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Little Red and the Wolf

Page 23

by Alison Paige

  “It’s Sunday afternoon,” she said, following his lead, moving to her knees on the seat. “We’re not parked and we’re…ah, not alone.” She glanced over her shoulder at the solid privacy wall.

  “The partition’s soundproof.” He scooped her around the waist, pulling her to his lap. “Besides, Dave doesn’t hear anything he’s told not to.”

  “Now that’s a good driver.” She straddled his legs, pressing the moist heat of her sex to his groin. His hips pressed up into her, he couldn’t help it, his hands cupping the soft curve of her waist, holding her to him.

  Maizie arched her back, adding her own delicious pressure, her breasts riding high beneath the low neckline of her sundress. Gray’s muscles pulled tight, wanting her, needing the feel of her pussy hugging his cock, milking him dry.

  She was ready for him, her arousal so thick in the air his wolf-half stirred at her scent. Her desire rolled through him like a physical touch, stirring his body, calling to everything male inside him. They were so connected, too connected. She could undo him—and he’d enjoy it.

  His balls tight, his cock pulsed at the thought of driving into her. His mind slowed, blood racing to his cock, making it hard to think beyond sliding his hands beneath that sweet little dress, the silk flesh of her thighs against his palms, the wet heat of her panties—

  His phone rang. Fuck. “What is it about thoughts of screwing you while I’m in this car that makes that damn phone ring?”

  Maizie fell forward, bracing her hands on his shoulders. Her breaths were deep, but still under control. “It might be important.”

  Gray jerked the small BlackBerry from his breast pocket. “What?”

  “Uncle Gray?” Rick said. “You okay? You sound… Oh. Maizie’s with you, huh?”

  “To the point, Rick.” His jaw tight, Gray tried to soften the heat in his voice.

  “Yeah, right.” His voice held a ring of laughter. “Mom wanted to know if you were bringing Maizie around tonight. Sort of a get-to-know-the-family shindig. Personally I just wanna watch the great alpha wolf go all soft and squishy around his mate.”

  Gray flicked his gaze to Maizie, her soft kissable lips, her delicate neck and nearly bare shoulders. The way a single red curl lay atop the shelf of her full breast. “Trust me, kid. There’s nothing soft and squishy about me right now.”

  Rick snorted. “No doubt. So? Ya comin’ or not? I gotta tell ya, Mom’s kind of freaking about Maizie’s first impression of her…ya know, now that she’s Suzie homemaker and everything with Shawn.”

  Maizie leaned into him, nestled her little face under his chin and pressed her lips to his neck. Her perfume, the scent of wildflowers with a hint of forest underneath, smoothed through his body like warm brandy. Gray closed his eyes, heat rippling out from the spot her lips touched in fast dizzying waves. She kissed again.

  “She’s pack now, Uncle Gray,” Rick said. “Y’know, family. We’ll do right by her. I hope she knows that.”

  Gray met Maizie’s gaze, raised a brow.

  She smiled. “All my life it’s only been me and Gran. Even after the rough start I had with them, I’ve never felt so connected to family the way I did when the pack came to help me. I want to be a part of that again. Always.”

  “Always.” He leaned forward, taking her mouth with his, feeling his world click into focus, complete in a way he’d never thought possible.

  “Uncle Gray? You there?”

  Gray brought the phone back to his ear. “Uhm…I…I’ll get back to ya, kid.” He thumbed the off button on his cell phone and tossed it to the seat. His arms wrapped around Maizie, his hands sliding down to cup the firm cheeks of her ass.

  She gasped when he squeezed, his fingers finding the edge of her panties, then sliding underneath.

  “How much do you like these things?” His lips brushed the downy soft skin of her ear.

  “They’re hideous.”

  His laugh rumbled between them, echoing through her body, reverberating back into him. “Good answer.”

  A quick tug and Gray ripped the crotch, another yank and he ripped the side. He pulled the ruined cloth from under her dress. His gaze dropped to his hand before he tossed the panties to the floor. They were lace and silk, the same milk white as her skin.

  Maizie’s hands cupped his face, brought his attention back to her. “I want you to know…I love you. And not because of what happened, not because I got infected. I loved you before. I think I’ve loved you all along. I’ve been wandering through that forest for years not even knowing what I was searching for. Now I know.”

  “Now we know.” He closed the distance between them, taking her mouth with his. Her gasp stole his breath, her exhale filled his lungs.

  Her hands worked his pants, his belt, his zipper. She rose up enough to slide his slacks and briefs to his knees, his cock wagging stiff and eager. She ran her hand over his shaft, sending a mind-numbing jolt shooting through his body. Her fingers laced around the girth of his cock, stroked him as her other hand tucked her hair behind her ear so she could watch.

  Gray swallowed, his mouth dry, body tight. He shoved her pretty dress to her hips, exposing the red thatch of pussy hair between her thighs. Her cream glistened in the coarse hairs, her scent stronger now, more maddening.

  A growl started low in his chest, a wild need edging closer and closer to the surface. My mate. Claim her again.

  His hips rocked, following her rhythm as he dipped his fingers into her warm wet curls. Her gasp squeezed his lungs, her pleasure vibrated along his skin so he had to close his eyes to keep from losing control. He felt what she felt. The tight filling sensation of his fingers inside her, how each thrust built that exquisite pressure, spun her closer and closer toward release.

  He knew her body’s reaction to his touch just as she knew the feel of her hand pumping the sensitive flesh of his cock. Each stroke pulled a tingling string of pleasure from every corner of his being, so undeniable he couldn’t still his body. His heart hammered his chest, his beast rolled and growled inside him, wanting more, wanting it all.

  He curled his fingers inside her, pulled her to him even as the walls of her pussy hugged around him. When the head of his cock bobbed against her sex and her cream wet over its head, he pulled his fingers out and drove his hard shaft deep inside her.

  She rode him fast and wild, the pace frantic, right from the start. The pressure swelled between them, through them, one body feeding the other. Maizie screamed… No, it wasn’t a scream. She howled. And a simple understanding crystallized in the most primal recesses of Gray’s brain.

  She’d claimed him, marked him as her mate. Her body held his, her spirit reaching through the connection of their flesh down to his soul and touched him there. His lungs seized, a storm of heat flooded his body, burning every hard-won tether of his control. Release came hard and fast. There was no stopping it, no waiting for her to join him. There was no need.

  Maizie’s orgasm rocked through him an instant later. Like free falling from a towering cliff, he couldn’t breathe. The pleasure was too intense, stimulating every nerve ending in his body so his balls, his muscles, his flesh hummed and quivered with sensation. A pleasure so close to pain he nearly ached with it.

  She collapsed against him, the fast beat of her heart like thunder through his chest. Nothing like that had ever happened to him before and he knew nothing like it would ever happen again with anyone else. Life mate.

  Maizie pushed up to look in his eyes, her arms warm around his neck. “Granny used to warn me the big bad wolf in the forest would gobble me up.” She smiled. “I have to tell you. I feel utterly consumed.”

  Gray kissed her, a quick touch of lips. “Whoever said, Little Red, being gobbled up by a wolf was a bad thing?”

  About the Author

  To learn more about Alison Paige, please visit Send an email to Alison Paige at

  Alison Paige is the penname of multipublished author Paige Cuccaro.
She writes as Alison Paige when her stories run hot and spicy and as Paige Cuccaro when the fun in the bedroom is more of a sexy simmer. The romance is always key, whether it’s between beings of this world or out of this world.

  Alison (Paige) lives in Ohio, with her husband, three daughters, three dogs, three cats, a parakeet, and a bearded dragon named Rexy, in an ever-shrinking house. When she’s not writing she can be found doing the mom thing with a book in one hand and a notepad and pen in the other.

  Ideas come without warning and the best way to stimulate your imagination is to enjoy the imagination of someone else.

  Look for these titles by Alison Paige

  Now Available:

  Obey Me

  Tame Horses Wild Hearts

  An untriggered werewolf. A runaway Omega. It’s not easy fighting destiny.

  Wolf Flight

  © 2009 Vivian Arend

  Granite Lake Wolves, Book 2

  Tad Maxwell’s workaholism serves to keep his bush-pilot company in the air, and his inner werewolf in check. In the two years since he discovered his heritage, he’s resisted the longing to test the power of his wolf side. It would mean compromising his human principles.

  Then Missy Leason re-enters his life. Ten years ago, their teenage attraction never went beyond hand-holding. Now their chemistry is off the charts, pushing him closer to the step he’s not sure it’s safe to take, especially with a human.

  But Missy is more like Tad than he realizes. She’s wolf too, and a wolf pack is a dangerous place to have secrets. Missy’s Alpha has sniffed out her carefully hidden Omega powers. Her first response: run from the corrupt Alpha’s plan to make her his mate. Step two: get to Tad, and hope like hell his untapped powers are strong enough to negate her own.

  Every touch with Missy is hot, hot, hot, but even finding out she’s pure wolf doesn’t solve Tad’s dilemma. Is she using him, or are they truly destined mates? Only one thing is certain. He will defend her to his last breath—on his terms. Even if it means losing his life.

  Warning: Contains nasty Alphas, secret Omegas and werewolves acting raunchy on the dance floor. Sarcasm, wilderness cabins and hot nookie back by popular demand.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Wolf Flight:

  By the time they pulled into the parking lot Missy was half out of her mind restraining herself from jumping Tad. She popped open her door and leapt into the blowing snow as soon as the truck shimmied to a stop.

  Long deep breaths of icy cold air helped until Tad stepped around the cab with a concerned expression on his face.

  “You okay, Missy?”

  Oh, please don’t look concerned. Concern was one step away from affection, and tonight her body could jump from affection to full sex with no trouble at all.

  “I’m fine. Just needed some fresh air. Shall we go?” Missy forced herself to sound bright and cheerful. She hoped the place would be loud, dark and smoke-filled to dull her senses enough to get through the evening with Tad’s virtue intact.

  She wondered if he would appreciate the effort she was making. She had every intention of making love with him, but until she could visit the closest wolf pack and arrange for someone to tell Tad about his heritage she couldn’t act.

  Tad held the door open for her, and as she stepped past his arms, she knew she was done for. There was music, quiet and jazzy. The only smoke was from BBQ ribs. And the lighting was perfect to see Tad’s eyes widen as he helped remove her coat.

  “Fuck. Oops, sorry, but holy cow, you look good. I don’t think I’ve ever…” Tad swallowed hard, his gaze tracing up the length of her legs to where her skirt ended high above her knees.

  Fine. It wouldn’t have met the Catholic Girls School Uniform Requirements but Missy was short and she need help to make her legs look longer. At least that was her excuse and she was sticking to it.

  If she’d thought it through more she would have known this evening was going to be a bundle of dynamite waiting to detonate. Then she would have worn her baggy one-piece fleece hoodie that hung past her knees and a sloppy pair of sweat pants.


  She wouldn’t have. She wanted Tad to drool over her. It made something deep inside very satisfied to see the admiration and the fire in his eyes.

  She took a quick glance around. They would be safer sitting at the tall stools in front of the bar itself. Instead, Tad held her elbow and led her back toward a small booth tucked to one side of the bar. It was too late to protest, so she slid onto the soft leather upholstery behind the tiny table, her knees brushing Tad’s as he followed her.

  “What are you drinking tonight?” One of the servers stood waiting beside their table. Tad slipped his arm behind Missy, resting it along the back of the seat cushion, caressing her shoulders.

  She was going to die. She really was. “Do they have—?”

  “Sweetheart, first I’m gonna need to see some proof you’re of legal age,” the waitress interrupted.

  Tad chortled as Missy dug into her purse cussing under her breath. She handed over her photo ID and poked Tad in the ribs to get him to stop. It really wasn’t funny anymore.

  The waitress handed it back with a wink. “Our bartender can mix you any drink without looking it up. You name a drink he can’t produce and it’s on the house.”

  Missy glanced at the ceiling. She shouldn’t do this. Not with needing to keep control over her body around Tad.

  “What are you up to?” Tad teased with a squeeze to her shoulder.

  Electrical lust shot through her and her mouth went dry. To hell with it. A challenge was a challenge and she could use a stiff drink. She smiled at the waitress.

  “I’d like a Skip and Go Naked please.”

  Tad choked.

  The waitress winked at her. “No problem, sweetheart. Tad, what’ll it be for you tonight?”

  “Rum and Coke, please.”

  The waitress left and Missy watched as she made her way back to the bar. She put in their orders and the bartender’s head flicked in their direction. He lifted a hand and pointed at her, shaking his finger.

  “What’s a Skip and Go Naked, other than something that causes my heart to do double time?” Tad slipped his fingers over hers and Missy’s mind drifted. She was supposed to concentrate on…something. Tad’s beautiful brown eyes stared at her like she was the main dish at an all-you-can-eat dessert bar. Time slowed as she fell into the depths of his gaze. She leaned closer, his mouth inches away. If he’d ease a little more in her direction she be able to—

  “You tried to trick me with that one.” The bartender stood in front of them, a pale pink concoction in his hand. Missy made herself smile instead of baring her teeth at the man.

  Her hormones were becoming a serious issue tonight.

  “You thought if you missed the ‘Hop’ I wouldn’t know it. Hmmm? Well, you’ve got yourself one Skip and Go Naked. I left out the grenadine ’cause I figured that must be the hop.”

  Missy forced a laugh as she accepted the glass. “Actually, I’ve never heard of the Hop part. I’m glad you knew how to make one. It’s been a long time. Thank you.”

  He kissed her hand and strutted back to his bar, king of all he surveyed. Missy took a short sip of the sweet drink before glancing at Tad. His eyes were dark, his face intense as he glared after the bartender. Missy frowned. “Tad? You okay?”

  Tad shook his head like he was in a daze. “Sorry about that. I don’t like how that fellow leers and touches everyone.” He threw back half his drink and stood. “Come on, let’s dance.” He pulled her into his arms and Missy’s vocal cords seized up. Tad folded her into him like a pillow into a slip. Every part of him nestled warm and smooth around her, solid and strong in all the right places. Warmth radiated from his core, and Missy concentrated on breathing in a slow, even rhythm. Hyperventilating on the dance floor. Wonder if anyone ever called the ambulance for that one?

  Missy laid her head against Tad’s chest and listened to his heartbeat. She was short enough that
even with her high heels, his chin rested on top of her head, his arms reaching down to support her. She draped her hands around him, twining her fingers into the hair at his neckline. Tad hummed with pleasure.

  As they swayed together to the bluesy music, Missy wondered if what she felt was possible. An untriggered male and a runaway Omega wolf, there was a strange combination. She closed her eyes and relaxed the tight reins she’d been keeping on herself. Tad dropped his hands and ran them over her back, down her hips, snuggling her tighter against his body, a rock-hard ridge pressing into her belly. The scent of his arousal wafted by on the air and she gasped back a groan. She wanted to taste so badly.

  It was too much to continue to resist. Every nerve in her body screamed for him and she lost control. One flavour denied, she took the pleasure she could reach. Missy locked her fingers together, drew his mouth down and suckled his tongue. No gentle introduction, no soft finesse or enticement. Simple and hard desire drove her, his taste not even taking the edge off her need.

  She slipped one leg on either side of his, pressed her heated core into his thigh with the thought that some release would be better than none. Tad seemed to read her mind. He feasted on her mouth like a starving man while he danced them into the shadows at the edge of the floor, away from any curious onlookers.

  Tad dragged his lips from hers, his dark eyes snapping with need as he cupped her face in his hand. “You’re playing with wildfire. Is this what you want? In public? Because we can go back to your hotel.”

  He’s only been surviving. Her magic can show him how to live.

  Sanctuary’s Price

  © 2009 Moira Rogers

  Red Rock Pass, Book 3

  After a decade under a corrupt alpha’s thumb, Dylan Gennaro is still reeling from the changes in his life: a new home, a new alpha, a pack at war. Even normal things like an ending relationship. Still, when he’s asked to work with an outcast witch, he agrees without hesitation. Maybe by protecting her, he’ll rediscover his own inner strength. If, indeed, it exists.


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