing him,” I purred out, starting to rock my hips along him.

  And he did, mostly because Crane’s hand found its way around his neck and brought him back to him. They made out over my shoulder as I rode Bones until he came, and I did the same thing to Crane.

  Making them both come while they made out with each other was one of the hottest things I think I’d ever do in my life, and when I rolled away from them, they were still kissing.

  I glanced to Wash, quietly getting up off the bed and tiptoeing to him. Crane and Bones didn’t even realize I’d left, it would seem, but that’s okay. I’d encouraged them, and I liked watching them make out. Their naked bodies tangled up in each other… oh, yeah. I liked it a lot.

  Wash extended a hand to me and he pulled me to his lap the moment I took it. I squirmed my butt over his bulge, causing him to groan into my ear. Scooting forward, I let him undo his button and zipper, watching Crane and Bones as he pulled himself out. His hands were hard, firm on my hips as he picked me up and placed me over his length. I took him in, gasping when I felt his girth spread me wide.

  All in all, it was a good night. A very good night. A part of me wished it would never end.

  More Than a Kiss, Bone’s POV

  I couldn’t stop thinking about that night. It was weird to have enjoyed it so much, wasn’t it? Kissing Crane. I mean, it was Crane. Come on. The guy and I had been at each other’s throats for so long, especially after he started working with Kat’s father. It was unnatural, and not because we were two guys. I wasn’t homophobic. You could like whoever you liked and sleep with whoever you wanted; I didn’t care.

  But me? Me and Crane?

  Say I forgot the fact that I’d hated him for so long, that I forgot how crazy I thought he was before finding out the otherworld and spirits existed, and there was still the teensy weensy fact that I wasn’t bisexual. At least, I didn’t think I was. Before that night, before Kat suggested we kiss, I’d never even thought about another man like that. I just didn’t. They weren’t my thing. I liked Kat, and only Kat.

  That’s what I kept telling myself, anyway, but with how much I thought about it, I was slowly realizing that might not be true.

  Ugh, why did it have to be so damned confusing?

  Things got back to normal in town after the festival. Everyone was busy gearing up for winter. The weather was set to turn cold next week, so cold snow was possible. I went back to work, while Crane, Wash, and Kat picked up where her father had left off. Kat was sticking around in Sleepy Hollow, which was good, because I knew I’d never be able to leave this town—just like I’d never be able to go on without her. She was literally everything to me.

  One Friday after work I picked up a few pizzas, bringing them over to her house. They were in the living room, the TV on for mindless noise. Kat had her tablet of shadows on her lap, sitting on Wash’s lap on a recliner. Crane sat on a couch, numerous notebooks opened before him. Behind his glasses, his eyes scanned the pages.

  “I brought dinner,” I said, shaking off the cold I’d brought inside the house. Kat never locked her front door; I guess after everything that happened, locking it was kind of pointless, but still. You could never be too careful. There were human crazies just as much as there were spirit ones.

  I took the pizzas into the kitchen, shrugging off my jacket and tossing it onto a bar stool. I slipped off my shoes, still wearing my police uniform, though I did take off my belt with my gun and leave it near the pizza.

  Kat was beside me in an instant, her tablet of shadows gone. She sniffed the air. “Smells delicious. You can never go wrong with pizza.” Her short body practically hummed as she got down some plates and chose her pieces—cheese, because she never ate anything else.
Maybe a pepperoni here and there, but mostly cheese.

  Me? I liked the meat lovers… although, now, I wasn’t sure what that said about me.

  I took my plate of three slices into the living room, not knowing where to sit. Crane had taken over the coffee table, and though Wash had gotten up to go get food with Kat, Crane hadn’t yet. He was still nose-deep in his work, so I coughed.

  His green eyes glanced up. “What?” He seemed to suddenly realize where he was, noticing that the entire coffee table was cluttered because of him. “Oh, right, right. Sorry, Brom.” He made a spot for me beside him, hurriedly packing up his work.

  He was the only one in town who called me Brom, and I used to hate it. Don’t ask me when I started to not hate it, because I had no idea.

  As I sat down, I said, “You should go get some pizza.”

  “Ah, I’m not very hungry.”

  Hmm. Probably why the man was so thin.

  “I could, however, go for some tea. Would you like some?” Crane got up, adjusting his glasses.

  Since I already stuffed some pizza into my mouth, all I could do was shake my head no.

  Crane left to go make himself tea, and Wash and Kat returned, each carrying their own plate. No—I took that back. Wash carried Kat’s plate for her, as if she was helpless. That, or he was trying to be some kind of gentleman. I could not roll my eyes enough at that. The Headless Horseman being a gentleman. Who would’ve thunk it?

  Wash and Kat sat on the floor on the opposite side of the coffee table, their plates beside them on the floor. When Crane returned with his tea, it was like deja vu. This was how most of our Friday nights were spent; lounging around, eating, relaxing.

  Usually nights like this always ended up with one or all of us taking Kat upstairs, but that was beside the point.

  “How was work?” Kat asked me, her mouth full of pizza. She was never one for manners, even while growing up.

  “Slow,” I said. Since Katrina had been dealt with, the crime rate went down, back to where it was before, save for the occasional random breaking and entering that sometimes happened around here. Yet another reason why she should lock her door, just in case.

  “I feel like that’s the general daily life around here,” she said. “Kind of boring when a crazy bitch isn’t trying to steal your body.”

  Crane nearly choked on his tea, while Wash only frowned at her comment. I paused, mid-chew, wondering if she was serious.

  “I’m kidding,” Kat said. “Of course I’m kidding.”

  Good, because that bitch was all different kinds of crazy.

  Crane sat beside me, leaning back on the couch as he sipped his tea. His eyes were on Kat, although they did flick to me every once in a while. How long had it been since that night? Since I’d had his mouth on mine? I could hardly remember, the days having blended into each other.

  I tried not to stare at him. He and I never spoke of it afterward. Since it was on my mind often, it wasn’t the first time I’d caught myself wondering if he thought a lot about it, too. What if it was just me being so confused? What if what we did never crossed his mind once?

  Hmm. I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about that, but I was almost certain I wouldn’t like it.

  Was that weird? Damn it. I hated feeling so anxious, like I overthought things. Why couldn’t it simply be what it was and we could all move on? We kissed for Kat, and even though Kat had not-so-indiscreetly said she’d be okay with us doing more, there was no way we would. Right?

  I was caught in my own mind as I finished eating, leaving my plate on the coffee table. Wash and Kat had returned to their shared chair, her face nuzzling against his wide chest and his strong arms wrapped around her. Crane was beside me, his tea finished. He had a small journal in his lap, writing something down.

  All in all, a typical Friday night.

  Since I knew I’d probably stay here until well past midnight, I grabbed the afghan blanket that was draped over the back of the couch, unfolding it to put it on my lap. I lifted my feet and set them on the coffee table, right on top of some of Crane’s stuff.

  “Careful,” Crane muttered, not even looking at me as he worked. The daylight had fizzled outside, the world of night taking its place. The only light that was in the room came from the television set, and with his bad eyes, I was surprised it was enough for him to see what the hell he was writing.

  I let out a silent sigh, leaning my head back on the couch cushion. Closing my eyes, I tried to relax, tried to un-stress myself out. Honestly, if I would’ve known how much kissing Crane would’ve affected me, I never would’ve agreed. It was just another thing to worry about.

  The sounds of lips smacking caused me to open my eyes and lift my head up. On the recliner, Wash and Kat were lost in each other. With one arm around her back, Wash reached for the lever on the side of the chair, pulling it and lifting the footrest so he could lay back with her on top of him.

  I was torn. I knew I should look away, maybe pretend to take a nap or something. Watching them would only get me excited, and sitting beside Crane… that wasn’t what I wanted. I didn’t think.

  God, why couldn’t things be simple?

  Wash and Kat parted their lips as he helped her out of her shirt, tossing it to the floor. Her bra was next, tossed aside just like the shirt. She ground her hips against him, straddling him on the chair, moaning out when she felt him beneath her.

  Beside me, Crane had shut his journal, his attention rapt. He leaned forward, pushing his journal onto the coffee table beside my plate, adjusting his glasses as he watched Wash and Kat go at it.

  I dragged my gaze back to the pair on the chair. I mean, it wouldn’t be the first time I watched. It’s just… you know, different because of what happened before.

  Everything was different.

  Kat had unbuttoned Wash’s shirt, running her hands down his chest, digging her nails into his skin. Her brown hair draped around his head, and her lips met with his once again. His hands gripped her hips just above her leggings, and I’d be the worst liar in the world if I said her ass didn’t look great grinding against him. So round and firm, I could imagine her being on top of me easily.

  Even though I fought it from happening, I felt the familiar swelling of something below the beltline. At least it was under the blanket, where I could pretend it didn’t exist. No way was I going to whip it out and touch it with Crane sitting less than a foot away.

  “She is something else, isn’t she?” Crane murmured, his voice low. Wash and Kat were too busy with each other to pay him, or us, any attention.

  I nodded. “She is.”

  “We’re lucky to have her.”

  Again, with the nodding. “We are.” I pretended not to notice the way Crane’s gaze slowly turned to me, how he glanced at the blanket on my lap. I even tried to shift my weight away from him, but doing so only made me realize just how hard I’d gotten from watching and listening to Kat and Wash.

  “Brom—” Crane started, stopping when I looked at him.

  Was it just me, or did he creep closer when I wasn’t looking? I was about to ask him what he was going to say, but then we heard telltale moaning coming from Wash and Kat, both of our heads turning to see that her leggings had been torn off, now resting on the floor. Wash’s pants were bunched by his ankles. She rode him on the chair, her body rocking wildly.

  Damn it. That was hot. My dick instantly hardened even more, now rock hard beneath my pants, straining against the fabric.

  When Crane and I met eyes again, there was no judgment. He had an erection too, and his thin hands worked to free it. Well, if he was going to, I might as well… it was only fair. I slipped my hands beneath the blanket, undoing my pants and yanking my hard cock out. After knowing what she felt like, my hands were never the same, but it was too much to sit here and pretend I could handle it.

  I couldn’t. I couldn’t handle it even a little.

  My hand was about to tighten around my shaft, but I felt something move under the
blanket: Crane’s hand. Or, rather, his other hand, as his right hand was firmly wrapped around his own dick. I glanced at him, a bit shocked, wondering if I should ask him what he was doing. But then, with where his other hand went, it was clear what he planned on doing.

  Crane’s other hand found my thick length, curling around it slowly. My breathing hitched, and I couldn’t fight the heat that instantly formed in my balls, the immediate need I had to find my release, even at the hand of the man beside me.

  His eyes were on me, his pupils dilated in the dim light. I was certain mine were, too. My hands were on my lap, having been pushed aside by his, but they slid off my lap as he made his first pump, running his thumb over my tip and feeling the small bit of precum there. I let out a low moan; having someone else’s hand wrapped around my dick was new. For a while, it’d just been my hand and Kat’s.

  Or, you know, her mouth. Or her pussy.

  Mouths were probably not something I should think about while Crane’s hand was on me, as I started to feel myself let go. Crane might not have a wet cunt, but he definitely had a mouth. Wonder if he’d be any good at it…

  See? That’s exactly why I should push him off me and rein in my thoughts.

  But I didn’t.

  I did the opposite of that: I let him jerk me off as we watched Kat and Wash have sex.

  Crane’s hand went up and down my hard length, gripping me with a tightness that made my lower stomach knot. My chest heaved as I tried to focus on Kat’s naked body and not the fact that Crane was giving me a hand job, but I couldn’t. Soon enough, my head fell back, and I groaned, my hips beginning to move in sync with his hand.

  God, it felt good. His hand was larger than Kat’s, his fingers fitting around my girth without a problem. All of my thoughts vanished, pleasure the only thing on my mind. That, and the hand pumping along my length like some kind of expert.

  I breathed hard, not wanting to come so soon, not wanting Crane to think I was less of a man for erupting so quickly, but I couldn’t fight it. The orgasm came with a spasming of my lower back and a tensing of my toes, and my cum shot out, coating the underside of the afghan blanket. Crane’s hand loosened on me, but he didn’t let go. I was sure a bit of cum had gotten onto his hand.


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