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Little Red and the Wolf

Page 24

by Alison Paige

  Sasha Wallace lost her mentor in a vicious attack that left her scarred in spirit as well as body. While she’s grateful for the refuge offered by the Red Rock alpha, it’s tough living with the pack’s suspicion. Even though—or maybe because—she’s willing to use her powers to help them fight their war. Except for Dylan. When she’s finally free to find a new home, he’ll be the only one she regrets leaving behind.

  Their attraction is a balm to their wounded hearts, until their journey for knowledge brings them face to face with a terrifying vampire. Neither has the strength for this fight—but if they can let go of their pasts and trust each other, they might just be able to do it. Together.

  Warning: Contains dangerous magical binding spells, a flannel-wearing vampire lumberjack, paranormal road-trip hijinks and a quietly brilliant werewolf willing to defy his society and his past to protect the witch he loves.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Sanctuary’s Price:

  Dylan closed the book with a great deal of care and set it on the mattress before turning to look at her. “Tell me about her.”

  “She was my grandmother’s best friend.” Sasha shut her eyes and immediately called up the image of leathery, blue-veined hands sorting herbs and tracing out runes. “My grandmother died when I was ten, and my parents the next year. Car accident.” She rolled to her back and stared at the ceiling as she continued. “The court placed me with my other grandmother. My dad’s mom. She spent two years thinking I was crazy or maybe possessed. Maritza was in Italy, but when she found out what had happened… She came and got me.”

  The corner of the bed sank slightly and Dylan’s hand slid over hers. “And she taught you magic?”

  “Along with my mother and Gram.” She clutched his hand. “But they weren’t very practiced, and there were a lot of things I didn’t know when Maritza took me to Europe.”

  “I haven’t met many witches, but you seem pretty strong to me.” He rubbed his thumb over the backs of her fingers in a soft caress that sent a shiver through her. “I can feel you. Your energy, or power, or whatever it is. Like another werewolf.”

  “Yeah.” She rolled to her side. He was warmth, a flame, and she was drawn inexorably to him. “It’s the same sort of magic, just working in different ways.”

  “Show me how it works. Show me something magical.” His voice had turned decidedly husky.

  “Magical? You mean like this?” She watched him as she whispered for darkness and then light. The room dimmed, the lamps flickering and dying. When the room lit again, it was from tiny pinpoints of light that shimmered to life between them and floated up and around the bed.

  Dylan stretched out beside her, his hand still curled around hers. The flickering lights cast most of his face in gently changing shadows, but she could see the slow grin that curved his lips.

  It was still there when he rolled to face her and lifted a hand to cup her cheek. “Can I kiss you?”

  “No.” She leaned over him, her heart thumping painfully, and covered his hand with hers. “Because I’m going to kiss you.”

  His breath tickled her cheek as he laughed. “A perfectly acceptable alterna—”

  She cut him off with an open-mouthed kiss. It was too hard, too aggressive, and Sasha didn’t give a damn. He’d spent the last week tormenting her with his proximity, his smiles and the heat of his body.

  A groan escaped him a moment before his hand slid around her waist. He dragged her tight against his body, so tight there was no question that he was already aroused. His other hand came up to tangle in her wet hair as he parted his lips under hers.

  She felt the lights above them explode and drift down in remnants of magic. “I need you.” The words were hungry and muffled, spoken into his mouth. “Dylan.”

  “Shh.” His tongue swiped along her lower lip and he nipped lightly at it before rolling them over. She ended up on her back with Dylan over her, his weight braced on his hands. He kissed her gently at first, and then harder as his hips settled over hers.

  She tried to remember the last time she’d had sex. It had to have been Spain, the wizard in Madrid she always called when she passed through. The memory slipped through her fingers, hazy and finally driven to obsolescence by Dylan’s tongue slicking over hers. It had been another life, a different woman from the one arching her hips off the bed now.

  Dylan lifted his head and nuzzled her cheek. His breath skated over her skin, and he lowered his lips to her ear. “Do you have any idea how badly I want to touch you?” A rock of his hips, and he groaned softly. “I’ve dreamt about it.”

  Her entire body tightened in anticipation, and Sasha slipped her hands under the hem of his T-shirt. “What did you dream? Tell me.”

  He scraped his teeth over her ear. “I touched you.” He shifted his weight and got one hand to her waist and under her shirt. His mouth left a hot trail of kisses as he traced a path to where her pulse fluttered underneath her skin. She felt the wet warmth of his tongue just before his groan vibrated over her skin. “Tasted you.”

  It was positively poetic next to the sweaty, feverish dreams she’d been having. “Mine pretty much revolved around fucking you until neither one of us could move.”

  His fingers tightened around her waist, and he closed his teeth on her throat with a low growl.

  She half expected to freeze up, for the bite to bring memories of her imprisonment crashing in on her. But it brought only pleasure, the kind that exploded through her in a shower of hot sparks and put her earlier light show to shame. “Yes…”

  He licked the spot before moving down her body, dropping a kiss to her collarbone and another to the hollow at the base of her throat. “Tell me,” he murmured against her skin as his lips traced the upper curve of her breast left bare by the thin white tank top. “What were you dreaming about that made you moan in your sleep?”

  Sasha was beyond embarrassment, and his words drew only a throaty laugh of amusement. “You heard me, then. I wondered.” His tongue flicked over her skin, and she gasped. “You. Always you, naked beside me. Or—or behind me.”

  “Over you, under you…” He caught the neckline of her shirt between his teeth and dragged it down with another playful growl.

  The strap of her tank top slid down her arm as he bared her breast, and she dug her nails into his lower back. “Inside me.”

  When love turns to obsession, those with the biggest hearts are the first to die.

  Tame Horses Wild Hearts

  © 2009 Alison Paige

  Kate Mathers has her very own stalker, though she prefers to call him a secret admirer. Either way it’s a bizarre idea considering she’s never figured out how to keep any man in her life for long. Now one’s obsessed with her? It’s hard to believe—until her estranged father’s birthday gift is to hire her a bodyguard. Now the dangers are all too real. And so is the effect Joe Garity has on her heart.

  Joe knows he’s a human wrecking ball when it comes to relationships. The embittered ex-cop tells himself he only took the job guarding Kate because he can’t stand to see the rug rats in her horse camp program in danger. Pretending to be her lover isn’t his idea of a perfect situation, but perfect goes a long way toward describing the chemistry between them. For once in his life, Joe finds he really doesn’t want to screw this one up—personally or professionally.

  But if he can’t figure out who’s stalking Kate soon, her next birthday may be her last.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Tame Horses Wild Hearts:

  Her skin was so soft Joe couldn’t help touching her cheek, running his fingers down to her chin. He held her between his thumb and forefinger, and coaxed her lips to his—a tender brush, his mouth on hers, warm and soft.

  She smelled good, like wildflowers and vanilla. He breathed the scent of her deep into his lungs. When he leaned back he saw her eyelids flutter open. Green as jade, so beautiful her eyes made his chest hurt. Jeezus, she was lethal to him. She made him dizzy. Not good in his line of work.

nbsp; His body warmed, blood surging to his cock in seconds. He dropped back to the tree trunk, tried to will his hard-on away. This thing between him and Kate was getting out of hand. Not that it should matter. Given enough time he’d screw it up anyway. He always did—somehow. The weird thing was, this time he actually gave a damn if he ruined things with Kate.

  “Speaking of Spiderman.” Kate moved to her hands and knees. She crawled closer, straddling his outstretched legs. “Y’know, some of those drawings used to get me really hot. Especially the way his tights hugged over his cock. I swear they gave him a hard-on when he was around the secretary, Betty. And you know the Black Cat’s pussy had him strokin’ off every night.”

  Joe’s cock swelled, pressing tight against the zipper of his jeans, his heart rate quickening. “I think most guys had a thought or two about the Black Cat’s pussy.”

  His line of sight gave Joe a clear view down Kate’s pink sleeveless blouse hanging from her body and her plump breasts barely contained in her white lacy bra. He kept his hands loose in his lap, her erotic take on the comic deepening her voice and making his body tight.

  Kate rubbed her hand up his leg, stopping to massage the tense muscle of his thigh. Her thumbnail brushed the jeans over his sex and then again, jolting sensation through his body.

  “I remember staring at the bulge between his legs,” she said, “thinkin’ how hot it would be to pull down those tights and take his hard cock in my mouth. God, it’d be so hot to suck him off while he was still wearing the rest of the costume.”

  “Wonder Woman did it for me.” Joe opened his legs as Kate’s hand slid farther up his thigh. “She always had her legs spread when she flew around in her see-through airplane. Used to think about her flying overhead or tying me up with her lasso.”

  Kate palmed his cock through his jeans, stroking him so Joe arched against her hold on reflex. She squeezed then turned her hand and rubbed down between his legs, over his balls. He opened his legs wider to give her access, and she scraped her nails against the stiff fabric. His muscles pulled, sensation vibrating through his sex.


  “How about you be my Spiderman and later I’ll be your Wonder Woman?” She didn’t wait for an answer, her little hands moving to work his belt and unfasten his jeans.

  Joe’s fevered thoughts pushed concerns about ruining things with Kate from his brain. His cock was hot and swollen with need. He wanted her mouth on him. He wanted to drive his sex through those sweet red lips and feel her sucking him off. He’d worry about…whatever, later.

  She tugged at the waistband of his jeans, and he marveled at how effortlessly worries faded when he was with Kate. It was easy being with her, natural. Then Kate’s fingers touched the naked flesh of his cock and he couldn’t think about anything else.

  “Stand up.” A wicked smile bloomed across her lips. “I’ve got an idea.”

  Kate rushed over to Wizard and untied the rope on her saddle and brought it back. “Give me your hand.”

  He did, and she looped the lassoed end around his right wrist then threw the rope over a tree limb a foot or so above his head. She pulled so his arm stretched up, and tied his left wrist to match.

  The rope was thick and the knot loose. He could free himself easily, but that wasn’t the point.

  “Now I’ve got you, Spiderman.” She crushed herself against him, rocked her hips to squeeze his cock along her belly. She flicked his lips with her tongue.

  “This your lasso of truth?” he asked as she dropped to her knees.

  “Better. That’s a lasso of lust. Gives every man it captures a rock-solid boner.” Kate jerked his jeans down past his knees. His cock wagged out in front of him, brushing her hair before she looked up at him.

  He winked. “It works.”

  Kate licked her lips over her smile and caught his shaft in one hand, the other cupping his balls. Joe moaned, his hips rocking forward, his hands wrapping around to fist the rope.

  She stroked him from root to head, kneading his balls, and licked a bead of pre-come from the very tip. His breath caught, his body shuddering, every muscle pulling at once. She opened her mouth on him, her lips hot and moist sliding down his shaft, her tongue molding around him, suckling.

  Kate grabbed his hips with both hands pushing him back as his cock pulled from the hard suction of her mouth. Electric tingles hummed through the molecules of his body, all of it rushing down to his cock. She reached the tip and nipped with her teeth. And then she took him in again.

  His hips found her rhythm without conscious thought. Like the surge of the tide, he rocked in and out of her mouth, the suction pushing and pulling him closer and closer to the brink.

  Joe looked down at Kate, at his fat cock driving into her mouth, her red lips snug around him, her eyes closed, fingers digging into his hips. And he drove himself deeper, felt the soft back of her throat against the sensitive head of his cock.

  Kate moaned and pulled his hips to do it again. The sight was mesmerizing, the sensation maddening. His heart thundered in his ears, pressure building so fast he could hardly breathe. His hips thrust into her, driving deep, careful not to push too hard. She took him, all of him, the suction so exquisite every muscle in his body seized.

  His thighs trembled, his sack pulling snug. He was close, so close. Then she cupped his balls.

  “Jeezus… Huuuu…” His cock popped from her mouth, sliding wet and hot along her cheek as he thrust. An instant later his knees buckled as Kate’s mouth latched onto his balls, suckling as swift and sure as she had his sex. Her hand pumped his cock, frantic, as she drew on one testicle and then the other.

  Fuck. A flood of heat washed through his body, his hips driving so fast he could scarcely stand. His body responded to Kate with an alarming force. He was free falling, control gone, tumbling in a swirling flood of sensation.

  His flesh hummed over his body, his muscles tense, spring loaded, chest so tight he didn’t breathe, release a coming promise he could nearly taste. She took him into her mouth again and the sultry warmth, the hungry draw was more than he could take.

  “Kate, stop. No. I’m… Fuck. Kate.” He couldn’t talk he could hardly think. He plunged his cock into her pretty red lips again and again, too close to release to turn away. Joe yanked against the ropes, but he couldn’t get free, he couldn’t think. He couldn’t think.

  She held him, her fingers digging into his ass, driving his hips, controlling the pace, the depths and draws of his thrusts.

  “I’m gonna come in your mouth.” His jaw clenched. “Fuck! I wanna…come in your…mouth, Kate. I want… I’m…” Jeezus, he couldn’t stop. He couldn’t stop. And then it was too late to try.

  Sweet pressure exploded through his body, liquid heat flooding from the top of his scalp down his chest and out his cock. Muscles flexed, turned to rubber, tension washing out of him in a rush, shooting out his sex, filling her mouth. And still Kate suckled him for more. She fondled his balls, teasing a fresh spasm of come through his shaft, until she’d emptied him completely.

  When Kate pulled the sweet heat of her mouth from his cock, Joe shuddered from the loss. He staggered, struggled to catch his balance and his breath.

  “Kate…” He swallowed, lethargy fogging through his mind and body. “That was amazing. Jeezus, I can barely stand.”

  Kate sat back on her heels, touching her lips with the tips of her fingers. Her smile looked a mix of pride and pleasure, her jewel-green eyes peering up at him through long black lashes.

  “You’re bound to go a little weak in the knees when Wonder Woman sucks you off,” she said.

  “Wonder Woman’s got nothing on you, honey. No one does.”

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd. It’s all about the story…









  Red Hots!r />

  Science Fiction


  Young Adult




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